Program Quality Assurance Services
Charter School or District: Melrose
CPR Onsite Year: 2010-2011
Program Area: Special Education
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance
corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance
of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 05/21/2011.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 05/21/2012
Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report
SE 1
SE 4
SE 7
Criterion Title
Assessments are appropriately selected and interpreted for
students referred for evaluation
Reports of assessment results
SE 14
Transfer of parental rights at age of majority and student
participation and consent at the age of majority
Review and revision of IEPs
SE 18A
IEP development and content
SE 29
Communications are in English and primary language of
Parent advisory council for special education
Behavioral interventions
SE 32
SE 43
CPR Rating
SE 46
SE 55
Criterion Title
Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when
suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern
has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative
days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the
Special education facilities and classrooms
CPR Rating
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 1 Assessments are appropriately selected and interpreted for
Partially Implemented
students referred for evaluation
Department CPR Findings:
Interviews and student records indicated that evaluation materials are not always
provided and administered in the language and form most likely to yield accurate
information on what the student knows and can do academically, developmentally, and
functionally. Furthermore, interviews indicated that district personnel would sometimes
begin testing in English to see how students would score first and then acquire translators
as necessary instead of determining language dominance before testing and then
determining the appropriate assessment strategy.
Description of Corrective Action:
As part of the evaluation process, the District will institute a procedure to determine
language dominance prior to conducting it's assessment in order to ensure assessments
are administered in the language most likely to yield accurate information. The District
will provide training to all Educational Team Facilitators, School Psychologists, and other
special education staff involved in conducting evaluations. The training will focus on the
importance of coordination with the ELE Staff, use of the language dominance tool, and
process for arranging for translators, if deemed appropriate.
Anticipated Results:
Staff involved in evaluating students will understand the importance of identifying
language dominance prior to beginning the assessment process. More accurate
information on the student's strengths and needs will be obtained. Student records will
contain evidence of determination of language dominance and translation, when
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The district will provide the training agenda, sign-in sheet and information on this topic
which will be included in the district's procedure manual. If a situation occurs for which
the district needs to determine language dominance or translation, an example will be
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services will monitor evaluations on a biwekly basis as part of the Education Team Facilitator's meetings.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 1 Assessments are appropriately
Status Date: 06/29/2011
selected and interpreted for students
referred for evaluation
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the district corrective action plan, however the Department has
incorporated the issues identified and provided to the district on the Student Record
Issues Worksheet into the Corrective Action Plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative description of the corrective action described in SE 1 of the Student Record
Issues Worksheet listed under Next Steps was faxed to the district on February 18, 2011.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A detailed copy of the newly developed internal
procedures for determining language dominance for LEP students prior to conducting
special education assessments. 2) Evidence of professional development, such as signed
attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for all special education staff involved in the
language dominance determination. 3) For those individual students identified by the
Department as not provided and administered assessments in the language and form
most likely to yield accurate information on what the student knows and can do
academically, developmentally, and functionally submit the following: a. The results of the
determination of language dominance for each student. b. If the determination is English
then stop- no further action is needed. c. However, if the determination is a language
other than English, provide parents with a consent form for testing completed during the
last initial/re-evaluation and provide the testing in the language most likely to yield
accurate information on what the student knows and can do academically,
developmentally and functionally. In these instances, please conduct an IEP Team
Meeting to consider the new information into the development of the student's IEP. Please
verify to the Department for these cases the date a consent form was sent, the date
consent was received, the date of the IEP meeting invitation, the date of the IEP Team
meeting and a copy of the Notice of Proposed District Action (N-1) or the Notice of School
District Refusal to Act (N-2) as evidence that IEP Teams reconvened and reviewed the
assessment results. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results. Select a sample of student records representative of elementary,
middle, and high school with the most recent IEP activity either an initial evaluation to
determine eligibility, or a reevaluation. Review the records to determine if all the
assessments selected were appropriate and considered the student's native language
needs, if any. Submit the number of student records reviewed by school level, the
number of records that complied with the requirements and for any record found in
continued noncompliance, determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide
the district's plan to remedy the identified noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance
with this criterion. The district must maintain the following documentation and make it
available to the Department onsite upon request: a) List of student names, building
names and grade levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of
the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s). This
progress report is due January 6, 2012.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 4 Reports of assessment results
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student records and interviews indicated that not all speech assessment reports contained
summaries in writing that included the procedures employed, the results, and the
diagnostic impression of the student’s needs, offering explicit means of meeting those
Description of Corrective Action:
Training will be provided to principals, educational team facilitators (ETF's), and speech
pathologists in August and September regarding the need to have more comprehensive
summaries as part of the district's speech assessments. The training for principals and
ETF's will focus on their role in reviewing speech assessments to insure that the
assessments include the procedures employed, the results, the diagnostic impression of
the student needs and specific recommendations to meet those needs. The training of
the speech pathologists will focus on their role in writing comprehensive speech
assessments to insure that the assessments include the procedures employed, the
results, the diagnostic impression of the student needs and specific recommmendations to
meet those needs.
Anticipated Results:
Comprehensive speech evaluations that will provide information that will better assist in
determining eligibility, guide more targeted goals and objectives, and provide clearer
suggestions for use in both the classroom setting and at home.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Principals, Educational Team Facilitators & Assistant
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Speech assessment summaries will include the procedures employed, the results, the
diagnostic impression of the student needs and specific recommendations to meet those
needs. The district will provide sample copies of comprehensive speech assessments.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Training for Principals and Educational Team Facilitators will be completed in August,
2011. Training for speech pathologists will be completed in September, 2011. Principals
and Educational Team Facilitators will review all speech assessments written following the
September training for the speech pathologists through December, 2011. They will
review the reports to ensure that the summaries include the procedures employed, the
results, the diagnostic impression of the student needs and specific recommendations to
meet those needs. A review of progress monitoring data will be conducted in December
2011. Individual re-training will be provided in January 2012 for any speech pathologists
who have not demonstrated the ability to complete comprehensive summaries, if needed.
If any speech pathologists require additional training, all of their speech assessments will
continue to be monitored by their principals and ETF's. All other speech assessments will
be randomly monitored through the remainder of the CAP period.
SE 4 Reports of assessment results
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 06/29/2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the District's corrective action plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) Evidence of professional development, such as signed
attendance sheets and agendas provided to all ETFs, principals and speech pathologists
regarding the need to have more comprehensive summaries as part of the district's
speech assessments. 2) Submit evidence of of comprehensive speech assessments. This
progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results. Select a sample of 10 student records representative of elementary,
middle, and high school with the most recent IEP activity either an initial evaluation to
determine eligibility, or a reevaluation. Review the records to determine whether speech
assessments contained summaries in writing that included the procedures employed, the
results, and the diagnostic impression of the student's needs, offering explicit means of
meeting those needs. Submit the number of student records reviewed by school level, the
number of records that complied with the requirements and for any record found in
continued noncompliance, determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide
the district's plan to remedy the identified noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance
with this criterion. The district must maintain the following documentation and make it
available to the Department onsite upon request: a) List of student names, building
names and grade levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of
the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s). This report
is due January 6, 2012.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 7 Transfer of parental rights at age of majority and student
Partially Implemented
participation and consent at the age of majority
Department CPR Findings:
Student records and interviews indicated that the district does not always implement
procedures to obtain consent from the student to continue the student’s special education
program upon reaching the age of majority.
Description of Corrective Action:
The District will provide training to the high school team chairperson, special education
teachers, and guidance counselors on Transfer of Parental Rights At Age of Majority and
student participation and consent at age of majority. The training will focus on specific
forms, appropriate utilization of forms, and appropriate timelines of forms.
