Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-4096 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 April 13, 2011 Paula Evans, Charter School Leader Community Charter School of Cambridge 245 Bent Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Re: Mid-cycle Report Dear Ms. Evans: Enclosed is the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Mid-cycle Report based on the Mid-cycle Review conducted in your district in February 2011. In this Midcycle Review the Department monitored selected special education criteria to determine your district’s compliance with special education laws and regulations. The review consisted of information gathered from one or more of the following activities: staff interviews, review of student records, examination of documentation, and/or classroom observation. The Department found one or more of the criteria monitored in your district to be “Partially Implemented” or “Not Implemented.” In all instances where noncompliance has been found, the Department has prescribed corrective action for the district. This corrective action must be implemented as soon as possible, but in no case later than a year from the date of this report. You will find these requirements for corrective action included in the enclosed report, along with requirements for submitting progress reports using the enclosed form. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that all of the required corrective action will be implemented by your district within the timelines specified in the report. You must submit your statement of assurance to Darlene Lynch, Director, Program Quality Assurance Services, by April 29, 2011. 1 Your staff's cooperation throughout this Mid-cycle Review is appreciated. If you have questions about this letter or the enclosed report, please do not hesitate to contact Thomas Taylor at 781-338-3726. Sincerely, Thomas Taylor, Mid-cycle Review Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services Darlene A. Lynch, Director Program Quality Assurance Services cc: Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Dean Paolillo, Supervisor, Program Quality Assurance Services Eloise Paul Lawrence, Chairperson Board of Trustees Mary Reynolds, Local Program Review Coordinator Encs: Mid-cycle Report Mid-cycle Progress Report form 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION MID-CYCLE REPORT Community Charter School of Cambridge Dates of the Mid-cycle Review Onsite: February 18, 2011 Date of this Report: April 13, 2011 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS REPORT IS IN TWO SECTIONS. Required Special Education Criteria Monitored in this Mid-cycle Review Current special education criteria available by scrolling down to the special education instrument at Criterion SE 3 Special requirements for the determination of specific learning disability Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation NI Student record review, documentation and staff interviews Basis of Determination about Criterion Student records lacked a written determination of a student’s specific learning disability (SLD). While district training covering the topic of “determining specific learning disabilities” and a staff sign-in sheet was submitted as evidence of training on this topic, it was not evident in the records that staff instituted the practice. If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Please review with the special education staff responsible for chairing IEP team meetings the Department’s finding regarding this criterion. Please develop a system of internal monitoring to ensure that SLD determinations are developed and included in the student record. Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 1 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements The charter school will provide evidence that it reviewed the Department’s finding with the school personnel responsible for chairing IEP Team meetings. The charter school will Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Please conduct a review of student records for those students for whom an evaluation for eligibility for a specific learning disability was conducted subsequent to the school’s implementation of the required corrective actions for evidence of the appropriate documentation. Please note that when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade level for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, their roles(s), and their signature(s) Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 2 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements also provide a description of its oversight system including the name and the title of the person(s) responsible. This progress report is due June 3, 2011. The Community Charter School of Cambridge (CCSC) must review a sample of student records of students who were determined to have an SLD subsequent to the school’s implementation of corrective action, to ensure the written determination of a specific learning disability is included in each file. Please submit a narrative description of the results of this Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements administrative review. Please include the name and role of staff person(s) conducting the review, the number of records reviewed, the number found in compliance with requirements, the root cause of any continued noncompliance and the additional actions taken by the district to remedy any identified issues. This progress report is due September 30, 2011. SE 52A Registration of educational interpreters √ Documentation CCSC does not have a need for educational interpreters at this time. However, there is a procedure established to address a potential need. Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 3 of 13 Additional Special Education Criteria Monitored in this Mid-cycle Review Current special education criteria available by scrolling down to the special education instrument at Criterion SE 1 Assessments are appropriately selected and interpreted SE 2 Required and optional assessments Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) √ PI Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion Student record review and staff interviews CCSC is evaluating students in their suspected area of disability. The charter school hired a school psychologist to assure proper assessments of students referred for psychological evaluations. Student record review The student records indicated that Educational Status Assessments A & B are not always completed. If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation CCSC must demonstrate that Educational Assessments are completed for each record in which the charter school failed to provide an educational status assessment at each initial evaluation or re-evaluation. The charter school must provide professional development to its staff responsible for the completion of Educational Status Assessments A &B and provide evidence to the Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 4 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Community Charter School of Cambridge (CCSC) must review the records indicated in the previously provided student worksheet to ensure the inclusion of Educational Assessments A & B in the student records. The charter school must verify to the Department that it completed Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Department verifying the completion of the staff training. The charter school will conduct a review of a sample of student records where initial evaluations or reevaluations were conducted subsequent to the school’s implementation of corrective action, to verify the completion of Educational Status assessments A & B. Please note that when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade level for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, their roles(s), and their signature(s) Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 5 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements these assessments and re-convened the IEP Teams or amended the IEPs as appropriate. This progress report is due June 3, 2011 Please provide verification, such as agendas and sign-in sheets, of the staff training by June 3, 2011. Please submit a narrative description of the results of an administrative review of records. Include the name and role of staff person(s) conducting the review, the number of records reviewed, the number found in compliance with requirements, the root cause of any continued Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements noncompliance and the additional actions taken by the district to remedy any identified issues. This progress report is due September 30, 2011. SE 4 Reports of assessment results √ Student record review and staff interviews CCSC has a tracking system to assure that parents are provided the assessment results at least two days before the IEP Team meeting. SE 7 Age of Majority √ Documentation review and student record review CCSC submitted a copy of the “Age of Majority” letter informing students and their parents of their rights. SE 8 IEP Team composition and attendance √ Student record review Student records indicated that regular education teachers participate in the meetings and provide reports concerning the student’s academic progress. Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 6 of 13 Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation The charter school makes use of an excusal form if an IEP Team member cannot attend. Written reports submitted by the team member are included in the student record. SE 9 Timelines for determination of eligibility √ Student record review and staff interviews CCSC established a tracking system “SEMS Tracker” for all important IEP dates and timelines to ensure the district meets its timeline obligations. SE 10 End of year evaluations √ Student record review and staff interviews Please see SE 9 above. In addition, CCSC has procedures to ensure IEP meetings are held before the end of the school year. SE 12 Frequency of reevaluation √ Student record review and staff interviews CCSC has a tracking system “SEMS Tracker” for all important IEP dates and timelines. The student record review indicated that the district is re-evaluating students every three years. Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 7 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion SE 13 Progress reports and content √ Student record review and staff interviews CCSCS has procedures for writing and submitting progress reports four times per year consistent with the report card cycle. Related service providers are required to write and submit progress reports four times per year. SE 18A IEP development and content √ Documentation review and staff interviews CCSC submitted a workshop agenda and sign-in sheet covering the topic of IEP development and content. Student records indicated completed Present Level Educational Performance (PLEP) forms. SE 18B Determination of placement; Provision of the IEP to the parent √ Documentation, student record review and staff interviews CCSC indicated through documentation that the special education policy & procedures require that parents receive written summary materials at the end of the IEP Team meeting. The student record review confirmed this finding. If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 8 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion SE 21 School day and school year requirements √ Documentation, student record review and staff interviews CCSC submitted a workshop agenda and sign-in sheet covering the topic of extended school day and school year requirements. The policy and procedure indicates that the extended services will be offered to students with learning disabilities on a caseby- case basis by the IEP Team. Student records indicated individual consideration of school day and school year requirements. SE 22 IEP implementation and availability √ Student record review, documentation and staff Interviews CCSC implements the IEP from the sending school district with the parent’s approval. CCSC will convene an IEP Team meeting to develop a new IEP. SE 25 Parental consent √ Student records and staff interviews CCSC uses “SEMS” Tracker to track parent consent. The student record review indicated If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 9 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements that parent consent forms were signed. SE 29 Communications in English and primary language of the home Partially Implemented Documentation, student records and staff interviews CCSC has procedures to translate communications. The charter indicated that it uses the Home Language Survey to determine the need of the parent to have documents and notices translated in their native language. However, student records did not contain translated notices when the home language survey indicated a language other than English was the primary language of the home. Please review with the IEP chairpersons the school’s procedures for procuring translations into languages other than English. Please review the school’s current Special Education roster to identify which parents and guardians require interpreters and translated documents. After verifying the population requiring Please verify the review of the district’s procedures to obtain translated documents with the IEP chairpersons. Please indicate the person responsible for conducting the review of those records which require translated documents for special education. by June 3, 2011. translations, please conduct a review of student records where parents are identified as non-English speakers who require translated documents to ensure that all of the records contained translated documentation (i.e. IEPs and notices). Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 10 of 13 Please submit a narrative description of the results of an administrative review of records for special education activities conducted after the school implemented corrective action. Criterion Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Please note that when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade level for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, their roles(s), and their signature(s) (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Include the name and role of staff person(s) conducting the review, the number of records reviewed, the number found in compliance with requirements, the root cause of any continued noncompliance and the additional actions taken by the district to remedy any identified issues. This progress report is due September 30, 2011. SE 32 Parent Advisory Council √ Documentation and staff interviews CCSC submitted documentation indicating that the charter school has an operating Parent Advisory Council. CCSC provided a meeting invitation, meeting agenda, a parent survey, and demonstrated the election of officers. Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 11 of 13 Criterion Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion √ Student record review and staff interviews CCSC has established a Resource Room. In addition, the school has hired a paraprofessional to meet the needs of students requiring the assistance of a paraprofessional. √ Documentation and staff interviews Students with learning disabilities have access to participate in the Spanish foreign language course. SE 49 Related services √ Documentation and staff interviews CCSC has contracted with an agency for an occupational therapist and a speech and language pathologist. SE 56 Special education √ Documentation and staff interviews CCSC provided supporting documentation that indicated that CCSC evaluates their SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements SE 48 Equal opportunity to participate in educational, nonacademic, extracurricular and ancillary programs Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 12 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements Criterion programs and services are evaluated Criterion Implemented Criterion Partially Implemented (PI) or Not Implemented (NI) Method(s) of Investigation Basis of Determination about Criterion If Partially Implemented or Not Implemented: (a) Required Corrective Action and Timelines for Implementation special education programming and services by providing staff/parent surveys, IEP data from the learning specialists, and an IEP meeting evaluation. Community Charter School of Cambridge Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report April 13, 2011 Page 13 of 13 (b) Progress Report Due Date(s) and Required Elements MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION MID-CYCLE REVIEW School District: Community Charter School of Cambridge M I D – CY C L E P R O G R E S S R E P O R T Date Prepared: ____________________________________ Prepared by: __________________________________________________________________ (name and title) Criterion: _______________________ Topic: ________________________________________________________________________ For each criterion for which you prepare a progress report, please make a copy of this cover page, fill in the information requested above, and attach a complete description of the corrective action taken and any accompanying documentation. (Description of corrective action for each criterion and any accompanying documentation should include all of the “Progress Report Required Elements” for that criterion in the Mid-cycle Report.) Send the whole set of completed progress reports to: Darlene Lynch, Director Program Quality Assurance Services Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906 Mid-cycle Report & Cover Letter with Mid-cycle PR Form 2010