Program Quality Assurance Services
Charter School or District: Sudbury
CPR Onsite Year: 2012-2013
Program Area: Special Education
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance
corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance
of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 09/04/2013.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 09/04/2014
Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report
SE 18B
Criterion Title
Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent
SE 55
Special education facilities and classrooms
CR 23
Comparability of facilities
CR 25
Institutional self-evaluation
CPR Rating
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student record review indicated that following the development of the IEP, the district
does not consistently provide the proposed IEP and placement to the parent immediately.
Description of Corrective Action:
The district has developed a new system for processing IEPs in order to better facilitate
timely processing and submission of the documents to parents. The new system was in
place as of September 3, 2013 and is as follows:
1. Liaison writes IEP, puts packet together and gives to building Team Chair within 3
days of the meeting date.
2. Team Chair meets with administrators, as needed, to review/correct and return IEP
package to liaison for any technical or content corrections within 2 days of receiving the
3. Liaison corrects/reprints and gives the IEP back to the Team Chair within 24 hours
and resubmits to Team Chair.
4. Team Chair reviews final/corrected IEP, signs and send IEP package to Central office
within 24 hours.
5. A completed IEP package is expected to be sent to the central special education office
for administrator signature, processing, and mailing to parents. The timeline for the
entire process is one week (eg - Tuesday to Tuesday).
This new process addresses the delays that have occurred when errors need to be
corrected prior to sending the IEP to parents. The new process also allows principals to
be involved and offer supervisory and evaluative support to the Teams to maintain
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Deborah N Dixson, Director of Student Services
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
All required school signatures on IEPs will be within 5 days of Team meetings.
Mailing of IEPs will be within 10 days of Team meetings.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
A spreadsheet will be maintained at the central office which includes timelines, due dates,
date received, and date mailed to parents.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
SE 18B Determination of placement;
provision of IEP to parent
Basis for Status Decision:
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 10/17/2013
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
The district will provide a narrative description of its updated procedures related to
providing parents with two IEPs/proposed placement copies within ten days of IEP
development to include its administrative internal oversight and tracking system, e.g.
spreadsheet review, identifying the person(s) responsible with date of the system's
implementation to ensure compliance. Also provide evidence of staff training on this
procedure, which will include but not be limited to memorandums, email correspondence,
training agenda, attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit
to the ESE by January 15, 2014. Subsequent to staff training, submit the results of an
administrative review of a sample of student records from all levels indicating on the
Notice of Proposed School District Action (N1) that two copies of the IEP have been
provided to parents. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be
compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a
description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified
noncompliance. Please submit this to ESE on or before by May 30, 2014. *Please note
when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
At Curtis Middle School, speech and language groups meet and pass through the Skills
Group scheduled in an adjoining room, thereby disrupting instruction.
Description of Corrective Action:
Over the course of the year, the director and principal will explore alternative space and
room options for the speech pathologist.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Deborah N Dixson, Director of Student Services
Stephen Lambert, Principal, Curtis Middle School
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
By the 14-15 school year, the speech pathologist will be reassigned to a room that is
utilized for only that purpose.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
There will be ongoing discussions throughout the year to resolve this.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 55 Special education facilities and
Status Date: 10/17/2013
Basis for Status Decision:
The school district's plan does not address interruptions to instruction for the current
school year.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
The school district must assign designated space for the speech pathologist at Curtis
Middle School that does not require speech groups to pass through other rooms while in
use thereby disrupting instruction.
*Please note that school districts must demonstrate effective resolution of noncompliance
identified by the Department as soon as possible but in no case later than one year from
the issuance of the Department's Final Program Review Report.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Provide a letter of written assurance from the Superintendent and Principal at Curtis
Middle School that there is a new space assigned to the speech pathologist for the 201314 school year, a floor plan with the new space indicated, and student delivery schedules
for speech and language. Please submit to ESE on or before January 15, 2014. The ESE
will conduct an onsite visit to observe this new space by 05/30/2014.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
CR 23 Comparability of facilities
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
At the Curtis Middle School, staff interviews and onsite observation revealed that English
Language Education instruction is delivered in the school library while the library is
occupied with other student groups; therefore, auditory distractions are frequent.
Description of Corrective Action:
This item is already corrected, with ELL instruction taking place in a dedicated space this
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Todd Curtis, Assistant Superintendent
Stephen Lambert, ECMS Principal
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
ELL instruction is currently being delivered in a dedicated space.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Continue to monitor.
CR 23 Comparability of facilities
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 10/17/2013
Basis for Status Decision:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Provide a letter of written assurance from the Superintendent and Principal that at Curtis
Middle School, the district has provided English language learners with instructional space
that is comparable to the instructional space of others. Please submit to ESE by January
15, 2014. The Department will conduct an onsite visit to verify this space by May 30,
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Documentation and staff interviews indicated that the district does not evaluate all
aspects of its K-8 programming annually to ensure that all students, regardless of race,
color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual
orientation, disability, or housing status, have equal access to all programs, including
athletics and other extracurricular activities.