Anticipated Results:
One year prior to the student's 18th birthday a letter will be sent to the student and
his/her parents informing them that our records indicate that the student will turn 18 on
(birthdate) and reach the age of majority in Massachusetts. This will notify them that
when the student turns 18, all rights regarding the special education services for the
student, which have been granted to the parents will transfer to him/her. It will also
indicate the procedure that needs to transpire if the student has been determined
incompetent. The Student Participation and Consent at Age of Majority will be presented
to parent(s)/guardian(s) and student on or before the 18th birthday to be filled out
appropriately. Student records will document Age of Majority in compliance with
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The District will provide the training agenda, sign-in sheets, and copies of Student
Participation and Consent of Age of Majority forms with letter sent to parent/student one
year prior to 18th birthday in relation to student's Age of Majority as documentation.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services will randomly check, at least
quarterly, student records for compliance.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 7 Transfer of parental rights at age of
majority and student participation and
Status Date: 06/29/2011
consent at the age of majority
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the district corrective action plan, however the Department has
incorporated the Student Record Issues Worksheet into the Corrective Action Plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Narrative description of the corrective action described in SE 7 of the Student Record
Issues Worksheet listed under Next Steps was faxed to the district on February 18, 2011.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A detailed narrative of the newly developed internal
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
procedures for the transfer of parental rights at age of majority and student participation
and consent at the age of majority. 2) Evidence of professional development, such as
signed attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for all high school team chairpersons
(in district and out of district), special education teachers, and guidance counselors on the
newly developed procedures regarding the requirements for the transfer of parental rights
at the age of majority and student participation and consent at the age of majority. 3) For
those individual students identified by the Department as not having documentation of
the students decision to share or delegate decision-making or a dated form when it was
documented, please provide a dated copy of the form, signed by the student, whereupon
reaching the age of 18, the student determines his/her decision as to whether to share or
delegate decision-making. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results by January 6, 2012. Select a sample of 10 high school student records
(in district and out of district) where the student recently turned 18 years old. Review the
records to determine that when a student turned 18 years old that the district documents
the student's decision to share or delegate decision-making at the age of majority. Submit
the number of student records reviewed by school level, the number of records that
complied with the requirements and for any record found in continued noncompliance,
determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide the district's plan to
remedy the identified noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The
district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the
Department onsite upon request: a) List of student names, building names and grade
levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s)
who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s). This progress report is due
January 6, 2012.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student records indicated the procedural misuse of amendments for a change in the
student’s placement.
Description of Corrective Action:
The District will provide training to all principals, educational team facilitators, school
psychologists, special education teachers and all specialists in the use of an amendment
to a student's IEP. The training will highlight the use of an amendment for minor changes
to a student's IEP, between the annual IEP meeting. The training will provide appropriate
examples, such as: language change to accommodations or reduction or increase of time
of an existing service, 1x30 mins. changed to 2X30, the appropriate forms and required
communication between the district and parent/guardians.
Anticipated Results:
The use of amendments will be for only minor changes to a student's IEP between team
meetings. Student records will document the appropriate use of amendments.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The District will provide the training agenda, sign-in sheet and examples of amendments.
The District will provide information on this topic which is included in the District's
procedure manual.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Building principals at the Early Childhood Center and elementary level will review and sign
all amendments. The Educational Team Facilitator and Special Education Administrator
will review and sign all amendments at the Middle and High School Level.
SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 06/29/2011
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the District's corrective action plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A copy of newly developed procedures regarding the
proper use of IEPs for changes in placement as well as the procedural uses/misuses of
amendments. 2) Evidence of professional development, such as signed attendance sheets
and agendas, conducted for all principals, educational team facilitators and school
psychologists in the use of an amendment to a student's IEP. This progress report is due
October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results by January 6, 2012. Select a sample of 10 student records
representative of elementary, middle, high school students who had amendments to the
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
IEP written in between annual reviews of the IEP to determine whether there were any
procedural misuses of the amendment form. Submit the number of student records
reviewed by school level, the number of records that complied with the requirements and
for any record found in continued noncompliance, determine the root cause(s) of the
noncompliance and provide the district's plan to remedy the identified noncompliance to
ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department onsite upon request: a) List of
student names, building names and grade levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of
the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 18A IEP development and content
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student records indicated that the IEPs were not always complete since Present Levels of
Educational Performance, part B (PLEP B) information, was at times not filled in for
students that are limited English proficient.
Description of Corrective Action:
The District will provide training to all principals, educational team facilitators, school
psychologists, special education teachers and all specialists on accurately completing the
Present Levels of Educational Performance, Part B (PLEP B) information section of the IEP.
In cases where the student is identified as eligible for special education services and is
identified as a limited English Proficient Student, the box indicating that they are a limited
English Proficient Student must be checked. Any implications should then be described
under PLEP B.
Anticipated Results:
PLEP B will be accurately completed. The implications of Limited English Proficiency will
be discussed, as appropriate. Student records will document compliance.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The District will provide the training, agenda, sign-in sheet and examples of accurately
completed PLEP B pages and will provide information on this topic.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services will cross-check the list of
identified Limited English Proficient students in the District with the Special Education
Registry, on a quarterly basis. Students who have had IEP meetings within that quarter
will have the PLEP B reviewed.
SE 18A IEP development and content
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
Status Date: 06/29/2011
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the district corrective action plan, however the Department has
incorporated the Student Record Issues Worksheet into the Corrective Action Plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Please include a narrative description of the corrective action for the issues described in
the Student Record Issues Worksheet that was faxed to the district on February 18, 2011.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A detailed copy of the newly developed internal
procedures for ensuring that IEPs are fully completed by staff. 2) Evidence of professional
development, such as signed attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for all special
education staff on the requirements that IEPs must always be complete including specifics
that Present Levels of Educational Performance, part B (PLEP B) information needs must
be completed for Limited English proficient students found eligible for special education
and that the goal section of the IEP must be fully completed for all students. 3) For those
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
individual students identified by the Department as not having a completed IEP submit
the following: a) A copy of the amendment of the IEP provided to parents with additional
information required on PLEP B including any additional accommodations/modifications
required in the IEP, if appropriate. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results by January 6, 2012. Select a sample of 5-10 student records
representative of elementary, middle, and high school with recently held annual or reevaluation IEP meetings. Review the records to determine that all elements of the IEP
were completed; specifically that Present Levels of Educational Performance, part B (PLEP
B) information needs was completed for Limited English proficient students found eligible
for special education. Submit the number of student records reviewed by school level, the
number of records that complied with the requirements and for any record found in
continued noncompliance, determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide
the district's plan to remedy the identified noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance
with this criterion. The district must maintain the following documentation and make it
available to the Department onsite upon request: a) List of student names, building
names and grade levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of
the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student records and interviews indicated that communications with parents are not
always provided in the primary language of the home if such primary language is other
than English.
Description of Corrective Action:
Training will be provided to principals and educational team facilitators (ETF's) regarding
the requirement of providing communication to parents in the primary language of the
home. The training will include the procedure for accessing translation services for both
written and oral translations within the district. The administrators will be provided with a
list of in-district staff, Bridge volunteers and translation companies (ie. Esped and Catholic
Charities) that are available to provide translation services.
Anticipated Results:
Parents will receive communication regarding special education procedures, programs and
services in the primary language of the home. Parents will have information to assist
them in participating in the special education process and in making informed decisions
regarding their children.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Principals, Educational Team Facilitators & Assistant
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Student records will contain evidence of translated documents. The district will provide
the training agenda and sign in sheet of participants.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Training for Principals and Educational Team Facilitators will be completed in August 2011.
