The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 August 15, 2005 Dr. Brenda Finn Superintendent Concord Public Schools 120 Meriam Road Concord, MA 01742 Re: Onsite Follow-up Monitoring Report: Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Verification and Special Education Mid-cycle Review Dear Dr. Finn: Enclosed is the Department's Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Monitoring Report together with findings regarding your district’s Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Review. This report contains the Department's findings based on the onsite activities conducted in your school district to verify the implementation status and effectiveness of corrective steps taken in response to your Coordinated Program Review Report issued on September 19, 2001. The Department will notify you of your district's next regularly scheduled Coordinated Program Review several months before it is to occur. At this time, we anticipate the Department's next routine monitoring visit to occur sometime during the 2007-2008 school year, unless the Department determines that there is some reason to schedule this visit earlier. While the Department of Education found certain noncompliance issues to be resolved, others were partially corrected, not addressed at all and/or new issues were identified by the Department’s onsite team. As the Department previously informed you, in cases where a district fails to fully and effectively implement a Corrective Action Plan, which was proposed by your district and approved by the Department, the Department must then prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the district, which must be implemented without further delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action and further progress reporting included in the attached report together with any steps that must be taken by the district to fully implement new special education requirements. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Department's Onsite Chairperson by August 25, 2005. Your staff's cooperation throughout these Follow-up Monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you require additional clarification of information included in our report, please do not hesitate to contact the Onsite Team Chairperson at 781-338-3768. Sincerely, Lindsey McGovern, Coordinated Program Review Follow-up Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services John D. Stager, Administrator Program Quality Assurance Services c: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Jerry Wedge, School Committee Chairperson Jessica Murphy, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Encl.: Follow-up Monitoring Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CONCORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL FINDINGS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Action Plan Submitted on January 11, 2002 Progress Reports Submitted on October, 2002 and January 31, 2003; August 21, 2003; January 13, 2004; October 1, 2004; January 26, 2005 Onsite Visit Conducted on March 30-31, 2005 Date of this Report: August 15, 2005 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Special Education Requirements SE 1 Assessments are appropriately selected and interpreted for Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Implemented Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Student record review Interviews Trained personnel administer a variety of validated assessments and consider information from Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Implemented Student record review Interviews SE 3 Special requirements for determination of specific learning disabilities Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified students referred for evaluation SE 2 Required and optional assessments Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Not applicable pending IDEA-2004 final regulations Student record review Interviews Document Review multiple sources when interpreting the results of these assessments and making educational recommendations. The district conducts required and optional assessments in compliance with state and federal regulations Statutory requirements for the determination of specific learning disabilities have been revised under the recently reauthorized IDEA 2004. Therefore, until final implementing regulations have been 2 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified adopted, the Department is not making findings related to school district practices under Coordinated Program Review Criterion SE 3. For districts seeking to resolve a previous finding in this area, the Department will extend the date required for final actions on the part of the school district to June 2006 and will consider resolution at any time following promulgation of final federal regulations. 3 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 5 Participation in general state and district-wide assessment programs Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Student record review Interviews Document review All students with disabilities in the district participate in MCAS and other district-wide assessment programs. The district documents how students with disabilities will participate in MCAS on their IEPs. 4 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 6 Determination of transition services (Emphasis on practices in determining needed transition planning and services and consideration of courses of study related to needed transition) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting A review of the student record indicated that vision statements do not always reflect the student’s preferences and interests, but rather reflect the Team’s or parents’ vision for the student. In addition, the Team does not always consider the student’s course of study in relation to the student’s future goals. One 14-year-old student was not invited to a Team meeting and one IEP was missing a vision statement entirely. Please train all special education staff and relevant personnel on how to write more effective vision statements that are “outcome oriented” and reflect the district’s policy on transition planning. Student Record Review Interviews Document Review The district has in place policies concerning transition planning that emphasize that the IEP vision statement should reflect the student’s individual needs, preferences and interests. The district strives to write “outcome-oriented” transition plans for its students. Partially not implemented Please be advised that the district should consider reviewing its transition planning policies and procedures to be consistent with the changes that went into effect under IDEA 2004. Please submit these training materials, attendance sheets and agendas to the Department by October 1, 2005. 5 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 8 Evaluation team composition Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting A review of student records indicates that a representative of the district with full authority to commit district resources is not always present at Team meetings. However, throughout January 2005, the district conducted training with building principals on the obligation to have such a representative present at all Team meetings. In addition, the district recently implemented new procedures for monitoring Team attendance. Thus, the Department’s student record review may not necessarily reflect the district’s current practices. Please submit the results of a review of Team attendance data conducted by the Director of Special Education from all IEP Team meetings held at each school from 9/05 through 12/05. Student Record Review Interviews Document Review The district has policies and procedures regarding the participation on the IEP Team of all persons required by 603 CMR 28.02 (21). The district also has newly developed monitoring procedures in place to ensure proper Team composition. According to these procedures, building principals are the Team chairs for each building and are also responsible for monitoring Team attendance within their schools. The Director of Special Education Partially not implemented 6 Please submit the results of this review to the Department by January 30, 2006. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified attends Team meetings at random to “spot check” attendance. Finally, the Director of Special Education and the building principals will review Team meeting attendance sheets to further check compliance. 