Program Quality Assurance Services
Charter School or District: Attleboro
CPR Onsite Year: 2009-2010
Program Area: Special Education
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance
corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance
of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 06/08/2010.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 06/08/2011
Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report
SE 1
SE 2
Criterion Title
Assessments are appropriately selected and interpreted for
students referred for evaluation
Required and optional assessments
SE 8
IEP Team composition and attendance
SE 9
SE 12
Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of
documentation to parent
Elements of the eligibility determination; general education
accommodations and services for ineligible students
Frequency of re-evaluation
SE 13
Progress Reports and content
CPR Rating
SE 22
Criterion Title
IEP implementation and availability
SE 24
Notice to parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or
change the identification, evaluation, or educational
placement of the child or the provision of FAPE
Parental consent
SE 25
SE 29
SE 51
Communications are in English and primary language of
FAPE (Free, appropriate, public education): Equal
opportunity to participate in educational, nonacademic,
extracurricular and ancillary programs, as well as
participation in regular education
Appropriate special education teacher licensure
SE 55
Special education facilities and classrooms
SE 48
CPR Rating
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 1 Assessments are appropriately selected and interpreted for
Partially Implemented
students referred for evaluation
Department CPR Findings:
Interviews and
record reviews indicate that tests and other evaluation materials are not
provided and administered to limited English proficient (LEP) students in a
language and form most likely to yield accurate information on what the student
knows and can do academically, developmentally, and functionally.
Description of Corrective Action:
The ELL Coordinator has updated the Attleboro Public Schools (APS) procedure for
determining a student's first language, which includes a home-school survey (also
translated into other languages) and a screening by a trained ELL educator.
School-based Team Chairperson & Student Service Coordinators will participate in a
training on August 24 and 25 which includes but not limited to the reviewing of the APS
updated Special Education Procedural Manual which describes how to determine language
dominance for ELL students.
Anticipated Results:
The revised procedures by the ELL Coordinator and the training of the School-based Team
Chairperson & Student Service Coordinators will result in an ELL child who is referred for a
special education evaluation, to be appropriately assessed in his/her dominant language.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Dir. of Spec Ed, ELL Coordinator School-based Team Chairperson Completion:
& Student Service Coordinators
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Evidence of completion will include completed ELL screening materials and a home-survey
in the student's and parent's dominant language as well as the completed assessments
and related information in the student and/or parent's dominant language.
APS will also include a list of qualified diagnosticians and/or agencies who are qualified to
assess in various languages.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
School-based Team Chairperson & Student Service Coordinators will meet with the
Director of Special Education on a monthly basis to review the steps taken when a child
who is an ELL is referred for a special education evaluation. In addition, files will be
randomly selected on a quarterly basis to review for compliance.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 1 Assessments are appropriately
Status Date: 08/04/2010
selected and interpreted for students
referred for evaluation Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the ELL Coordinator will update the procedures for determining a
student's first language so that a limited English proficient (LEP) student who is referred
for a special education evaluation will be appropriately assessed in his/her dominant
language. In addition, the district will develop a list of qualified evaluators to conduct
assessments in the student's native language. The result will be that when a LEP student
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
is referred for an evaluation, the student will be assessed in his/her native language. In
addition, the district will continue to conduct internal reviews on a quarterly basis to
ensure compliance.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. Submit to the Department, by December 1, 2010, the district's updated Special
Education Procedural Manual which describes how to determine language dominance for
ELL students along with training materials, agendas and signed attendance sheets as
evidence that relevant staff members received training on administering appropriate tests
and evaluation materials to limited English proficient (LEP) students in a language and
form most likely to yield accurate information on what the student knows and can do
academically, developmentally, and functionally. Also submit the list of qualified
evaluators for assessing students in their native language.
2. By March 28, 2011, conduct an internal monitoring of student records of limited English
proficient students who were evaluated subsequent to the training. Include the number of
LEP student records reviewed, the rate of compliance with LEP students being assessed in
a language and form most likely to yield accurate information, and the steps taken to
address any identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 2 Required and optional assessments
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student records
indicate that educational assessments administered by a representative of the
school district do not include a history of the student s educational progress
in the general curriculum.
Description of Corrective Action:
APS currently has forms that require the documentation of a student's school history. To
ensure that this is completed appropriately, APS will provide a model sample to each
School-based Team Chairperson & Student Service Coordinator, who in turn will share
with classroom teachers and related service providers. APS will also review the already
established procedure regarding how to complete the section of the student's history of
educational progress in the general curriculum and revise if necessary.
Anticipated Results:
Each student who receives an initial special education evaluation or a three-year reevaluation will have in his/her folder a completed form indicating the student's history of
educational progress in the general education curriculum.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education, School-based Team Chairperson &
Student Service Coordinators
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The School-based Team Chairperson will now be responsible for reviewing all special
education related documents and assessments before they are filed in the student's
folder. An accounting form will be utilized to document that this review has occurred.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
An accounting form will be utilized to document that this review has occurred and folders
will be randomly selected on a monthly basis to ensure that this information has been
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 2 Required and optional assessments
Status Date: 08/04/2010
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district will ensure that the documentation of a student's history of educational
progress in the general curriculum will be accurately completed. The district will review
the form and procedures with staff. On-going monitoring will take place through the use
of an accounting form and internal monitoring on a monthly basis.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence (agendas and sign-in
sheets) that Team Chairpersons, classroom teachers and related service providers were
trained on the procedures regarding the completion of the history of the student's
progress in the general curriculum.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Ensure that the internal
monitoring took place after the training. Include the number of records reviewed, the rate
of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 8 IEP Team composition and attendance
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
Student records
indicate that IEP Team meetings do not consistently have a general education
teacher in attendance, and the parent has not agreed or consented in writing
that the general education teacher s attendance is not necessary.
Description of Corrective Action:
Principals will be trained in compliance procedures relating to the composition of a TEAM
meeting, as well as the use of appropriate forms during a Leadership Academy (August
16-23). School-based Team Chairpersons will be trained on August 24 and 25 regarding
this issue.
