MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Program Quality Assurance Services COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Charter School or District: Ayer Shirley School District CPR Onsite Year: 2012-2013 Program Area: Special Education All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 09/25/2013. Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 09/25/2014 Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report Criterion SE 2 Criterion Title Required and optional assessments SE 4 Reports of assessment results SE 6 Determination of transition services SE 7 Transfer of parental rights at age of majority and student participation and consent at the age of majority IEP Team composition and attendance SE 8 SE 9 SE 11 Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of documentation to parent School district response to parental request for independent educational evaluation CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Criterion SE 12 Criterion Title Frequency of re-evaluation SE 13 Progress Reports and content SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs SE 18A IEP development and content SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent SE 19 Extended evaluation SE 20 Least restrictive program selected SE 24 SE 25 Notice to parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child or the provision of FAPE Parental consent SE 25A Sending of copy of notice to Special Education Appeals SE 29 SE 32 Communications are in English and primary language of home Parent advisory council for special education SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements SE 40 Instructional grouping requirements for students aged five and older Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district Procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined to be eligible for special education Appropriate special education teacher licensure SE 46 SE 47 SE 51 SE 52 SE 54 Appropriate certifications/licenses or other credentials -related service providers Professional development SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Criterion CR 3 Criterion Title Access to a full range of education programs CR 7 CR 7A Information to be translated into languages other than English School year schedules CR 7B Structured learning time CR 7C CR 8 Early release of high school seniors Accessibility of extracurricular activities CR 9 CR 10A Hiring and employment practices of prospective employers of students Student handbooks and codes of conduct CR 11A Designation of coordinator(s); grievance procedures CR 12A CR 18 Annual and continuous notification concerning nondiscrimination and coordinators Counseling and counseling materials free from bias and stereotypes Non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes and awards Responsibilities of the school principal CR 21 Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities CR 24 Curriculum review CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation CR 26A Confidentiality and student records CR 14 CR 15 CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Not Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 2 Required and optional assessments Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that the district does not consistently provide consented-to educational assessments, including a history of the student's educational progress in the general curriculum and teacher assessment that addresses attention skills, participation behaviors, communication skills, memory and social relations with groups, peers and adults. Description of Corrective Action: The Education Team Chairpersons (2) will guide the team through the requirements needed to be addressed at each team meeting including Ed Assessment A and B. New staff to be trained on using the Special Ed software that includes the Ed Assessment B portion. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Education Team Chairs (2) 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Team meeting notes, workshop attendance, completed Ed Assessment B forms. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Ongoing internal monitoring to include record sampling, tracking system within the special ed software, special ed department oversight CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 2 Required and optional assessments Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of their new procedures related to the completion of Educational Assessment A and B forms along with evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department on or before by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of 5 student records for each Team Chair. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 4 *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 5 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 4 Reports of assessment results Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that assessment summaries for related services do not always include the procedures employed by evaluators. Description of Corrective Action: The Special Ed office will work with all evaluators to ensure that the assessment summaries for related services include the procedures employed by each evaluator. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Student records with completed assessment summaries. Special Ed staff meeting agendas. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The Special Education Director meets weekly with all building based staff. At these meetings, the protocols for assessment summaries will be reviewed. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 4 Reports of assessment results Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to content for related service providers' assessment summaries (procedures employed), as well as evidence of related service staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Conduct an administrative review of two student records for each assessor for procedures employed in the assessment summary. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014 *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 6 following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 7 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 6 Determination of transition services Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that IEP Teams do not consistently discuss the transition needs of middle school students who are 14 years or older. Description of Corrective Action: The ASRSD special education office is actively identifying students at age 14 to be included in the team meeting process through the special education software monitoring system. The ETL is discussing with parents the regulations focusing on the transition activities and opportunities are made available to parents to have their child participate. A notice will be sent to the parent outlining this regulation and their rights under the transition process. Parent decision on child attending the meeting is documented. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Joanne Zimmermann, Education Team Leader (6 - 12) 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Team meeting notes of discussion, meeting attendance sheets, copy of notice to parents concerning this regulation, completed transition plans for students. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Record sampling and/or reviews, special ed software tracking system, IEP review during signature process within the district. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 6 Determination of transition services Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to inviting 14 year old students to IEP Team meetings and the process used to update Transition Planning Forms annually along with evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of 5 student records for students 14 years of age and older. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 8 *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 9 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 7 Transfer of parental rights at age of majority and student Partially Implemented participation and consent at the age of majority Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that the district does not notify students and parents of the transfer of education decision-making rights one year prior to the student turning 18. Student records indicated that the student's consent is not always obtained to continue IEP services once a student turns 18. Description of Corrective Action: The district created a new letter in Spring, 2013. The ASRSD Special Education office is providing the letter for transfer of parental rights at age of majority by the 17th birthday for each eligible student and their parent(s). The age of majority process has been reviewed with the Education Team Leaders (ETL). Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education/Student Services Completion: Joanne Zimmermann, ETL 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of letters to students and parents, team meeting notes reflecting this process, IEP completion of information Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: District will use data collection methods, such as the Special Education Software to monitor compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially SE 7 Transfer of parental rights at age of Approved majority and student participation and Status Date: 10/28/2013 consent at the age of majority Basis for Status Decision: The district created a notice letter for students and parents regarding the age of majority for dissemination prior to the 17th birthday. ETLs have reviewed procedures. The district did not address obtaining consent to continue special education services once a student turns 18 years of age. Department Order of Corrective Action: Develop specific procedures for how the parent and student are notified, as well as the content of the notice. Also develop specific procedures for obtaining consent from the students who choose to make their own decisions at age 18. Internal monitoring of student records will be completed. Please use Administrative Advisory SPED 2011-1 as guidance: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Develop procedures for providing notice of the transfer of educational decision-making at age of majority and for obtaining consent consistent with the student's choice for decision-making. Provide a copy of the training agenda and signed attendance sheets as evidence of high school staff training regarding notifying the student and parent/guardian one year prior to the student reaching age 18. Also include in the training the requirement to secure student's consent to continue IEP services when the student has sole or shared decision-making by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 10 Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Subsequent to implementation of all corrective actions, submit the results of an administrative review of high school student records for evidence that students and parents have been notified one year in advance of the age of majority and the student's consent to continue the IEP has been secured when s/he has sole/shared decisionmaking. Indicate the number of records reviewed at the high school, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 11 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 8 IEP Team composition and attendance Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that required IEP Team members are not consistently excused in writing by parents in advance of IEP Team meetings. Specifically, special education and regular education teachers are not consistently excused from Team meetings despite student participation in these program areas. Record review and interviews also demonstrated that IEP Team chairpersons and special education staff are not aware that an excused required Team member must provide written input in advance to the IEP Team and parent for development of the IEP. Description of Corrective Action: Team leaders will review process/procedure and related form to be completed in the event of the need to excuse a general ed and/or special ed teacher from a meeting. Team leaders will review this form with team members at the team meetings. A memorandum will be sent to all teaching staff and service providers as a notice of this requirement Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Joanne Zimmermann, Linda Brownell, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Process/procedure description, copies of forms completed by team leaders and team members, copy of staff notice Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Director of Special Ed will meet with ETLs periodically to review previous meeting minutes, record reviews and plan for upcoming meetings. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially SE 8 IEP Team composition and Approved attendance Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district plans to review the process to excuse required Team members; however, the submission of a required Team member's written input to develop the IEP was not addressed. Department Order of Corrective Action: The district must provide written procedures for excusal process, evidence of training for ETLs and the procedure for securing written input from the excused member prior to the Team meeting for developing the IEP. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a written description of the updated procedures related to the Team Meeting excusal process along with evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 12 implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for appropriate documentation of excused Team members and provision of written input for IEP development. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 13 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 9 Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of Partially Implemented documentation to parent Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that the district does not consistently convene IEP Team meetings within 45 school working days after receipt of parents' written consent to initial evaluations or re-evaluations to either propose an IEP and placement or to provide a written explanation of the finding of no eligibility. Description of Corrective Action: The ASRSD Special Education office has updated the internal procedure to schedule meetings as close to day 40 as possible. In the event that the meeting needs to be rescheduled there is still a 5 day window. ETLs will document attempts to hold team meetings and the reason for postponements (as needed). Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD office staff 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Team meeting calendars, Consent to evaluate notation, team meeting attendance with documentation. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Ongoing monitoring of team meeting calendar, tracking systems through the special education software, record reviews focusing on timelines. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 9 Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of documentation to parent Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a detailed narrative description of the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and the steps the district has taken to address the issues related to the delays in convening initial and re-evaluation Team meetings within 45 days of receipt of parents' consent. Also, submit a description of the internal oversight and tracking system that identifies the person(s) responsible for oversight of the timelines and the training provided to the persons responsible for oversight. Include the agenda, signed attendance sheets, indicating title/role of staff and the name and title of the presenter by January 14, 2014. Subsequent to the training, please conduct a review of student records for eligibility timelines. Select a sample of three student records for each level, e.g., the preschool, elementary, middle, high school and out of district placements with the most recent IEP activity either an initial evaluation to determine eligibility, or a reevaluation. Review the records to determine whether the 45 day timeline has been met. Submit the number of student records reviewed by school level, the number of records that complied with the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 14 requirements and for any record found in continued noncompliance, determine the root cause(s) of the noncompliance and provide the district's plan to remedy the identified noncompliance with this criterion by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department onsite upon request: a) List of student names, building names and grade levels of the records reviewed: b) the date of the review: c) Name(s) of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s) and their signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 15 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 11 School district response to parental request for Partially Implemented independent educational evaluation Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that the district convenes IEP Team meetings to consider privately funded independent educational evaluations (IEE) within 15 school working days after receiving a copy of the assessment report, instead of convening the IEP meeting within ten school working days after receipt of the report. Description of Corrective Action: ASRSD Special Ed office will schedule all IEP Team meetings within the 10 school working days after receiving a report Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Team meeting schedules along with date stamped reports, team meeting attendance, team meeting notes. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Office staff meet periodically to review process /procedure. Special Ed software stores data for monitoring. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 11 School district response to parental request for independent educational evaluation Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit the procedure to review private Independent Educational Evaluations within 10 school working days from receipt of the report and evidence of training for staff that includes the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and materials presented by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records that had a private Independent Educational Evaluation after the implementation of corrective actions. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 16 *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 17 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 12 Frequency of re-evaluation Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that the district does not consistently conduct a re-evaluation every three years for eligible students. Description of Corrective Action: The ASRSD Special Ed office is using the special education software data to plan for three year re-evaluations. With the merger of the districts of Ayer and Shirley, annual and reevaluation meeting dates occasionally didn't align. The district has worked to improve this process and keep to the timelines. Attempts to get signed consent are clearly documented (i.e., phone calls, letters, second notices). Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD special education office staff 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Team meeting notes, signed/dated consent-to-evaluate forms, letters to parents indicating a lapse in signing the consent, letters from parents indicating refusal to consent to re-evaluation. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by staff including: Special Ed software database, student files review, correspondence between school and home. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 12 Frequency of re-evaluation Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures to ensure that re-evaluations are conducted every 3 years unless the parent and district agree it is not necessary. Provide evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records whose reevaluation to determine continued eligibility for special education occurred following the implementation of all corrective actions. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (preschool, elementary, middle, high and out-of-district), the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 18 noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 19 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 13 Progress Reports and content Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that at the elementary and secondary level, progress reports are not always provided with the same frequency as district report cards; additionally, progress reports do not consistently address student progress toward IEP goals. Student records and staff interviews indicated that a summary of student academic achievement and functional performance is not always provided for students who graduate or age out of special education. Description of Corrective Action: Staff to be re-trained on the regulations regarding progress reports to include frequency and content. Principals will also be reminded of the need to have these documents ready for report card time. The district has worked to identify timelines for end of marking periods and report card dissemination to assist special education teachers with the timelines. District has also offered substitutes for staff to get paperwork completed. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Special ed department building based team meeting agendas, School calendar with end of marking period identified, completed progress reports in student files. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Ongoing review by Special Ed office staff: notices/reminders as to timelines, meetings with special ed staff, reminders to building principals, review of student files. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 13 Progress Reports and content Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district has plans to address the frequency and content of progress reports. The district did not address the summary of student academic achievement and functional performance for students who graduate or age out of special education. Department Order of Corrective Action: The district must establish procedures for progress reporting, a system of tracking progress reports and a means of oversight for content, as well as conduct an internal review of records to verify compliance with the regulations. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to progress reports and academic summaries for high school students along with evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 20 Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for frequency and content for progress reports. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department by May 6, 2014. For the summaries of academic achievement and functional performance, submit the results of a separate administrative review of student records for provision of the academic summary. Indicate the number of records reviewed for in-district and out-ofdistrict high school aged-out and graduated students. Please include the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 21 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that annual IEP meetings to review, revise, or develop a new IEP or refer the student for a re-evaluation are not consistently convened on or before the anniversary date of the IEP. Description of Corrective Action: With the newly formed Ayer Shirley Regional School District in FY 2012 several inconsistencies were highlighted once the special ed software programs were merged. Several of the students had annual and three year re-evaluation dates that didn't line up. The special ed office has worked to close the gap for these meetings by moving up the three year re-evals to the annual dates whenever feasible. Moving forward any students who may still have unaligned annual and re-eval dates will be discussed at the team meeting with the intent of moving up the re-eval to the annual date. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of IEP team meeting notes, signed consent to evaluate forms, signed IEPs, special ed software database information Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual oversight by Director of Special Education and ETLs of special ed software and office procedures. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district provided information on aligning the reevaluation date with the annual review for each student; however, ensuring that the IEP is reviewed prior to its anniversary date was not addressed. Department Order of Corrective Action: The district must conduct a root cause analysis to determine why annual review meetings are not convened prior to the anniversary date of the current IEP, establish a tracking system, and train appropriate special education staff on holding Team meetings before IEPs expire. Following the implementation of these corrective actions, the district will conduct an administrative review of student records to establish that the training and tracking system are effective. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the root cause analysis conducted on convening annual review Team meetings; update the procedures for holding annual IEP meetings consistent with the results of the root cause analysis; and train special education staff and related services staff on these updated procedures. Provide the root cause analysis description and evidence of training that includes signed attendance sheets, handouts and a sample of the tracking system by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 22 Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for convening annual review Team meetings. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (preschool, elementary, middle, high and out-of-district), the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. This sample of records must be drawn only from those students whose annual IEP reviews were conducted following the implementation of all corrective actions. Please submit this to the Department by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 23 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 18A IEP development and content Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that IEP Teams do not always consider and specifically address the skills and proficiencies needed to avoid and respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing for students on the autism spectrum and for students whose disability affects social skills development or makes him or her vulnerable to bullying, harassment, or teasing. Description of Corrective Action: During the 2012-2013 school year the Special Education Director and ETLs received guidance concerning the bullying regulations and how they applied to student's IEPs. The Director and ETLs discuss at every team meeting the skills and proficiencies needed to avoid and respond to bullying. That discussion is documented in the team meeting notes and within the IEP. For those students who may be the target or the aggressor, goals/benchmarks are developed for the IEP in alignment with the ASRSD grade level social emotional units of instruction. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD Education Team Leaders (2) 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Team meeting notes, completed IEPs with statement under Additional Information, Goals/Benchmarks directly addressing bullying and/or harassment on IEPs Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Record Reviews, IEP review at time of district signing, oversight by ETLs of liaison's to ensure they are reflecting the team's discussion on IEPs. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 18A IEP development and content Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please review the Department's guidance at The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to documenting the consideration of vulnerability to bullying and the provision of skills and proficiencies to address or avoid bullying, harassment and teasing for students on the autism spectrum, students whose disability affects social skills development, and students identified as vulnerable to bullying. Additionally, the district will provide evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department on or before by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 24 Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for consideration of vulnerability to bullying and the documentation and provision of skills and proficiencies to address or avoid bullying, harassment and teasing. The district must include students on the autism spectrum in its record sample at each level. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (preschool, elementary, middle, secondary and out-of-district), the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. PLEASE IDENTIFY which records meet the criteria for each group of students covered by this requirement. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 25 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student record review and staff interviews demonstrated that the district does not immediately propose an IEP or placement to parents following the development of the IEP. Description of Corrective Action: Education Team Leaders facilitate the team discussion on eligibility, goals/benchmarks, service delivery. Any discussion on placement happens after the previously mentioned items are completed. Least restrictive environment is always considered. The team leaders document the decision of the team and provide parent with a meeting summary including service delivery, goals and placement. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of team meeting notes, copies of meeting summary, completed IEP including placement page. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Ongoing monitoring of team meeting process, student file reviews, weekly meetings with building based special ed staff. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially SE 18B Determination of placement; Approved provision of IEP to parent Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district provided information on the sequence of events at the Team meeting leading up to dissemination of a summary of the meeting with a service delivery grid, goal areas and placement. The district did not address the immediate delivery following the IEP Team meeting. Please see Department guidance on the immediacy standard at Department Order of Corrective Action: The district must develop procedures for the immediate provision of the IEP, train staff and conduct an administrative review of student records. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to providing parents with two IEP/placement copies within ten days. Additionally, provide evidence of staff training on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department on or before by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 26 Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for immediate provision of two copies of the IEP. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each middle school and high school, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 27 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 19 Extended evaluation Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student record review indicated that although evaluations are conducted first, IEP Teams do not find students eligible before proposing an extended evaluation. Description of Corrective Action: In past years IEP teams felt that there wasn't definitive information to find a child eligible for special education but would ask for more specific testing. This was labeled as an extended evaluation. Under the new region, efforts have been made to consider one of two actions: 1. Find the student eligible and write a partial IEP. Additional evaluations would be requested and considered an extended evaluation. Once the partial IEP is signed the services are provided while the extended evaluation is completed. The team re-convenes to go over results and propose additional services, etc. to the IEP or 2. the student is not found eligible and any additional evaluation requests are considered an initial evaluation. Again the team would re-convene to review testing and go through eligibility again. If found eligible an IEP would be written. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of Consent to Evaluate, team meeting notes, signed IEPs or eligibility determination forms. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual oversight by the Special Education Director, ETLs and Special Ed office staff. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 19 Extended evaluation Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please provide a copy of the procedures for extended evaluation utilized to train Team Chair personnel with the agenda, handouts and signed attendance sheets by January 14, 2014 Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Conduct an administrative review of records for any students who have had an extended evaluation following the implementation of all corrective actions. Report the number of records reviewed, the number in compliance with the procedures and any steps the district will take to correct any areas of noncompliance by May 6, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 28 *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 29 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that IEP Teams do not consistently and appropriately justify the student's removal from the general education classroom and state why the removal is considered critical to the student's program or the basis for the removal. Description of Corrective Action: The district has been working on providing support for teachers and paraprofessionals on best practices for inclusive classrooms. More PD is planned for the 2014 school year. The Education Team Leaders guide the team to make the appropriate recommendations on service delivery. Additional PD will focus on the need to provide services in the least restrictive environment. In addition, IEPs will have more explicit statements on why the team determines that services need to be provided outside of the general ed classroom. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 09/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Professional Development agendas, documentation, feedback. Student record review with up-to-date signed IEPs. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual presentation at building based faculty meetings by Director of Special Education and/or Principal reviewing the regulations covering LRE. Weekly meetings with building based special education teachers. Monitoring of student data through the special ed software to identify potential issues. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit evidence of training for Team Chairs on writing the nonparticipation justification statements for the IEP that includes but is not limited to the training agenda, handouts and signed attendance sheets by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for reevaluation to determine continued eligibility for special education. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (preschool, elementary, middle, high and out-of-district), the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 30 address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 31 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 24 Notice to parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or Partially Implemented change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child or the provision of FAPE Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that the evaluation consent form is not sent out five days from receipt of a referral. Student records and staff interviews also indicated that the narrative description in the written notice accompanying a proposed evaluation does not consistently include a description of rejected options considered by the IEP Team or a description of the evaluation procedures, tests, records or reports used as a basis for the proposed action. Description of Corrective Action: The notice sent to all parents along with the Consent to Evaluate has been updated to include specific information such as a description of the evaluation procedures, tests, records or reports used as a basis for the evaluation. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of the Consent to Evaluate along with parent letters. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual oversight by Special Ed Director and Education Team Leaders. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially SE 24 Notice to parent regarding Approved proposal or refusal to initiate or change Status Date: 10/28/2013 the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child or the provision of FAPE Basis for Status Decision: Although the district has updated the notice document to propose evaluations, the district did not address timing to send the consent form out five days from the referral. Department Order of Corrective Action: Provide a narrative description of the tracking process of referrals to send consent to the parent within five school working days. Also provide the procedures to complete the notice form proposing an evaluation and evidence of training for special education staff that includes but is not limited to the agenda, handouts and the sign-in sheet. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit the narrative of the tracking system for referrals and sending the evaluation consent form and notice to the parent by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 32 Submit the results of an administrative review of student records, selecting files from each school level, for evidence that within 5 school days of receiving a referral request, a consent form is mailed out. In addition, please review the proposed evaluation notice for initial and continued eligibility for special education for completeness. This sample must be developed from records with eligibility determination requests that occurred following implementation of all corrective actions. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (preschool, elementary, middle, high and out-of-district), the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 33 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 25 Parental consent Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that the district does not consistently obtain parental consent prior to conducting evaluations. In addition, record review demonstrated that the district does not document multiple attempts or the variety of methods used to obtain parental consent for consent forms and proposed IEPs. Description of Corrective Action: There have been times when staff have proceeded with evaluations without prior consent. Staff have been educated to the proper procedure for these evaluations to be considered as part of the eligibility for special education. The Director of Special Ed meets weekly with building based staff and reminds special ed teachers of policies and protocols. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Signed Consent to Evaluate forms and letters to parents, Evaluation summaries appropriately dated, IEP team meeting notes Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by Special Ed Director, record review, special ed software data management. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 25 Parental consent Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district must develop a tracking system for ensuring the receipt of signed consent forms so that evaluations are not conducted prior to consent. The district did not address consent to the IEP and the need to document the multiple attempts and the variety of methods used to secure consent. Department Order of Corrective Action: Describe the tracking system for documenting the receipt of parental consent to evaluations and provide evidence of staff training. Also provide training for staff on documenting multiple attempts and methods used to obtain consent to the IEP in the student record. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to ensuring that evaluations are conducted following the receipt of parental consent and that the attempts and methods to obtain parental consent to the IEP are documented in the student record. Provide evidence of staff training on these procedures, which includes but is not limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 34 Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for evaluation consent prior to completing evaluations and to determine that attempts and a variety of methods to secure parental consent to the IEP are documented in the student record. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (preschool, elementary, middle, high and outof-district), the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 35 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 25A Sending of copy of notice to Special Education Appeals Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Student records indicated that the district does not sent a copy of the parent notice of a rejected IEP to the Bureau of Special Education Appeals within five days of receiving the rejection. Description of Corrective Action: The Special Education office did not send a copy of the parent notice of a partially rejected IEP to the BSEA on a consistent basis primarily for those partial rejections that the ASRSD Special Education office felt were relatively easy fixes. Going forward all partially rejected and fully rejected IEPs will be sent to the BSEA regardless of the reason for the rejection(s). Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Letters to the BSEA with partially rejected or fully rejected IEPs. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Ongoing file review, Special Ed software data review, ongoing procedure review by Special Ed Administrative Assistants. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 25A Sending of copy of notice to Special Education Appeals Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a narrative description of the tracking procedure for partially and fully rejected IEPs and evidence of training for relevant special education staff that includes the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and materials distributed by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records with a partially or fully rejected IEP. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 36 following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 37 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of Partially Implemented home Department CPR Findings: Student records and staff interviews indicated that when the family's home language is other than English, the district does not consistently translate special education documents such as IEPs, notices, and assessment summaries into the primary language of the home. Description of Corrective Action: The district has identified families who will need to have information translated into their home language and what those languages are. The Special Education and the ELL offices have identified and contacted translators who are able to attend team meetings, provide evaluations to student in their primary language, translate reports and IEPs into home languages and dedicated a budgetary line item to cover all of the previously mentioned. The district also uses translated materials (i.e., Parent's Rights brochures) from the DESE website. The ASRSD Special Ed office now has a list of translators and qualified professionals who can complete achievement, cognitive and specialized services (speech/language) in home languages other than English. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Linda Brownell and Joanne Zimmermann, ETLs 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of translated IEP forms, Assessment reports, IEPs within student files, list of qualified translators. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by Special Education Director and ELL Coordinator for families whose primary language is not English, Special Ed and ELL software databases, review of student records. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of home Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will provide a narrative description of the updated procedures related to translating all important documents into the family's home language. Provide evidence of staff training (Principals, Team chairs and English Learner Education teachers) on these procedures, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 38 implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. Submit the results of an administrative review of student records for translation of important documents and interpretation at IEP meetings. Indicate the number of records reviewed at each level (elementary, middle and secondary, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 39 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 32 Parent advisory council for special education Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Interviews and document review indicated that the Parent Advisory Council has not participated in evaluating special education programs and services. Description of Corrective Action: In the spring of 2013 a leadership change occurred in the PAC. ASRSD administration is reaching out to families and staff to rebuild this organization. In addition, parent questionnaires are being sent to all families along with their child's proposed IEP to gather feedback and recommendations pertaining to the special ed process and programming Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Ayer Shirley SEPAC meeting notices/schedule. Copies of completed parent questionnaires and program plan. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Collaboration with the Ayer Shirley SEPAC throughout the school year. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 32 Parent advisory council for special education Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a narrative to update the participation of the SEPAC in the evaluation of special education programs and services that includes a summary of the parent surveys completed by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 40 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: According to record review, document review and staff interviews, the range of in-district special education programming available at the high school level consists of academic support and one behavioral class, although the district did not submit a description of either. Data submitted by the district and staff interviews indicated that three of the four sections of special education academic support are not taught by appropriately licensed or waivered teachers. Document review also demonstrated that the district does not maintain a description of a continuum of vocationally related programs and services available to students with disabilities who do not successfully gain admission to selective admissions vocational-technical education school programs. Description of Corrective Action: The Special Education program at Ayer Shirley Regional HS has been completely revamped. All of the teaching staff is new to the district, although all four have had previous experience working with high school age students identified as having a disability. In addition, one more paraprofessional has been hired increasing the number of paras from 3 to 4. An Instructional Specialist with experience working with students in a Therapeutic setting has also been hired despite not being budgeted within the FY 2014 district budget. Program descriptions have been written for the two sub-separate programs (Therapeutic and Transitions/Life Skills); course descriptions are written for the Transitions/Life Skills program; the Transitions teacher is completing a training on the McCarron Dial vocational assessment. This will be part of the vocational programming that is being developed for this program. The course descriptions will be included in the Program of Studies that is approved by the School Committee each year. The High School is currently undergoing a complete building renovation project. Included in the new design are classrooms specifically approved by DESE for the Therapeutic program, Life Skills, Transition and Inclusion support classrooms. The district is planning to have the budget reflect these programs with staff and support personnel. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Brian Haas, Principal ASRHS 09/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: List of teaching staff with Massachusetts credentials, Ayer Shirley Regional HS Program of Studies and Program descriptions, IEPs reflecting services, ASRHS building plans (if needed). Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight of program development via weekly special ed department team meetings. Ongoing program development with building principal. Collaboration with school counseling department to update program of studies. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 41 Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit the names and license numbers for the high school special education staff by January 14, 2014. Additionally provide the program descriptions for the Therapeutic program and the Transitions/Life Skills program, including staffing and the name and role of the person who will supervise the paraprofessionals at the high school by January 14, 2014. Submit a floor plan of the renovated high school with the special education programs and services highlighted by May 6, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 42 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 40 Instructional grouping requirements for students aged five Partially Implemented and older Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that two middle school academic support classes exceed instructional grouping requirements, as each class has 12 students assigned to one special education teacher without a paraprofessional. Document review also demonstrated that the high school's academic support blocks 3 and 4 for grades 10 and 11 are instructed by paraprofessionals. Interviews with high school staff also indicated that one class for academic support has 16 to 19 students with one teacher and no paraprofessionals, while another class for students with significant needs is reported to have 10 students with one teacher and no paraprofessionals. No instructional grouping data was provided for the high school therapeutic program. Description of Corrective Action: In FY 2014 new and additional staff has been hired at the HS. This includes 4 new Massachusetts certified teachers and 1 additional paraprofessional and 1 Instructional Specialist. This brings the total number of HS special ed staff to 9, an increase from 6. Administration has been working with the special education staff to make sure that staff/student ratios are within the regulation. This will be an ongoing effort as classes may change from Semester 1 to Semester 2. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Brian Haas, Principal, ASRHS 09/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Program descriptions, enrollment data, daily schedules for academic periods, teacher/para schedules Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by the HS Principal and Assistant Principal in conjunction with the Director of Special Education. Monitoring of enrollment data through the special ed software data base. Weekly meetings with HS special education staff. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially SE 40 Instructional grouping requirements Approved for students aged five and older Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district provided information on staffing at the high school. The instructional grouping at the middle school was not addressed. Department Order of Corrective Action: Using the instructional grouping format in the Document Library for WBMS, compile a new set of data for the middle and high school instructional groupings of any class that is comprised of only IEP students. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit the instructional grouping sheets, found in the Document Library of WBMS, for all classes with only IEP students at the Middle School and the High School by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 43 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities Partially Implemented when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that the district's procedures for suspension of students with disabilities do not include students on 504 Plans. Description of Corrective Action: All school based student/parent handbooks will be updated to reflect the district's procedures for suspension of students with disabilities to include students on 504 plans Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Ed Completion: ASRSD Building Principals 08/31/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of student handbooks for elementary, middle and high school Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: ASRSD Regional Leadership team will monitor progress toward making these changes prior to handbooks going to print CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a copy of the updated information for the Middle and High Schools handbooks by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 44 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 47 Procedural requirements applied to students not yet Partially Implemented determined to be eligible for special education Department CPR Findings: According to document review, although the district has a procedure for disciplining students not yet determined to be eligible for special education, this process is not documented in the student handbook. Staff interviews also indicated that administrative staff members are not familiar with the policy's requirements. Description of Corrective Action: All school based student/parent handbooks will be updated to reflect the district's procedures for suspension of students not yet determined to be eligible for special education. Administrative staff will become familiar with the policy's requirements. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD Building Principals 09/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of student handbooks for elementary, middle and high school. Copies of meeting agenda outlining this training. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: ASRSD Regional Leadership team will monitor progress toward making these changes prior to handbooks going to print CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 47 Procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined to be eligible for special education Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a copy of the discipline process for students with disabilities and the procedures for students not yet eligible for special education by January 14, 2014. Submit evidence of training for all Principals on the procedures to be published in the student handbook on disciplining students not yet determined eligible and provide the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and materials shared at the training by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 45 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 51 Appropriate special education teacher licensure Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review demonstrated that six special education teachers do not have current state licensure. Description of Corrective Action: All of the staff listed (except one) as not holding the appropriate certificate have been checked with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's ELAR system to confirm that they do hold the appropriate licensure. The one staff in question is actively pursuing this licensure and anticipates holding it by June, 2014. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Carl Mock, Superintendent 09/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Massachusetts DESE ELAR reports for special education teachers noted in the CPR finding. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Superintendent's office monitors all staff licensing and certification. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 51 Appropriate special education teacher licensure Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of a waiver for the teacher who is pursuing licensure by June 2014 and provide a list of the other staff and any newly hired special education staff that includes the name and license number by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 46 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 52 Appropriate certifications/licenses or other credentials -Partially Implemented related service providers Department CPR Findings: Document review demonstrated that four related service providers do not have current licensure. Description of Corrective Action: All of the staff listed (except one) as not holding the appropriate certificate have been checked with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's ELAR system to confirm that they do hold the appropriate licensure. The one staff in question is actively pursuing this licensure and anticipates holding it by June, 2014. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Carl Mock, Superintendent 12/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Massachusetts DESE ELAR reports for the related service providers noted in the CPR finding. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Superintendent's office monitors all staff licensing. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 52 Appropriate certifications/licenses or other credentials -- related service providers Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide the names and license number of the four related services staff by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 47 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 54 Professional development Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review and staff interviews indicated that the district does not provide professional development for all staff on required topics for special education, including state and federal special education requirements and related local special education policies and procedures. Document review also indicated that training is not provided for transportation providers on individual student needs and appropriate methods of meeting those needs. Description of Corrective Action: The district provides professional development to staff through a variety of ways including but not limited to: Required Civil Rights, 504, Special Ed, Health and Safety information at the beginning of each school year; access to Ayer Shirley SEPAC workshops (i.e., IEP 101, Parents Rights); a full year of paraprofessional training for all paras on topics related to the students needs; training through the Special Education Collaborative. In addition, the Director of Special Education is able to utilize building based staff meetings to inform teachers of special education requirements and related special education policies/procedures The transportation companies that work with the district provide documentation as to the training that they provide to their drivers/monitors. The district will extend an offer to provide additional training and will ensure documentation of what is already provided is up-to-date. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 09/01/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Paraprofessional PD schedule, Ayer Shirley SEPAC notice about trainings, building based staff meeting agendas, Documentation from transportation companies Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual oversight of professional development opportunities by Director of Special Education, Professional Development Committee and building principals CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 54 Professional development Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Specific training topics for special education are required for all staff, along with evidence of attendance. The training for transportation that was lacking in the documentation submitted by the district was specific to individual student needs related to health and safety of the individual students. Department Order of Corrective Action: Provide an all staff training -- including general education and special education teachers and related services staff -- on special education laws and regulations. Develop procedures and training for transportation providers for any student receiving special transportation on the needs and methods of meeting individual student needs. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit evidence of training for transportation providers, before they begin transporting MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 48 any special education student receiving special transportation, on his or her needs and appropriate methods of meeting those needs; for any such student it also provides written information on the nature of any needs or problems that may cause difficulties. Please provide the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and materials presented by January 14, 2014. Provide evidence of training for all staff (general educators, related service providers and special education teachers) on special education laws, regulations and local policies and procedures that includes the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and the materials for training by May 6, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 49 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Observation at the Page Hilltop Elementary School demonstrated that students who receive speech and language services must pass through the front of a classroom where another group of students concurrently receives special education services, which creates distractions and precludes student privacy. Observations demonstrated that the high school's therapeutic classroom is identified with stigmatizing signage as a special education program. Description of Corrective Action: The High School Therapeutic room no longer has any stigmatizing signage indicating that program as a special ed program. The teacher for that program has been replaced and the program is going through extensive re-vamping. The classroom at Page Hilltop is in the process of being rearranged so that small group instruction can be delivered concurrently without creating distractions and disrupting student privacy. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Fred Deppe, Page Hilltop Principal Completion: Brian Haas, ASRHS Principal 08/31/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The district will provide photos of these areas and will welcome the CPR chair in a revisit to these two areas. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by the Principals to ensure that these areas remain as described. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a floor plan of the high school that indicates where the Therapeutic program is located and how it is identified by January 14, 2014. Provide a floor plan for Page Hilltop that delineates the two instructional spaces with tables, chairs and dividers identified by January 14, 2014. Submit a date and time for an onsite visit by a DESE representative, to be conducted by May 6, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 50 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 3 Access to a full range of education programs Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Review of the district's documents and policies regarding access to a full range of educational programs revealed that gender identity as a protected category is not included. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category will be included in all district documents and policies. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD Building principals 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of the district's documents and policies. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Regional Leadership Team will review documents/policies within their purview for compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 3 Access to a full range of education programs Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity, including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 51 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7 Information to be translated into languages other than Partially Implemented English Department CPR Findings: Document review, staff interviews and parent surveys indicated the district does not have procedures for translating important school documents or a system of oral interpretation to assist parents/guardians with limited English skills, including those who speak lowincidence languages. Description of Corrective Action: The district has identified families who will need to have information translated into their home language and what those languages are. The Special Education and the ELL offices have identified and contacted translators who are able to attend team meetings, provide evaluations to student in their primary language, translate reports and IEPs into home languages and dedicated a budgetary line item to cover all of the previously mentioned. The district also uses translated materials (i.e., Parent's Rights brochures) from the DESE website. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Karen Murphy, ELL Coordinator 08/31/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of translated documents (i.e., IEPs, Evaluation summaries), team meeting attendance sheets, district list of identified translators and the services they provide. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual, ongoing monitoring of home language surveys, list of translators, translated documents library. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7 Information to be translated into languages other than English Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Develop a system to identify any parent/guardian or student that requests or requires translation or interpretation of important documents. Please consider the home language survey, provided to all families, as one primary source of parental request for translated documents. Also provide evidence of staff training on the procedures for translation and documentation of oral translations, which will include but not be limited to a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials presented. Please submit this to the Department on or before by January 14, 2014. Submit the description of the internal oversight and tracking system and identify the person(s) responsible for the oversight, including the date of the system's implementation. Submit this information by January 14, 2014. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 52 Submit the results of an administrative review of translations for parents whose home language survey indicates a need for translation. This review can include special education, ELE, or documents from student cumulative files. Indicate the number of files reviewed at each level, the number found to be compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. Please submit this to the Department on or before by May 6, 2014. *Please note when conducting administrative monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 53 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7A School year schedules Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that not all high school students are scheduled for 990 hours of structured learning time when the students' schedules include non-directed study halls. Document review and interviews indicated these study halls are staffed by paraprofessionals and do not include activities directly related to a program of studies. Description of Corrective Action: The High School Principal and Guidance Department will review the program of studies to make sure that 990 hours of structured learning time includes all academic support times to include activities directly related to a program of studies. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Brian Haas, ASRHS Principal Completion: 08/31/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Updated Program of Studies Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by the Principal of Ayer Shirley Regional High School CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7A School year schedules Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district did not address the use of study halls staffed by paraprofessionals. Department Order of Corrective Action: Provide evidence of appropriate staffing for all directed study at the high school. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide the staffing by name/licensure number for all directed studies and a new worksheet for structured learning time signed by the Principal and the Superintendent by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 54 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7B Structured learning time Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: See CR 7A. Description of Corrective Action: The High School Principal and School Counseling Department will review the program of studies to make sure that 990 hours of structured learning time includes all academic support times to include activities directly related to a program of studies. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Brian Haas, Principal ASRHS Completion: 08/31/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Updated Program of Study, Class Schedules Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by HS Principal CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7B Structured learning time Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See progress reporting requirement for CR 7A. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 55 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7C Early release of high school seniors Not Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review revealed that high school seniors are released more than 12 days before the regular scheduled closing date of the high school. Description of Corrective Action: The Principal will review school year calendar to ensure that high school seniors are not released more than 12 days before the regular scheduled closing date of the high school Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Brian Haas, Principal ASRHS Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: School year calendar with graduation information. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by HS Principal, Superintendent and School Committee CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7C Early release of high school seniors Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide the high school calendar for SY2013-2014 that demonstrates the early release for seniors is 12 or fewer days from the close of school by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 56 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 8 Accessibility of extracurricular activities Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Review of the district's documents and policies regarding accessibility of extracurricular activities revealed that gender identity is not included as a protected category. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category will be included in all district documents and policies regarding accessibility of extracurricular activities. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD Building principals 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copy of updated documents and policies focusing on accessibility of extracurricular activities. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Regional Leadership Team will review documents/policies within their purview for compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 8 Accessibility of extracurricular activities Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity in district policies & documents on extracurricular activities, including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 57 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 9 Hiring and employment practices of prospective employers Partially Implemented of students Department CPR Findings: A review of the district's documents indicated that the statement signed by employers recruiting at the high school does not include gender identity as a protected category. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category will be included in district documents signed by employers recruiting at the high school. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Brian Haas, ASRHS Building principal 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of the district documents Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Regional Leadership Team will review documents/policies within their purview for compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 9 Hiring and employment practices of prospective employers of students Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity district documents signed by employers recruiting at the high school, including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 58 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of conduct Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review and staff interviews indicated that the code of conduct has not been translated into the major languages of the district. The high school handbook and code of conduct do not reference M.G.L. c. 76, s. 5 and do not include procedures for the discipline of students with special needs or students with Section 504 plans. Additionally, document review demonstrated that the high school handbook's complaint procedures do not include discrimination complaints. The high school handbook also does not contain a description of student due process rights in its section on student discipline. Description of Corrective Action: The ASRHS' code of conduct will be translated into Spanish and Portuguese (two primary languages of families in the district). The handbook will be updated to reflect the changes to the code of conduct that include references to M.G.L.c.76, s.5 and discipline procedures that include students with Section 504 plans. In addition the handbook's complaint procedures will be update to include discrimination complaints. The student discipline section will be updated to include the description of student due process rights. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Brian Haas, Principal Ayer Shirley Regional HS Completion: 08/26/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of Code of Conduct in Spanish and Portuguese, update student handbooks that include the M.G. L. reference, students with Section 504 plans, complaint procedures with discrimination complaints and student due process rights in the student discipline section. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by HS Principal, Annual review of student handbooks prior to going to print. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of conduct Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide the copy of the student handbook with translations, the citation for M.G.L. c.76, s.5 for the code of conduct, and appropriate procedures for discipline of students with disabilities, due process procedures and the complaint procedures that include discrimination. In addition, provide evidence of training for administrative staff that includes the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and materials presented by May 6, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 59 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 11A Designation of coordinator(s); grievance procedures Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review and staff interviews indicated that grievance procedures are limited to sexual harassment and do not include complaints alleging discrimination based on sex or disability. Description of Corrective Action: The grievance procedures will be updated to include complaints alleging discrimination based on sex or disability. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Carl Mock, Superintendent Completion: Mary Beth Hamel, Assistant Superintendent 08/31/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copy of updated grievance procedure. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 11A Designation of coordinator(s); grievance procedures Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a copy of the grievance procedures that include discrimination based on sex or disability and evidence of training for administrative staff including the training agenda, signed attendance sheets and materials presented by May 6, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 60 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 12A Annual and continuous notification concerning Partially Implemented nondiscrimination and coordinators Department CPR Findings: Review of district documents revealed that the materials and other media used to publicize the district schools do not include gender identity as a protected category in the nondiscrimination statement. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category will be included in all district materials and other media used to publicize the district schools. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD Leadership Team 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of materials and web-site. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Regional Leadership Team will review documents/policies to review for compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 12A Annual and continuous notification concerning nondiscrimination and coordinators Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity, including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 61 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 14 Counseling and counseling materials free from bias and Partially Implemented stereotypes Department CPR Findings: A review of district documents and staff interviews indicated that gender identity is not included as a protected class in the review of counseling materials to ensure materials are free from stereotypes and bias. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category will be included in all district documents and policies. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: ASRSD Building principals 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of the district's counseling materials. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual oversight by Director of Special Education and building principals CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 14 Counseling and counseling materials free from bias and stereotypes Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity in the review of counseling materials to ensure materials are free from stereotypes and bias. Please provide a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 62 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 15 Non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes Partially Implemented and awards Department CPR Findings: Documentation and staff interviews indicated that the scholarship policy and procedures do not include gender identity as a protected class. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category will be included in all district scholarship policies and procedures. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Ayer Shirley Regional Middle and High School Building principals Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copies of district scholarship policies and procedures. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual monitoring of scholarships by MS and HS principals. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 15 Non-discriminatory administration of scholarships, prizes and awards Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity in the district's scholarship policies & procedures, including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 63 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 18 Responsibilities of the school principal Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review demonstrated that the regionalized school district has not yet developed a curriculum accommodation plan. Description of Corrective Action: The Ayer Shirley Regional School District has a developed curriculum accommodation plan to be submitted to DESE. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: 08/28/2013 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The Ayer Shirley Regional School DCAP. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Regional leadership team reviews DCAP annually to ensure compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 18 Responsibilities of the school principal Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide the current curriculum accommodation plan for the regional school district by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 64 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 21 Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that gender identity as a protected category is not included in the district-wide training on civil rights responsibilities. Description of Corrective Action: Gender Identity as a protected category is included in all district district-wide training on civil rights responsibilities. ALL staff and employees were required to complete the training and submit documentation by 9/30/2013. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Mary Beth Hamel, Assistant Superintendent 08/26/2013 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copy of the Civil Rights slideshow, staff acknowledgement of completion of the training. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annual review of the Civil Rights training to ensure any newly identified category is reflected in the presentation. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 21 Staff training regarding civil rights responsibilities Basis for Status Decision: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity in the district's training on civil rights responsibilities, including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 65 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 24 Curriculum review Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that the district process to review all educational materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations does not include gender identity as a protected category. Description of Corrective Action: The district process to review all educational materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations will be updated to include gender identity as a protected category. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Mary Beth Hamel, Assistant Superintendent Completion: 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copy of district review for educational materials. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Assistant Superintendent in Support of Teaching and Learning reviews the educational materials review process. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 24 Curriculum review Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of dissemination and training for staff on the updated nondiscrimination statement with the added category of gender identity and the procedures for review of all educational materials including a training agenda, signed attendance sheets and copies of the materials by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 66 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Document review indicated that the district does not annually evaluate all aspects of its K12 programming to ensure that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status, have equal access to all programs, including athletics and other extracurricular activities. Description of Corrective Action: The district has developed an annual review process to be completed by the Regional Leadership Team in the late winter/spring of each school year. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Carl Mock, Superintendent and Regional Leadership Team 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Copy of the completed annual review of the K-12 programming within the district. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight of the annual planning process by the Director of Special Education and Regional Leadership team. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially Approved Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district process was not identified as a review of equal access for all programs K-12. Department Order of Corrective Action: Develop a procedure or instrument for the Leadership Team to use to administer annually to determine equal access of all protected categories to all k-12 district programming. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a copy of the instrument developed to administer to staff to ensure that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or housing status, have equal access to all programs, including athletics and other extracurricular activities by May 6, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 05/06/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 67 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 26A Confidentiality and student records Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of Page Hilltop Elementary School records demonstrated that personally identifiable information for several students is present in other students' records. Description of Corrective Action: The Ayer Shirley Special Education office will complete a record review of Page Hilltop Elementary School records to remove any personally identifiable information from student records that don't pertain to that student. Title/Role(s) of Responsible Persons: Expected Date of Teri Babetski, Director of Special Education Completion: Special Education office staff 06/30/2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Review of Page Hilltop Elementary School student records. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Oversight by Director of Special Education and Special Ed office staff as to what is placed in student records through intermittent student record reviews. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially CR 26A Confidentiality and student Approved records Status Date: 10/28/2013 Basis for Status Decision: The district did not address the need to train administrative staff on maintenance of student records requirements. Department Order of Corrective Action: Training needs to be provided to professional staff and the record keepers at Page Hilltop regarding personally identifiable information in addition to the district removing any information from records. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide evidence of training on student record confidentiality requirements, particularly with regard to managing personally identifiable information for Page Hilltop Elementary School. Provide training agenda and signed attendance sheet with role identified and materials presented by January 14, 2014. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/14/2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 68 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW District: Ayer-Shirley Public Schools Corrective Action Plan Forms Program Area: English Learner Education Prepared by: Ayer Shirley Regional School District/Mary Beth Hamel CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans. All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report to the school or district. Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: April 1, 2015 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 18 Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: Record review indicated that student files do not consistently contain annual parent notification letters or home language surveys. Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The district has created a checklist for the student's ELL folder which includes a list of all required documents, including parent notifications. Home language surveys in native languages will be provided to parents at the time of registration. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Karen Murphy, District ELL Corrective Action Activity: September 30, Coordinator 2014 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: review of student ELL records Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The district ELL Coordinator will conduct biannual ELL records reviews in each of the four schools to ensure that ESL teachers comply with the ELE18. Additionally, department agendas and meeting notes will reflect the action of completing required forms. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 18 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district provided a revised procedure for monitoring required documents including the annual parent notification letters and home language surveys, along with identifying a person responsible for implementing this procedure. However, the district is also required to illustrate how the revised policy and procedure will be disseminated to staff and how staff will be trained on these new procedures. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 69 Department Order of Corrective Action: Provide training to all appropriate staff on the district’s monitoring procedures to ensure that parent notification letters and home language surveys are consistently contained within the files of English language learners. Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By September 30, 2014, please submit a copy of the revised checklist for the student ELL folder, along with evidence of staff training to appropriate staff on the district’s procedures to ensure that parent notification letters and home language surveys are consistently contained within the files of English language learners. Evidence of training should include agenda, signed attendance sheets, and examples of training materials. By December 19, 2014, please submit of an administrative record review of a sample of ELL student records for evidence that parent notification letters and home language surveys are consistently contained within the files of English language learners. Indicate the number of records reviewed, the number found compliant, an explanation of the root cause for any continued noncompliance, and a description of additional corrective actions taken by the district to address any identified noncompliance. *Please note that when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student names and grade level for the record review; b) Date of the review; c) Name of the person(s) who conducted the review, their role(s), and their signature(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): September 30, 2014 December 19, 2014 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Program Quality Assurance Services Ayer Shirley School District CPR Corrective Action Plan 70