Program Quality Assurance Services
Charter School or District: Somerset
CPR Onsite Year: 2010-2011
Program Area: Special Education
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance
corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance
of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 09/22/2011.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 09/21/2012
Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report
SE 3
SE 9
Criterion Title
Special requirements for determination of specific learning
Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of
documentation to parent
CPR Rating
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 3 Special requirements for determination of specific learning
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
The record review indicates that when the Team creates a written determination as to
whether or not the student has a specific learning disability, not all members of the Team
are signing the form.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Somerset School District is responding the DESE report dated September 29, 2011,
requesting the necessary documentation pertaining to partial implementation of SE 3.
Somerset is acknowledging that not all members have signed off on the Specific Learning
Disability (SLD) forms when the Team has created a written determination as to whether
or not the student has a specific learning disability. The team considers the needs of each
individual student while making recommendation. This documentation is recorded and
discussed at the special education department meetings and the superintendent?s
advisory council meetings.
Somerset will continue to monitor to assure that all members have signed off on the
Specific Learning Disability (SLD) forms when the Team has created a written
determination as to whether or not the student has a specific learning disability. The team
considers the needs of each individual student while making recommendation. This
documentation is recorded and discussed at the special education department meetings
and the superintendent?s advisory council meetings.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
The Director and the special education coordinators will oversee
this corrective action process.
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Random SLD forms will be selected and reviewed to ascertain if all team members signed
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
When a student suspected of having a specific learning disability is evaluated, the Team
creates a written determination as to whether or not he or she has a specific learning
disability, which is signed by all members of the Team, or if there is disagreement as to
the determination, one or more Team members must document their decision.
Rating: Partially Implemented
The Somerset School District is responding the DESE report dated September 29, 2011,
requesting the necessary documentation pertaining to partial implementation of SE 3.
In response to the corrective action, the special education director, this administrator,
enlisted the special education department during February 2011 and provided the
necessary training to assure that the team members all sign off on the SLD form when
determining a specific learning disability of an eligible student. The trainings will continue
throughout the year to remind staff to remember to complete the necessary
A re-training with the Superintendent Adminstrative Council (SAC) occurred with all
building principals on April 7, 2011 to review the importance of all team members'
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
signatures on the specific learning disability forms.
Somerset began the SE 3 re-training sessions during the special education department
meeting on February 15, 2011 and another re-training session occurred on April 26,
2011. A follow up review meeting occurred on October 18, 2011.
The special education department will receive bi- monthly re-training in this area by the
special education director regarding the importance of including the required signed
specific learning disability forms and observation along documentation of the relationships
between behavior observed and the child?s academic functioning. The staff is informed
that all documentation in this regard is to be completed in full and remain in the
student?s file. The meeting dates are: October 18, 2011, December 6, 2011, January 24,
2012, March 6, 2012 and June 5, 2012.
1. The special education director will conduct an internal monitoring system and maintain
the following
Documentation of the record review which will be available to the Department upon
request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of
the review; c) Name of person(s) who
conducts the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
2. Three records from the beginning, middle, and end of the alphabet and one random
record will be chosen to review for evidence of all required signatures on the SLD forms
will be elicited from all team members. A random number of records (5-10) will be
selected from the 435 IEPS in the district to determine if all team member signatures
were documented with 100% compliance by August 2011. The selected signed SLD Forms
will be submitted to DESE by December 2011, April 2012 and August 2012.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 3 Special requirements for
Status Date: 11/29/2011
determination of specific learning
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district indicated that training has been provided on the special requirements for
determination of a specific learning disability and the district will monitor the
requirements of this criterion throughout the school year.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
By January 30, 2012, submit evidence of staff training, including signed attendance
sheets, agenda and training materials specific to the requirements of SE 3.
By April 30, 2012, submit the results of an internal review of records for those records in
which a student was suspected of having a SLD and was evaluated since the training.
Submit the number of records reviewed, the number in compliance with all members of
the Team signing the form and for any records out of compliance submit the specific
corrective action taken.
The district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the
Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records
reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with
their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 9 Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of
Partially Implemented
documentation to parent
Department CPR Findings:
The record review and interviews indicate that the district does not consistently meet the
45-day timeline for determining eligibility and providing either the proposed IEP and
proposed placement or a written explanation of the finding of no eligibility to the parent.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Somerset special education director is in the process of tightening up the procedures
for adhering to all evaluation timelines with the Somerset special education department
and outside evaluators. This includes the South Coast Educational Collaborative(SCEC)
evaluators for psychiatric, clinical, speech, OT, APE, and PT evaluations along with timely
IEPS for all students serviced by the Collaborative providers.