Principals and Educational Team Facilitators will provide a list of students and families who
have required translation services. The Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel
Services will review a sample of those student files to document compliance through the
remainder of the CAP period (5/1/2012).
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 29 Communications are in English and
primary language of home
Status Date: 06/29/2011
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the district corrective action plan, however the Department has
incorporated the Student Record Issues Worksheet into the Corrective Action Plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Please include a narrative description of the corrective action for the issues described in
the Student Record Issues Worksheet that was faxed to the district on February 18, 2011.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please provide the following: 1) A detailed copy of the newly developed internal
procedures for determining which parents require special education translations as well as
the procedures for requesting translations including copies of any forms for this request
and who is responsible for ensuring that these requests are fulfilled. 2) Evidence of
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
professional development, such as signed attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for
all principals, educational team facilitators (ETFs) and other special education staff that
are involved in the process of obtaining translators for IEP Team meetings as well as
providing translations for all special education documentation where parents require such
translations. The training should include the following: a. ensuring that translators as IEP
team participants are documented on the sign-in sheets at IEP Team meetings; b.
ensuring that low incidence language translations are provided either orally or in written
form; c. ensuring that translations are provided for all special education documentation
sent to parents; and d. ensuring that translators are provided for IEP Team meetings
where parents have requested them. 3) For those individual students identified by the
Department whose parents had not received translations/translators as requested submit
the following: a. A narrative description of the results of the determination of language for
these students. b. If the determination for an individual student is English then stop- no
further action is needed. c. However, if the determination is a language other than
English, provide parents with all of the most recent documents provided to them in their
primary language. Please verify the provision of translated documents ( for example,
copies of translated N1 notices and the IEP or a copy of the invoice for translations. This
progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results by January 6, 2012. Select a sample of 5-10 student records
representative of elementary, middle, high school with the most recent IEP activity either
an initial evaluation to determine eligibility, a reevaluation or annual review of students
whose parents require translations/translators. Review the records to ensure whether in
all cases the following is occurring: a. translators are documented on the sign-in sheets at
IEP Team meetings; b. low incidence language translators/translations are provided either
orally or in written form; c. translations are provided for all special education
documentation sent to parents; and d. ensuring that translators are provided for IEP
meetings where parents require a translator. Submit the number of student records
reviewed by school level, the number of records that complied with the requirements and
for any record found in continued noncompliance, determine the root cause(s) of the
noncompliance and provide the district's plan to remedy the identified noncompliance to
ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department onsite upon request: a) List of
student names, building names and grade levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of
the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
SE 32 Parent advisory council for special education
Department CPR Findings:
Description of Corrective Action:
Parent Advisory Council For Special Education
Anticipated Results:
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Assistant Superintendent Of Pupil Personnel Services
CPR Rating:
Expected Date of
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
See Below
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Coordinated Program Review indicated that this criterion was implemented at the time of
the onsite review.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 32 Parent advisory council for special
Status Date: 06/29/2011
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
There was no finding for this criterion. However, the standard was erroneously included in
the Cap Summary.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
No [progress reports are necessary for this criterion.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 43 Behavioral interventions
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
See SE 46.
Description of Corrective Action:
Training will be provided to principals, educational team facilitators ( ETFs), the out of
district coordinator, school psychologists and the district's behavior specialist regarding
the requirement of developing behavior intervention plans following the completion of a
functional behavior assessment. The district will also communicate this information to the
SEEM Collaborative Administration to insure that district students who are placed at
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
SEEM, for a 45 day placement, are also provided with a behavior intervention plan
following a functional behavior assessment.
Anticipated Results:
Behavior intervention plans will be developed or modified following the completion of
functional behavior assessments. The development of behavior intervention plans will
provide teams with appropriate plans of action to address behaviors.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Principals, ETFs, the Out of District Coordinator and Assistant
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Student records will contain evidence of behavior intervention plans. The district will
provide the training agenda and sign in sheet of participants. The district will provide a
copy of information which is shared with the SEEM Collaborative.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Training for Principals, Educational Team Facilitators, Out Of District Coordinator, school
psychologists and the behavior specialist will be completed in September 2011.
Principals, Educational Team Facilitators, and/or the Out of District Coordinator will review
all functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans written following the
September training through December 2011. Principals, Educational Team Facilitators,
and/or the Out of District Coordinator will provide a list of students for whom a behavior
intervention plan was created. The Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services
will review a sample of those student files to document compliance through the remainder
of the CAP period (5/1/2012).
SE 43 Behavioral interventions
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
Status Date: 06/29/2011
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Please see SE 46.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Please see SE 46.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please see SE 46.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities
Partially Implemented
when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a
pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative
days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district
Department CPR Findings:
Student records indicated that the district conducted manifestation determinations for
students in a timely manner. However, when the district found that the behavior was a
manifestation of the disability, while the IEP Team completed a functional behavioral
assessment it did not create a behavioral intervention plan to address the behavior or
review and modify the plan if an existing one was in place.
Description of Corrective Action:
Training will be provided to principals, educational team facilitators ( ETFs), the out of
district coordinator, school psychologists and the district's behavior specialist regarding
the requirement of developing behavior intervention plans following the completion of a
functional behavior assessment. The district will also communicate this information to the
SEEM Collaborative Administration to insure that district students who are placed at
SEEM, for a 45 day placement, are also provided with a behavior intervention plan
following a functional behavior assessment.
Anticipated Results:
Behavior intervention plans will be developed or modified following the completion of
functional behavior assessments. The development of behavior intervention plans will
provide teams with appropriate plans of action to address behaviors.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Principals, ETFs, the Out of District Coordinator and Assistant
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Student records will contain evidence of behavior intervention plans. The district will
provide the training agenda and sign in sheet of participants. The district will provide a
copy of information which is shared with the SEEM Collaborative.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Training for Principals, Educational Team Facilitators, Out of District Coordinator, school
psychologists and the behavior specialist will be completed in September 2011. Principals,
Educational Team Facilitators, and/or the Out of District Coordinator will review all
functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans written following the
September training through December 2011. Principals, Educational Team Facilitators,
and/or the Out of District Coordinator will provide a list of students for whom a behavior
intervention plan was created. The Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services
will review a sample of those student files to document compliance through the remainder
of the CAP period (5/1/2012).
SE 46 Procedures for suspension of
students with disabilities when
suspensions exceed 10 consecutive
school days or a pattern has developed
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
Status Date: 06/29/2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative
days; responsibilities of the Team;
responsibilities of the district
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The Department accepts the district corrective action plan, however the Department has
incorporated the Student Record Issues Worksheet into the Corrective Action Plan.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Please include a narrative description of the corrective action for the issues described in
the Student Record Issues Worksheet that was faxed to the district on February 18, 2011.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please provide the following: 1) Evidence of professional development, such as signed
attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for all principals, educational team facilitators
( ETFs), the out of district coordinator, school psychologists and the district's behavior
specialist regarding the requirement of developing behavior intervention plans following
the completion of a functional behavior assessment. 2) For the individual student
identified by the Department whose behavior was a manifestation of his disability submit
the following: a. A copy of the behavioral intervention plan created from the information
on the functional behavioral assessment. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please conduct internal monitoring of student records and
submit the results by January 6, 2012. Select a sample of student records representative
of students sent to the SEEM collaborative as part of an interim alternative setting (IAES)
whose behavior was found to be a manifestation of their disability. Review the records to
ensure whether in all cases the IEP Team completes a functional behavioral assessment
and behavioral intervention plan if it has not already done so. Submit the number of
student records reviewed by school level, the number of records that complied with the
requirements and for any record found in continued noncompliance, determine the root
cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide the district's plan to remedy the identified
noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The district must maintain
the following documentation and make it available to the Department onsite upon
request: a) List of student names, building names and grade levels of the records
reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the
review, their role(s) and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Observations of special education facilities at the middle school indicated that the
“Alternative Program” location does not maximize the inclusion of such students into the
life of the school since the classrooms are isolated from the regular education population.