In addition, each school administrator will design a plan to ensure general education
teachers are available to attend TEAM meetings.
Also, a checklist/agenda will be designed to be used by each Team Chairperson to follow
while holding a TEAM meeting. This checklist/agenda will include but is not limited to an
item that ensures the proper TEAM composition.
Finally, all groups will receive a completed Procedural Manual and will be trained by the
team chairperson and Student Service Coordinator assigned to his/her school.
Anticipated Results:
A general education staff member will be present at every TEAM meeting; however, if it
was agreed upon by the parent/guardian in advance that the general education teacher is
not needed at the TEAM meeting then the appropriate documentation will be signed and
placed in the child's folder.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Principals, Team Chairpersons, Special Education teachers &
related service providers
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
A sign-in sheet for the training sessions for Principals, Team Chairpersons and related
service providers will be generated to confirm their attendance.
In addition, the N3 (Attendance Sheet) for the child's TEAM meeting will indicate that a
general education teacher did attend that meeting as evidenced by their signature and
this form will be placed in the child's folder. The checklist/agenda completed by the Team
Chairperson will also be placed in the child's folder indicating the correct TEAM
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Folders will be randomly chosen on a monthly basis to ensure that this procedure is being
properly implemented and followed.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 8 IEP Team composition and
Status Date: 08/04/2010
attendance Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Principals and school-based Team chairpersons will be trained in the compliance
procedures relating to the composition of a Team meeting. In addition, a checklist/agenda
will be designed to be used by Team chairpersons to ensure the proper Team composition
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
during meetings. All staff and related service providers will receive a completed
Procedural Manual and will be trained by the Team chairperson and Student Service
Coordinator assigned to the school. The district also indicated that internal monitoring will
take place monthly.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence (agendas and sign-in
sheets) that principals, Team chairpersons, classroom teachers and related service
providers were trained on the compliance procedures regarding the composition of an IEP
Team meeting, including the appropriate excusal procedures.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Conduct the internal
monitoring subsequent to the training. Include the number of records reviewed, the rate
of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 9 Timeline for determination of eligibility and provision of
Partially Implemented
documentation to parent
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records indicates that the district does not consistently hold Team meetings within
the required 45 school working day timeline.
Description of Corrective Action:
APS has re-organized the structure of the Office of Special Education to give ownership to
the buildings. Rather than having 3 Student Service Coordinators responsible for holding
TEAM meetings for 9 schools, we have now created the position of a School-based Team
Chairperson. The role of the Student Service Coordinators now include following up and
monitoring the compliance of each school.
In addition, the compliance procedures, including but not limited to the 30/45 day time
frame for assessments and meetings, will be reviewed during the August 24 & 25 training
for the School-based Team Chairpersons and Student Service Coordinators. The Team
Chairpersons and Student Service Coordinators will then in turn train the special
education teachers and related service providers.
Anticipated Results:
All TEAM meetings, including annual reviews, will be held within the required time line.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education, School-based Team Chairpersons
& Student Service Coordinators
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Team Chairpersons will submit monthly monitoring reports to the Director of Special
Education for review.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Team Chairpersons will submit monthly monitoring reports to the Director of Special
Education for review.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 9 Timeline for determination of
Status Date: 08/04/2010
eligibility and provision of documentation
to parent Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district has re-structured to include a school-based Team chairperson who is
responsible for follow-up and compliance monitoring at each school. The school-based
Team chairperson and student service coordinators will be trained on the compliance
procedures that require districts to hold Team meetings within 45 school working days,
and will then train the special education teachers and related service providers. Monthly
monitoring will take place and Team chairpersons will report the monitoring results to the
director of special education.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence (agendas and sign-in
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
sheets) that the student service coordinators, Team Chairpersons, classroom teachers and
related service providers were trained on the compliance procedures that require districts
to hold IEP Team meeting within the 45 school working day timeline.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Ensure that the records
selected include Team meetings which took place after the training. Include the number of
records reviewed, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 9A Elements of the eligibility determination; general
Partially Implemented
education accommodations and services for ineligible students
Department CPR Findings:
Interviews and a
review of student records from the high school indicate that when students are
found not eligible for special education, Teams do not consider if the student
may be eligible for accommodations for disabilities under Section 504.
Description of Corrective Action:
The procedures for determining eligibility for services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(Section 504) will be reviewed with all school-based 504 Coordinators and Team
In addition, a form will be developed and completed by each special education TEAM
indicating consideration has been given regarding eligibility under Section 504.
Anticipated Results:
A general education team, led by the school-based 504 Coordinator, will meet separately
with parent/guardian to determine eligibility under Section 504.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education and school-based 504 Coordinators Completion:
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Completed referral form to the 504 Team as well as paperwork generated by the 504
team relating to such referral.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Folders will be randomly chosen for students found ineligible for special education services
on a monthly basis to ensure this procedure is being properly implemented and followed.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 9A Elements of the eligibility
Status Date: 08/04/2010
determination; general education
accommodations and services for
ineligible students Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that school-based 504 Coordinators and Team chairpersons will be
trained on the procedures for determining eligibility for services under the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 (Section 504) and a form will be completed by each special education Team
indicating consideration has been given regarding eligibility under Section 504. A general
education team will meet separately to determine eligibility. In addition, internal
monitoring of student records will occur on a monthly basis.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence (training materials, agendas
and sign-in sheets) that school-based 504 Coordinators and Team Chairpersons received
training on the procedures for determining eligibility for service under Section 504 and on
the use of the form developed to indicate that consideration has been given regarding
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
eligibility under Section 504.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Ensure that the internal
monitoring of student records occurred subsequent to the training. Include the number of
records reviewed, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 12 Frequency of re-evaluation
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records indicates that re-evaluations are not always conducted every three
years as required.
Description of Corrective Action:
APS has re-organized the structure of the Office of Special Education to give ownership to
the buildings. Rather than having 3 Student Service Coordinators responsible for holding
TEAM meetings for 9 schools, we have now created the position of a School-based Team
Chairperson. The role of the Student Service Coordinators now include following up and
monitoring the compliance of each school.
