COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW MID-CYCLE REPORT Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School

Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School
MCR Onsite Dates: 04/09/2013
Program Area: Special Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D.
Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education
SE Criterion # 4 - Reports of assessment results
Basis for Findings:
Review of student records and staff interviews indicated that educational assessment
summaries completed by Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School
specialists contain a full description of procedures used, the results of the assessments, the
evaluator’s diagnostic impressions of the student's needs, and explicit means of meeting
those needs.
SE Criterion # 7 - Transfer of parental rights at age of majority and
student participation and consent at the age of majority
Basis for Findings:
A review of student records, documentation and staff interviews demonstrated that
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School consistently provides students
and parents with written notice of the transfer of education decision-making rights to the
student upon the age of majority one year prior to the student reaching age 18. This notice
indicates that the parent will continue to receive written notices and have access to the
student record. The school documents the age of majority notification to the student and
family in the “Additional Information” section of the IEP.
Once the student has turned 18 years of age, the school obtains consent for the continuation
of IEP services consistent with the student's choice.
SE Criterion # 8 - IEP Team composition and attendance
Basis for Findings:
Review of student records and interviews with staff members demonstrated that required
Team members consistently attend IEP meetings. In cases where a required Team member
is absent from the meeting, the school secures the parent's agreement in writing to excuse
the Team member before the meeting, and the excused required Team member provides
written input in advance. These written excusal forms are documented within the student
record. Document review also demonstrated that the school has a process to excuse team
members whose areas are not being modified or discussed at the Team meeting.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education – Program Quality Assurance Services
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School Mid-Cycle Report - May 23, 2013 08:44:31 AM
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SE Criterion # 18A - IEP development and content
Basis for Findings:
Review of student records, documentation, and staff interviews demonstrated that whenever
the IEP Team evaluation indicates that a student's disability affects social skills development,
or when the student's disability makes him or her vulnerable to bullying, harassment, or
teasing, the IEP addresses the skills and proficiencies needed to avoid and respond to
bullying, harassment, or teasing. For students identified with a disability on the autism
spectrum, the IEP Team considers and specifically addresses the skills and proficiencies
needed to avoid and respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing. Depending on the situation,
the Team’s consideration or developed goals and services are documented within the IEP.
SE Criterion # 25 - Parental consent
Basis for Findings:
Staff interviews indicated that over the past two years, no parent/guardian has exercised his
or her right of revocation after consenting to a student's special education services.
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School has a process in place so that
should a parent revoke consent in writing, the school will promptly provide him/her with a
written notice of its proposal to discontinue services, as well as inform the parent as to how to
obtain a copy of his/her right to procedural safeguards. This notice will be provided within a
reasonable time before discontinuing any services. According to its procedures, the school
will not use mediation or request a due process hearing to obtain agreement or a ruling
requiring the continuation of services, consistent with federal regulations.
SE Criterion # 26 - Parent participation in meetings
Basis for Findings:
The school provided its special education student roster as required by the Department.
SE Criterion # 55 - Special education facilities and classrooms
Basis for Findings:
Onsite observations and staff interviews revealed that the Blackstone Valley Regional
Vocational Technical High School provides services for Speech and Language in appropriate
instructional space, equal and average to standards of general education classrooms in the
school and not shared with any other special education service. The Learning Lab classroom
also meets standards equal to that of a general education classroom, with no other services
provided simultaneously during Learning Lab class time.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education – Program Quality Assurance Services
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School Mid-Cycle Report - May 23, 2013 08:44:31 AM
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