Observation of special education facilities at the Roosevelt Elementary School indicates
that special education classrooms are identified by signs such as “Special Needs Room”,
“OT/PT”, “Resource Room”, etc. that may stigmatize disabled students.
Description of Corrective Action:
A middle school special education classroom, the "Alternative Classroom" will be relocated
from the first floor for September. Signs at the Roosevelt that identify special education
programs, service or staff will be removed over the summer.
Anticipated Results:
The Alternative Classroom will be located in an area of the school that will facilitate better
access to the overall life of the school. Signs will be removed from the Roosevelt School to
minimize any possible identification or stigmatism of special education students.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Principals of the Middle School and the Roosevelt School,
Assistant Superintendent
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The district will provide a statement of assurance that the relocation of the classroom and
the signs have been completed.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services will tour the Middle School and
the Roosevelt School to ensure that the action items have been completed.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 55 Special education facilities and
Status Date: 06/29/2011
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district approves the District's corrective action plan for this criterion, however it also
requires training of all principals regarding the regulations on SE 55.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Training for principals regarding the regulation on SE 55.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) Evidence of professional development, such as signed
attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for all principals, including the middle school
principal and the Roosevelt School principal, on state and federal regulations (603 CMR
28.03(1)(b) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandating school districts
to maximize the inclusion of special education students into the life of the school, provide
the same priority as general education programs in the allocation of instructional and
other space in public schools in order to minimize the separation or stigmitation of special
education students, and ensure that classrooms and programs are not identified by signs
or other means that stigmatize such students. 2) A statement of assurance signed by the
Superintendent stating that the relocation of the classroom and the signs have been
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
completed. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
The Department will contact the district to conduct an on-site verification that the plans
have been implemented during the month of December. The district will submit for its
January 6, 2012 progress report the date of the Department's onsite visit.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
District: Melrose Public Schools
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: Civil Rights
Prepared by: Melrose Public Schools
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: April 28, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 7
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicated that important information and
documents such as handbooks, codes of conduct, report cards and most ELE documentation sent to
parents are not translated into the major languages spoken by parents or guardians with limited
English skills when parents have requested such translations.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
We have already taken steps to correct this finding by ensuring that our Home Language
Survey is translated into our district’s top 5 languages. The Home Language Survey now
has a space where families can designate their need for oral and written translations.
We are already investigating companies that will be able to provide us with translations of
our handbooks, codes of conduct, and report cards. If families do designate the need for
translated documents other than the above, we will translate whatever documents
necessary. Our Coordinator has designed a specific form for families to use for this
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: ELL Coordinator,
Corrective Action Activity: April 28, 2012
Superintendent, Business Manager
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Translated Documents (e.g., Handbooks, Codes
of Conduct, Report Cards, Translation Request Form)
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: 1) Bi-annual random survey of families requesting
translations to ensure satisfaction with our efforts in this area. 2) Annual review and inventory by the
ELL Coordinator of forms and documents requiring translation for the upcoming school year.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 7
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department requires training for all administrators.
The Department also requires an administrative review of the requirements to be conducted by the
Department Order of Corrective Action: The district needs to provide training to administrative staff
regarding the requirements for translations. The district also needs to conduct an administrative review
described below.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A detailed copy of the newly developed internal procedures for
determining which parents require translations as well as the procedures for requesting translations
including copies of any forms for this request and who is responsible for ensuring that these requests
are fulfilled. 2) Evidence of professional development, such as signed attendance sheets and agendas,
provided to principals and other district administrators on the requirements that important information
and documents must be translated into the major languages spoken by parents or guardians with limited
English skills including district procedures to provide these translators/translations. 3) A list of the
major languages of the district and a description of how the district decided upon those languages as
well as a specific list of sources and services for completing translations; including individual
translators and any outside service providers. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please submit the following by January 6, 2012: Provide the results of an
administrative review of all district schools to ensure that all essential documents (e.g.
handbooks/codes of conduct, report cards for all students; parent notifications, progress reports,
information in notices such as activities, responsibilities and academic standards and information
provided to students about extracurricular activities and school events for LEP students; IEPs/N1,
invitations, consent forms for special education students; 504s for all 504 students) as described above
were translated in the languages of the home and distributed as requested by parents. Please submit: a.
the number of students at each school whose parents were provided with translations of essential
documents. b. If there are any students whose parents were not provided with translations of essential
documents, determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide results of the
determination(s). c. The district's immediate actions to remedy the noncompliance to ensure 100%
compliance with this criterion. The district must maintain the following documentation and make it
available to the Department upon request: a) Names of students, by school, whose parents require
essential documents in the language of the home. b) Date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s)
who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 7B
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicated that physical education is not
required for all students every year of high school in the district.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Students will have four options for meeting the physical
education requirement for every year of high school, beginning in September 2011.
Options will include: 1) PE class, 2) Interscholastic athletics counting as a PE class, 3) PE
alternatives, with documentation (figure skating, health club, etc.), and 4) PE offerings on early release
days throughout the year.
In September 2011, students and families will be informed of the PE requirement. The High School
Principal and Director of Athletics will coordinate with the guidance department to ensure that all
students are meeting the requirement through either in school options or documented out of school
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Superintendent of Schools, High
Corrective Action Activity: April 28, 2012
School Principal, Director of Athletics
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The district will provide a copy of the information
provided to students and families and sample completed copies of the form documenting options other
than PE class.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The High School Principal or his designee will
maintain a list of students participating PE options. The list will be crossed referenced with the student
register to ensure compliance.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 7B
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit the following: 1) A copy of the
information provided to students and families outlining the specific options for fulfilling the PE
requirements (e.g. Course of Studies). 2) A sample of completed copies of the form documenting
options other than PE class. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 9
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation indicated that the district requires employers recruiting at
the school to sign a statement that the employer complies with applicable federal and state laws
prohibiting discrimination in hiring or employment practices. However, while the statement
specifically includes the following protected categories: race, color, national origin, sex, and
handicap; it is missing sexual orientation and religion in the identification of protected classes.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The statement that recruiting employers sign will be
updated to include all protected categories: race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, sexual
orientation and religion.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Assistant Superintendent and
High School Principal
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity: 9/1/11 updated
4/28/12 completed monitoring of use
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The district will provide a copy of the revised
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The High School Principal will review a sample of
completed employer forms on a quarterly basis to ensure the updated form is being used. The High
School Principal will instruct his staff to remove all copies of the incorrect form and replace it with the
updated form.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 9
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the revised form including all
protected categories: race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, sexual orientation and religion. This
progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 10
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicated that while the principal of each
secondary school in the district has issued a copy of M.G.L. c. 269 §§ 17 through 19, to every student
enrolled full-time, it has not yet received signed acknowledgements from designated officers of all
student groups, teams, organizations and every student group, including every unaffiliated student
group, that they have also received a copy of the school’s anti-hazing disciplinary policy approved by
the school committee.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The anti-hazing policy is currently found in the student
handbooks of each secondary school. Advisors, coaches, student officers, and student captains are
required to review the policy with their respective student groups. Both secondary schools will collect
and maintain on file all signed forms from the required groups. Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle
School will provide sample copies of completed acknowledgements of various student groups, teams,
and organization that they have received the anti-hazing disciplinary policy. Melrose High School will
provide sample copies of completed acknowledgements of various student groups, teams, and
organization that they have received the anti-hazing disciplinary policy.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: At the middle school -Principal,
Corrective Action Activity: April 28, 2012
Intramural Director. At the high school – Principal
and Assistant Principals.