A memo was sent on October 3, 2011 to all principals, private school providers and
Collaborative providers when they do not meet the timelines. The in-house evaluators
have been informed at every special education department meeting and the
Superintendent Advisory Council meeting to assure Central Office that they are making
every effort to adhere to the timelines. Please see attached memo for evaluation and IEP
timeline form for overdue documents along with timeline schedules for all evaluators.
1. Somerset will continue to provide re-training with South Coast Educational
Collaborative during the middle management meeting on April 13, 2011, September and
October 2011 at South Coast Collaborative with the Executive Director, program directors
along with the supervisor of related service evaluators.
2. A re-training session occurred on April 7, 2011 with all principals of the
Superintendent?s Advisory Council at Central Office.
3. A re-training occurred on April 26, 2011 with the special education department.
Sign in sheets are provided of these events.
Re: Reevaluation Process Guidelines were revised 10/03/11
South Coast Educational Collaborative related service providers will follow the
documentation of Somerset?s Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 that was
forwarded to all providers:
1. All SCEC Related Services staff working in Somerset district schools will be given a
copy of the Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 with emphasis on the 30-day due
date for Evaluations.
2. The Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 will be reviewed at monthly staff
meetings as follows:
ST Meeting 10/11/11
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
PT Meeting 10/18/11
APE Meeting 10/25/11
OT Meeting 11/01/11
3. All SCEC Related Services staff working in Somerset district schools will sign off that
they have been participating in service on the Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11.
4. SCEC will establish an internal tracking system to ensure that Evaluations are
completed within the 30-day time line.
The Somerset District keeps an ongoing tracking sheet to track all state mandated IEP
timelines( initial, reevaluation, provision of IEP, etc) are adhered to the 45 day timeline.
When a student is referred, the district sends out referral consent form within five days.
This date is tracked in the log. The special education office reviews the tracking sheet on
a daily basis.
Timeline calendars are issued at the beginning of each school year to all providers and
evaluators. These timeline calendars include a 30 day evaluation completion and 45
timeline for the team meeting to take place. (See attached calendars)
A root cause to this issue isThe special education coordinators were asked to assist in monitoring up timeline
procedures on October 18,2011. in order to provide a more efficient check and balance
system. The district has doubled the number of IEPS within the last four years and the
special education department has not hired any additional clerical staff to assist with this
additional demand for this monitoring process.
October 24, 2011, the district submitted documentation of the revised procedure on the
timeline process.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
The Director of Special Education, special adminstrative
assistant, and special ed coordinators.
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
A memo was sent to all principals, private school providers and Collaborative providers
when they do not meet the timelines. The in-house evaluators have been informed at
every special education department meeting and the Superintendent Advisory Council
meeting to assure Central Office that they are making every effort to adhere to the
timelines. Please see attached memo for evaluation and IEP timeline form for overdue
documents along with timeline schedules for all evaluators.
1. Somerset will continue to provide re-training with South Coast Collaborative during the
middle management meeting on April 13, 2011, September and October 2011 at South
Coast Collaborative with the Executive Director, program directors along with the
supervisor of related service evaluators.
2. A re-training session occurred on April 7, 2011 with all principals of the
Superintendent?s Advisory Council at Central Office.
3. A re-training occurred on April 26, 2011 with the special education department.
Sign in sheets are provided of these events.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Re: Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11
South Coast Educational Collaborative related service providers will follow the
documentation of Somerset?s Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 that was
forwarded to all providers:
1. All SCEC Related Services staff working in Somerset district schools will be given a
copy of the Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 with emphasis on the 30-day due
date for Evaluations.
2. The Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 will be reviewed at monthly staff
meetings as follows:
ST Meeting 10/11/11
PT Meeting 10/18/11
APE Meeting 10/25/11
OT Meeting 11/01/11
3. All SCEC Related Services staff working in Somerset district schools will sign off that
they have been participating in service on the Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11.
4. SCEC will establish an internal tracking system to ensure that Evaluations are
completed within the 30-day time line.
Re: Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11
South Coast Educational Collaborative related service providers will follow the
documentation of Somerset's Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 that was
forwarded to all providers:
1. All SCEC Related Services staff working in Somerset district schools will be given a
copy of the Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 with emphasis on the 30-day due
date for Evaluations.