In addition, the compliance procedures will be reviewed during the August 24 & 25
training for the School-based Team Chairpersons and Student Service Coordinators.
Finally, all team chairpersons will utilize Easy IEP (the IEP tracking system) and print-out
all three (3)-year re-evaluations that are due from 09/01/2010 - 06/20/2011 and provide
this information to the special education teachers and related service providers in his/her
respective buildings.
Anticipated Results:
All meetings, including three-year re-evaluations will be held within required time-lines.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education, Team Chairpersons, Student
Service Coordinators
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Team Chairpersons will submit monthly monitoring reports to the district-wide Student
Services Coordinators and Director of Special Education for review.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Team Chairpersons will submit monthly monitoring reports to the district-wide Student
Services Coordinators and Director of Special Education for review.
SE 12 Frequency of re-evaluation -
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 08/04/2010
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the Office of Special Education was re-organized to create the
position of school-based Team chairpersons who will be responsible for the monitoring of
the compliance of individual schools. The school-based Team chairpersons and student
service coordinators will be trained in the procedures of compliance with conducting the
required re-evaluations every three years. In addition, all Team chairpersons will be
required to utilize Easy IEP to provide special education teachers and service providers
with information on three-year re-evaluations. This information will be disseminated at
the beginning of the school year and monthly monitoring of student records will take
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence (agendas and sign-in
sheets) that the school-based Team chairpersons and student service coordinators were
trained on the compliance procedures regarding conducting the required re-evaluations
every three years.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Ensure that the records
reviewed include those that had re-evaluations due after the training. Include the
number of records reviewed, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address any
identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 13 Progress Reports and content
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records indicates that when a student's eligibility has terminated because the
student graduated from secondary school or exceeded the age of eligibility, the
school district did not provide the student with a summary of his or her
academic achievement and functional performance, including recommendations on
how to assist the student in meeting his or her postsecondary goals.
Description of Corrective Action:
APS will create a procedure and timeline for completing and filing the Summary of
Student Performance.
In addition, the high school Student Service Coordinator will be trained in completing the
Summary of Student Performance during training on August 24 & 25.
Anticipated Results:
All graduating seniors with IEPs will have a completed Summary of Performance filed in
their historical special education folder as well as their cumulative folder and they will
receive a copy for their personal records.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education and high school Student Service
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
APS will create a database with all graduating seniors with IEPs and at the end of each
school year (or the beginning of the following school year) this database will be compared
to the Summary of Performances that were submitted to the central Office of Special
Education. Also, an additional folder will be placed in the student's historical special
education folder and its contents will include the following: Summary of Performance,
Transition Plan and Chapter 688 Referral.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
APS will create a database with all graduating seniors with IEPs and at the end of each
school year (or the beginning of the following school year) this database will be compared
to the Summary of Performances that were submitted to the central Office of Special
SE 13 Progress Reports and content -
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
Status Date: 08/04/2010
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that it will develop a procedure and timeline for completing and filing
the Summary of Student Performance and train the student service coordinator in the
procedure. In addition, for internal monitoring the district will create a database with all
graduating seniors with IEPs to ensure that it is consistent with the Summary of Student
Performances that were submitted to the central Office of Special Education. An additional
folder will be placed in students' historical special education folders which will contain the
Summary of Student Performance.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department a copy of the procedures and
timelines for completing the summary of academic achievement and functional
performance, as well as evidence of training the student service coordinator.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records, for any student who has exceeded the age of eligibility since development of the
procedures and training, for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Include
the number of records reviewed, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address
any identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 22 IEP implementation and availability
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records indicates that at the beginning of the school year, the district does
not always have an IEP in effect for each eligible student.
Description of Corrective Action:
The APS will create a procedure where the Team Chairperson will first access Easy IEP to
print out the IEPs of all students in his/her building. He/She will then cross-reference
these IEPs with the database of the building enrollment. Once this is completed, the Team
Chairperson will distribute the IEPs to the student's case manager and in turn the case
manager will distribute the student's IEP to his/her remaining teachers and service
The Team Chairpersons will be trained on August 24 & 25 and will learn how to access the
APS IEP system (Easy IEP) in order to print out IEPs for the building they are responsible
for and will be advised to distribute these IEPs to each student's case manager, who in
turn will distribute the IEPs to the student's remaining teachers and service providers.
Anticipated Results:
Each teacher and/or service provider who provides instruction to a student with an IEP
will receive a copy of this IEP by the end of September 9, 2010.
In addition, the Team Chairperson will have also identified IEPs that are overdue or if the
students have moved.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Dir of Spec. Ed, Student Service Coordinators, Team
Chairpersons & Case Managers
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Team Chairperson will create a database and document the date each IEP was
distributed to the case managers. In addition, each teacher and service provider will be
required to sign a "receipt" indicating they are in possession of the student's IEP.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Team Chairperson will create a database and document the date each IEP was
distributed to the case managers. In addition, each teacher and service provider will be
required to sign a "receipt" indicating they are in possession of the student's IEP. The
Director of Special Education and Student Service Coordinators will review this
documentation at the end of September 2010.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 22 IEP implementation and
availability Status Date: 08/04/2010
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
While the district indicated that it will ensure that staff have received a copy of their
students' IEPs, the district did not address how it will ensure that an IEP is in effect at the
beginning of the school year for each eligible student. In order to ensure compliance with
this criterion, action must be taken prior to the start of the school year so that an IEP is in
effect at the start of the year.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Develop procedures for staff to follow to ensure that an IEP is in effect for each eligible
student at the start of the school year.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
By December 1, 2010, submit the procedures for staff to follow to ensure that an IEP is in
effect for each eligible student at the start of the school year. Also submit evidence of
training on these procedures as well as the internal monitoring plan to ensure future
compliance with the requirements of this criterion.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 24 Notice to parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or Partially Implemented
change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of
the child or the provision of FAPE
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records indicates that when a student is referred for an evaluation to determine
eligibility for special education, the school district does not on a consistent
basis send written notice to the child s parent(s) within five school days of
receipt of the referral, along with the district s notice of procedural
Description of Corrective Action:
The APS will review the current procedure and forms already in place and adapt the
process to become more-school based than district-based.