7 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 9 Eligibility determination: Timelines for evaluation, provision of IEP and/or identification of other needed instructional programs Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The district does not always complete its evaluations within 30 SWD of receipt of the signed evaluation consent form, nor hold a Team meeting within 45 school working days of receipt of the signed evaluation consent form. Please specifically review with relevant personnel at the Thoreau school the requirement to conduct all consented-to evaluations within 30 SWD days from the time consent is received from the parent. Student Record Review Interviews The district refers students who are not eligible for special education services for consideration for eligibility under Section 504 Accommodation plans. When students are found not eligible for special education, the district provides academic support services to them within the general education curriculum. Partially not implemented A letter to parents from evaluators at the Thoreau school erroneously indicates that assessors have 45 days from receipt of parental consent to complete testing and provide assessment results to parents. However, throughout December 2004 and January 2005, the district completed trainings on evaluation timelines. In addition, the district has begun using the Eutactics Special Education Management System as a way to track the dates of key junctures in the special education process and 8 Please develop a reminder system for Team chairs at each building to assist them in keeping track of deadlines concerning student evaluations, Team meetings, and dates by which the provision of the IEP and determination of placement (PL1) to the parent must occur. If Eutactics can serve as both a reminder system and a tracking system, please specifically describe how the Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting improve compliance in this regard. software can be used for both purposes. Please designate a person responsible for facilitating the use of this reminder system at the building level. This person should: 1) Ensure that Team chairpersons are using the reminder system; 2) Meet with Team chairpersons to discuss how the reminder system could be improved; 3) Monitor the Team chairpersons’ adherence to deadlines while using the reminder system; and 9 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting 4) Report to the Director of Special Education regarding the above. Please also develop a process for the periodic review of the monitoring system by the Director of Special Education. Please provide documentation of the above requirements to the Department by October 1, 2005. Please use this tracking system to perform a selfassessment of the district’s compliance with the requirements of this criterion using IEPs completed 10 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting between September 2005 and December 2005. Please provide the results to the Department by January 30, 2006. 11 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 12 Frequency of reevaluation Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Student record review Interviews SE 13 Progress reports and content Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Student Record Review Interviews Document Review With parental consent, the district conducts a full reevaluation of each student in its special education program every three years, or sooner if necessary. The district has had a number of trainings concerning progress report writing as part of progress reports submitted subsequent to its Coordinated Program Review corrective action plan. The district submitted attendance sheets from progress report writing training sessions held on November 17, 2004 and December 2, 2004 Partially not implemented 12 Parents of students with disabilities may receive progress reports as often as parents of non-disabled peers; however, these progress reports are not consistently documented in the student record. This finding may reflect a practice for which the district is already in the process of taking corrective action. As noted, the district recently implemented a process for monitoring the process of progress reporting. Please conduct a random review of 5 student records from each school to ensure that progress reports have been completed appropriately and placed in the student record. The records that are randomly selected should be those that have already been reviewed by the individuals at each school who are designated responsible for ensuring that progress reports Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting (preschool –grade 5) and January 11, 2005 (middle school). are appropriately placed in the student record. Please submit the results of this review to the Department on January 30, 2006. In addition, the district now has in place a new process for monitoring the frequency of progress reports and ensuring that they are appropriately placed in the student record, and has designated individuals in charge of these responsibilities and related oversight at the building and district levels. 13 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified SE 15 Outreach by the school district (Child Find) Implemented SE 16 Implemented Screening Method(s) of Verification Interviews Document Review Student Record Review Document The district conducts outreach each fall to professionals in the community, private and public preschools and daycare facilities, private schools, religious organizations, parent groups, and community agencies to insure that all Concord families are aware of the special education services available through Concord Public Schools. The district updates its contact list annually. The district conducts screenings of all 3 and 4 year olds and of all kindergarteners in accordance with 603 14 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Review CMR 28.03(1)(d) to assist in identifying students who may be in need of referral for evaluations for special education. 15 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 17 Initiation of services at age three and Early Intervention transition procedures SE 18A IEP development and content SE 18B Determination of placement; immediate provision of IEP to parent Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting A proposed IEP is not always provided to the parent within 3-5 days of the development of the IEP at the Team meeting, or within 45 school working days after the receipt of the parent’s written See SE 9, regarding implementing a reminder and tracking system for district staff to ensure that all steps of the special education process including the Interviews Document Review See SE 8 Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Special education services begin by age three. The district implements procedures to ensure effective transition from early intervention programs and continuity of services. See SE 8 Student Record Review Interviews The district has basic policies and procedures in place regarding determination of placement that are Partially not Implemented 16 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Document Review consistent with state and federal regulations. consent to an initial evaluation. The labeling and identification of service providers and frequency of services listed on several service delivery grids was insufficient. Service delivery grids frequently identified special education personnel as “learning center staff” or “special education staff.” All IEPs must identify the type of personnel who will deliver services, and IEPs should specify the function of the personnel (special education teacher, paraprofessional, etc.) as well as the specific frequency and duration of the services rendered. One service delivery grid indicated that services must be “ongoing as needed.” The services provided to the student must be provided for a specific frequency and duration. IEP Teams determine the appropriate placement to deliver services on student IEPs. The district consistently sends parents notice and (2) copies of the IEP following the Team meeting. 