MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Program Quality Assurance Services COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Charter School or District: Hamilton-Wenham CPR Onsite Year: 2012-2013 Program Area: Special Education All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 10/17/2013. Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 10/17/2014 Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report Criterion SE 18A Criterion Title IEP development and content SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent SE 20 Least restrictive program selected SE 22 IEP implementation and availability SE 54 Professional development SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms CR 3 Access to a full range of education programs CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Criterion CR 6 Criterion Title Availability of in-school programs for pregnant students CR 7A School year schedules CR 7B Structured learning time CR 8 Accessibility of extracurricular activities CR 9 Hiring and employment practices of prospective employers of students Student handbooks and codes of conduct CR 10A CR 12A CR 18 Annual and continuous notification concerning nondiscrimination and coordinators Non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes and awards Responsibilities of the school principal CR 21 Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities CR 24 Curriculum review CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation CR 26A Confidentiality and student records CR 15 CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 18A IEP development and content Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of student records indicated that, in some instances, the IEP Team did not specifically address the skills and proficiencies needed to avoid and respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing for students whose disability affects social skills development, when the student's disability makes him or her vulnerable to bullying, harassment or teasing, or for students identified with a disability on the autism spectrum. Description of Corrective Action: Team Chairpersons will be re-trained in how to reference the specific skills and proficiencies in IEPs that are needed to respond to and avoid bullying, harassment or teasing to ensure 100% compliance. Additionally, the district will redevelop its protocol to guide this discussion and consideration at all team meetings. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Director of Student Services Completion: Team Chairpersons 05/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Training agendas, memos and sign-in sheets; copy of district designed checklist to be used at all team meetings. Data collected from file reviews in January 2014 and April 2014. Copy of redeveloped protocol to guide this discussion at all team meetings. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Director and Chairpersons will conduct file reviews and all team meeting summary sheets for all students with ASD diagnosis but also for students for whom criteria is relevant. File reviews will occur in January 2014 and April 2014 for compliance. The district will report the number of files reviewed at each level and the level of compliance found in both January 2014 and April 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 18A IEP development and content Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of the staff training, including attendance (with name and role), agenda, and any training materials regarding IEP development that specifically addresses bullying. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Conduct an internal record review, post training, of files in which skills to avoid bullying, harassment and teasing were documented and addressed in the IEPs. Include in this sample students with ASD as well as students whose disabilities disability affects social skills development or who are vulnerable to bullying, harassment or teasing. Please provide an analysis of this review to include the number of records reviewed, and MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 3 the number of records found to be non-compliant. For any records found to be noncompliant, please provide an analysis of the root cause(s) and any steps that the district has taken to remedy the non-compliance. This progress report is due April 28, 2014. *Please note that when monitoring, the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s), and their signatures. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 4 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of student records and interviews confirmed that the district does not always provide the parent with two copies of the proposed IEP and proposed placement following development at the Team meeting. Description of Corrective Action: Chairpersons will be re-trained on the regulation that parents are to be provided with two copies of the proposed IEP and proposed placement following the development of an IEP at a Team Meeting. The district currently provides parent with one complete copy of the proposed IEP and Placement Page and a second copy of both signature pages and request that parents return the signature pages and keep the remaining paperwork. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Director of Student Services Completion: Team Chairpersons 05/15/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Meeting agendas sign-in sheet and memo from training with Team chairperson on November 13, 2013. Copy of district protocol to be provided to DESE. Data from results record review in mid January 2014 and Mid April 2014. The district will maintain a list of student files reviewed, names of reviewer, and dates for review by the Department upon request. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: In January and April of 2014, 15 student files will be randomly selected and reviewed for compliance in this area. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved SE 18B Determination of placement; Status Date: 11/25/2013 provision of IEP to parent Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of the staff training, including attendance (with name and role), agenda, and any training materials regarding the immediate provision of two copies of the proposed IEP and placement to the parent. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Conduct an internal record review, post training, of files in which two copies of the proposed IEP and placement were provided to the parent and clearly documented in the student record. Provide an analysis of this review to include the number of records reviewed and the number of records founds to be non-compliant. For any records found to be non-compliant, provide an analysis of the root cause(s) and any steps that the district has taken to remedy the non-compliance. This progress report is due April 28, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 5 *Please note that when monitoring, the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s), and their signatures. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 06/23/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 6 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of student records indicated that the Non-participation Justification statement in the IEP does not always indicate why the removal of the student from the general education classroom is considered critical to the student's program and the basis for the IEP Team's conclusion that education of the student in a less restrictive environment, with the use of supplementary aids and services, could not be achieved satisfactorily. Description of Corrective Action: Team Chairs and student liaisons will be trained on the need to include documentation in all IEPs for students who are removed from the general education setting and serviced in any manner outside of the general education setting. Documentation MUST include specific information regarding why student is not able to receive service in the general education setting without supplementary aids and services. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Director of Student Services Completion: Team Chairpersons 05/15/2014 Principals Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Agenda, handouts, memos, participant sign in sheet Result of random file review to be completed in January 2014 and April 2014 Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: A random review of IEPs generated between November 15, 2013 and January 15, 2014 and again between January 15, 2014 and April 15, 2014 will be completed to ensure implementation of said criteria. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of the staff training conducted regarding Non-participation Justification statements, including attendance (with name and role), agenda and any training materials. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Conduct an internal record review of files with IEPs developed post training for evidence that Non-participation Justification Statements clearly indicate why removal of the student from the general education classroom is considered critical to the student's program and the basis for the IEP Team's conclusion. Please provide an analysis of this review to include the number of records reviewed and the number of records found to be noncompliant. For any records found to be non-compliant, please provide an analysis of the root cause(s) and any steps that the district has taken to remedy the non-compliance. This progress report is due April 28, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 7 *Please note that when monitoring, the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s), and their signatures. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 8 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 22 IEP implementation and availability Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Interviews confirmed that when an IEP has been accepted by the student's parents the district has, at times, delayed full implementation of the IEP at the beginning of the school year. In particular, at the elementary level, related services have been delayed for as long as one month while classroom teachers and service providers work out logistics regarding scheduling. Description of Corrective Action: The district will conduct a training and develop a procedure to ensure that all IEP services are implemented as identified in all student IEPs on the first day of school while logistics regarding scheduling are being worked out. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Director of Student Services Completion: Principals 07/01/2014 Team chairpersons Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Meeting agendas, sign in sheets and memos identifying mandate for immediate provision of services. Copy of procedure developed. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Building Principals and Team Chairperson to communicate to all staff about this regulation by 1 December 2013. Procedure to be developed by related service staff to identify how services will be implemented prior to the establishment of regular schedule at the beginning of a school year by January 15, 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved SE 22 IEP implementation and Status Date: 11/25/2013 availability Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of the staff training, including attendance (with name and role), agenda, and any training materials regarding the requirement that related services on all IEPs are provided at the beginning of the school year. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Develop a sample of approximately 10-15 elementary students whose current, consentedto IEPs in September 2013 included related services. Cross-reference this sample of students to the service providers & students September 2013 related services schedules for evidence of full implementation of the students? IEPs. Based on the results of the analysis, provide the district’s determination of the root cause(s) of the noncompliance, the steps the district proposes to take to correct the root cause(s), and a timeline for the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 9 implementation of those corrections. Please include in the district's analysis how long (e.g., how many weeks, etc) it took for each IEP to be fully implemented in September 2013. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. *Please note that when monitoring, the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s), and their signatures. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 10 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 54 Professional development Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: While the district was able to provide evidence of special education professional development, interviews confirmed that paraprofessionals do not receive training on state and federal special education requirements and related local special education policies and procedures, analyzing and accommodating diverse learning styles of all students in order to achieve an objective of inclusion in the general education classroom, and methods of collaboration among teachers, paraprofessionals and teacher assistants to accommodate diverse learning styles of all students in the regular classroom. Description of Corrective Action: The district will provide all special education teaching assistants with professional development in the areas of state and federal regulations, accommodating needs of diverse learners and methods of collaboration among teachers and teaching assistants at the secondary level. The district currently provides training in these areas for all teaching assistants at the elementary level. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Director of Student Services Completion: Building Principals 07/01/2014 Special Education Team Chairpersons Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Sign in sheets, meeting agendas and supporting documents Leadership Team meeting agenda and Memo regarding communication with principals of this requirement Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The Director of Student Services will receive and review agendas, sign in sheets and supporting handouts by January 1, 2014. Principals will be informed of this requirement at Leadership Team meeting on November 13, 2013. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 54 Professional development Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of the paraprofessional staff training, including attendance with name, agenda, and any training materials regarding state and federal special education requirements and related local special education policies and procedures This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 11 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Onsite verification confirmed signage identifying spaces where special educational services are provided, which stigmatizes students receiving such services. In particular, counseling services at the middle school are provided in a room labeled "School Psychologist" and occupational therapy services at the Winthrop Elementary School are conducted in a room labeled "OT." Description of Corrective Action: Removal of all stigmatizing signage at Miles River Middle School and Winthrop Elementary Schools has already occurred with the start of the 2013-2014 school year. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Katherine Harris, Director of Student Services Completion: Building Principals 12/01/2013 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: There are no signs identifying special education service delivery spaces in any schools following random walk-troughs by director and principals. The district will submit a statement of assurance from building principals or Superintendent of Schools that all signage has been removed upon request from the Department. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: In conjunction with Building Principals, signs have been removed. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved SE 55 Special education facilities and Status Date: 11/25/2013 classrooms Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The Department will conduct site visits at both the middle school and Winthrop Elementary School to verify that signage identified during the CPR has been removed. A Department representative will coordinate this visit with the special education director by February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 06/23/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 12 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 3 Access to a full range of education programs Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents and policies regarding access to a full range of education programs confirmed that "gender identity" as a protected category was not included. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity will be added to all district documents and policies regarding access to a full range of education programs. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: Director of Human Resources 08/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will be 100% completion of the inclusion of gender identity in all policies and documents such as school, student, and district handbooks, on school and district websites, and in any other communication provided to staff, families and community relevant to this topic. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Notification of all principals/assistant principals and the Director of Human Resources in December, 2013 to review all handbooks and documents and note all places where gender identity must be included and after the annual review in Spring, 2014, and prior to the final printing, review to insure all information has been updated prior to dissemination at the start of 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 3 Access to a full range of education Status Date: 11/25/2013 programs Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the district's updated policy regarding students' equal access to general education programming that now includes "gender identity" as a protected class. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 13 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 6 Availability of in-school programs for pregnant students Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's pregnancy policy confirmed that there is no language contained within stating that once a student has given birth, the student is permitted to return to the same academic and extracurricular program as before the leave. Description of Corrective Action: The district's pregnancy policy will be reviewed and updated to include language stating, "once a student has given birth, the student is permitted to return to the same academic and extracurricular program as before." Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: Policy Committee, Hamilton-Wenham School Committee 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: An updated pregnancy policy that contains the required language and has been approved by the School Committee. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: By December, 2013, the School Committee will be informed the pregnancy policy does not meet compliance and must be updated to include the required language by June 30, 2014. The review of the policy will be monitored through the district's process of approving policies at School Committee meetings, i.e. two public reviews and readings and voting to approve the policy. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 6 Availability of in-school programs Status Date: 11/25/2013 for pregnant students Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the district's pregnancy policy that contains all required language. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 14 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7A School year schedules Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Interviews indicated that the district is not meeting the required 990 hours of structured learning time at the high school. See CR 7B. Description of Corrective Action: The high school's Directed Study course will be reviewed along with the schedule. The Directed Study course will be structured to include specific tasks/activities directly related to a program of study that will document and ensure accountability for students' time on learning so that structured learning time meets the required 990 hours a year. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: High School Principal 06/30/2014 Assistant High School Principal Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will be documents signed by students and teachers indicating and verifying students are engaged in task-specific structured learning time for the total amount of time of the study. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Monthly review of documents collected from teachers and weekly observations of the Directed Study period. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7A School year schedules Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See required elements of progress reporting for CR 7B. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 15 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7B Structured learning time Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Interviews with district staff confirmed that at the high school, students sign up for a course titled "Directed Study," but in reality this is a non-directed study and does not include activities directly related to a program of studies. It was also reported that students consistently receive passes out of the "Directed Study" to go to the library or cafeteria. The district is counting the "Directed Study" towards its structured learning time requirements. Description of Corrective Action: The high school's Directed Study course will be reviewed along with the schedule. The Directed Study course will be structured to include specific tasks/activities directly related to a program of study that will document and ensure accountability for students' time on learning so that structured learning time meets the required 990 hours a year. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: High School Principal 06/30/2014 High School Assistant Principal Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Documents indicating students who have a Directed Study are engaged in task-specific structured learning time for the total amount of time of the study. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Monthly review of documents collected from students and weekly observations of the Directed Study period. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7B Structured learning time Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit all documents regarding policy and procedures, supporting the restructuring of the high school's Directed Study course, along with examples of specific tasks/activities that are directly related to a program of study, and ensures student accountability. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Submit an analysis, post implementation of these newly developed procedures, of the monthly reviews collected by the district. This progress report is due April 28, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 16 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 8 Accessibility of extracurricular activities Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents and policies regarding accessibility of extracurricular activities confirmed that "gender identity" as a protected category was not included. Description of Corrective Action: All district documents and policies regarding accessibility of extracurricular activities will be reviewed and amended to include gender identity as a protected category. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: High School Principal 08/01/2014 Director of Athletics Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will include all amended documents and policies showing the inclusion of gender identity in the language of the district's nondiscriminatory statement. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The review of all district documents such as school, student, and staff handbooks and policies regarding accessibility of extracurricular actives will begin with a December, 2013 notification that gender identity must be added to policies regarding extracurricular activities and conclude after a review and verification of the documents . CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 8 Accessibility of extracurricular Status Date: 11/25/2013 activities Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the district's updated policy regarding student accessibility to extracurricular activities that now includes "gender identity" as a protected class. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 17 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 9 Hiring and employment practices of prospective employers Partially Implemented of students Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents confirmed that the statement signed by employers recruiting at the school does not include "gender identity" as a protected category. Description of Corrective Action: Gender identity will be included in the statement signed by prospective employers who recruit for and/or participate in career days, work-study and apprenticeship training programs as well as offer cooperative work experiences. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: Director of Human Resources 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will be the revised statement/document that includes gender identity as a protected category. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The form will be revised in January, 2014 and distributed at Leadership Meeting for use at all buildings where prospective employers recruit students for and/or participate in career days, work-study and apprenticeship training programs as well as offer cooperative work experiences. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 9 Hiring and employment practices of Status Date: 11/25/2013 prospective employers of students Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the district's updated policy regarding the hiring and employment practices of prospective employers and the statement signed by employers recruiting at the school for evidence of "gender identity" as a protected category. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 18 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of conduct Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of the student handbooks and codes of conduct confirmed that "gender identity" as a protected category was not included in the non-discrimination policy. Description of Corrective Action: The middle school handbook and code of conduct and the high school handbook and code of conduct will be revised to include gender identity as a protected category. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: High School Principal 08/01/2014 Middle School Principal Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will be the final versions of the 2014-2015 middle school handbook and code of conduct and the high school handbook and code of conduct that include the inclusion of gender identity as a protected category. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Notification of high school and middle school principals in December, 2013 to review the handbook and code of conduct and note all places where gender identity must be included and after the annual review in the Spring, 2014 and prior to the final printing, review to insure all information was updated prior to dissemination at the start of 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of Status Date: 11/25/2013 conduct Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the relevant sections of the district's updated student handbook showing that "gender identity" as a protected category has been added. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 19 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 12A Annual and continuous notification concerning Partially Implemented nondiscrimination and coordinators Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents confirmed that the notice in written materials and other media used to publicize a school did not indicate that the district does not discriminate on the basis of "gender identity." Description of Corrective Action: Written materials and other media used to publicize schools and or school programs such as vocational education, and notifications to applicants, students, parents, and staff will be revised to include gender identity in the non-discrimination statement. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: Director of Human Resources 06/30/2014 All Principals Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence of notification of all administrators and secretaries that gender identity must be included in the non-discrimination statement on written materials and in media such as school websites when communicating with students, parents, employees and the community about school programs and or to publicize a school. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Discussion of the revision of materials and other media at the December, 2013 Leadership Meeting and a written follow-up requesting submission of all revised documents to the Assistant Superintendent by June 30, 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 12A Annual and continuous Status Date: 11/25/2013 notification concerning nondiscrimination and coordinators Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the district's updated policy used for annual and continuous notification concerning nondiscrimination and coordinators that now includes "gender identity" as a protected category. This progress report is due February 3 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 20 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 15 Non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes Partially Implemented and awards Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents and policies regarding non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes and awards confirmed that "gender identity" as a protected category was not included. Description of Corrective Action: All district documents and policies pertaining to the administration of scholarships, prizes, and awards will be revised to include gender identity as a protected category in the nondiscrimination statement. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: High School & Middle Principals 06/30/2014 Head of Guidance Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will be the completion of the revision of all documents and policies pertaining to the administration of scholarships, prizes, and awards. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Discussion of the revision at the December, 2013 Leadership Meeting. Follow-up written notification requesting confirmation of completion. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 15 Non-discriminatory administration Status Date: 11/25/2013 of scholarships, prizes and awards Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please submit a copy of the district's updated policy regarding non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes and awards that now includes "gender identity" as a protected category. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 21 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 18 Responsibilities of the school principal Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of student records and interviews confirmed that the district does not always include documentation on the use of instructional support services for the student as part of the evaluation information reviewed by the Team when determining eligibility. Description of Corrective Action: Each school's Team will document the use of instructional support services for students when evaluating information during Team meetings to determine eligibility. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: Director of Student Services 06/30/2014 All Principals Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: When appropriate, all student records include the inclusion of instructional support services for students as part of the information reviewed by the Team when determining eligibility. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The principal and Team at each school is notified in December, 2013 to include, when appropriate, documentation of the use of instructional support services as part of the evaluation information reviewed when determining eligibility. Student records will be reviewed in February, 2014 and May, 2014 to confirmed Team compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 18 Responsibilities of the school Status Date: 11/25/2013 principal Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence that all principals and relevant personnel such as Team Chairs are notified that data resulting from instructional supports is included when IEP Teams convene to discuss students' initial eligibility for special education services. This progress report is due February 3 2014. Create a sample of student records in which students received instructional support and were evaluated for special education eligibility following the implementation of all corrective actions. Review these records for evidence that data on the students' instructional supports was included and considered during the Team process for determining eligibility. Please provide an analysis of this review to include the number of records reviewed, and the number of records found to be non-compliant. For any records found to be non-compliant, please provide an analysis of the root cause(s) and any steps that the district has taken to remedy the non-compliance. This progress report is due April 28, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 22 *Please note that when monitoring, the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s), and their signatures. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 06/23/2014 09/15/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 23 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 21 Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: While the district was able to provide evidence of staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities, a review of the district's documents and policies confirmed that the prevention of discrimination and harassment on the basis of "gender identity" was not included in the training. Description of Corrective Action: Civil rights training for all staff will include the prevention of discrimination and harassment on the basis of gender identity. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: Director of Human Resources 06/30/2014 All Principals Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Inclusion of the prevention of discrimination and harassment as it pertains to gender identity in all civil rights documents and training. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Review and revision of civil rights documents completed by June, 2014. The inclusion of the prevention of discrimination and harassment on the basis of gender identity in all civil rights training by June, 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially CR 21 Staff training regarding civil rights Approved responsibilities Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: While the Department accepts the corrective action proposed by the district that it will include gender identity as a protected class to its staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities by June, 2014, it will be required that district show evidence that this information has been disseminated to all district staff this school year. Department Order of Corrective Action: Inform all district staff during the 2013-2014 school year that gender identity as a protected class has been added in regards to civil rights responsibilities. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence, such as a staff memo or faculty meeting, that the district has informed and disseminated to all staff that gender identity as a protected class is now included in the district's civil rights responsibilities. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 24 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 24 Curriculum review Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents confirmed that while individual teachers review educational materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations, "gender identity" was not included as one of the categories in the curriculum review. Description of Corrective Action: All staff informed that all reviews of educational materials and curricula must include reviewing for gender identity. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: All Principals 06/30/2013 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Agendas from January, 2014 faculty meetings and from curriculum meetings held during this year. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Notification of all staff at January, 2014 faculty meetings and at curriculum meetings during the year. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 24 Curriculum review Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence from the January, 2014 faculty meeting that all teaching staff were informed to include gender identity as a protected class when reviewing educational materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 25 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: While the district was able to provide evidence of an institutional self-evaluation, a review of the district's documents revealed that "gender identity" as a protected category was not included in this institutional self-evaluation process. Description of Corrective Action: An annual institutional self-evaluation will be conducted to evaluate all PK-12 programs to ensure all programming adheres to the non-discriminatory regulations regarding gender identity. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: 10/17/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will include a summary of the results of the institutional self-evaluation. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Review for gender identity will be conducted during the annual review of the District Strategic Plan, District Blueprint, and School Improvement Plans and completed by October, 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide the district's plan to conduct its annual self-evaluation for the 2013-2014 SY to ensure that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status, have full access to all district programming. This progress report is due February 3, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 26 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 26A Confidentiality and student records Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Interviews with district staff, as well as on-site verification, confirmed that the confidentiality of student records is compromised at both the high school and the middle school due to the fact that fax machines receiving sensitive student information, such as hospital discharge summaries and social services reports, are located in the schools' main offices where students, parent volunteers, and unauthorized personnel have access. Description of Corrective Action: A plan will be developed and implemented to ensure the confidentiality of student information faxed to the middle and high school. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent for Learning Completion: High School and Middle School Principals/Assistant Principals 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Evidence will be a summary of the solution implemented to eliminate the compromising of confidential student records faxed to the middle and high school. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Development of plan by January, 2013 and completion of the implementation of the plan by June, 2014. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially CR 26A Confidentiality and student Approved records Status Date: 11/25/2013 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district's plan to ensure confidentiality of faxed MS/HS student information must be approved and implemented well before June 2014. Department Order of Corrective Action: Submit a detailed proposal of the district's plan that ensures the confidentiality of faxed student information in the middle and high schools. In addition, the district will provide evidence of this plan's implementation. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a detailed proposal to ensure the confidentiality of student information faxed to the middle and high school administrative staff. The Department will conduct site visits at both the middle school and high school to verify that student confidentiality, particularly faxed information, is no longer compromised. The Department will conduct the visit following the receipt of the February 3, 2013 progress report. Progress Report Due Date(s): 02/03/2014 04/28/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 27 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW HAMILTON-WENHAM REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Corrective Action Plan Forms Program Area: English Learner Education Prepared by: Celeste Bowler, Assistant Superintendent for Learning CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans. All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report to the school or district. Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: April 17, 2015 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 5 Program Placement & Rating: Partially Implemented Structure Department CPR Finding: Documentation submitted by the district indicated that ELL students at proficiency levels one, two and three receive 50-90 minutes of direct ESL instruction per day at the district’s elementary schools. Current hours of ESL instruction for level one and two students at the district’s elementary schools are insufficient and, therefore, inconsistent with Department guidelines. Please see the “Transitional Guidance on Identification, Assessment, Placement, and Reclassification of English Language Learners August 2013” as found on Document review indicated that the district does not have an ESL curriculum used for direct ESL instruction or a plan to develop one that is aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the WIDA ELD Standards. See the Department’s WIDA English Language Development Standards Implementation Guide (Part I) at MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 28 Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The district will review the daily minutes of direct ESL instruction and make modification based on: Incoming ELL students W-APT results Each student’s language proficiency level as determined by the ACCESS District assessments (WIDA MODEL Assessment and district measures Student) Each students class/course assignment (i.e. taught by an SEI endorsed teacher) Recommended minutes of daily direct ESL instruction as prescribed in the DESE’s “Transitional Guidance on Identification, Assessment, Placement, and Reclassification of English Language Learners August 2013” as found on All students’ minutes of daily direct ESL instruction will comply with DESE’s guidelines. The district will develop an ESL curriculum aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the WIDA ELD Standards. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation: Celeste Bowler, Assistant Superintendent for Learning Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: September, 2014: Instructional minutes April 17, 2015: ESL Curriculum Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: ESL Tutor Logs of daily minutes of direct ESL instruction for each ELL. ESL curriculum Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Tutor Logs are submitted twice a month. The Assistant Superintendent for Learning will conduct a monthly review of all logs. The Assistant Superintendent for Learning will monitor the progress of individuals and or work group assigned to develop the ESL curriculum by reviewing meeting dates and reviewing the curriculum document to assess the progress toward completion. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 5 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: N/A Department Order of Corrective Action: N/A Required Elements of Progress Report(s): 1) Please provide a detailed plan that shows that the district is providing sufficient ESL instruction to all ELL students during the 2013-2014 school year based on the Department's Transitional Guidance on Identification, Assessment, Placement, and Reclassification of English Language Learners found at 2) Please complete district information in the attached spreadsheet labeled ELL List by school for each ELL student in the district. 3) Submit a plan that includes information about a process for reviewing or developing ESL curriculum that integrates WIDA ELD standards. a plan for WIDA implementation including information such as WIDA training opportunities for the district staff, responsible district staff, meeting dates, minutes and signing sheets and timelines for implementation Progress Report Due Date(s): July 11, 2014; October 6, 2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 29 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 10 Parent Notification Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: A review of student records indicated that the district does not always send notice to parents indicating their child’s level of English proficiency upon initial identification, nor was there evidence that progress reports are always sent to parents in the same manner and frequency as general education reporting. Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The Assistant Superintendent for Learning will send a reminder to all ESL Tutors informing them that parents must be notified of their child’s English proficiency upon initial identification and/or of their child’s progress using the specific forms identified in the ELL Handbook and that a copy of all notifications must be placed in students’ ELL folder. The Assistant Superintendent for Learning will conduct a review of files at least twice a year (at the beginning of the school year and or after initial screening and during the middle of the school year after the administration of the WIDA MODEL Assessments) to assess compliance. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Celeste Bowler, Assistant Corrective Action Activity: April 17, 2015 Superintendent for Learning Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Notification sent to ESL Tutors. Copies of parent notifications and results from review of files. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Written notification to all ESL Tutors and review of ELL students’ folders. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 10 Parent Notification Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Not Applicable Department Order of Corrective Action: Not Applicable Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a copy of the district’s notice to inform parents of their child’s English proficiency upon initial identification. The Department has developed a template notice for district use, available in 10 languages at This progress report is due July 11, 2014. Provide a copy of the district’s proposed progress report for reporting on ELLs’ progress in English as a Second Language (ESL). Progress reports must be translated as indicated on families’ home language surveys. This progress report is due July 11, 2014. Conduct an internal record review of ELLs identified by the district following the implementation of MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 30 the corrective actions, ensuring that initial notice of student identification is issued to parents. Report the number of ELE records reviewed at each level and the number that contained the annual parent notification letter. If any non-compliance is identified, the district will report the root cause and its proposed plan of action to remedy any noncompliance for each student record reviewed. This progress report is due October 6, 2014. Conduct a second internal record review of ELL records from the final marking period of 2013-2014, ensuring that progress reports for this marking period are issued to parents and translated as needed. Report the number of ELE records reviewed at each level and the number that contained the annual parent notification letter. If any non-compliance is identified, the district will report the root cause and its proposed plan of action to remedy any noncompliance for each student record reviewed. This progress report is due October 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): July 11, 2014; October 6, 2014 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 18 Records of ELL Students Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: A review of student records indicated that some files were missing the following elements: information about the students’ previous school experiences, copies of initial parent notification letters, progress reports, and report cards. Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The Assistant Superintendent for Learning will send a reminder to all ESL Tutors informing them that copies of the following elements must be placed in each ELL student’s folder: information about students’ previous school experiences, initial parent notification letters, progress reports, report cards. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: September 30, Implementation: Celeste Bowler, Assistant 2014: Notification of ESL Tutors Superintendent for Learning June 30, 2015: Inclusion of all identified elements Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Notification sent to ESL Tutors. Copies of information about students’ previous school experiences, initial parent notification letters, progress reports, and report cards and results from review of ELL students ‘files. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 18 Records of ELL Students Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district did not propose an internal monitoring MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 31 procedure to ensure that records of ELL students contain all required documents. Department Order of Corrective Action: Develop a system of internal oversight and tracking to ensure that ELL records contain all required documents; identify the person(s) responsible for oversight and the training provided to the persons responsible for oversight. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a description of the internal oversight and tracking system for ensuring that ELL records contain all required documents; provide the name of the person(s) responsible for oversight and the training provided to the persons responsible. Evidence of training may include memoranda, meeting agendas, signed attendance sheets, and examples of training materials. This progress report is due July 11, 2014. Conduct an internal record review of ELL files following the implementation of the corrective actions, ensuring that information about the students’ previous school experiences (if available), copies of initial parent notification letters, progress reports, and report cards are present in student files. Report the number of ELE records reviewed at each level and the number that contained the annual parent notification letter. If any non-compliance is identified, the district will report the root cause and its proposed plan of action to remedy any noncompliance for each student record reviewed. This progress report is due October 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): July 11, 2014; October 6, 2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Hamilton-Wenham CPR Corrective Action Plan 32