Maintain a district-based database keeping track of dates and timelines of referrals. In
addition, upon receiving the referral, the Team Chairperson will initial and date it
Anticipated Results:
Written notices and procedural safeguards will go out within 5 days of receipt of the
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education; Student Service Coordinators &
Team Chairpersons
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The Team Chairperson will keep copies of the original referral sheet (initialed and dated)
as well as the N1, consent form, etc. that was sent to the parent.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Folders and Easy IEP will be randomly reviewed on a monthly basis (by the Director of
Special Education and Student Service Coordinators) and will compare that data to the
data in the system-wide database.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 24 Notice to parent regarding
proposal or refusal to initiate or change
Status Date: 08/04/2010
the identification, evaluation, or
educational placement of the child or the
provision of FAPE Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the current procedure and forms will be reviewed and adapted to
become more school-based than district-based. In addition, the district will maintain a
district-based database to keep track of dates and timeline of referrals.
The district did not indicate that individual school-based Team chairpersons will receive
training on the revised procedures and the forms developed to ensure that when a
student is referred for an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education written
notice will be provided to the child's parent(s) within five school days along with the
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
district's notice of procedural safeguards.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Provide training to school-based Team chairpersons on the district's procedures and forms
to ensure that when a student is referred for an evaluation to determine eligibility for
special education, within five school days the district provides the child's parent(s) with
written notice along with the district's notice of procedural safeguards.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence (training materials, sign-in
sheet, agenda) that the school-based Team chairpersons were trained on the compliance
procedures to ensure that when a student is referred for an evaluation to determine
eligibility for special education written notice will be provided to the child's parent(s)
within five school days along with the district's notice of procedural safeguards.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Include the number of
records reviewed for students referred for an evaluation since the training, the rate of
compliance and the steps taken to address any identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 25 Parental consent
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records indicates that the district does not consistently obtain written
parental consent before conducting an initial evaluation or re-evaluation.
Description of Corrective Action:
The APS will create a checklist/procedure detailing the compliance steps to take before an
initial or re-evaluation is held for a child.
An accounting sheet, as well as the Easy IEP database, will indicate when the consent was
sent out and returned.
Anticipated Results:
All students will have a copy of the original consent form in his/her special education
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Dir of Spec Ed, SSC, Team Chairpersons, Out of District SSC and Completion:
Related Service Providers
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
The final accounting sheet which is sent to the central Office of Special Education when an
initial or re-evaluation is held, will indicate when the consent was sent out and returned,
as well as the completed assessments. In addition, this information will be entered into
the Easy IEP database.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Student folders and files in Easy IEP will be randomly selected and reviewed by the
Director of Special Education and Student Service Coordinators on a monthly basis.
SE 25 Parental consent -
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
Status Date: 08/04/2010
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that a checklist/procedure with the compliance steps for an initial or reevaluation will be developed along with an accounting sheet and IEP database to indicate
the dates parental consent was sent out and received by the district.
The district did not indicate that individual school-based Team Chairpersons will receive
training on the checklist/procedures detailing the steps to take before an initial and/or reevaluation to ensure that written parental consent is obtained before conducting an initial
or re-evaluation.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Provide training to school-based Team chairpersons on the district checklist/procedure
with the compliance steps for an initial and re-evaluation to ensure that written parental
consent is obtained before conducting an initial and/or re-evaluation.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department the checklist/procedure, as well as
evidence (agenda and sign-in sheet) that the school-based Team chairpersons were
trained on the compliance procedures that ensure written consent is obtained before
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
conducting an initial and/or re-evaluation.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Include the number of
records reviewed since the training, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address
any identified non-compliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 29 Communications are in English and primary language of
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
A review of student
records and interviews indicate that the district does not consistently
communicate with parents in the primary language of the home when the primary
language is other than English.
Description of Corrective Action:
The ELL Coordinator has updated the Attleboro Public Schools (APS) procedure for
determining a student's first language, which includes a home-school survey (also
translated into other languages) and a screening by a trained ELL educator.
School-based Team Chairperson & Student Service Coordinators will participate in a
training on August 24 and 25 which includes but not limited to the reviewing of the APS
updated Special Education Procedural Manual which describes how to determine language
dominance for ELL students.
The APS Office of Special Education will develop a list of qualified professionals and/or
agencies who are qualified to translate/interpret in various languages.SSC and Team
Chairs will be able to identify a person or agency that is capable of translating the special
education forms into the parent/guardian's primary language.
Anticipated Results:
The revised procedures by the ELL Coordinator; the training of the School-based Team
Chairperson & Student Service Coordinators and interpreter/translation resource guide
will ensure that parents/guardians of students who are ELL and referred for a special
education evaluation will receive all related documents in their primary language.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education; ELL Coordinator; Student Service
Coordinators; Team Chairs
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Evidence of completion will include completed ELL screening materials and a home-survey
in the student's and parent's dominant language as well as the completed assessments
and related special education forms in the student and/or parent's/guardian's dominant
APS will also include a list of qualified diagnosticians and/or agencies who are qualified to
assess in various languages.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
School-based Team Chairperson & Student Service Coordinators will meet with the
Director of Special Education on a monthly basis to review the steps taken when a child
who is an ELL is referred for a special education evaluation. In addition, files will be
randomly selected on a quarterly basis to review for compliance.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 29 Communications are in English and
Status Date: 08/04/2010
primary language of home Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the ELE director updated the district's procedure for determining a
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
student's first language through a home language survey and screening by a trained ELL
educator. The school-based Team chairperson and student service coordinators will be
trained in the revised district procedure for determining an ELL student's dominant
language. In addition, the Office of Special Education will create a list of qualified
professionals and/or agencies to translate the special education forms and provide
interpreting services in the parent's or guardian's primary language.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department evidence that the school-based Team
chairpersons and the student service coordinators were trained on the district procedure
for determining a student's dominant language and the process of providing translated
forms and documents, as well as interpreting services, to parents/guardians in the
primary language of the home when the language is other than English. Submit the list of
agencies/professionals qualified to provide translation and interpreting services.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of student
records for compliance with the requirements of this criterion. Include the number of
records reviewed in which parents require communications in a language other than
English, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified noncompliance.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 48 FAPE (Free, appropriate, public education): Equal
Partially Implemented
opportunity to participate in educational, nonacademic,
extracurricular and ancillary programs, as well as participation in
regular education
Department CPR Findings:
Interviews indicate
that at all levels, the district does not communicate effectively with special
education students who are limited English proficient in order to provide
counseling services.