2. The Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11 will be reviewed at monthly staff
meetings as follows:
ST Meeting 10/11/11
PT Meeting 10/18/11
APE Meeting 10/25/11
OT Meeting 11/01/11
3. All SCEC Related Services staff working in Somerset district schools will sign off that
they have been participating in service on the Reevaluation Process Guidelines 10/03/11.
4. SCEC will establish an internal tracking system to ensure that Evaluations are
completed within the 30-day time line.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Re: Reevaluation Process Guidelines were revised and distributed to all special education
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
staff on 10/03/11 and is attached as an additional document.
The special education department will receive bi- monthly re-training in this area by the
special education director regarding the importance of adhering to the 45 day timelines.
The staff is informed that all documentation in this regard is to be completed in full and
remain in the student?s file. The meeting dates are: October 18, 2011, December 6,
2011, January 24, 2012, March 6, 2012 and June 5, 2012.
1. The special education director will conduct an internal monitoring system and maintain
the following:
Documentation of the record review which will be available to the Department upon
request: a) List of student names, a list of when the consent was signed on all initial and
re-evaluation consent forms and then, the dates of the team meetings, student grade
levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who
conducts the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
2. Three records from the beginning, middle, and end of the alphabet will be selected at
random for evidence to determine if all timelines are in compliance. A random number of
records (5-10) will be selected from the 435 IEPS in the district to determine if all
timelines were adhered with 100% compliance by August 2012. The selected timelines
will be submitted to DESE by December 2011, April 2012 and August 2012.
1. Evidence of training (agendas, sign in sheets, training materials) for all district special
staff on the requirements of timeline adherence will be included.
2. Conduct a second internal review and report the following:
a. to identify the root causes of continued non-compliance, if found.
b. to report the specific corrective action taken, if needed, to ensure all student files are
in compliance.
By December 15, 2011, the district will conduct an internal review at the South, Wilbur,
North and Chace Street Elementary Schools, the Somerset Middle School, and the
Somerset Berkley Regional High School to report the following:
-The number of students referred for evaluations after June 1, 2011 (initial and
-The number of files in compliance with the required timelines for eligibility
-Identify the root causes of continued non-compliance, and specific actions the district
will take to address the non compliance, if found
Internal monitoring will continue to occur by special education administrator. The tracking
log must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department
upon request:
a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed
b) Date of the review
c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 9 Timeline for determination of
Status Date: 11/29/2011
eligibility and provision of documentation
to parent
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district submitted the revised timeline procedures and evidence of staff training,
including the signed attendance sheets, 30/45 day calendar and memos sent to staff
regarding the requirements for SE 9.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
By April 30, 2012, submit a report of an internal review of records in which an initial or
re-evaluation was conducted since the training. Submit the number of records reviewed,
the number of records in compliance with the 45-day timeline and provision of
documentation to the parent, and for any records not in compliance submit the specific
corrective action taken with regard to each record.
The district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the
Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records
reviewed b) Date of the review c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with
their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Charter School or District: Somerset Public School District
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: Civil Rights
Prepared by: Somerset Public Schools/Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D.
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: September 21, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 7 Information to be translated
Rating: Partially Implemented
into languages other than English
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district has not
established a system of translation or oral interpretation to assist parents/guardians with
limited English skills, including those who speak low-incidence languages.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will continue to formalize procedures and protocols for translation and oral
interpretation services through a district ELL resource guide. This guide will contain translated
documents and local resources/organizations that provide translation/oral interpretation
services. This guide will be distributed to all principals for review at the building level.