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School
will provide sample copies of completed acknowledgements of various student groups, teams, and
organization that they have received the anti-hazing disciplinary policy. Melrose High School will
provide sample copies of completed acknowledgements of various student groups, teams, and
organization that they have received the anti-hazing disciplinary policy.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Issue anti-hazing disciplinary policy and collect
copies at the start of fall, winter, and spring sport seasons. Issue anti-hazing disciplinary policy and
collect copies at the start of any student group or organization.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 10
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit copies of completed acknowledgements of
various student groups, teams, and organization that they have received the anti-hazing disciplinary
policy at the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School and Melrose High School. This progress
report is due October 7, 2011.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 10A
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: See CR 7 for translation of handbooks
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
We have already taken steps to correct this finding by ensuring that our Home Language
Survey is translated into our district’s top 5 languages. The Home Language Survey now
has a space where families can designate their need for oral and written translations.
We are already investigating companies that will be able to provide us with translations of
our handbooks, codes of conduct, and report cards. If families do designate the need for
translated documents other than the above, we will translate whatever documents
necessary. Our Coordinator has designed a specific form for families to use for this
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: ELL Coordinator,
Corrective Action Activity: 9/1/11
Superintendent, Business Manager
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Sample pages of student handbooks will be
provided by the district. Complete translated handbooks will be available for review.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: 1) Bi-annual random survey of families requesting
translations to ensure satisfaction with our efforts in this area. 2) Annual review and inventory by the
ELL Coordinator of handbooks requiring translation for the upcoming school year.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 10A
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit sample electronic copies of complete
translated handbooks in languages requested by parents. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 14
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Interviews and documentation indicated that the district does not always
ensure that limited English proficient students have the opportunity to receive information provided by
guidance counselors in a language that the student understands.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Beginning in September 2011, on at least a quarterly
basis, translators will be provided to facilitate information from guidance counselors to limitedEnglish-proficient students at the high school level. Beginning in September 2011, on at least a
trimester basis, translators will be provided to facilitate information from guidance counselors to
limited-English-proficient students at the middle school level. The Director of Guidance will provide
training on this action item to the guidance staff.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Director of Guidance
Corrective Action Activity: April 28, 2012
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Agenda from September guidance department
meeting and sign in sheet will be provided. Summaries of the topics covered and the number of
students translation was provided for will be provided by the district in December 2011 and in April
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: In September 2011, the Director of Guidance will
review with the guidance staff the requirement of ensuring that limited English proficient students have
the opportunity to receive information provided by them in a language that the student understands.
The guidance counselors will provide a list of students on their caseloads that will require translation
services at the beginning of each marking period to the Director of Guidance. The Director of
Guidance will meet with the ELL Coordinator to ensure that all limited English proficient students
have been identified and arrange for the translation services.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 14
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit the following:
1) A narrative description of the procedures for the provision of guidance counseling in the student's
primary language. Please include in these procedures: a. how a determination is made that an LEP
student need translation services for guidance and counseling b. who makes the decision c. how
guidance counseling is provided to LEP students at the middle and high school once the decision is
made. d. the procedures district staff following for procuring translations.
2) Evidence of professional development, such as signed attendance sheets and agendas, provided to
guidance counselors at the middle and high school level on the requirements that that limited English
proficient students have an opportunity to receive support services, such as guidance and counseling, in
a language that they understand. 3) A list of the limited English proficient students that require
guidance and counseling in a language other than English including the language required for
translation. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please submit the following by January 6, 2012: The results of an
administrative review of all LEP students that required guidance and counseling in a language other
than English at the middle and high schools level to determine compliance with this criterion. Submit
the following: 1) The number of students that require guidance and counseling in a language other than
English. 2) The number of students and level where guidance and counseling was provided consistent
with the regulations. 3) If there are any students were not provided with guidance and counseling in a
language that they understand, please determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide the
results of the determination(s). 4) The district's immediate actions to remedy the noncompliance to
ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The district must maintain the following documentation
and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names, building names and
grade levels of students that require guidance and counseling in a language that the student
understands: b) Date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s)
and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 16
Rating: Partially Implemented
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicated that the district within the past
two years has not sent annual written notices to the last known address of former students who have
not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another school to
inform them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support programs and to
encourage them to participate in those programs.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Beginning in September 2011, written notification will
be provided for two years, along with the extensive personal outreach that already occurs to students
who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another
school, regarding the availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support programs and
to encourage them to participate in those programs. The current letter used will be updated. Guidance
staff will be trained on the new procedure in September, 2011.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: High School Principal and
Corrective Action Activity: 10/15/11
Director of Guidance
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: A copy of the updated letter and a list of students
to whom the letter has been sent to for year one and for year two, will be provided. The agenda and
sign in sheet will be provided from the September guidance staff meeting.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The Director of Guidance will verify the list of
students who will receive the year one letter and the year two letter, prior to the letter being sent out by
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 16
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following:
1) Procedures to ensure that the both annual and written notices are provided to students 16 or over
leaving school without a high school diploma, certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion.
2) Evidence of professional development, such as signed attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for
all guidance staff on all procedures to provide notice to students 16 or over leaving school without a
high school diploma, certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion both initially and annually in
a language that the student understands.
3) A copy of the an annual written notice for students 16 or over who have left school without a high
school diploma, certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion within the past two years and
who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another
school. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please submit the following by January 6, 2012: The results of an
administrative review of all students 16 or over who have left school without a high school diploma,
certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion and who have not yet earned their competency
determination and who have not transferred to another school during the 2011-2012 SY. Submit the
following: 1) The number of HS students that were sent annual notices with all the requirements listed
in CR 16. 2) If there are any students that were not provided with the proper form, please determine the
root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide the results of the determination(s). 3) The district's
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
immediate actions to remedy the noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The
district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon
request: a) List of student names, building names and grade levels of students reviewed: b) Date of the
review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 17A
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Interviews and documentation indicated that while the district has a
policy for physical restraints, such procedures are not annually made available to parents of enrolled
students. Interviews also indicate that employees hired after the school year begins do not receive
training within a month of their employment.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Letters of hire are sent from the Superintendent to new
staff members for all positions within the district. On a monthly basis the Superintendent’s secretary
will provide a list of any new hires after the first day of school to the Assistant Superintendent. The
principals will rotate the responsibility, on a monthly basis, of providing training for all new hires on
the district’s policy for physical restraint. The Assistant Superintendent will provide a list of new hires
to the assigned principal.
The policy of physical restraint will be posted on line and a copy will be available in each front office
of the district’s schools.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Principals and Assistant
Corrective Action Activity: April 28, 2012 for
October 15, 2011 for policy
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: A list of individuals who have been trained
following the first day of school will be provided in December 2011 and in April 2012.
The link to the policy will be provided.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Principals will provide a sign in sheet of their
monthly trainings to the Assistant Superintendent. The Assistant Superintendent will cross reference
the sign in sheets with the monthly list provided by the Superintendent’s secretary.
The Assistant Superintendent will verify the policy is posted on line and available in each building.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 17A
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) The date(s) by school of all annual physical restraint trainings in the
district. 2) The names of all new employees, by school, hired after the district’s initial training
regarding an orientation on physical restraint including the employees’ date of employment.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 6, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 23
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Please see SE 55.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: A middle school special education classroom, the
“Alternative Classroom” will be relocated from the first floor for September. Signs at the
Roosevelt that identify special education programs, service or staff will be removed over the
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Principals of the Middle
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity: 9/1/2011
School and the Roosevelt School, Assistant
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The Alternative Classroom will be located in
an area of the school that will facilitate better access to the overall life of the school. Signs will
be removed from the Roosevelt School to minimize any possible identification or stigmatism
of special education students. The Assistant Superintendent will provide a letter of assurance
that this action item has been completed.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The Assistant Superintendent of Pupil
Personnel Services will tour the Middle School and Roosevelt School to insure that the action
items have been completed.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 23
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district approves the District's corrective action plan
for this criterion, however it also requires training of all principals regarding the regulations on SE 55.