Description of Corrective Action:
The Director will meet with the High School Student Service Coordinator, the Assistant
Principal at the High School and the guidance counselors to inform them of the
compliance issue and regulation regarding ELL students and course selection.
The high school will develop a procedure relating to how they will communicate with ELL
students relevant to course selection and guidance services. For example, the high school
can either hire an outside translator or ask a bi-lingual teacher or staff member to
accompany the guidance counselor when speaking with the ELL student.
Anticipated Results:
There will be effective communication between the student who is ELL and requires
special education and the guidance counselor. Students will be able to better access the
services offered at the high school because they will have gained a better understanding
of what is available.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education, ELL Coordinator & Academic
Counselors & High School SSC
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Guidance counselors will maintain a log indicating when he/she met with a student who is
ELL and requires special education and make notations of what services were offered. In
addition, the outside translator or bi-lingual staff member will initial the log indicating
their participation.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Assistant Principal and Director of Special Education will review guidance logs on a
quarterly basis.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Partially
SE 48 FAPE (Free, appropriate, public
education): Equal opportunity to
Status Date: 08/04/2010
participate in educational, nonacademic,
extracurricular and ancillary programs,
as well as participation in regular
education Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the director will meet with the high school student service
coordinator, assistant principal and guidance counselors to inform them of the compliance
regulation regarding ELL students and the need to communicate effectively with special
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
education students who are limited English proficient in order to provide counseling
services. The high school will develop procedures for communicating effectively with
limited English proficient students.
While this was a requirement of all levels, the district did not develop procedures with the
elementary or middle school levels.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Provide information and training to the student service coordinators, principals and
guidance counselors at the middle and elementary school levels regarding the need to
communicate effectively with special education students who are limited English proficient
in order to provide counseling services.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. By December 1, 2010, submit the procedures to be used at each level for providing
counseling services to limited English proficient students. Also submit to the Department
evidence that the school-based Team chairpersons, principals and guidance counselors at
each level were trained on these procedures.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the logs maintained by the guidance
counselors. Indicate the number of limited English proficient/special education students
who met with a counselor, the number who received interpreting/translation services and
indicate any non-compliance with specific corrective action taken for each student.
*Please note when conducting internal monitoring the district must maintain the following
documentation and make it available to the Department upon request: a) List of student
names and grade levels for the records reviewed; b) Date of the review; c) Name of
person(s) who conducted the review, with their role(s) and signature(s).
Progress Report Due Date(s):
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Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 51 Appropriate special education teacher licensure
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
A review of the district s documentation indicates
that one of its special education teachers does not hold appropriate special
education teacher licensure.
Description of Corrective Action:
The person in this position was a non-renewal because of licensing issues and no longer is
employed by the APS. In addition, the actual position was cut due to budget.
Anticipated Results:
APS is now in 100% compliance regarding special education teacher licensure.
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education; Building Principal & Director of
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Copy of non-renewal notice is on file as well as copies of updated teacher licenses.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Going forward special education teachers will not be hired without the appropriate
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 51 Appropriate special education
Status Date: 08/04/2010
teacher licensure Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the teacher no longer works for the district and that the position
the teacher held was cut due to budget constraints. The district indicated that special
education teachers will not be hired without appropriate licensure.
No further action is required.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Criterion & Topic:
CPR Rating:
SE 55 Special education facilities and classrooms
Partially Implemented
Department CPR Findings:
An observation of
the special education facilities and classrooms at the high school indicates
that the Alternative Learning Program (ALP), a self-contained program, is
housed in two small rooms in the lower level of the school. The location of
this program does not maximize the inclusion of such students into the life of
the school as there are no other classrooms in this area.
Description of Corrective Action:
The substantially separate Alternative Learning Program classrooms located in two small
rooms in the lower level of the school have been relocated to rooms 107 and 108 in A
wing of the Attleboro High School amongst general education classrooms.
Anticipated Results:
The substantially separate Alternative Learning Program classrooms are now located
amongst general education classrooms and students in this program will have more
opportunities to interact socially and academically with their peers receiving general
Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons:
Expected Date of
Director of Special Education; High School Principal
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Floor Plan (will be emailed to PQA as well as sent via US Mail)
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Director of Special Education will participate in future planning of classrooms and
facilities (at all schools) that service students with disabilities.
Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved
SE 55 Special education facilities and
Status Date: 08/04/2010
classrooms Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
The district stated that the substantially separate Alternative Learning Program (ALP)
housed in two small rooms in the lower level of the school has been relocated to a wing of
the high school amongst general education classrooms. This relocation maximizes the
inclusion of these students into the life of the school.
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
By December 1, 2010, a Department personnel will visit the school to verify that the new
location of ALP is appropriate and that it maximizes the inclusion of these students into
the life of the school.
Progress Report Due Date(s):
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Charter School or District: Attleboro Public Schools
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: Civil Rights
Prepared by: Nancy F. Sprague, Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: June 3, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 7-Information to be translated into Rating: Partially Implemented
languages other than English
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not have a system
in place to translate important information and documents, such as handbooks and the code of conduct, into
the major languages spoken by parents or guardians with limited English skills. In addition, the district has
not established a system of oral interpretation to assist parents/guardians with limited English skills,
including those who speak low-incidence languages.