Currently, the district uses world languages staff to translate documents into Spanish and
Portuguese. The district will identify local community organizations that provide translation
services. In addition, the district will use outside vendors/services that provide specialized
translation services for district communications and parent notices.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D, Director of
District Resource Guide of ELL Translation
and Interpretation Services, K-12 (completed
by January 1, 2012)
Building Principals
Guidance/Student Services Staff
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Completion and distribution of District ELL Resource Guide to building principals; review of
resource guide with appropriate staff at the building level; review of minutes/faculty meetings in
which staff are advised of current procedures/protocols related to translation/interpretation
services for parents/guardians with limited English skills; review of translated documents
distributed to parents/guardians
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Implementation of district ELL resource guide at building-level; review of communications
pertaining to dissemination of information contained in resource guide for parents/guardians
with limited English speaking skills; interviews with appropriate staff and their knowledge and
understanding of district resource guide as it relates assisting parents with limited English skills;
review of ELL student records with parent/guardian communications.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 7 Information to be
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
translated into languages other than
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 30, 2012, submit the District Resource Guide
of ELL Translation and Interpretation Services and evidence of staff training (agendas and sign-in
sheets) on the procedures for translation or oral interpretation to assist parents/guardians with limited
English skills.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 30, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 17A Use of physical restraint
Rating: Partially Implemented
on any student enrolled in a publicly-funded education
Department CPR Finding: A review of documentation indicated that the district does not
consistently conduct training for all staff on the use of physical restraint within the first month of each
school year.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district developed a comprehensive training resource for all staff focusing on annual state
and federal mandated training requirements. Training was provided through a district
PowerPoint presentation for each grade span (PK-5; 6-8; 9-12). Delivery of training content was
consistent across the district. Training topics included civil rights responsibilities, a review of
crisis prevention intervention procedures and physical restraint regulations, 51A reporting,
confidential student records, bullying prevention and intervention plan, and review of the district
crisis response manual. This training was conducted during the first month of the school year (K12 staff on September 9, 2011 and remaining staff on October 5, 2011). Training will take
continue to take place within the first month of each school year, and will be provided to new
staff as they enter the district.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Richard W. Medeiros, Superintendent
Annual State and Federal Mandated
Susan Doe, Director of Special Education
Training (completed September 8. 2011 and
Bradford R. Smith, Director of Curriculum
October 5, 2011)
Building Principals
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Development of PowerPoint presentation on Annual State and Federal Mandated Training;
implementation of training at each grade span (PK-5; 6-8; 9-12); receipt of attendance/sign-in
sheets; receipt of individual sign-in sheets
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
On-going review and discussion of training topics by principals at the building level; providing
training resources/PowerPoint to new staff as they enter district; continuous review of state and
federal mandated training topics and policies at the district and school level.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 17A Use of physical
Status of Corrective Action:
restraint on any student enrolled in a
Partially Approved
publicly-funded education program
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Since it appears that not all staff were trained within the
first month of the school year, submit evidence of physical restraint training, including the agenda and
sign-in sheets, for staff from each level that were not present for the September and October 2011
physical restraint training sessions. Include any staff hired after the October 2011 training session.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 30, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Charter School or District: Somerset Public School District
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: English Learner Education
Prepared by: Somerset Public Schools/Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D.
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 5 Program Placement and
Rating: Partially Implemented
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Department CPR Finding: Sheltered English immersion (SEI) is a program model for limited
English proficient (LEP) students composed of two parts—English as a second language
(ESL) and sheltered content instruction. ESL is explicit, direct instruction about the English
language, delivered to LEP students only and designed to promote the English language
development of LEP students. Sheltered content instruction is an approach for teaching
content to LEP students in strategic ways that make the subject matter concepts
comprehensible while promoting the LEP students’ English language development.
Somerset is a low incidence district. The district reported having a few English language
learners (ELLs) enrolled in its elementary schools and no ELLs enrolled in the middle school
and high school.
A review of documents submitted indicates that the district did not provide an ESL curriculum.
Also, it is evident that ELLs are not receiving sheltered content instruction, as no teacher has
completed all of the required categories of SEI professional development focusing on the skills
and knowledge necessary for sheltering instruction, as described in the Commissioner’s
Memorandum of June 2004. See also ELE 15.
In addition, the district indicates that ELLs are receiving services only from classroom
teachers and support staff. Therefore, ELLs are not receiving any direct ESL instruction as
recommended in the Department’s 2009 guidance document: “Guidance on Using MEPA
Results to Plan Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Instruction and Make Reclassification
Decisions for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students.” The recommended ESL
instructional hours per English proficiency level are as follows: 2.5 hours per day (or 12.5
hours a week) to a full day for levels 1 and 2; 1-2 hours per day (or 5-10 hours a week) for
level 3; and 2.5 hours per week for levels 4 and 5. The district’s plan to address the hours of
English language development instruction does not take into consideration the student’s
English language proficiency level.
Due to the lack of classroom teachers who are appropriately trained to shelter content and the
lack of appropriate levels of ESL instruction provided to English language learners, the
district is not offering a program that meets the requirements of Chapter 71A.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will focus on the following activities as it relates to program placement and
SEI Training:
Elementary SEI Training: Provide Category 3 and 4 SEI training for elementary staff at the
district’s ELL site (South Elementary School).
 Provide Category 3 and 4 training to ELL cohort teachers who have completed Category I
and 2 training
 Category 4 training for elementary teachers is planned for November 2011 to January
2012. This will include cohort teachers at K-5 ELL site (South Elementary School);
Training will be provided by New England Equity Assistance Center (NEEAC) at Brown
University (Providence, RI). Completed by February 1, 2012.