17 provision of the IEP and determination of placement to the parent within 3-5 days are completed in accordance with timelines required by state and federal law. Please provide training to Team chairpersons at all schools in the district regarding the appropriate way to complete the “type of personnel” and “frequency and duration/per cycle” sections of the IEP service delivery grid. Please provide documentation of this training, including agendas and attendance sheets, to the Department by October 1, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Such determinations must be made by the Team during the annual review meetings. Parents do not consistently receive a copy of the proposed determination of placement (PL-1) following Team meetings. One consented-to IEP was signed in 11/04, but the PL-1 was faxed to parent in 3/05. 18 Please conduct a random review of 3 IEPs from each school to ensure that the service delivery grids of these IEPs are completed correctly. Please provide the results of this review by January 30, 2006. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Student Record Review Interviews Document Review SE 22 IEP implementation and availability (Emphasis on provision of IEP services without delay; provision of the IEP at the beginning of the school year; Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Implemented Student Record Review Interviews Document Review IEP Teams select the least restrictive environment for student consistent with the student’s needs. Teams do not remove students from the general education curriculum because of a needed modification in the curriculum. The school district has an IEP in effect for each student at the beginning of the school year. The district has in place policies and procedures to ensure that services are provided without delay. 19 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified and, alternative methods of service delivery where there is a lack of space and/or personnel) 20 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 23 Confidentiality of personally identifiable information Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Interviews Records (Log of Access) Facilities Check SE 25 Parental consent Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Implemented Student record review Interviews The district has trained all special education personnel and related service providers regarding the confidentiality of student records. The district has remedied previous space constraints within school buildings that required service providers to utilize open areas to deliver services to students and compromised confidentiality. The district obtains parental consent before conducting initial evaluations and reevaluations and before making initial and 21 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Document Review subsequent placements of students in a special education program. When necessary, the district utilizes a variety of methods to contact parents to secure consent. 22 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 26 Parent participation in meetings (Emphasis on district’s attempts to ensure parent participation at IEP Team meetings) SE 27 Content of Team meeting notice to parent Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Student record review Interviews Document review Implemented Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Student record review Interviews SE 28 Parent provided the IEP or notice of no eligibility Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Document Review Student Record Review The district ensures that parents are part of any group that makes decisions on the educational placement of their child, such as the IEP Team. The district makes multiple attempts to contact parents and documents these attempts. Team meeting notices meet all content requirements set forth by state and federal law and regulation. See SE 18B Partially not implemented 23 See SE 18B See SE 18B Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) together with notification of procedural safeguards and parents' rights Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Interviews 24 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of home Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Student Record Review Interviews The district has not evaluated a student for special education that has required translated materials. However, in December 2004, the district submitted its internal plan for monitoring the ongoing implementation of this requirement with its progress reports. The district will rely on collaboration between special education, ESL and general education teachers regarding the students’ and families’ need for translated materials, with building principals having oversight 25 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified responsibilities as Team chairpersons. 26 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified SE 32 Parent advisory council for special education Implemented SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements Implemented SE 36 IEP implementation, accountability, and financial responsibility Implemented Interviews Document Review Document Review Interviews Document Review Interviews The district has an active parent advisory council for special education that meets the requirements of 603 CMR 28.07(4). The district provides or arranges for the provision of IEPs of all of its students by ensuring that a continuum of services are available throughout the district to meet the needs of students with disabilities. The district submitted its policy on IEP implementation. Currently, providers within Concord Public Schools deliver all 27 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified special education services. If the district is unable to provide a special education service, it contracts with an outside professional at the district’s expense. The Director of Special Education monitors these contracts. 28 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 37 Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Programs for young children three and four years of age Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Procedures for approved and unapproved outof-district placements SE 42 Method(s) of Verification Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Records of students placed in outof-district placements do not include monitoring plans. Likewise, the district does not document its monitoring activities of students in out-of-district placements in the student record. Please develop procedures for monitoring the provision of services to students in outof-district placements and for documenting all actual monitoring of these students in the student record. Document Review Interviews Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Document Review Interviews The district enters into written contracts with all public and private out of district placements and ensures that all students in out of district placements receive the special education services indicated on their IEPs. The district coordinates Team meetings with the district representative and the out of district placement. The district offers an integrated preschool program for students with disabilities and typical peers ages three and four. The district Partially not implemented Please submit a description of these procedures to the Department by October 1, 2005. 29 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified also places students at a preschool program at CASE collaborative and offers related services to students in private preschool programs. 30 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 50 Responsibilities of the School Principal and Administrator of Special Education Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The “Sample Contract” from Concord Public Schools regarding contracted tutoring services for home tutoring indicates that the district limits the amount of individualized tutoring to be received by a student receiving educational services at home or in the hospital to five hours per week. An annotation on the district’s “Home/hospital tutoring time report/invoice” given to teachers also reflects this five-hour cap. Please revise the district’s policy on the provision of educational services in the home and hospital such that the district does not predetermine the number of hours of tutoring offered to students who must access home or hospital educational services. Interviews Document Review School principals promote instructional support for students and teachers. Principals implement curriculum accommodation plans to meet the needs of diverse learners in the general education curriculum and coordinate the delivery of special education services with the Administrator of Special Education. The Administrator of Special Education supervises the provision of all special education services for the district in compliance with state and federal special education regulations and the provision of educational services to all students at home or in the hospital. Partially not Implemented A school district may not preset the hours of tutoring it offers to a student who requires home or hospital instruction; the number of hours of tutoring offered to a student requires such instruction must be an individualized determination based on the student’s educational and medical needs. 