Description of Corrective Action:
The district will conduct an annual self-evaluation of programming related to ensuring
equal access. The process will be developed during the course of this year through
examination of procedures used by other districts and/or exemplars that may be
available, with an expectation that we will be able to review the proposed process and
initial data at our administrative summer retreat in August of 2014.
Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Todd Curtis, Assistant Superintendent
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Documented process in place.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
We will place the development of the process on our administrative team agenda at
regular intervals in order to provide updates and opportunities for revision and correction.
CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
Status Date: 10/17/2013
Basis for Status Decision:
*Please note that school districts must demonstrate effective resolution of noncompliance
identified by the Department as soon as possible but in no case later than one year from
the issuance of the Department's Final Program Review Report.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
The district must not wait until its summer August 2014 administrative retreat to remedy
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
The district will submit its planned scheduled dates and projected list of name(s) and
role(s) of those participating in conducting the annual self-evaluation of its K-8
programming related to ensuring equal access to all programs, including athletics and
other extracurricular activities. Please submit this to ESE by January 15, 2014. By May
30, 2014, please submit to the Department the self-evaluation results including but not
limited to data/findings of evaluations along with a narrative of administrative plans to
remedy any identified noncompliance.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
District: Sudbury Public Schools
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: English Learner Education
Prepared by: Todd Curtis / Assistant Superintendent
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: April 1, 2015
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 5 Program Placement and
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation submitted by the district indicated that ELL students at all
proficiency levels receive 60 minutes of direct ESL instruction per week at the district’s elementary
schools and 50-100 minutes per week at the district’s middle school. Current hours of ESL instruction
provided to ELLs at all proficiency levels are insufficient and, therefore, inconsistent with Department
guidelines. Please see the “Transitional Guidance on Identification, Assessment, Placement, and
Reclassification of English Language Learners August 2013” as found on
Document review indicated that the district does not have an ESL curriculum used for direct ESL
instruction or a plan to develop one that is aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and
the WIDA ELD Standards. See the Department’s WIDA English Language Development Standards
Implementation Guide (Part I) at
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
PART I - Service Time
The CPR Report of Findings notes that “current hours of instruction provided to ELLs at all proficiency
levels are insufficient and, therefore, inconsistent with Department guidelines.”
During this school year, we have taken the immediate step of adding twelve instructional hours through
an ESL tutor supervised by our single ESL teacher, while we prepare to evaluate the pattern of service
and enrollment on a longer-term basis. These hours provide more support at the elementary level from
the tutor directly, but also allow our licensed ESL teacher to see students, particularly at the middle
school, more frequently, and to collaborate with content-area teachers more frequently.
This evaluation, in particular, needs to weigh grouping strategies that would result in more time but
significant spans of age and proficiency levels against smaller groups that use less time, and assess
staffing and budgetary requirements to best meet student learning needs.
PART II - WIDA Implementation
The district’s plan for integrating the WIDA ELD standards into content area and ESL curriculum will
rely upon the guidance provided by the Department in the August 2013 publication WIDA English
Language Development Standards Implementation Guide (Part I). As noted in that publication, this is a
significant undertaking and a multi-year process, and one in which district leaders have flexibility to
develop a plan and approach for WIDA integration that reflects their local context and initiatives.
The local context in the Sudbury Public Schools includes being a low-incidence district in which less
than 1% of enrolled students qualify as English Language Learners. These students are spread across
four of our five schools in the current year, and typically enrolled in a variety of grade levels at those
different schools. The other element of district context that impacts our timeline is the recent receipt of
our Coordinated Program Review results.
In the following sections, numbers noted in parentheses refer to “strategies for developing an effective
WIDA implementation plan” described on pages 10-12 in the above-referenced document. In this 201314 school year, our work has focused on two elements:
1. Providing support to our single ELE teacher and having her access Department provided and other
professional development support to become familiar with the WIDA standards (#1, p. 10)
2. Increasing the collaboration time available for work between the ELE teacher and content area
teachers, particularly at the content-rich secondary level (#7, p. 11)
Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, the district will follow the timeline set out in the above-referenced
document and add two major items:
3. Participation in RETELL course work by a core group of SPS teachers and administrators. This will
allow us to provide the necessary training to district curriculum leaders and school administrators (#1,
#4, #10, p. 10).