(Same as SE 55)
Department Order of Corrective Action: Training for principals regarding the regulation on SE 55.
(Same as SE 55)
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit the following: 1) Evidence of professional
development, such as signed attendance sheets and agendas, conducted for all principals, including the
middle school principal and the Roosevelt School principal, on state and federal regulations (603 CMR
28.03(1)(b) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandating school districts to maximize
the inclusion of special education students into the life of the school, provide the same priority as
general education programs in the allocation of instructional and other space in public schools in order
to minimize the separation or stigma of special education students, and ensure that classrooms and
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
programs are not identified by signs or other means that stigmatize such students. 2) A statement of
assurance signed by the Superintendent stating that the relocation of the classroom and the signs have
been completed. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
The Department will contact the district to conduct an on-site verification that the plans have been
implemented during the month of December. The district will submit the date of the Department’s
onsite verification for its January 6, 2012 progress report.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Charter School or District: Melrose Public Schools
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: English Learner Education
Prepared by: Pat Muxie, Curriculum Director & Carla McCoy, ELL Coordinator
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: April 28, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 3 Initial Identification
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Student records indicated that not all incoming students at Melrose High
School who may potentially have been limited English proficient received a home language survey and
were not always evaluated using the district’s initial identification assessment in all four modalities.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. After reviewing our registration procedures, we will be creating and implementing a
checklist for all documents required upon registration. All documents must be
completed fully and returned prior to a student’s entry into school. This currently
takes place at the elementary level and will now take place at the middle school and
high school levels as well. Secretaries and Guidance counselors will notify the ELL
Coordinator of any incoming students who have a language other than English listed
on their home language survey so that each student’s English language proficiency can
be assessed, and a determination about each family’s translation needs can be made.
School administrators will regularly monitor registration procedures to make sure they
are firmly in place and being followed.
The following trainings will occur in September of 2011 in conjunction with the
actions listed above:
 Training of school secretarial staff as well as middle and high school guidance
counselors in regard to the appropriate registration procedures, paying special
attention to ELL assessment and translation needs
 Training of additional ELL staff in the administration of the Idea Proficiency
Test (IPT) to determine a student’s English Language Proficiency in Listening,
Speaking, Reading and Writing.
We will also be creating a field in our Administrator Plus system to designate whether
or not a family needs oral and/or written translation services. This will enable all staff
members to readily access this information in order to meet each student’s/family’s
Note: In order to make sure ALL student records have updated and accurate home
language survey information, we will be sending out a home language survey to all
families starting with the 2011-2012 school year and making this a regular annual
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: ELL Coordinator, Director of
Curriculum, Principals, Secretaries, Guidance
Counselors, IT Dept.
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
 Training of Secretarial Staff and
Guidance Counselors- Sept. 2011
 Training of additional ELL Staff in
administration of IPT- June 2011
 Changes to Admin Plus by IT
Department -October 2011
 Updated Home Language Survey
Distribution-Sept. 2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Training session agendas and sign-in sheets
Visible changes to the Admin Plus system format
Additional ELL information seen in Admin Plus
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Quarterly ELL Coordinator and Administrative
review of student files and Admin Plus to ensure that procedures are being followed
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 3 Initial Identification
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A detailed copy of the newly developed internal protocol for the initial
identification of limited English proficient students. 2) Evidence of professional development provided
to all intake personnel involved in the initial identification of limited English proficient students
regarding the protocol. 3) Evidence of professional development, such as signed attendance sheets and
agendas, provided to all ELL staff in the administration of the Idea Proficiency Test (IPT) to determine
a student’s English Language Proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. 4) A copy of
the Admin Plus page that was modified hi-lighting any changes made to it. This progress report is due
October 7, 2011.
Subsequent to the training, please submit the following by January 6, 2012: Provide the results of an
administrative review of all new LEP students (2010-2011 SY) that went through the initial
identification protocol required at the high school to determine whether the personnel involved in the
initial identification of students followed the district’s revised initial identification protocol. Please
submit: a. The number of high school LEP students (2010-2011 SY) that went through the initial
identification protocol. b. The number of high school students where the district’s revised protocol was
followed. c. For any cases of noncompliance, please identify the root cause(s) of the noncompliance
and provide the district’s plan to remedy the noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance with this
criterion. The district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the
Department upon request: a) The list of student names, building names and grade levels of the students
reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the review, their
role(s) and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 5 Program Placement and
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Sheltered English immersion (SEI) is a program model for limited English
proficient (LEP) students composed of two parts—English as a second language (ESL) and sheltered
content instruction. ESL is explicit, direct instruction about the English language, delivered to LEP
students only and designed to promote the English language development of LEP students. Sheltered
content instruction is an approach for teaching content to LEP students in strategic ways that make the
subject matter concepts comprehensible while promoting the LEP students’ English language
Melrose is a low incidence district. In documents submitted the district reports 73 English Language
Learner students (ELLs), the majority of them enrolled in two of the elementary schools (45/56) and
the remaining enrolled in the other schools: 9 in middle school and 12 in high school.
Documentation and interviews indicated that while the district has begun work on a district-wide ESL
curriculum, and aligned it with the English Language Proficiency Benchmarks and Outcomes (ELPBO,
this curriculum is still in the beginning stages and is not complete.
The review of documentation and staff interviews also indicated that the district is not providing
sheltered content instruction to ELLs. All teachers instructing English language learners have either
not completed or received the professional development focused on the skills and knowledge necessary
for sheltering instruction as described in Attachment 1 to the commissioner’s memorandum of June 15,
2004. The district did not report which, if any, of the 4 categories of SEI PD training teachers have
The review of documentation and staff interviews indicated that students at the elementary school
(grades K-5), middle (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) at the beginner, early intermediate
and intermediate levels (Levels 1, 2 and 3) do not meet the number of recommended hours of ESL
instruction as stated in the “Guidance on Using MEPA Results to Plan Sheltered English Immersion
(SEI) Instruction and Make Reclassification Decisions for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students
(September 2009).” Therefore, due to the lack of teachers qualified to shelter content and ESL
offerings that are less than the recommended amount, the district is not providing ELL students a
sheltered English immersion program consistent with the requirements of Chapter 71A.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. A team of ESL staff members, along with the Curriculum Director, will be working
on the completion of the curriculum during the summer of 2011 so that it may be
implemented during the 2011-2012 school year. This team has recently evaluated,
adopted, and purchased instructional materials to incorporate into the curriculum
for students at all English language development levels. We will work with OELA
in a collaborative way in the creation of our document.
2. We submitted a draft of Category 1 Training in Winter of 2011. We are currently in
the process of revising the training documents for resubmission by August 1st.
Once the training has been approved, staff members who are new to the district and
those who have ELLs in their classroom will be trained during the 2011-12 school
year. Category 2 will be offered during the summer of 2011, with a team of
teachers from each school in the district in attendance. Category 3 was offered this
year, and will continue to be offered annually. Category 4 will be offered in
collaboration with MATSOL, with a focus on, but not limited to, English teachers
at the Middle and High School level, annually starting during the 2011-2012 school
year. Our goal is to have teachers at each grade level in every school with all 4
categories of training in order to provide an environment in which our ELL
students can excel.