 Category 3 training (MELA-O) will be provided for ELL cohort at South Elementary
School by June 30, 2012. Training will be provided by district’s QMT.
 ELL cohort at South Elementary School expected to complete all four categories of SEI
training by June 30, 2012.
Middle School SEI Training: Continue to expand Category 1 and II SEI training to ELL cohort
in grades 6-8:
 Provide Category I and II training to ELL cohort by August 30, 2012. Training to be
provided by various SEI providers. Provide Category II training once Category I training
has been completed.
High School SEI Training: Provide Category I and II training to ELL cohort in grades 9-12
 Provide Category I training to grades 9-12 cohort by June 30, 2012.
 Provide Category II training to teachers who have completed Category I training
(completed by August 30, 2012)
ESL Curriculum:
Elementary: Develop initial ESL curriculum guide/map for grades K-5, incorporating ELPBO
for English Language Learners by August 30, 2012, for first phase of implementation during
2012-2013 school year. Form K-5 curriculum development team, including teachers who
completed all four categories of SEI training. Consult with NEEAC/Brown University re:
curriculum development.
Middle School: Develop initial ESL curriculum guide/map by August 30, 2013
High School: Develop initial ESL curriculum guide/map by August 30, 2014.
ESL Instruction:
Elementary: Hire ESL Teacher for ELL site (South Elementary School). Continue to post for
applicants and hire ESL teacher who meets program requirements. Completion date 2011-2012
school year-TBD.
Middle Level: Once ESL teacher has been appointed and instructional needs have been
addressed at K-5 ELL site, extend ESL instructional support to Middle School, as needed.
Completion date 2011-2012 school year-TBD.
High School: Coordinate with Regional School District on hiring ESL teacher to provide
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
ESL instruction, as needed. Completion date June 30, 2013.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation:Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D.,
Director of Curriculum
Building Principals
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
SEI Training, K-5: Category 3 and 4 for
cohort at ELL site at South Elementary
School (completed by June 30, 2012)
SEI Training. GR 6-12; Category I for
cohort at Middle School (completed by June
30, 2012); Provide Category II training for
teachers who completed Category I training
(completed by December 1, 2012)
High School: Category I for cohort at High
School (completed by June 30, 2012)
ESL Curriculum: Initial curriculum
guide/map for grades K-5 completed by
August 30, 2012
ESL Curriculum: Initial curriculum
guide/map for grades 6-8 completed by
August 30, 2013
ESL Curriculum: Initial curriculum
guide/map for grades 9-12 completed by
August 30, 2014.
ESL Instruction, K-8: Hire ESL teacher for
K-5 ELL site and middle school (2011-2012
school year-date TBD).
Phase in ESL instructional support at high
school by June 30, 2013.
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
SEI Training: Completion of training/attendance sheets; documentation of learning products
and participant feedback; issuance of training certificates/professional development points.
ESL Curriculum: Review of curriculum products/attendance sheets. Review of curriculum
guides/maps as it relates to district’s curriculum review and revision plan (through 2103)
ESL Instruction: Review of ESL teacher performance tasks and responsibilities at elementary
and middle levels. Review of feedback/input from building principals and ESL teacher. Review
of student schedules/learning plans as it relates to ELD instruction received.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
SEI Training: Monitor completion of SEI training at K-5 ELL site, Middle School and High
School according to timelines established; monitoring SEI PD with building principals.
ESL Curriculum: Monitor completion of ESL curriculum guides/maps at elementary, middle
and high school level (August 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively)
ESL Instruction: Monitor initial implementation of ELD instruction received at elementary and
middle level by ESL licensed teacher; to be phased in at High School level—date TBD.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 5 Program Placement
and Structure
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district committed to a schedule of SEI
professional development. Please see changes to SEI professional development at
The district also committed to creating ESL curriculum guides/maps, for all three grade levels,
with elementary, middle and high school being completed in August 2012, August 2013 and
August 2014, respectively. This is not a sufficient timeline for the completion of an ESL
curriculum, as it contemplates almost three years since the non-compliance issue was
identified before it will be remedied (on-site visit was November 2010; report was issued
September 2011). Further, since the CAP was submitted, Massachusetts has become a
member of the WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) consortium. The
implementation of WIDA includes new English language proficiency standards to which the
curricula of schools should be aligned.