4. Formal development of “a short term and a long term plan”. This plan will provide greater detail
about how to make strategic connections to our other important work such as Common Core and
Educator Evaluation (#3), along with implementing professional development for all staff (#4). This
long-term plan would cover from the 2014-15 school year through the 2018-2019 school year, modeled
after the five year process shown in the Implementation Guide.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Todd Curtis / Assistant
Corrective Action Activity: Embedded in
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Increased service time to ELL students, increased
collaboration between ELE staff and content-area teachers. Formal plan for WIDA alignment based on
evaluation conducted in item #4 above.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The assistant superintendent and ELL staff hold
monthly meetings to review the program and student progress. Larger programmatic monitoring will
take place during weekly meetings of the Central Office Cabinet.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 5
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district reported in its proposed CAP that an immediate step was taken upon the receipt of the
Coordinated Program Review results, by adding twelve instructional hours through an ESL tutor
supervised by an ESL teacher. The district also states that these hours provide more support at the
elementary level from the tutor directly. The district should note that that ESL instruction consistent
with Chapter 71A can only be delivered by an ESL licensed teacher. In case the ESL tutor who
provides ESL instruction in the elementary school is ESL licensed, please submit the license
The Department appreciates that the district is following the guidance provided by the Department in
the document “WIDA English Language Development Standards Implementation Guide (Part I)”. The
district refers to pages 10 -12 in its proposed CAP, where some helpful strategies are suggested to
develop an effective WIDA implementation plan. Such a plan is crucial to integrate the WIDA ELD
standards into content area and ESL curriculum that districts currently use for instruction. However, the
Department’s finding regarding the curriculum states that the district does not have an ESL curriculum
used for direct ESL instruction. Therefore, the district’s plan to correct the noncompliance indicated in
the Coordinated Program Review Final Report should also include a plan to develop an ESL
curriculum that is aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the WIDA ELD
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1) Please, complete district information in the attached spreadsheet labeled ELL List by school for
each ELL student in the district.
2) Submit a plan that includes information about a process for developing ESL curriculum that
integrates WIDA ELD standards as well as a plan for WIDA implementation training including
information such as WIDA training opportunities for the district staff, responsible district
staff, meeting dates, minutes and sign-in sheets as well as timelines for implementation
3) Please, submit the license information for the ESL tutor who provides ESL instruction in the
district’s elementary schools.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2014, February 15, 2015
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 16 Equitable Facilities
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: At the Curtis Middle School, staff interviews and onsite observation
revealed that English Language Education instruction is delivered in the school library while the
library is occupied with other student groups; therefore, auditory distractions are frequent.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Equitable facilities for LEP students and delivery
of ESL instruction were addressed as part of the CAP for the Civil Rights portion of our
CPR (CR23). The Department will be visiting onsite in May of 2014 to verify assurances
already submitted.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Todd Curtis / Assistant
Corrective Action Activity: Completed
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Separate, dedicated space for ELL instruction.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Continued monitoring by building administration in
conjunction with district administration. Monthly meetings of assistant superintendent and ELL staff;
general facilities planning in the context of annual budget procedures.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 16 Equitable
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: A site visit was conducted on May 23, 2014 and the ELL
classroom was moved to Room 152 and meets the standard for instructional purposes.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): N/A
Progress Report Due Date(s): No further progress reports are required for this criterion.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 17 Program Evaluation
Rating: Not Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Interviews indicate the district does not evaluate the effectiveness of its
ELL programs and services. No program evaluation materials were submitted as evidence of
compliance for this criterion.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The district reviews the effectiveness of its ELE
program in the context of larger reviews of the effectiveness of all programs. The district
is developing a more complete self-evaluation process related to the CAP for the Civil
Rights portion of our CPR (CR25). This will assist us in evaluating the participation of LEP
students in other elements of the educational program.
In addition to that process, the district will examine achievement data specific to ELL
students. These activities include:
1. Reviews of student data of ELE assessments such as WIDA
2. Reviews of student MCAS data, including comparisons to non-LEP peers
3. Reviews of local student achievement data, such as F&P reading assessments
delivered in the SEI environment.
The district monitors student progress through monthly meetings between the assistant
superintendent, who oversees ELE programming, and ELE teaching staff, as well as
through school-level reviews of student achievement data conducted by school
administrators and teaching staff.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Todd Curtis / Assistant
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity: Ongoing. Current
school year progress reviewed beginning with
yearend local data in June 2014, supplemented
by state (MCAS) data in fall 2014.
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Written report specifically directed at ELL
achievement, to be produced by assistant superintendent no later than April 1, 2015.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Monthly meetings between assistant superintendent
and ELL staff.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 17 Program
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district outlined plans to examine achievement data
specific to ELL students. The planned activities include:
1. Reviews of student data of ELE assessments such as WIDA
2. Reviews of student MCAS data, including comparisons to non-LEP peers
3. Reviews of local student achievement data, such as F&P reading assessments delivered in the
SEI environment.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit copies of agendas, meeting minutes and
sign-in sheets where discussions of ELL student achievement take place. Submit these along with an
outline of the planned ELL Evaluation Tool by December 1, 2014. Submit the results of the selfevaluation process employed by the district to the DESE by February 15, 2015.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
December 1, 2014, February 15, 2015
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services
Sudbury CPR Corrective Action Plan