3. The number of hours of recommended ESL instruction for beginner, early
intermediate and intermediate LEP students has increased due to the hiring of an
additional part-time staff member in March of 2011. Prior to the start of the 20112012 school year, we will review student assessment data and determine staffing
needs to ensure that we are meeting the recommended hours of instruction based on
the, “Guidance on Using MEPA Results to Plan Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)
Instruction and Make Reclassification Decisions for Limited English Proficient
(LEP) Students.”
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
ESL Coordinator and Staff , Curriculum Director
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Curriculum: May 2012
Professional Development: May 2012
ESL Services: May 2012
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Curriculum Document
Agendas, Sign-in Sheets, and Handouts from
District-Wide Spreadsheet of Category Trained
Schedule/Chart of Student Services
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The ELL Coordinator and the Director of
Curriculum will meet on a monthly basis during the 2011-2012 school year to monitor curriculum
development, professional development, and student service charts.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 5 Program Placement
and Structure
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the Corrective Action Plan
(CAP) proposed by the district; however, the district should note that the Massachusetts English
Language Proficiency Benchmarks and Outcomes (ELPBO) will be phased out in the coming months.
Therefore, the district is no longer expected to base its ESL curriculum on the ELPBO; nevertheless,
the district is expected to continue its ESL curriculum development. This curriculum should be one
that is able to stand alone and withstand changes as needed and/or required by the Department.
Department Order of Corrective Action: None.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following by October 7, 2011.
1) A narrative description of the status report on the development of the ESL/ELD curriculum for
all grade levels.
2) Information in the attached spreadsheet labeled Melrose ELL List by school for each LEP
student in the district. Please use the attached Melrose ELL List Instructions to fill out these
3) To the extent the documentation above does not demonstrate that LEP students receive
sufficient hours of ESL/ELD instruction, please provide a detailed plan that ensures that the
district addresses this and is providing sufficient ESL/ELD to all LEP students during the
2011-2012 school year based on the Department’s Guidance on Using MEPA Results to Plan
Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Instruction and Make Reclassification Decisions for
Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students from September 2009 found at:;
4) A separate spreadsheet, per school, indicating all the categories of SEI training each SEI
teacher has completed to date.
5) Using the information from the professional development spreadsheet above, please provide an
updated professional development plan for each of the next three years indicating the
 Targeted areas of SEI PD (e.g., categories).
 Targeted audiences, including numbers of teachers who will be trained.
 Specific training dates.
6) Evidence of training to all district administrators and staff responsible for the implementation
of the above areas (e.g. ESL curriculum, hours of instruction for LEP students and professional
development) using the Department’s guidance referred to above. Include the agenda and
signed attendance sheets indicating the title/role of the staff attending as well as the name and
title of the presenter.
Please provide the following by January 6, 2012.
1) An updated narrative description of the status report on the development of the ESL/ELD
curriculum for all grade levels.
2) To the extent documentation the district submits for its October 7, 2011 submission does not
demonstrate that LEP students receive sufficient hours of ESL/ELD instruction or that all SEI
teachers are sufficiently trained in all four categories, please provide updated Melrose ELL List
and/or Professional Development spreadsheets by schools.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
3) To the extent there are any updates on the category training Professional Development Plan,
please submit the updated version.
4) A summary of results of internal monitoring activities. Include any non-compliance findings
and action(s) taken to remedy such non-compliance.
Please provide the following by May 25, 2012.
A complete ESL curriculum as proposed by district.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011, January 6, 2012 & May 25, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 7 Parent Involvement
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: See CR 7 for findings regarding translations.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. We have already taken steps to correct this finding by ensuring that our Home Language
Survey is translated into our district’s top 5 languages. The Home Language Survey now
has a space where families can designate their need for oral and written translations.
We are already investigating companies that will be able to provide us with translations of
our handbooks, codes of conduct, and report cards. If families do designate the need for
translated documents other than the above, we will translate whatever documents
necessary. Our Coordinator has designed a specific form for families to use for this
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: ELL Coordinator,
Corrective Action Activity: May 2012
Superintendent, Business Manager
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Translated Documents (e.g., Handbooks, Codes
of Conduct, Report Cards, Translation Request Form)
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: 1) Bi-annual random survey of families requesting
translations to ensure satisfaction with our efforts in this area. 2) Annual review and inventory by the
ELL Coordinator of forms and documents requiring translation for the upcoming school year.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 7 Parent Involvement
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See CR 7 for translations.
Department Order of Corrective Action: See CR 7 for translations.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See CR 7 for translations.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 10 Parent Notification
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Student records and interviews indicated that upon identification of a
student as limited English proficient (LEP), and annually thereafter, the district has not always
provided a notice to the parents or guardians either in English or, when requested, in the primary
language of the home and in English informing parents of the reasons for the identification of the
student as LEP, the child’s level of English proficiency, program placement, the method of instruction,
the parents’ right to apply for a waiver or to decline enrollment of their child in the ELL program.
Student records and interviews indicated that the district does not provide report cards in a language
understandable to parents whose primary language is not English.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. The district has created English Language Development progress reports to
be sent home, filled out, returned, and filed annually. The progress reports
include the reasons for identification of the student as LEP, the child’s level
of English proficiency, program placement and/or the method of instruction
used in the program, how the program will meet the educational strengths
and needs of the student, how the program will specifically help the child
learn English, the specific exit requirements, and the parents’ right to apply
for a waiver or to decline to enroll their child in the program. These
progress reports will be translated into the primary language of the parents
if they indicated that they require translations on their home language
2. As recommended, we have already changed the initial identification form in
regard to declining entry into the program.
3. The district will be translating report cards into the major languages spoken
by Melrose families for the upcoming school year.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: ELL Coordinator, Curriculum
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Annual Forms: July 2011
Report Cards: November 2011
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Translated progress reports
Translated report cards
Revised initial identification form
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Prior to the distribution of the first report card in the
fall of 2011, the ELL Coordinator and/or the Director of Curriculum will address the Leadership Team
and Secondary Department Chairs, to go over report card and progress report forms and procedures to
be followed to ensure implementation.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE10 Parent Notification
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A copy of the revised initial parent notification letter in English and
samples of translated copies. 2) A copy of the new annual parent notification letters and samples of
translated copies. 3) Sample copies of translated report cards and progress reports. This progress report
is due January 6, 2012.
See ELE 18 regarding the administrative review of items related to ELE 10. This progress report is
due January 6, 2012.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 6, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Rating: Partially Implemented
Programs and Services
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and staff interviews indicated that ESL classes at the high
school are not weighted like comparable academic classes and instead are treated like an elective
course. ESL coursework does not contribute to a student’s GPA. Also, please see CR 7 & ELE 7.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The ESL classes at the high school have been
changed so that they are weighted in the same manner as other comparable academic classes.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director of Guidance
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity: September 2011
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Course of Studies
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: a) Communication with teachers of high school
ELL students regarding the weighting of ESL classes and grading procedures will take place in
September of 2011 and each September thereafter. b) Communication with the Director of Guidance
regarding the continued weighting of ESL classes will take place each January to ensure inclusion in
the new Program of Studies.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 11 ELE 11 Equal
Status of Corrective Action:
Access to Academic Programs and
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit the following: 1) A copy of the course of
studies. Please label the section on ESL classes. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 12 Equal Access to
Rating: Partially Implemented
Nonacademic and Extracurricular Programs
Department CPR Finding: Interviews indicated that information is not always provided to LEP
students about extracurricular activities and school events in a language that they understand.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. The Athletic Director and appropriate coaches will create a flyer for each
sport on an annual basis to include information about when sign-ups begin,
cost, expectations, and the name and number of the appropriate contact
person. The district will translate these documents into the top five
languages spoken by families in Melrose. The Athletic Director and the
ELL Coordinator will collaborate to ensure that these flyers are sent home
in a timely manner to the appropriate families.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Athletic Director, Coaches, ELL
Corrective Action Activity: May 2012
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Translated flyers for each sport
Translated flyers in students’ ELL files to
indicate that they were sent home.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The ELL Coordinator makes copies of all
information sent home to the families of ELL students. ELL staff members then place these copies in
each student’s file. The ELL Coordinator will check files bi-annually to ensure that these flyers have
been sent home in the family’s native language. Phone calls will be made by the ELL Coordinator to
ensure that brochures have been received and understood.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 12 ELE 12 Equal
Status of Corrective Action:
Access to Nonacademic and
Partially Approved
Extracurricular Programs
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action but
is moving up the date for an initial submission and would like a sample of other extracurricular
activities provided districtwide.