The district states that it will hire an ESL teacher for the elementary ELL site (South
Elementary School) during the 2011-12 school year and that once an ESL teacher has been
appointed and instructional needs have been addressed at K-5 ELL site, it will extend ESL
instructional support to Middle School, as needed during the 2011-2012 school year. The
district further stated that it would coordinate with the Regional School District on hiring an
ESL teacher to provide ESL to high school ELLs. It is not clear from the proposed CAP when
ESL will be provided to high school ELLs.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Provide the Department with the plan for making the SEI cohort training available to the core
academic teachers of ELLs and the building administrators who supervise such teachers and to
arrange for the participation of such teachers and administrators in the training.
Provide the Department with the district’s new ESL/ELD curriculum, which should be aligned
with all Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (e.g., English/Language Arts, mathematics,
science, social studies) and the WIDA English language development standards.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Provide the Department with evidence that all ELL students, including those at the middle and
high school, receive sufficient ESL instruction, consistent with the students’ levels of English
proficiency and Department guidance
Provide evidence that all ESL teachers hold appropriate licensure.
Provide ALL of the above by January 30, 2013.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
By April 12, 2013 provide a report of the monitoring of the following:
1. The status of implementation of the plan for making SEI cohort training available to
the core academic teachers of ELLs and the building administrators who supervise
2. The implementation of the new ESL/ELD Curriculum, which should be aligned with
all Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (e.g., English/Language Arts, mathematics,
science, social studies) and the WIDA English language development standards.
3. A review of ELL student records at all levels, elementary, middle and high school, in
order to determine implementation of sufficient hours of ESL instruction, consistent
with students’ levels of English proficiency.
4. A review of ESL teacher licensure, to ensure that all ESL teachers hold appropriate
educator licenses.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of the student names
and grade level for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted
the review, their role(s), and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 30, 2013; April 12, 2013
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 8 Declining Entry to a
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation indicates that the district does not have procedures
pertaining to opting-out of an English learner education (ELE) program and instead
submitted waiver procedures and forms for this criterion.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district has developed a parent/guardian letter pertaining to “opting-out” of the English
Langauge Learner program. This letter provides parents the opportunity to decline their child’s
entry into the ELL program, including procedures/protocols for opting out and a consent form
that documents the parent/guardians decision. The district will make arrangements with the
world languages staff to translate the “opt-out” letters into Spanish and Portuguese. The district
will use an outside vendor/service to translate the letter into other languages.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Bradford R, Smith, Ph.D.
Revised “Opt-Out” letter (for
implementation during 2011-2012 school
Building Principals
year, formalized by December 1, 2011)
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Distribution of parent/guardian “opt-out” letter template to building ELL liaisons/principals;
inclusion of parent/guardian “opt-out” letter in district ELL resource guide; review of
parent/guardian “opt-out” letters in ELL student record files at building level; copies of
parent/guardian letters sent.
Documentation submitted: Revised parent/guardian “opt-out” letter (ELE 8)
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Monitoring issuance of parent/guardian “opt-out” letters at building level; review of ELL
student record files pertaining to parent communications,
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 8 Declining Entry to a
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district submitted appropriate opt-out procedures; see
Progress Reporting requirements for ELE 10 regarding the content of the parent notification letter.
Progress Report Due Date(s): None
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 9 Instructional Grouping
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: It is not clear from the documentation submitted if ELLs are
grouped to receive ESL instruction. If ELLs are grouped, the district did not specify the
criteria used to group them.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district is in the process of formalizing SEI training in all four categories at the district’s K-5
ELL site (South Elementary School) for cohort teachers. The anticipated date of completion is
June 30, 2011. The district is in the process of posting a job vacancy for an ESL licensed teacher
for the K-5 ELL site (South Elementary) and the middle school (Anticipated appointment during
2011-2012 school year-date TBD). The district will develop an ESL curriculum guide/map
incorporating the ELPBO for English Language Learners for grades K-5 by August 30, 2012.
This curriculum guide/map will include information on instructional grouping practices for ELL
students (early intermediate, intermediate, transitioning) as it relates to ELL learning standards,
instructional strategies and assessment. The district will consult with NEEAC/Brown University
in developing ESL curriculum guide/map and articulating instructional grouping practices.
Formalized ESL curriculum guides/maps for Middle School and High School to be completed by
August 30, 2013 and 2014 respectively.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Bradford R. Smith. Ph.D.