31 Please provide a copy of your revised policy to the Department by October 1, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) SE 54 Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Implemented Interviews Document Review Professional development regarding special education SE 56 Special education programs and services are evaluated Method(s) of Verification Implemented Interviews Document Review The district has trained special education staff and related personnel in all required professional development areas. The district has begun to document all trainings with agendas and attendance sheets. The district hired educational consultants to conduct an evaluation of the special education program during the 2003-2004 school year. In addition, the district analyzes the results of reading assessments conducted at the beginning and the end of the school 32 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified year to get an objective measure of student growth and to evaluate the efficacy of its special education teaching practices for students receiving specially designed instruction. The Administrator of Special Education also utilizes IEP Team meeting data to assess the district’s special education program and IEP Team process. Finally, the district utilizes the results of parent satisfaction surveys to improve its practices. Other Requirements 33 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) MOA 1 (previously MOA 4) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting (Progress Report) Interviews Identification of limited English proficient students Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation All parents complete a Home Language Survey along with their registration form upon registering students in Concord Public Schools. If the survey indicates that the student may not be proficient in English, the district assesses the student using English proficiency criteria set by the district (see ELE 3, below). Partially not implemented The Department submitted to the district on March 4, 2005 a review of the district’s January 26, 2005 progress reports from its 2001 Corrective Action Plan before coming onsite for the Mid-Cycle Review. The Department’s progress report review clearly stated that the district was to provide documentation as evidence of corrective action taken to implement this criterion along with the documentation the district prepared for the midcycle review. Subsequent to the submission of its January 2004, October 2004 and January 2005 progress reports, the district was asked to submit copies of its home language survey translated into 34 As indicated in the Department’s reviews of the district’s January 2004, October 2004 and January 2005 progress reports, please translate copies of the Home Language Survey in the highest incidence languages of the district’s non-native English speakers and provide copies of these translated Home Language Surveys to the Department. Please refer to for home language surveys in translation. As indicated in the Department’s reviews of the district’s January 2004, October 2004 and January 2005 progress reports, the Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting the highest-incidence languages of its non-native English speakers and was referred to for technical assistance in this regard. However, the district still has not fulfilled this request. Instead, the district submitted a form along with the documentation it submitted for its Mid-Cycle review under the heading, “Home Language Survey and Translation Information.” This form states in seven languages, “If you are unable to read English well enough to understand school documents or information, please contact the office of the Assistant Superintendent. They will help you.” The form provides the telephone number to the Assistant Superintendent’s 35 district’s policy on the assessment of LEP students should clearly indicate that the home language survey and subsequent assessment is not part of the special education process. Please further revise this policy on assessment of LEP students and distribute to all staff and administration. Please provide a copy of the revised policy to the Department along with documentation of its distribution. Please provide all of the above documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance office. Although a roster submitted by the district indicates that the parents of LEP students in the district are currently bilingual, and although the district has a low incidence of LEP students and families, it must prepare itself for a situation that may arise in which a parent is unable to understand the Home Language Survey in English. The form referring parents to the Assistant Superintendent’s office may prove to be an effective supplementary method of outreach; however, this form may not substitute for having translations of the Home Language Survey readily available in the district 36 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance The Department’s April 20, 2004 response to the district’s January 2004 progress reports, asked the district to revise its policy on “Identification of Students Who Do Not Speak English” to clearly indicate that the Home Language Survey is not part of the special education evaluation process. In the December 24, 2004 response to the district’s October 2004 progress reports, the Department again asked the district to revise its ELE policy such that it clearly indicated that the home language survey and subsequent assessment process was not part of the special education process. Finally, in the Department’s March 4, 2005 response to the district’s January 2005 progress reports, the Department requested this revision for the 37 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting third time. The policy submitted to the department for the district’s Mid-cycle review, “Procedures for Annual Assessment, Programs and Support for ELL Students” is identical to that submitted to the Department with the district’s January 2005 progress reports. MOA 2 (was MOA 5) Program modifications and support services for Not Implemented Document Review Interviews The district identified the ELL staff members (called “ESL Tutors”) assigned to provide direct instruction in English language In October 2004, the district submitted its “Procedures for Annual Assessment, Programs and Support for ELL Students” to the Department. The Department reviewed this policy in December 38 Please provide the revised policy on “Procedures for Annual Assessment, Programs and Support for ELL Students. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) limited English proficient students Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting 2004 and asked the district to revise this policy and review these changes with all district staff and administrators, not just those providing SEI. In January 2005, the district submitted further progress reports to the Department that were reviewed in March 2005. The district’s “Procedures for Annual Assessment, Programs and Support for ELL Students” was found to require further revision and the district was asked to provide documentation of how it distributed the revised policy to staff and administration. To fulfill this requirement, the district submitted an agenda from a meeting held in October 2004, before the Department’s request to revise and redistribute it. The district must develop a comprehensive action plan to bring its ELE program into full compliance with M.G.L. Chapter 71A during the 2005-2006 school year. acquisition and/or inclass support and submitted the names and certifications or credentials of these individuals. The district submitted various lists of the students assigned to the “ESL tutors” and designated the duration and nature of language support services provided to them (e.g. in-class support or pull out). The district provided a narrative stating that ELE policies were The district did not provide names 39 Please submit this action plan and all above documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. Please submit documentation that this revised policy has been distributed to all staff and administration throughout the district by January 30, 2006. SEE ALSO ELE 5, ELE 14, and ELE 15 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting discussed at an administrative meeting held on October 27, 2004 and that principals in turn were responsible for sharing information from this meeting with building staff. The district included an agenda from this meeting. of all classroom teachers at the elementary and middle school levels who currently have LEP students in their classrooms and evidence of each teacher’s participation in a minimum of ten hour of sustained and intense professional development along with clear specification of the type of professional development each classroom teacher participated in and when it took place. The Department requested this information in its March 2005 review of the district’s January 2005 progress reports as documentation to be provided to the Department when it arrived onsite for its Mid-cycle review. At present, the district has not yet implemented Sheltered English Immersion (SEI). It is aware of the 40 SEE ALSO MOA 1. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance requirement that all teachers of LEP students require at least 10 hours of “intense and sustained” professional development in the four competencies of SEI; however, at the time of the district’s onsite, teacher training had been inconsistent and incomplete. Thus, the district’s English language education program consisted largely of pullout or in-class language support provided by the district’s three “ESL tutors” or paraprofessionals. One of these “tutors” is a certified ESL teacher, and the remaining two individuals are paraprofessionals. Interviews with the district indicate that both of these individuals have received some training in SEI. However, because of the lack of systematic training of the district’s teachers, 41 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting the district is out of compliance with a number of requirements of MGL Ch.71A regarding program placement and structure and licensure requirements of program staff (See ELE 5, ELE 14 and ELE 15 below). MOA 4 (was MOA 11) Partially Implemented Document Review Interviews The district acknowledges that METCO students are overrepresented in special education. In its submission of progress reports to the Department on October 1, 2004, the district submitted the results of a review of the disproportionality of METCO students in Partially not implemented The Department requires additional information concerning the district’s ongoing efforts to reduce disproportionality. Please submit a narrative to the Department describing the progress the district is making in its efforts to reduce disproportionality in the number of METCO students in special education, in accordance with the plan it submitted to the Department on October 1, 2004. Please include in the district’s plan a method to 42 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting special education and indicated that it is taking steps to reduce this disproportionality. These steps include examining the assessment instruments used by the district and evaluating the district’s teaching practices monitor and evaluate the type and efficacy of instructional interventions received in the general education curriculum by students in the METCO program who are having difficulties in their academic programs. Please evaluate the district’s special education referral data to determine whether changes have occurred because of the district’s effort to reduce disproportionality in the number of METCO students referred for evaluation. Please submit the above materials to the Department by January 30, 2006. 43 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified MOA 6 Availability of in-school programs for pregnant students Implemented MOA 7 Information to be translated into languages other than English Implemented Document Review Interviews Document Review Interviews The district submitted its revised policy on pregnant students to the Department with its progress reports in January 2004. The policy is consistent with MGL Ch. 71 Section 84 and has been adopted by the district’s school committee. In response to the Department’s review of the district’s October 2004 progress reports, the district reviewed its information on the primary languages of the parents/guardians of students in the 44 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified district as well as current student enrollment data to try to determine those students who may have required translated information and/or interpreter services. The district’s review indicated that during SY 2004-2005, no families of enrolled students required translated materials. The Department reminds the district of its obligation to continue to monitor enrollment data of LEP students and families to determine whether they require translated materials. 45 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) MOA 10A Student handbooks and codes of conduct Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Document Review The district submitted student handbooks for its elementary and middle schools to fulfill this criterion. Partially not implemented The student handbooks are missing the following elements: Concord Middle School The handbook and code of conduct does not reference MGL Ch. 76, sec. 5. The code of conduct contains a strong antiharassment statement and a detailed explanation of what constitutes verbal and sexual harassment. However, although the policy directs students to talk to a member of the faculty or administration about their concerns if they believe that harassment has occurred, it does not include a procedure for investigating and resolving complaints of harassment. 46 Please revise or correct the school handbooks as indicated. Please note that the district can prepare one code of conduct that contains all required elements for use across all schools. Please submit a draft of the revised handbook information for the 20052006 SY to the Department for review by October 1, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance The handbook lacks procedures assuring due process in disciplinary procedures. Students are assigned sanctions before “disciplinary conferences” are held. At disciplinary conferences, “the administrator discusses his/her findings from the investigation and leads a discussion explaining what will happen after the student completes the discipline. The parents and the administrator have an opportunity to formerly repeat their side of the story.” Thoreau School: The code of conduct does not contain procedures assuring due process in 47 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance disciplinary proceedings. The code of conduct does not contain appropriate procedures for the discipline of students with special needs and students with 504 Accommodation plans. The section entitled “Special Education Service Delivery at Thoreau” contains erroneous information regarding the special education referral process. The handbook indicates that parents/guardians may refer students for special education evaluations. However, the handbook states that referrals for evaluation must be made in writing. The handbook 48 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance also states, “After the parents or guardians have met with the elementary Team chair…and agreed upon and documented what assessments will be done and what questions the evaluation seek to answer, the Team has thirty school days to complete the assessments.” (Emphasis added.) Parent or teacher referrals for special education evaluations may be oral or in writing. The school district must respond to the parent’s request for evaluation by sending written notice to the parent along with an evaluation consent form within 5 49 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance school days of receipt of the referral. See 