The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 April 4, 2005 Thomas J. Lamey, Superintendent Fitchburg Public Schools 376 South Street Fitchburg, MA 01420 Re: Onsite Follow-up Monitoring Report: Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Verification and Special Education Mid-cycle Review Dear Superintendent Lamey: Enclosed is the Department's Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Monitoring Report together with findings regarding your district’s Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Review. This report contains the Department's findings based on the onsite activities conducted in your school district to verify the implementation status and effectiveness of corrective steps taken in response to your Coordinated Program Review Report issued on April 26, 2002. While the Department of Education found certain noncompliance issues to be resolved, others were partially corrected, not addressed at all and/or new issues were identified by the Department’s onsite team. In areas where the district has failed to implement fully its approved Corrective Action Plan, the Department views these findings to be serious. As the Department previously informed you, in cases where a district fails to fully and effectively implement a Corrective Action Plan, which was proposed by your district and approved by the Department, the Department must then prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the district, which must be implemented without further delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action and further progress reporting included in the attached report together with any steps that must be taken by the district to fully implement new special education requirements. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Department's Onsite Chairperson by April 15, 2005. This Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report includes an extraordinary number of serious findings of persistent noncompliance particularly with special education law, many of which were included in the Department’s Coordinated Program Review Report dated April 26, 2002. In consideration of this, we will be holding a meeting in the Department’s Malden offices to provide you with a more detailed explanation of the basis of the Department’s most recent findings and the steps the Department is obligated to take to enforce these laws in the Fitchburg Public Schools. This meeting will take place on May 9, 2005 at 1:30 p.m. Please call John Stager, Administrator of Program Quality Assurance Services, to confirm your attendance at this important meeting regarding your school district. As stated in the enclosed Mid-Cycle Review Report, the Department continues to document areas of serious noncompliance with state and federal law, particularly in special education. In 2002, the district proposed corrective action to remedy all areas of noncompliance identified by the Department at that time. The Department approved these corrective action plans, and since that time the district has provided the Department with written progress reports describing implementation of these approved plans. However, as a result of the verification activities in March 2005, which consisted of staff interviews, student record reviews, documentation review and classroom observations, the Department found that the approved corrective action plans have either; (1) not been implemented as approved by the Department; (2) been determined to be very unevenly implemented at the building level; (3) or been documented to be implemented but have been found to be ineffective in addressing the identified noncompliance. This is in direct contrast to the written assurances submitted by the district in progress reports and other statements of assurance filed with the Department as condition for receiving state and federal funds. The Department documented 37 findings of special education noncompliance by the district in 2002, and the enclosed Mid-Cycle Report documents 23 findings of noncompliance in the Fitchburg Public Schools’ special education programs, 20 of which are areas of continuing noncompliance. This is not acceptable after three years of reported corrective action effort. Your staff’s cooperation throughout these Follow-up Monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you require additional clarification of information included in our report, please do not hesitate to contact the Follow-up Chairperson at 781-338-3728. Sincerely, Vani Rastogi, Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services John D. Stager, Administrator Program Quality Assurance Services c: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Dan H. Mylott, School Committee Chairperson Katherine Martin, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Encl.: Follow-up Monitoring Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW FITCHBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL FINDINGS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Action Plan Submitted on June 25, 2002 Progress Reports Submitted on November 12, 2002; March 3, 2003; July 2, 2003; December 8, 2003; April 20, 2004; September 21, 2004; October 5, 2004 Onsite Visit Conducted on March 1-3, 2005 Date of this Report April 4, 2005 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Special Education Requirements SE 3 Special Requirements for Determination of Specific Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Student Records Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Review of records indicated that the student records do not include all of the required documentation when determining if a student has a specific learning disability. For example, only one person signed the Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, an agenda from staff training conducted prior to the start of the school year that includes a review of the required documentation that must be Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Learning Disabilities Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 2 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting required written document, and while the form had checked off that an observation had been completed, the records did not include the relevant behavior observed or the name of the staff observing the student. completed when determining that a student has a specific learning disability. Submit to the Department, by February 6, 2006, the written documentation from ten student records for students found eligible due to the presence of a specific learning disability. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) SE 6 Determination of Transition Planning and Services and Related Courses of Study SE 13 Progress Reports and Content Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Student Records, Document Review and Interviews Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Documentation indicated that the district has a list of vocational training and integrated employment resources for transitioning students from the high school to post school activities. Interviews indicated that transition services appear to take place with state agencies and the ARC. Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Although the district uses various transition services, there is a limited amount of transitional language incorporated into the IEP. Submit to the Department by September 12, 2005, documentation from staff training on incorporating transition planning into student IEPs. Submit to the Department, by February 6, 2006, IEPs from five student records for students over 14 years of age documenting transition planning. Student Records 3 This is an area of continuing noncompliance, as the district was cited on this matter in the April 2002 CPR report. The records indicate that some Team meetings are held in place of providing a progress report to the parent(s) and progress reports do not always include information on the progress towards the annual goals. Some progress reports just state that the student “improved” or “worked hard.” The district must provide indepth training to all staff on writing special education progress reports. Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, an agenda from staff training on writing progress reports, sending progress reports to parents as often as parents are informed of the progress of regular education students, and steps to take if the progress reports indicate Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 4 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting This information does not provide parents with a sense of what the student has been working on in relation to the objectives and benchmarks. In addition, there is no evidence of the Team reconvening when the progress reports indicate a lack of progress. that the student is not making progress as expected. The district should also appoint staff to review the information included in the progress reports prior to having them sent to parents. Submit to the Department, by February 6, 2006, copies of ten progress reports selected from student records across all grade levels that have been written since the start of the 2005-2006 school year. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) SE 15 Outreach by the School District (Child Find) SE 17 Initiation of Services at Age Three and Early Intervention Transition Procedures SE 18A IEP Development and Content Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Document Review Review of documentation indicates that the district conducts appropriate outreach. Student Records This is an area of continuing and significant noncompliance. Records indicate that Early Intervention generally informs the district of a student six months prior to turning age three. Meetings are not held in a timely manner so that parents have 30 days to respond to the proposed IEP. Therefore, the district does not always develop an IEP and implement services by the child’s third birthday, as required. Develop and submit a plan to the Department, by September 12, 2005, that will ensure that IEPs are developed and services are initiated by the third birthdays. The plan must include contact with Early Intervention, assessing students, and convening the Team in a timely manner so that IEPs are developed by the child’s third birthday. Interviews, Student Records and Document Review Review of records set forth several issues with the IEPs. For example, one student’s IEP included another student’s name and a few IEPs included the wrong age of the students. The goals in many IEPs were vague All staff require in-depth training on writing IEPs. On or before September 12, 2005, submit a training agenda for staff training that took place prior to the start of the school year, the attendance sheets 5 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 6 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting and IEPs were handwritten and not legible. The student records included Team meeting minutes that had information on the student’s vision and vocational interests, but this information was not incorporated into the IEPs. from the training, and the topics that were noted in this finding on the agenda. Submit to the Department, by February 6, 2006, copies of 10 IEPs from student records selected across all grade levels and the accompanying Team meeting minutes. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) SE 18B Determination of Placement; Immediate Provision of IEP to Parent SE 20 Least Restrictive Program Selected SE 22 Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Student Records Review of records indicates that this criterion is substantially implemented. In general, decisions are made within the least restrictive environment and IEPs are provided immediately following the Team meetings. Interviews and Classroom Observations Interviews and observations indicate that staff have focused on the least restrictive environment at the high school. The work done over the past three years on inclusion at the secondary level is evident. Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Interviews indicate that the B.F. Brown School does not provide full inclusion for sixth grade students in math and English. In addition, the program at South Street Elementary School is a Life Skills program (SPIN) for high school students. These students do not have an opportunity to integrate with peers of similar ages. The district indicated that this is the last year of the SPIN program at South Street Elementary School Develop a plan to ensure that B.F. Brown provides full inclusion for sixth graders in math and English. Submit this plan to the Department by September 12, 2005. Also provide verification of the relocation of the SPIN program to a more appropriate setting, providing peer access. Issues with providing services as Submit to the Department by Interviews 7 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) IEP Provision and Implementation Without Delay Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified and Student Records 8 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting agreed upon in the IEP is an area of continuing non-compliance. Interviews indicated that there is a lack of speech and language therapy services for students at the B.F. Brown Middle School. IEPs are not being fully implemented and parents are not informed in writing of the lack of a service provider, actions that the district is taking to address the lack of personnel, or alternative methods proposed to meet the goals on the accepted IEPs. Other than at Fitchburg High School, there is no indication that the district monitors the full implementation of IEPs. September 12, 2005 written documentation on what is being done to ensure that B.F. Brown Middle School has a speech and language therapist and how compensatory services will be provided to students. Submit documentation indicating that staff have been trained on the appropriate procedures to follow, in accordance with 603 CMR 28.06(2)(d)2 for notifying parents of the lack of a service provider. Submit documentation setting forth how the district is going to monitor the implementation of IEPs for students in the district. Plans must be developed for all schools except the high school. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented SE 26 Parent Participation in Meetings SE 28 Parent Provided the IEP and Procedural Safeguards and Parents' Rights SE 29 Communications are in Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Interviews and Student Records Interviews and review of records indicate that the district uses a variety of methods to involve parents in Team meetings, and in some schools transportation is offered to parents to ensure their attendance. Parent participation in Team meetings was very low for English learner education/special education students. Many of these records do not include information indicating that multiple attempts were made to involve parents and the records lack translated Team meeting invitation notices or translated IEPs. Therefore, there is a possibility that parents are not even aware that a Team meeting is scheduled. Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, data on the number of Team meetings held since April 2005 for special education/ELE students, including the number of these meetings in which a parent is in attendance. If parents are not involved, indicate the multiple attempts made to involve parents. Submit copies of Team meeting invitation notices that are translated for ten Team meetings held since April 2005. Student Records Review of records indicates that IEPs are generally sent to parents immediately following the Team meetings. Review of student records indicates that IEPs, Team meeting invitations, and progress Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, documentation indicating how Student Records 9 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) English and Primary Language of Home Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 10 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting reports are not consistently translated. In addition, while a translator is generally provided for Spanish speaking families, translators and interpreters are not included in the Team meetings for families who speak other languages. the district will ensure that IEPs, Team meeting invitation notices and progress reports are translated in a timely manner. Submit a list of interpreters for the district to use at Team meetings for parents who require a translator for languages other than Spanish. Criterion Number Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting SE 32 Parent Advisory Council for Special Education Document Review and Interviews For the past year the district has had an active special education parent advisory council (PAC). The district submitted the officer list, by-laws, and meeting agendas. The PAC has been active in providing training to parents on various special education matters. While there is now an active PAC, there is no evidence that the PAC is active in advising the school committee on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities or meets regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of special education programs. Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, minutes and an agenda from school committee meetings indicating PAC involvement. Submit documentation indicating that the PAC has been involved in the planning, development and evaluation of the special education programs. SE 50 Responsibilities of the School Principal and Administrator of Special Education Document Review and Interviews This is an area of continued noncompliance. Interviews indicate that the special education department does not communicate effectively with the building administrators, except for the high school, as the Assistant Special Education Director has a second office in the high school. In addition, the special education department does not communicate effectively with parents, as the department does not return many Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, a plan to ensure increased communication between the special education department, parents and building administrators. Indicate how the district will ensure that phone calls and letters are responded to in a timely manner. and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented 11 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting calls and letters. Interviews indicate that a lack of a response has led to a lack of trust, as many parents feel the need to have advocates present at Team meetings. SE 54 Professional Development Regarding Special Education Document Review and Interviews The district submitted the Professional Development Plan for 2004-2005. Review of the plan and interviews indicate that staff receive the required training. SE 56 Special Education Programs and Services are Evaluated This is an area of continued noncompliance. The district has not had the program evaluated yet, although the district has recently contracted with an evaluator who will start the evaluation in April. Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, a copy of the evaluation and the steps that the district is taking to implement the recommendations of the evaluation report. Review of records indicates that the assessments are not always tailored to assess specific area of Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, an agenda for staff training on Other Requirements SE1 Assessments are Student Records 12 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Appropriately Selected and Interpreted for Students Referred for Evaluation Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented SE 9 Eligibility Determination Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Student Records SE 4 Reports of Assessments SE 8 Evaluation Team Composition Method(s) of Verification Student Record Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting educational need. Students with different areas of need received the same assessments. In addition, there are many spelling errors in the assessments. selecting appropriate assessments for students referred for an evaluation. In addition, the training should include information on ensuring that the assessments are reviewed prior to sending them to parents. Many assessment reports do not include diagnostic impressions, including defining in detail and in educationally relevant and common terms, the student’s needs, and offering explicit means of meeting them. Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, documentation that appropriate staff have been trained on the required elements that must be included in the assessments. This is an area of continuing noncompliance. Review of student records indicates that the district is still not responding to requests for evaluations in a Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, timeline logs for all students referred for an evaluation since April 2005. Include for each student Review of records indicates that the IEP Teams generally include the required Team members. Student Records 13 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation SE 10 End of School Year Evaluations Student Records Review of records indicates that end of school year evaluations are generally conducted in a timely manner. SE 12 Frequency of Re-evaluations Student Records Review of records indicates that three-year reevaluations are completed at all levels. SE 21 School Day and School Year Requirements Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Student Records and Interviews 14 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting timely manner, and evaluation consent forms are not always sent to parents once a student is referred for an evaluation. The district responded to some referrals by asking the parent to complete additional information before the special education department sent an evaluation consent form. the date the referral was received, the date that the evaluation consent form was sent to the parent, the date evaluations were completed, the date of the IEP Team meeting, and the date full IEPs are sent to parents. Review of records and interviews indicate that there is a lack of extended school year programming offered in the district. While the district may Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, information on ESY programming and the list of student, by initials, that took Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) SE 23 Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Student Records Review of records indicates that this criterion is substantially implemented. SE 24 Notice to Parent Student Records and Interviews Review of records indicates that the district sends the required notification to parents. SE 27 Content of Team Meeting Notice to Parents Student Records Review of student records indicates that the notices include the required information. SE 34 Continuum of Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Student Records and 15 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting offer related services in the summer, as well as programs for Life Skills students, parents are told at Team meetings that programming is not available for other students even if the Team feels that it is appropriate. part in these programs. Although interviews indicate that counseling is provided to Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Alternative Services and Placements Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Interviews SE 35 Specialized Materials and Assistive Technology Student Records and Interviews Interviews and student records indicate that while there is evidence of assistive technology provided to students, the district should continue to monitor implementation of this requirement, as it is not clear that the need for assistive technology is discussed at all Team meetings. SE 37 Procedures for Approved and Unapproved Out-of-District Placements Student Records, Interviews and Document Review The district monitors the provision of services to students placed out-ofdistrict. 16 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting students, IEPs do not reflect that counseling is considered through the IEP process and included in the IEPs with related goals. documentation indicating that training has been provided to evaluation team leaders regarding the need to discuss counseling services at Team meetings. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) SE 40 Instructional Grouping Requirements for Students Aged Five and Older Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Document Review Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting This is an area of continuing noncompliance. Review of documentation indicates that the following classes are out of compliance with this criterion: High School -Two C Block Reading classes have 13 students with one paraprofessional. -D Block Math has 13 students with one paraprofessional. -E Block Math has 13 students with one paraprofessional. -F Block Reading has 13 students with one paraprofessional. Written notification for increased class size should be submitted prior to the start of the school year whenever possible. Submit to the Department by September 12, 2005, copies of all classroom rosters for all substantially separate classrooms at the high school and BF Brown. As this is an area of continued noncompliance, provide the name of the staff or administrator who will monitor the class sizes in the substantially separate classrooms. See also SE 41. BF Brown -Resource room grade six reading has over eight students and there is no indication that there is a paraprofessional in the program. SE 41 Age Span Requirements Document Review 17 The documentation submitted for the following classes did not include the dates of birth, just the ages of the students. There were When submitting the rosters for SE 40, include the dates of birth for the students in the high school. For the rest of Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting students aged 15 through 19, but without the dates of birth it is not clear whether these classes are within the required age span. -E Block Math -F Block Math -F Block Social Studies -F Block Transitional English these classes, submit the class rosters with the students’ dates of birth. SE 42 Programs for Young Children Three and Four Years of Age Student Records There is continuing noncompliance with this criterion as the district does not consistently develop IEPs and implement services by the child’s third birthday. See SE 17. SE 43 Behavioral Interventions Student Records This is an area of continuing noncompliance. Review of student records indicates that the Team meeting minutes note behavioral issues; however, it is not clear from the records how the district is addressing individual student’s behaviors. Behavioral Intervention Plans are not included in the student records. Submit copies of ten Behavioral Intervention Plans selected from student records across all grade levels by September 12, 2005. 18 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) SE 44 Procedures for Recording Suspensions Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Interviews The district has procedures to record the number and duration of suspensions. SE 45 Procedures for Suspensions Up to 10 Days and After 10 Days Interviews and Student Records Schools are conducting manifestation determinations in a timely manner. SE 46 Procedures for Suspensions of Students with Disabilities Interviews Interviews indicate that after the Team conducts a manifestation determination at the secondary level, the student is not kept out of school if the Team has determined that the behavior is a manifestation of the disability. Student Records and Interviews Interviews indicate that the district does not delay enrollment of SE 48 FAPE Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 19 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting This is an area of continuing noncompliance. Interviews indicate that students attending Submit to the Department by September 12, 2005, copies of updated IEPs for all special Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified special education students. SE 49 Related Services SE 55 Special Education Facilities and Interviews and Document Review The district provides a range of related services to students, including bringing in outside agencies to provide counseling services. Interviews and Observations It is noted that there have been significant improvements in the location of the provision 20 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting the Alternative High School may only receive special education services through the Fitchburg High School, and many students waive their right to services and to an IEP as a requirement for admission. But there are some students who still receive consultation services, counseling, and tutoring, therefore, this should be documented in the IEPs. It should also be noted that the best practice would be to provide special education services at the Alternative High School. education students in the Alternative High School. B.F. Brown has significant issues with regard to the lack of space; related services take place in the library or in the hallway. Develop and submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, a plan to ensure that the related services at B.F. Brown Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Classrooms SE 57 Special Education Child Count Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified of related services throughout the buildings. The new high school facility is commendable, as it has a significant amount of space for service providers. Crocker Elementary and Reingold Elementary have also improved the location of the related services. Document Review Interviews Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting take place in appropriate locations, providing safety and confidentiality The district submitted the required Child Count information. See ELE findings below. MOA 2 Program Modifications and Support Services for LEP Students MOA 3 Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Interviews indicate that 21 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Access to a Full Range of Education Programs Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation and Document Review the district no longer delays enrollment of special education and limited English proficient students. In addition, the high school has a range of electives for students to choose from if they are not accepted into the regional vocational high school. MOA 5 Placement of Disabled Students in Occupational/ Vocational Education Programs Interviews The high school has a number of electives for students to choose from. MOA 7 General Information and Materials in Languages Document Review Review of documentation indicates that the handbooks have been published in languages other than Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 22 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Other than English Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified English. MOA 9 Hiring and Employment Practices of Prospective Employers of Students Document Review The district submitted documentation indicating that the statement signed by prospective employers includes the required notice setting forth that prospective employers do not discriminate. MOA 10A Notification of School District Staff and General Public Document Review Review of documentation indicates that the high school handbook includes the required statement