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
K-5 ESL curriculum guide/map to include
information on ELL instructional grouping
practices (August 30, 2012)
ESL licensed teacher to provide ELD
instruction, K-8 (2011-2012 school year-date
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Development of K-5 ESL curriculum guide/map containing information on instructional
grouping practices; implementation of ESL curriculum map/guide during 2012-2013 school year;
hiring of ESL licensed teacher to provide ELD instruction at K-5 ELL site and middle school.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Monitoring development of K-5 ESL curriculum guide/map as it relates to district curriculum
review and revision plan (through 2013); review of curriculum guide/map for information on
instructional grouping practices for ELL students.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 9 Instructional
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district’s proposed CAP does not sufficiently
address the finding about instructional grouping for ESL and does not propose sufficient
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Provide the Department with the following:
 List of ELL students and English proficiency levels.
 List of ESL instructional groups, including initials of students, proficiency levels and grade
Provide the above by January 30, 2013.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Provide the report of internal monitoring of ELL schedules in order to ensure appropriate instructional
grouping by April 12, 2013.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of the student names
and grade level for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted
the review, their role(s), and signature(s).
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 30, 2013; April 12, 2013
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 10 Parental Notification
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation indicates that the parent notification letter does not
include all of the required elements. Specifically, the parent notification letter does not include
the child’s level of English proficiency, the program placement and/or the method of
instruction used in the program, and the parent’s right to apply for a waiver or to decline to
enroll their child in the program.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district has revised the parent notification letter (Grades K-1; 2-12) to indicate the child’s
level of language proficiency. This includes specific assessment data based on the Pre-LAS, LAS
R/W/O* and MEPA/MELA-O results. The letter further clarifies the method of instruction used
and the parent’s right to apply for a waiver and to decline entry into a program. The district will
make arrangements with world languages staff to translate parent notification letter into Spanish
and Portuguese. The district will use an outside vendor/service to translate the letter into other
* LAS: Language Assessment System-Oral/Reading/Writing (CTB/McGraw Hill)
Documentation submitted: Revised parent/guardian notification letters, K-1; GR 2-12 (ELE 10)
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D.
Revised parent notification letter (for
implementation during 2011-2012 school
Building Principals
year; formalized by December 1, 2011)
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Distribution of parent/guardian notification template to building ELL liaisons/principals;
inclusion of parent/guardian notification letter in district ELL resource guide; review of
parent/guardian notification letters in ELL student record files at building level; copies of letters
sent to parents/guardians.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Monitoring issuance of parent/guardian notification letters at building level; monitoring ELL
student record files pertaining to parent communications at building level,
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 10 Parental
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The parental notification letter does not include the
parent’s right to apply for a waiver.
Department Order of Corrective Action: Revise the parent notification letter to include the parent’s
right to apply for a waiver.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 30, 2013 submit to the Department a revised
parent notification letter that includes all required elements, specifically the parent’s right to apply for a
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 30, 2013
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Rating: Partially Implemented
Programs and Services
Department CPR Finding: A review of the documentation indicated that classroom teachers
are not sufficiently trained in sheltering English content. Therefore, students with limited
English proficiency are not taught to the same academic standards and curriculum as all
students and are not provided with the same opportunities to master such standards.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
In order to provide LEP students access to same academic standards and curriculum as all
students, the district will continue to expand SEI training at the elementary, middle level and
high school level, as follows:
Elementary SEI Training: Provide Category 3 and 4 SEI training for elementary staff at the
district’s ELL site (South Elementary School).
 Provide Category 3 and 4 trainng to ELL cohort teachers who have completed Category I
and 2 training
 Category 4 training for elementary teachers is planned for November 2011 to January
2012. This will include cohort teachers at district K-5 ELL site (South Elementary School)
Training will be provided by New England Equity Assistance Center (NEEAC) at Brown
University (Providence, RI)
 Category 3 training (MELA-O) will be provided for ELL cohort at South Elementary
School by June 30, 2012. Training will be provided by district’s QMT.
 ELL cohort at South Elementary School is expected to complete all four categories of SEI
training by June 30, 2012.
Middle School SEI Training: Continue to expand Category 1 and II SEI training to ELL cohort
in grades 6-8:
 Provide Category I and II training to grades 6-8 cohort by August 30, 2012. Training
provided by various SEI vendors. Provide Category II training to teachers who have
completed Category I training.
High School SEI Training: Provide Category I and II training to ELL cohort teachers in grades
 Provide Category I training to grades 9-12 cohort by June 30, 2012; provide Category II
training to teachers who completed Category I training (completed by August 30, 2012).
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D.