603 CMR 28.04 (1)(a)-(b). The district may not delay the special education referral and evaluation process by requiring parents to meet first with the Team chairperson before issuing the notice and consent to evaluate form that activates the special education timelines regulated by state and federal law. The handbook states that in order for a student to be eligible for special education, the student must have a disability and be “failing to make reasonable progress”. The handbook states, “both of these 50 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance conditions need to be true” in order for the child to be eligible to receive special education services. Please note that the determination of eligibility for special education is based in part on whether a student with a disability is making effective progress in school (not “reasonable progress”). Eligibility determination also involves considerations such as whether the lack of effective progress is a result of the student’s disability and whether the student requires specially designed instruction and/or related services to make effective progress in order to access the general 51 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance curriculum. Alcott School: The handbook or code of conduct does not contain a non-discrimination policy that is consistent with and references MGL Ch. 76, sec. 5. The school does not have a code of conduct that includes procedures assuring due process in disciplinary proceedings and appropriate procedures for disciplining students with special needs and students with section 504 plans. The school does not have a code of conduct that contains the school’s procedure for accepting, 52 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance investigating and resolving complaints alleging discrimination or harassment and the disciplinary measures that the school may impose if it determines that harassment has occurred. Willard School: The student code of conduct does not assure due process in disciplinary proceedings. The student code of conduct does not contain appropriate procedures for the discipline of students with special needs and students with section 504 accommodation plans. 53 Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) MOA 11A Designation of liaison/coordinat or Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The district did not submit its policies and grievance procedures for students or staff providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints regarding discrimination based on disability or sex. The district did not indicate whether it also intends for the harassment policy to be followed for grievances concerning discrimination based on disability or sex. Please submit to the Department your policies and procedures for students and staff providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints regarding discrimination based on disability or sex. Document Review Interviews The district indicates that Assistant Superintendent Diana Rigby is the district’s liaison for homeless students as well as the “coordinator for compliance.” Partially not implemented The district submitted its policies on sexual harassment in the workplace and its grievance procedures for staff who have experienced sexual harassment. The sexual harassment policies submitted by the district list as a contact person an individual who is no longer in the district rather than Ms. Rigby, the district’s compliance coordinator. Please explain how parents, staff, students, and all other members of the school community are notified regarding the contact information of the Compliance Coordinator, as this information had not been updated in the school handbooks. Please submit the above documentation to the Department by October 1, 54 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) MOA 12A Annual and continuous notification concerning nondiscriminati on and coordinators; grievance procedures Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Document Review The district has in place a school committee policy on equal educational opportunity. Partially not Implemented The district provides notification on its employment opportunities that it is an “equal opportunity employer”. The notification on the district’s employment advertisements indicates that the district is an “equal opportunity employer” and that the district is “firmly committed to diversity.” However, this notice does not specifically indicate that the district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion or sexual orientation. The district’s student handbooks do not consistently provide the name, office address and phone number of the person designated under MOA 11A to coordinate compliance under Title IX and Section 504. 55 2005. Please demonstrate that the district has distributed the name, office address and phone number of the person designated under MOA 11A to coordinate compliance under Title IX and Section 504. This information may be included in the student handbooks or distributed to parents in an alternate method. Please ensure that all employment opportunities advertised by the district contain the necessary assurances required under this criterion. Please revise the employment advertisement template utilized by the district to Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting contain such assurances. MOA 21 Implemented Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities Document Review Interviews Please submit the above documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. As requested in the March 4, 2005 progress reports, please submit a finalized revision of the district’s antidiscrimination policy to the Department upon its approval by the School Committee. The district provides the required in-service training to all school personnel regarding civil rights responsibilities. Please submit the above documentation to the Department by January 30, 2006. MOA 22 Accessibility of district Implemented Facilities check; onsite verification The district has redistributed its use of classroom space such that hallways and open 56 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified programs and services for students with disabilities MOA 23 Method(s) of Verification Interviews Implemented Facilities check spaces are no longer used to provide special education services such as assessment and tutoring. Doors and hallways that were found to be inaccessible during the 2001 Coordinated Program Review have been repaired and/or reconstructed to allow students with special needs to exit and/or enter classrooms independently. The substantially separate classroom at the middle school has been relocated to a central location. Facilities utilized by students of different 57 Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Annual Assessment Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Comparability of facilities ELE 1 Method(s) of Verification Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting The district’s policy from 20042005 states that LEP students participated in the MEPA in September/October but does not indicate that LEP students also participated in this annual assessment in the Spring. During the 2004-2005 school year, districts were to administer the MEPA twice to all enrolled LEP students in both fall 2004 and spring 2005. This testing schedule is changing for the 2005-2006 school year. Please submit a schedule for the district’s annual assessment of LEP students for the 2005-2006 school year. Interviews Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Document Review groups such as LEP students and students with special needs are comparable in all respects. Annually, Limited English Proficient (LEP) students participate in the MCAS, MEPA and MELA-O. Qualified staff members administer the MELAO to students. Partially not Implemented Please visit assess.html and click on the links under “English Proficiency Assessments” for updated guidance on these requirements. Please note that these links most likely will be updated during summer 2005. Please provide this 58 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. ELE 2 Partially Implemented Document Review LEP students participate in MCAS. Partially not implemented MCAS ELE 3 Initial Identification Partially Implemented Document Review The district screens all incoming students who may be potentially LEP with a Home Language Survey. When