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit the following: 1) Samples of translated
flyers for a variety of athletics as well as other extracurricular activities district wide. This progress
report is due January 6, 2012.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 6, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 14 Licensure Requirements
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicated that one district ESL teacher is
not appropriately certified nor does the individual hold a valid waiver.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. Joseph Casey, our Superintendent, will be filing for a waiver prior to the
start of the 2011-12 school year. The ESL teacher who is not currently
certified has already applied for her certification, passed all of the state
mandated assessments, and will have completed her coursework in ESL in
December of 2011. She will then be fully licensed.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Joseph Casey, Superintendent
ESL Teacher
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity: Sept. 2011 for
filing of waiver
December 2011 for certification and license
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Waiver paperwork
Copy of ESL license
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The Director of Curriculum will communicate with
the Superintendent in September to make sure the waiver was obtained.
The Director of Curriculum will request a copy of the license and certification to be placed in the
employee’s file at Central Administration in December of 2011.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 14 Licensure
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: N/A
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Provide a copy of this teacher’s waiver by October 7, 2011.
Provide a copy of this teacher’s ESL license by January 6, 2012.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 15 Professional Development
Rating: Partially Implemented
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
Department CPR Finding: Please see ELE 5 concerning professional development training in the
four categories of SEI.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. A team of ESL staff members, along with the Curriculum Director, will be working
on the completion of the curriculum during the summer of 2011 so that it may be
implemented during the 2011-2012 school year. This team has recently evaluated,
adopted, and purchased instructional materials to incorporate into the curriculum
for students at all English language development levels. We will work with OELA
in a collaborative way in the creation of our document.
2. We submitted a draft of Category 1 Training in Winter of 2011. We are currently in
the process of revising the training documents for resubmission by August 1st.
Once the training has been approved, staff members who are new to the district and
those who have ELLs in their classroom will be trained during the 2011-12 school
year. Category 2 will be offered during the summer of 2011, with a team of
teachers from each school in the district in attendance. Category 3 was offered this
year, and will continue to be offered annually. Category 4 will be offered in
collaboration with MATSOL, with a focus on, but not limited to, English teachers
at the Middle and High School level, annually starting during the 2011-2012 school
year. Our goal is to have teachers at each grade level in every school with all 4
categories of training in order to provide an environment in which our ELL
students can excel.
3. The number of hours of recommended ESL instruction for beginner, early
intermediate and intermediate LEP students has increased due to the hiring of an
additional part-time staff member in March of 2011. Prior to the start of the 20112012 school year, we will review student assessment data and determine staffing
needs to ensure that we are meeting the recommended hours of instruction based on
the, “Guidance on Using MEPA Results to Plan Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)
Instruction and Make Reclassification Decisions for Limited English Proficient
(LEP) Students.”
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: ESL Coordinator and Staff ,
Curriculum Director
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Curriculum: May 2012
Professional Development: May 2012
ESL Services: May 2012
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Curriculum Document
Agendas, Sign-in Sheets, and Handouts from
District-Wide Spreadsheet of Category Trained
Schedule/Chart of Student Services
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The ELL Coordinator and the Director of
Curriculum will meet on a monthly basis during the 2011-2012 school year to monitor curriculum
development, professional development, and student service charts.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 15
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure.
Department Order of Corrective Action: See ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See ELE 5Program Placement and Structure.
Progress Report Due Date(s): See ELE 5Program and Structure.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 16
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Interviews and documentation indicated that the facilities for the ESL
classes at the Hoover Elementary School are not comparable to the overall student population since
the class is conducted on the stage in the school’s cafetorium, the speech/language room and the
Principal’s office. These locations are not equitable to classrooms used by general education students
and do not provide access to the materials comparable to those available to general education
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
1. ESL classes at the Hoover Elementary will be scheduled in the general education classrooms or the
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: ESL Teacher at the Hoover
Corrective Action Activity: September 2011
School, Principal of the Hoover School, ELL
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: 1) Floor plan of the Hoover School indicating the
rooms in which ESL classes are taught. 2) ESL class schedule with corresponding locations.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The ELL Coordinator will ensure that the ESL staff
member at the Hoover is teaching in a general education classroom or the library by doing monthly
monitoring walk-throughs.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 16
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The Department accepts the district corrective action.
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit the following: 1) A floor plan of the
Hoover School indicating the rooms in which ESL classes are taught. 2) The ESL class schedule at
Hoover with corresponding locations. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
The Department will contact the district to conduct an on-site verification that the plans have been
implemented during the month of December along with Special Education spaces in the district. The
district will submit for its January progress report the date of the Department’s onsite visit.
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 18
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: The review of student records indicated that home language surveys and
initial and annual parental notification letters were not always placed in students’ ELL files.
Furthermore, documents in the ELE student files were not always translated.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The ELL Coordinator will monitor and maintain all
ELL files and ensure that all home language surveys, initial and annual parental notification letters, and
other important documents are in the students’ ELL files, including the translated versions if requested
by the family. A formal check of all ELL students’ files will be completed each October and at the end
of June each year. A checklist specifically for this monitoring purpose will be created and placed at the
front of each student’s file.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: ELL Coordinator and Staff
Corrective Action Activity:
October 2011-file monitoring
June 2012-file monitoring
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Checklist document
Files including surveys, notification letters, and
translated documents if applicable
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: ELL Coordinator will check ELL files each October
and June to ensure that all appropriate documents are included in students’ ELL files.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 18
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: N/A
Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Please submit the following: 1) A sample copy of the checklist to be placed at the front of each ELE
student files. This progress report is due October 7, 2011.
Please submit the following by January 6, 2012: Provide the results of an administrative review of a
sample of 25 records LEP student records from all levels (elementary, middle, and high schools) to
determine compliance regarding the requirements of ELL student content including the following:
a) home language survey;
b) results of identification and proficiency tests and evaluations, including MELA-O, MEPA,
MCAS, or other tests chosen by the Board of Education and the district;
c) information about students’ previous school experiences;
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan
d) copies of parent notification letters, progress reports and report cards (in the native language, if
e) evidence of follow-up monitoring (if applicable);
f) documentation of a parent’s consent to “opt-out” of English learner education, if applicable;
g) waiver documentation, if applicable; and
h) Individual Student Success Plans for students who have failed MCAS, if the district is required
to complete plans for non-LEP students.
Include the following in the report: a. The number of records reviewed at each school level including
how many required translations. b. The number of records and level that contained all of the required
documentation. c. If there are any files that are not complete, determine the root cause(s) of the
noncompliance and provide results of the determination(s). d. The district's immediate actions to
remedy the noncompliance to ensure 100% compliance with this criterion. The district must maintain
the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) Names of
students, by school, whose files were reviewed. b) Date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who
conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s): October 7, 2011 & January 6, 2012
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Melrose CPR Corrective Action Plan