Building Principals
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
SEI Training, K-5: Category 3 and 4 for
cohort teachers at ELL site at South
Elementary School (completed by June 30,
SEI Training, GR 6-12: Category I for
cohort at Middle School (completed by June
30, 2012); Provide Category II training for
teachers who completed Category I training
(completed by December 1, 2012)
High School: Category I for cohort at High
School (completed by June 30, 2012)
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
SEI Training: Completion of training/attendance sheets; documentation of learning products
and participant feedback; issuance of training certificates/professional development points.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
SEI Training: Monitoring completion of SEI training at K-5 ELL site, Middle School and High
School according to timelines established; monitoring SEI PD with building principals.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 11 Equal Access to
Academic Programs and Services
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See ELE 5.
Department Order of Corrective Action: See ELE 5.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See ELE 5.
Progress Report Due Date(s): See ELE 5.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 14 Licensure Requirements
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: While the district has a licensed ESL teacher (preK-6) on staff, the
teacher’s role was not clarified as the district indicated that students receive services only
from classroom teachers and support staff.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district is continuing to post an announcement/vacancy for an ESL licensed teacher for the
K-5 ELL site (South Elementary) and the middle school. The district will expand strategies to
increase the pool of ESL certified applicants. The district will continue to search for an
appropriately licensed ESL teacher to provide ELD instruction to LEP students, grades K-8.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D.
Hiring ESL licensed teacher for 2011-2012
school year (Date TBD)
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Hiring of ESL licensed teacher for K-5 ELL site (South Elementary School) and middle school;
formal implementation of instructional tasks and responsibilities at building level.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Monitoring performance tasks and responsibilities of ESL teacher at K-5 ELL site and middle
school; on-going review by building principals and ELA Content Coordinator (grades 6-8).
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 14 Licensure
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See ELE 5.
Department Order of Corrective Action: See ELE 5.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See ELE 5.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Progress Report Due Date(s): See ELE 5.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 15 Professional Development Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: The district does not have any teachers that have completed all four
required categories of SEI professional development focusing on the skills and knowledge necessary
for sheltering instruction, as described in the Commissioner’s Memorandum of June 2004. Based on a
list of teachers provided by the district it is evident that more than one teacher per school, including
kindergarten, had completed Category 1 of SEI PD training with some exception. In grades 3-5 only
one teacher per grade had completed Category I, but no teacher in first grade had done so. The list
also showed that few teachers had completed Category 2. The district is planning to have all teachers
complete training in sheltered content, however, implementation dates were not documented.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will focus training in all four categories of SEI professional development at the K-5
ELL site (South Elementary School). This will include Category 3 and 4 trainings for the 20112012 school year. Category 4 training will be provided by NEEAC/Brown University. Category 3
training will be provided by district QMT.
The district’s SEI PD implementation timeline for 2011-2012 is as follows:
 Category 4 ELL training (planned for November 2011 to January 2012 for K-5 ELL
cohort at South Elementary School who have completed Category I training; this will
include 5 teachers from South Elementary School, Grades K, 2, 3, 4, 5; Grade 1 TBD)
 Category 3 MELA-O training (planned for spring 2012 for ELL cohort teachers at South
Elementary School, grades K-5)
 Category I ELL training for cohort teachers at Middle School and High School (planned
for Winter/Spring 2012; to be provided by various SEI vendors)
 Category II ELL training for cohort teachers at Middle School and High School who have
completed Category 1 training (planned for Spring/Summer/Fall 2012; to be provided by
various SEI vendors)
Refer to list of district staff who have completed SEI-PD/ELL Category trainings as of October
25, 2011.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Bradford R. Smith, Ph.D
Building Principals
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Category 4 training for cohort K-5 teachers
at district ELL site (completed by February
1, 2012)
Category 3 training for cohort K-5 teachers
at district ELL site (completed by June 30,
Category I training for additional cohort
teachers at Middle School and High School
(completed by June 30, 2012)
Category II training for cohort middle school
and high school teachers who completed
Category I training (first phase completed by
August 30, 2012; second phase by December
1, 2012)
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
SEI Training: Completion of training/attendance sheets; documentation of learning products
and participant feedback; issuance of training certificates/professional development points.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
SEI Training: Monitoring completion of SEI training at K-5 ELL site, Middle School and High
School according to timelines established; monitoring SEI PD with building principals.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 15 Professional
Development Requirements
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See ELE 5.
Department Order of Corrective Action: See ELE 5.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See ELE 5.
Progress Report Due Date(s): See ELE 5.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Somerset CPR Corrective Action Plan