the HLS indicates that the students may be non- Partially not Implemented 59 The district does not have formal procedures in place to inform parents or guardians of LEP students of the option not to take the MCAS English Language exam during the students’ first year that they are identified LEP. At present, the district does not provide students with a translated home language survey. See MOA 5, above. Please develop procedures for informing parents/guardians of LEP students of the option not to participate in MCAS during the first year that the student is identified as LEP. Please provide this material to the Department by October 1, 2005. As indicated in the Department’s reviews of the district’s January 2004, October 2004 and January 2005 progress reports, please translate copies of the home language survey in the highest incidence languages Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance of the district’s non-native English speakers. native speakers of English, the district assesses the students’ English proficiency using the IPT-Oral and Language Assessments and the LAS Reading and Writing Assessments. ELE 4 Not Implemented Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Please refer to for home language surveys in translation. Document Review The district has indicated that no parents of LEP students have requested a waiver. However, the district does not have waiver implementation practices in place should one be requested. Waiver Procedures 60 Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. The district must develop waiver implementation procedures, including a local waiver form. Should the district receive a request for a waiver, the district must also develop a class roster of students who have been waivered. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Document Review Partially not implemented At the time of the Department’s onsite visit, the district had not fully implemented a sheltered English immersion model (SEI). LEP students are integrated in mainstream classrooms with English-speaking peers and provided pull-out or in-class academic support by “ESL tutors” to support their language learning needs. It is unclear to what extent teachers have been trained in SEI. As a result of outstanding progress reports reviewed in January, 2005, the Department requested from the district a list of teachers from the elementary and middle school levels who have LEP students in 61 Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. Provide a district-wide plan for ensuring that all Limited English Proficient Students are placed in sheltered English immersion or twoway bilingual classes with qualified staff. This plan should include a strategy for ensuring that all teachers receive the training required to teach in an SEI classroom. This plan must be comprehensive and must bring the district into full compliance with M.G.L. Chapter 71A during the 2005-2006 school year. Please provide this plan to Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting their classes and a description of the nature, type, dates and duration of professional development undertaken by these classroom teachers. The district did not submit this to the Department, but rather submitted a series of fliers with some dates circled. As such, it is not possible to determine which teachers attended these trainings and whether those who did attend have LEP students in their classrooms. The district recognizes the need to develop and implement a professional development plan that will bring all teachers to the required threshold of 10 hours of intense and sustained professional development. The district has one certified ESL teacher providing language instruction and two 62 the Department by October 1, 2005. As requested in March 2004 as part of the onsite documentation please provide the following: 1. names of all classroom teachers at the elementary and middle school levels who currently have LEP students in their classrooms and evidence of each teacher’s participation in a minimum of ten hour of sustained and intense professional development. Please clearly specify the type of professional Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting paraprofessionals. development each classroom teacher participated in and when it took place. Please submit the above documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. Please note that training must cover all four SEI competencies: learning and teaching; sheltering content instruction; assessment of speaking and listening; and teaching reading and writing. See nce.html for more assistance. Specifically, click on “Guidance on Qualifications 63 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting for Teachers of English of Limited English Proficient Students in Sheltered English Immersion Classrooms.” SEE ALSO MOA 2. ELE 6 Implemented Document Review Not implemented Document Review Program Exit and Readiness ELE 7 The district takes into consideration quantitative and qualitative measures of student achievement and language proficiency and ensures that students can meet grade level content standards before exiting them from the district’s language support program. The district does not have a formal mechanism for involving parents or 64 Please develop a plan to involve parents of LEP Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Parent Involvement guardians of LEP students in matters pertaining to their children’s education. students in matters pertaining to their children’s education. Mechanisms for parental involvement may include, but are not limited to, the development of Parent Advisory Council on English language education or the solicitation of parental membership on school-based councils or in school-based organizations. Such efforts should focus on outreach to parents of LEP students. The district should document the availability of such mechanisms and its efforts to involve parents in them. Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 65 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting 2005. ELE 8 Not Implemented Document Review The district does not have policies and procedures in place should a parent wish to have their child opt out of the district’s ELE program. Declining Entry to a Program Please develop formal written policies should a parent wish to have their child opt-out of the district’s ELE program. These policies should include: notifying parents of their right to have the student opt out of the district’s program; the requirement to document the parent’s decision to opt the student out of the program; and the district’s obligation to 66 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting continue to keep parents appraised of the student’s progress in the general education English classroom to ensure that his/her instructional needs are addressed. For the specific legal requirements concerning optout, please see laws.html and click on “Questions and Answers Regarding Chapter 71 A…” Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. 67 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) ELE 9 Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Upon placing a student in its ELE program, the district sends parents a “Parent Consent Form” informing them that the student has been recommended to receive ELE tutoring for a specified period of time and seeking parental consent for the delivery of these services. Written consent for an LEP student to receive the appropriate instructional program is not required. The district must revise its English Language Education parental notification procedures to comply with MGL Chapter 71A Sec. 7. Specifically, upon placement in the ELE program, a district should send written notice to parents that contains the following elements. The reasons the student has been identified LEP; The student’s level of English proficiency; The student’s Implemented Document Review LEP students are educated in classrooms with age-appropriate peers. Partially Implemented Document Review LEP students receive progress reports and report cards in the same manner and with the same frequency as English speaking students. If necessary, the report cards are translated; however, the district reports that all parents are bilingual. Instructional Grouping ELE 10 Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation 68 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting placement and/or method of instruction within the district’s ELE program; The parent’s right to apply for a waiver or to decline to enroll their child in the program. Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Programs and Services Partially Implemented Document Review The district did not directly address this criterion in its selfassessment, but rather submitted its Grades K-12 Learning Partially Implemented 69 It appears that the district does not have formal policies and procedures in place to ensure that all tenets of this criterion are implemented and that LEP students are afforded equal access to all Please develop a plan to ensure that LEP students are afforded full access to all academic programs and services including counseling and guidance services, as Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) ELE 12 Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Not Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting academic programs and services throughout the district. For example, the district does not have policies in place to ensure that LEP students receive academic support services such as guidance and counseling in their primary language, should they require such services. Further, as previously noted the district is not providing LEP students with Sheltered English Immersion as required by Chapter 71A. well as all academic supports and services detailed in the schools’ DCAPs. The Department is unable to determine the extent to which LEP Please describe how the district ensures that LEP Document Review Outcomes and its Grades 1-5 Curriculum Overview to demonstrate that LEP students are educated with their Englishspeaking peers and participate fully with such peers in courses that are fully aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in all content areas. One LEP student’s schedule submitted under another criterion indicated that the student received language support during art class. As above, the district did not address this Not Implemented 70 Please provide this material to the Department by October 1, 2005. Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Equal Access to Non-Academic and Extracurricular Programs Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting criterion in its selfassessment but rather submitted the cover page of the sports section of the Concord Middle School’s web page students are involved in extracurricular activities in the district. students in different grade levels are provided support, where necessary, in extracurricular and non academic activities (clubs, plays, sports, etc). Please submit communications to parents of LEP students making them aware of and encouraging students’ participation in such activities. Please list the extracurricular activities in which the district’s LEP students are involved. You may list these activities next to their names on the class roster. Please also develop a plan to ensure that LEP students 71 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting continue to be afforded access to and are supported in non-academic activities. Please submit all documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. ELE 13 Partially Implemented Document Review Follow up support ELE 14 Licensure and Partially Implemented Document Review Using quantitative and qualitative sources, building principals monitor the progress of FLEP students who have exited the ELE program. Partially not Implemented All teachers in the district’s English language classrooms Partially not Implemented Students are monitored for one year, not two, as required by Title VI. Please revise the district’s policies and procedures such that students are monitored for two years following their exit from the program. Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. 72 All teachers in the district’s English classrooms who are delivering instruction to LEP See requirements of MOA 1, regarding developing a plan to ensure that all teachers Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Professional Development Requirements Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified possess a teacher’s license and are therefore fluent and literate in English. Partially Implemented Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Fluency Requirements ELE 15 Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Document Review Some teachers in the district’s classrooms have had professional development in SEI. Partially not implemented students have appropriate content certification but most have not received the requisite 10 hours of intense and sustained professional development to teach in Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) classrooms. (see MOA 1) who provide instruction to LEP students are appropriately qualified. Some teachers in the district who are teaching in Sheltered English Immersion classrooms have not received the requisite 10 hours of intense and sustained professional development. The district is aware of the need to develop a professional development plan and is in the process of developing such a plan. Please develop a plan for training staff in the four competencies of SEI instruction: learning and teaching; sheltering content instruction; assessment of speaking and listening; and teaching reading and writing. Please provide this documentation to the Department by October 1, 2005. SEE ELE 5, 14. Please provide this documentation to the 73 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Department by October 1, 2005. See nce.html for more assistance. Specifically, click on “Guidance on Qualifications for Teachers of English of Limited English Proficient Students in Sheltered English Immersion Classrooms.” ELE 16 Implemented Document Review Partially Implemented Document Review Equitable Facilities ELE 17 DOE Data Submission Interviews The district submitted a statement that LEP students are provided services in the same facilities as the general student population. The district informally evaluates the effectiveness of its ELE programs by Partially not implemented 74 The district does not yet have a formal means of evaluating its ELE program to identify areas of needed improvement. The district does Please develop a formal plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the district’s ELE program. Please submit a Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Partially Implemented Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting not systematically compile the results of tests and evaluations such that this data can be used to identify such areas of needed improvement description of this plan to the Department by October 1, 2005. The district has not documented a plan for maintaining cumulative records of English Language Please develop a plan for the oversight and monitoring of student records of LEP examining students’ assessment scores and district benchmark scores to see whether students are progressing within the program. The district also submitted a blank spread sheet from the Thoreau School titled “2004-2005 ELL student Progress” but it is unclear whether all schools use such spread sheets and whether the district plans to monitor the spreadsheets from central administration. ELE 18 Records of LEP students Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Document Review The district did not submit any documentation to the Partially not implemented 75 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of requirements in 2004-2005 Special Education Information Package) Implementation Status of Requirements or Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Substantially Implemented Method(s) of Verification Comments Regarding Corrective Action Plan Implementation Corrective Action Plan Determined to be Not Fully Implemented or Additional Issues Identified Findings Regarding Incomplete Implementation of Approved Corrective Action Plan or Identification of Additional Issues of Noncompliance Further Corrective Action Ordered by the Department of Education and Timelines for Implementation and Further Progress Reporting Department regarding this criterion; however, the district keeps student records for LEP students. learners to include all documents required under 603 CMR 23.05; 23.07; and MGL c.69 sec. 1L and Title VI. 76 students to ensure that records contain all elements required by federal and state law. Please submit documentation of this plan to the Department by October 1, 2005.