School or program recruitment and promotional materials being disseminated to the residents in the area
served by the school are not translated into the major languages spoken by residents with limited English
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: An interpretation and translation procedure will be written to establish a systematic process so
that information and notices can be translated into a language understood by students and parents. A multilingual statement will be added to all recruitment and promotional materials offering to translate the
materials into the major languages spoken in the city.
Handbooks are translated into Spanish, the major language of the district. A statement in multiple languages
(in the five most dominant) will be included with the handbook offering translations as needed. The code of
conduct will be translated into multiple languages and available for all parents.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy. The procedure will be
distributed and explained at that time. Administrators will then train their school staff during the September
1 professional development day.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Written Procedure: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Notice for translations: November 2010
Code of Conduct translated: December 2010
Monitoring: Quarterly beginning October 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Written interpretation and translation procedure
Statement to be included with all documents offering translations in multiple languages
Agenda for trainings
Code of Conduct translated into multiple languages
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 7-Information to be translated
into languages other than English
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit copies of translated handbooks and codes of conduct, as
well as copies of handbooks, recruitment and promotional materials that include the multilingual statement.
Submit the procedures for oral interpretation used to assist parents/guardians with limited English skills,
including those who speak low-incidence languages.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Submit agendas and sign-in sheets for staff trainings on these procedures.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 10A-Student handbooks and
Rating: Partially Implemented
codes of conduct
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not translate
handbooks and/or the code of conduct when requested by a parent or student whose primary language is not
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: District handbooks will include a multi-lingual statement offering to translate the handbook
upon request of a parent/guardian. The Code of Conduct will be translated into the major languages of the
An interpretation and translation procedure will be written to establish a systematic process so that
information and notices can be translated into a language understood by students and parents.
Handbooks are translated into Spanish, the major language of the district. A statement in multiple (in the five
most dominant) languages will be included with the handbook offering translations as needed. The code of
conduct will be translated into multiple languages and available for all parents.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy. The procedure will be
distributed and explained at that time. Administrators will then train their school staff during the September
1 professional development day.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and
Learning Excellence; ELL Coordinator
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Written Procedure: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Notice for translations: November 2010
Code of Conduct translated: December 2010
Monitoring: Quarterly beginning October 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Written interpretation and translation procedure
Statement to be included with all documents offering translations in multiple languages
Agenda for trainings
Code of Conduct translated into multiple languages
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 10A-Student handbooks
and codes of conduct
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See CR 7.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 13-Availability of information and
Rating: Partially Implemented
academic counseling on general curricular and
occupational/vocational opportunities
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not have a system
to ensure that the same information regarding academic counseling and occupational/vocational
opportunities are made available to students from linguistic minority groups.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: A system will be established to ensure that the same information regarding academic
counseling and occupational/vocational opportunities are available to students from linguistic minority
An interpretation and translation procedure will be written to establish a systematic process so that
information and notices can be translated into a language understood by students and parents.
When parents and/or students meet with counselors about academic and/or occupational/vocational
opportunities, translators will be available.
A multi-language statement (in the five most dominant) offering translations will be added to all
informational documents regarding occupational/vocational opportunities.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy. The procedure will
be distributed and explained at that time. Administrators will then train their school staff during the
September 1 professional development day.
Every effort will be made to hire bilingual counselors as positions become available.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; High School Principal;
Director of Career and Technical Education,
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Written Procedure: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Notice for translations: November 2010
Hiring bilingual counselor: ongoing
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Written interpretation and translation procedure
Statement to be included with all documents offering translations in multiple languages
Agenda for trainings
A multi-language statement offering translations included on all informational documents regarding
occupational/vocational opportunities.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 13-Availability of
information and academic counseling on
general curricular and
occupational/vocational opportunities
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a copy of the interpretation and translation procedures
for ensuring that academic counseling and occupational/vocational opportunities are made available to
students from linguistic minorities.
Submit the list of interpreters/translators to be used for students and parents/guardians when meeting with
Submit copies of documents provided to students on occupational/vocational opportunities that include the
multilingual statement.
Submit the training agenda and sign in-sheet.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 14- Counseling and counseling Rating: Partially Implemented
materials free from bias and stereotypes
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not provide
counseling to limited English proficient students in a language that they understand and facilitate their
access to all programs and services offered by the district.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: Counseling will be provided to limited English proficient students in a language they
understand and facilitate their access to all programs and services offered in the district.
An interpretation and translation procedure will be written to establish a systematic process so that
information and notices can be translated into a language understood by students and parents. A list of
translators and interpreters will be included.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy. The procedure will
be distributed and explained at that time. Administrators will then train their school staff during the
September 1 professional development day.
When students meet with counselors about programs and services offered by the district, interpreters will
be available.
Every effort will be made to hire bilingual counselors as positions become available.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence;
ELL Coordinator; High School Principal
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Written Procedure: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Hiring bilingual counselor: ongoing
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Written interpretation and translation procedure
Agenda for trainings
A multi-language statement offering translations included on all informational documents regarding all
programs and services offered by the district.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 14- Counseling and
counseling materials free from bias and
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit the procedures to be used to ensure that counseling is
provided to limited English proficient students, district-wide, in a language that they understand.
Submit the list of interpreters/translators used for providing counseling services to limited English
proficient students.
Submit the agenda and sign-in sheet for staff training on this criterion.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 16- Notice to students 16 or
Rating: Partially Implemented
over leaving school without a high school diploma,
certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion
Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not send annual
written notice to former students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have
not transferred to another school to inform them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school
academic support programs and to encourage them to participate in those programs.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: The high school will send written notice to former students who have not yet earned their
competency determination and who have not transferred to another school to inform them of the
availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support programs and to encourage them to
participate in those programs.
In the fall, high school counselors will be trained on the importance of staying in contact with students who
leave school who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to
another school to inform them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support
programs and to encourage them to participate in those programs.
A list of former students and their last known addresses will be developed by the guidance department of
students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another
school. This list will be maintained on a regular basis to ensure that it is current.