of non-discrimination and the contact person for Title IX, Title VI and Section 504. MOA 11A Designation of Liaison/Coordi nators; Document Review Review of documentation indicates that the district has grievance procedures 23 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Grievance Procedures Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The notice did not include the required information: Within ten days from a student’s fifteenth consecutive unexcused absence, the school provides written Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, a copy of an updated notice that includes the information as set forth in this criterion. that cover the required areas. MOA 12A Notification Concerning Nondiscrimination and Coordinators Document Review Review of documentation indicates that the district publications cover the required areas regarding non-discrimination. MOA 15 Nondiscriminatory Administration of Scholarships, Prizes and Athletic Awards Document Review Review of documentation indicates that the scholarships and prizes are given in a nondiscriminatory manner. MOA 16 Notice to Students Leaving School Without a High Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Document Review 24 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) School Diploma Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance notice to students age 16 or over, and their parents or guardians, and states that the student and the parent or guardian may meet with a representative of the district within ten days from the date the notice was sent. At the request of the parent or guardian, the district may consent to an extension of the time for the meeting of not longer than fourteen days. MOA 21 Staff Training Regarding Civil Rights Responsibilities Document Review Review of documentation indicates that staff have received training regarding civil rights responsibilities. MOA 22 Accessibility Observations and Interviews There appears to be at least one fully accessible building at each grade level. Subject to on-site verification during Coordinated Program Review. 25 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation MOA 23 Comparability of Facilities and Programs Observations The new high school is fully accessible and classrooms are appropriately labeled. MOA 25 Institutional Self-Evaluation Document Review The district has a mechanism in place to conduct an institutional self-evaluation. Document Review and Interviews The district has provided assistance and resources to its schools to assist them in preparing an assessment of academic needs and a review of Title I program impact. and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) TI 4 Needs Assessment and Evaluation TI 6 Student Selection Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Document Review and Interviews 26 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Targeted Assistance program schools at the elementary level now have a student selection process that utilizes multiple, appropriate measures of educational need, leading to rank-ordered lists of Title I eligible students. The targeted program at the high school, Submit student selection criteria for each grade served in the high school, showing multiple, educationally-related, weighted criteria. Include rankordered lists, by grade, of students participating in the Title I program. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) TI 7 Student Selection Criteria Development TI 8 Equal Access to Title I Services Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Document Review and Interviews Staff and parent input was obtained by administrators when developing student selection criteria for Targeted Assistance programs. Document Review, Interviews, and Observation The district has modified ELL programming so that ELL students have equal access to Title I services. Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified TI 10 Parental Involvement Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting however, needs some refinement so that selection criteria have established weighting to standardize the selection process. Due: September 12, 2005 Portions of the district’s corrective action for this criterion have been implemented. There remains a lack of parental input, however, into program planning, implementation, and program review. Submit evidence of parental input into program planning and implementation, such as council agenda items with parent sign-in sheets. Submit evidence of parental input into overall program evaluation. Due: September 12, 2005 27 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation TI 11A Parental Involvement Document Review and Interviews The district has been offering parents opportunities to learn about program activities and has provided materials for parents to use with their children at home. TI 14A Schoowide Plans Document Review and Interviews The district has provided guidance and resources to all Schoolwide program schools with regard to program planning. All Schoolwide program plans now address all ten required components. Document Review and Interviews The district provides assistance to all Schoolwide schools with the Schoolwide planning process. Document Review and The district appears to be communicating district TI 14D Schoowide Plans TI 14E Schoowide Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 28 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Interviews and school efforts, performance measures, and improvement plans sufficiently through a variety of venues and media so that parents and the community have access to this information in an understandable format. Document Review and Interviews The district maintains communication, consultation on program planning, and fiscal coordination with the local Neglected or Delinquent facility receiving Title I funding. TI 24 Needs Assessments Document Review and Interviews Annual assessment of student academic needs and accompanying analysis of performance data is occurring at each Title I-served school. ELE 2 Document Limited English and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Plans TI 16 Student Support Services (N or D facility) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 29 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) MCAS Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Review and Interviews proficient students participate in MCAS in accordance with Department guidelines. Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The district does not appear to have effective procedures in place to identify students who may be limited English proficient. Interviews revealed that in some schools, children are referred for English proficiency testing by the classroom teacher, based on informal assessment rather than formal screening procedures. Please provide the Department with revised identification procedures that ensure that all LEP students are being identified. Submit this information by September 12, 2005. The district does not educate all limited English proficient (LEP) students in sheltered English instruction (SEI) classrooms as required under M.G.L. Chapter 71A. The district does not Provide the Department with plans to educate all LEP students in SEI classrooms by the 2005-06 school year, unless students are in a 2-way program, on an approved Student Records and Interviews ELE 3 Initial Identification ELE 4 Waiver Procedures Method(s) of Verification Document Review and Interviews The district has waiver policies and procedures that are consistent with Department guidelines. Interviews, Student Records and Document Review 30 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Interviews, Student Records and Document Review ELE 6 Program Exit and Readiness ELE 7 Parent Involvement Interviews and Document Review The district has effective procedures to ensure the involvement of parents of limited English proficient students in their children’s education. ELE 8 Declining Entry to a Program Interviews, Student Records and The district has notified parents of their right to decline to enroll their 31 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting provide English language instruction to all of its LEP students. waiver, or have opted out of English learner education. Provide evidence to the Department that the district will provide English language instruction to LEP students by the 2005-06 school year. Submit this documentation by September 12, 2005. The district does not currently have effective exit criteria and procedures in place. Provide the Department with revised exit criteria and lists of students exited under the revised policy at each school. Submit this information by September 12, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Document Review children in the ELE program, and has implemented procedures that ensure these students who have “opted-out” are monitored and supported. Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting ELE 9 Instructional Grouping Interviews, Student Records and Document Review The district does not educate all LEP students in SEI classrooms, thus the students do not have access to curricular material based on the Massachusetts frameworks. See ELE 5. Provide detailed plans to provide SEI classrooms to LEP students for the 2005-06 school year. Submit these plans to the Department by September 12, 2005. ELE 10 Parent Notification Letter Document Review The Parent Notification Letter does not include the following information: -The reasons for identification of the student as LEP. -The student’s level of English proficiency. -How the program will meet the educational strengths and needs of the student. -Specific exit requirements. -Parent’s right to apply for a waiver. Submit to the Department, by September 12, 2005, an updated Parent Notification Letter. 32 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The district does not have effective policies in place to ensure that LEP students are being appropriately referred and evaluated for special education. Submit evidence that the district has provided training around this topic to staff members charged with the identification and evaluation of students who are LEP and may require special education services. Submit documentation by September 12, 2005. Student Records and Interviews ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Programs and Services ELE 12 Equal Access to Nonacademic and Extracurricular Programs Method(s) of Verification Interviews and Document Review The district ensures that LEP students have access to nonacademic and extracurricular activities. ELE 13 Follow-up Support Interviews, Document Review and Student Records The district has no mechanism in place to ensure that former LEP students are monitored. Provide the Department with updated procedures that ensure that former LEP students are being monitored. Submit procedures to the Department by September 12, 2005. ELE 14 Interviews LEP students are currently being Provide the Department with 33 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) Licensure and Fluency Requirements Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified and Document Review ELE 15 Professional Development Requirements Interviews and Document Review The district has provided teachers and administrators with professional development opportunities. ELE 16 Equitable Facilities Interviews and Document Review The district ensures that the ELE program receives equitable resources, materials and facilities. ELE 17 DOE Data Submission Requirements and Program Evaluation Interviews and Document Review The district submits ELE student data to the Department in accordance with guidelines. The district evaluates the ELE program as required. 34 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting placed in classrooms with teachers who do not meet the qualifications under this standard. plans to meet this standard by the 2005-06 school year. Submit plans to the Department by September 12, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text in 20042005 Special Education Information Package) ELE 18 Records of LEP Students Implementation Status or Corrective Action Plan Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Student Records Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified 35 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Student records of LEP students do not contain parent notification letters, logs of access, exiting information, or evidence of follow-up in the cases of students who were formerly limited English proficient (FLEP). Provide the Department with revised policies and evidence of staff training around this topic by September 12, 2005.