A letter will be developed by the high school guidance department that will be sent to the students
identified above informing them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support
programs and encouraging them to participate in these programs.
Letter will be mailed to all students by December 1.
High School principal will monitor completion of tasks on a monthly basis.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
High School Principal
Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Training: September 2010
List of students developed: October 15, 2010
Letter written: October 1, 2010
Letters mailed to students: December 1, 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Training agenda and sign in sheet
List of students
Completed letter
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Each term, the high School principal will receive a copy of the list of students who have left the high
school who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another
In December, the high school principal and the Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will receive
a copy of the letter that was mailed to students, along with a list of the students and their addresses.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 16- Notice to students 16 or
over leaving school without a high school
diploma, certificate of attainment, or
certificate of completion
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department the letter to
be sent to former students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not
transferred to another school to inform them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school
academic support programs and to encourage them to participate in those programs.
By March 28, 2011, submit to the Department a summary report of the internal monitoring of records of
former students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to
another school. Include the number of records reviewed, the rate of compliance with providing written
notice and the steps taken to address any identified noncompliance.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 and March 28, 2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 24-Curriculum review
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Staff interviews indicate that the district does not ensure that individual
teachers review all educational materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations on the basis of
race, color, sex, religion, national origin and sexual orientation and provide balance and context for any
such stereotypes depicted in such materials.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: Staff will receive training each fall on the importance of reviewing all educational materials
for simplistic and demeaning generalizations on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin and
sexual orientation and provide balance and context for any such stereotypes depicted in such materials.
Training for all administrators on the importance of having individual teachers review all educational
materials they use with students for simplistic and demeaning generalizations on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin and sexual orientation and provide balance and context for any such
stereotypes depicted in such materials will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy.
Administrators will then train their school staff during the September 1 professional development day.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will receive agendas and sign in sheets from the
September meeting indicating that all staff was trained.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Director for Teaching and
Corrective Action Activity:
Learning Excellence
September 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Agenda and sign in sheets from training
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will receive agendas and sign in sheets from the
September meeting indicating that all staff members were trained.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 24-Curriculum review
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit to the Department the district’s procedures to ensure
that individual teachers review all educational materials as required by this criterion. Submit any forms
developed for use by staff in this regard.
Submit the agenda and sign-in sheet for staff training on curriculum review.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CR 25- Institutional self-evaluation
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Interviews indicate that the district currently does not evaluate all aspects of
its K-12 program annually to ensure that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national
origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status, have equal access to
all programs.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: The district will annually evaluate all aspects of its K-12 program to ensure that all students,
regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation,
disability, or housing status, have equal access to all programs.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will survey all principals and programs to identify
annual evaluations that are currently being completed. A process will be developed for central sharing of
the data for existing evaluations. (For example, surveys of ELL parents, staff and administrators are
currently done but not centrally shared.)
Once existing evaluations are identified, gaps will be identified and appropriate evaluations will be
developed along with a plan for implementation.
A written procedure with timelines will be developed to ensure that all programs are appropriately
evaluated each year and that the data from the evaluations are used to improve programs and practices.
Training will be provided to administrators and program directors on the evaluation process.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will monitor the implementation of the procedure by
quarterly check ins with appropriate administrators and program directors.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Collection of existing evaluation systems:
November 2010
Gaps identified and evaluations developed: March
Evaluations completed and compiled: June 2011
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Final report of evaluations completed in June 2011
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will monitor the implementation of the procedure by
meeting quarterly with appropriate administrators and program directors.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 25- Institutional selfevaluation
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By December 1, 2010, submit the procedures with timelines
to ensure that all programs are appropriately evaluated each year and that the data from the evaluations is
used to improve programs and practices.
By June 1, 2011, submit to the Department a copy of the district’s institutional self-evaluation.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 and June 1, 2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Charter School or District: Attleboro Public Schools
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: English Learner Education
Prepared by: Nancy F. Sprague, Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence*
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: June 3, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 5- Program Placement and
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Comments:
Sheltered English immersion (SEI) is a program model for limited English proficient (LEP) students
composed of two parts—English as a second language (ESL) and sheltered content instruction. ESL
is explicit, direct instruction about the English language, delivered to LEP students only and designed
to promote the English language development of LEP students. Sheltered content instruction is an
approach for teaching content to LEP students in strategic ways that make the subject matter concepts
comprehensible while promoting the LEP students’ English language development.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
A review of district documents shows that the district does currently utilize appropriate materials for LEP
students and has a district-wide ESL curriculum based on the Massachusetts English Language Proficiency
Benchmarks and Outcomes (ELPBO).
For students who do receive direct ESL instruction, documentation indicates amounts of ESL instruction
below recommended hours as outlined in the Department’s September 2009 guidance document: “Guidance
on Using MEPA Results to Plan Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Instruction and Make Reclassification
Decisions for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students." The number of hours of direct instruction appeared
significantly lower than recommended amounts for Beginners in particular and documentation suggests that
the district follows a primarily push-in model for ESL instruction. Additionally, updated Department
guidance now recommends at least 2.5 hours per week for MEPA Level 4 and 5 students of direct ESL
Attleboro Public Schools submitted a detailed multi-year strategic plan for offering Sheltered English
Immersion Professional Development (SEI PD) to teachers who provide content instruction to LEP students in
the district. Category 4 training had the lowest numbers of teachers represented.
Content instruction is based on the appropriate Massachusetts Curriculum Framework; however, not all
teachers have completed all of the required categories of SEI professional development focused on the skills
and knowledge necessary for sheltering instruction, described in the Commissioner’s Memorandum of June
2004 (see findings ELE 15).
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: ESL Instruction will be provided to all ELL students as outlined in the Department’s September
2009 guidance document.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will send a memo to principals detailing the ELL CPR
findings by June 25, 2010.
The ELL Coordinator will identify all ELL students by grade and proficiency levels (Levels 1-5) in each school
K-12 by July 15, 2010 and update the Excel spreadsheet: Category 1-4 trained core and non-core staff by
school K-12 to disseminate to principals so that class lists can be developed.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will review class lists before August 15, 2010 to ensure
that ELL students are placed with SEI trained teachers and are clustered for maximum ESL service delivery.
ELL staffing will be appropriately assigned to meet the DESE recommendations in “Using MEPA Results to
Plan Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Instruction and Make Reclassification Decisions for Limited English
Proficient (LEP) Students -September 2009” which states the recommended hours of ESL services by
proficiency levels.
On going ELL training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy.
Administrators will then train their school staff during the September 1 professional development day.
ELL teachers will develop their schedules with their assigned principals so that all ELL students receive the
recommended hours of ESL service based on the ELL student’s proficiency levels by September 17, 2010.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence, the ELL Coordinator and principals will review the ELL
teacher schedules and SEI student assignments by October 15, 2010.
Cat. 4 training and SEI professional development which focuses on the skills and knowledge necessary for
sheltering instruction, described in the Commissioner’s Memorandum of June 2004 will be addressed in ELE
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; Principals;
ELL teachers
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Memo to Principals: June 25, 2010
Grade and Proficiency Levels Information: July 15,
Excel spreadsheet Category 1-4 trained core and
non-core staff by school K-12: August 1, 2010
SEI Class Lists: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
ELL teacher schedules: September 15, 2010
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
Other: See ELE 15
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Memo to Principals K-12 about ELL CPR “partially implemented” recommended hours of service for ELL
students and SEI training for staff
Composite of ELL students by grade and proficiency levels based on Spring 2010 MEPA scores and/or other
appropriate data for principals
Excel spreadsheet Category 1-4 trained core and non-core staff by school K-12 (See ELE 15)
Summarization of DESE September 9, 2009 Guidance for Leadership Academy
SEI class lists
Agenda of Principal Trainings
ELL teacher schedules
Other: See ELE 15
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals and
ELL staff to ensure that ELL students are appropriately clustered and receiving services according to
recommended ESL service guidelines.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 5- Program Placement and
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district does not propose submitting student schedules or
other evidence that LEP students will receive appropriate ESL instruction, consistent with ESE
recommendations. Submission of ELL teacher schedules is proposed, but this will not necessarily provide the
Department with the evidence needed to determine compliance.
Similarly, submission of SEI class lists and an Excel spreadsheet of trained core and non-core staff without
appropriate linkage to the LEP student schedules and a roster of LEP students will not provide the Department
with evidence needed to determine compliance.
Though a check-in with principals and ELL staff is described, the district did not propose to submit evidence of
the monitoring of LEP student schedules in the future to ensure appropriate ESL instruction and placement in
SEI classrooms with appropriately trained staff.
Department Order of Corrective Action: Submit a copy of the roster of LEP students, including school,
grade, and proficiency level. Provide copies of all LEP student schedules indicating for each (1) proficiency
level, (2) hours of ESL instruction, (3) placement in SEI classrooms, with appropriately trained staff. Provide
the above by December 1, 2010.
Conduct a review of a sampling of LEP student schedules at each level to ensure that LEP students continue to
receive appropriate levels of ESL instruction, and continue to be placed in SEI classrooms with appropriately
trained staff. Provide a report of this review including: (1) number of LEP student schedules reviewed, (2)
number of LEP student schedules that indicated appropriate ELL instruction, (3) number of LEP student
schedules that indicated appropriate placement in SEI classrooms, and (4) actions taken to remedy any
situations where LEP students did not receive recommended hours of ESL instruction or were not placed in SEI
classrooms. Submit the above by March 28, 2011.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Provide a copy of the memo to principals detailing the ELL CPR
Provide a copy of the updated the Excel spreadsheet (Category 1-4 trained core and non-core staff by school K12) and provide evidence that it has been disseminated to principals.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Provide copies of class lists that indicate that LEP students are placed with SEI trained teachers and are
clustered for maximum ESL service delivery.
Provide evidence (agendas, training materials, signed attendance sheets) of the ELL training for all
administrators (part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy). Include copies of each principal’s updated
excel database of their building staff who are trained in the Categories 1-4 and the ELL 2010-2011 PD
Provide evidence (agenda, training materials, signed attendance sheets) of the administrators’ training of their
school staff for each school in the district (during the September 1 professional development day).
Provide all of the above by December 1, 2010.
Provide a report of the review of (1) all ELL teacher schedules and (2) all SEI student assignments by the
Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence, the ELL Coordinator and principals by December 1, 2010.
Include in the report (1) number of students receiving appropriate ESL instruction, (2) number of students
placed appropriately in SEI classrooms for all classes, (3) actions taken to remedy any situations where
students are not receiving appropriate ESL instruction or are not placed in SEI classrooms.
Provide evidence of Category 4B and Category 4C training, including agendas, training materials and signed
attendance sheets by December 1, 2010 and March 28, 2011.
See ELE 15 concerning the district’s evaluation of the need for category training in all categories at all levels,
and subsequent evidence of creation of a plan to address any needs and implementation of that plan.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 & March 28, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 10-Parental Notification
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: A review of the district’s Parental Notification letter indicates that it does not
inform parents of the program placement and/or the method of instruction used in the program. In addition, the
review of records indicates that parents of LEP students do not receive report cards and progress reports in the
same manner and frequency as general education reporting.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: The district’s Parental Notification letter will inform parents of the program placement and/or the
method of instruction used in the program; LEP students will receive report cards and progress reports in the
same manner and frequency as general education reporting.
Parental Notification Letter
The ELL Coordinator will review guidance from the DESE and review other districts’ parental notification
letters. The present Attleboro Parental Notification letter will be revised during the September 29, 2010 PD
meeting with ELL teachers.
Training for the ELL teachers will include the DESE guidelines on the Parental Notification letter and its use to
notify all ELL parents of the student’s program placement, method of instruction and that a copy of the Parental
Notification letter needs be placed in the ELL yellow folders. (See ELE 18)
An ELL Folder Checklist will be developed during September 29, 2010 ELL PD and the APS ELE Yearly
Planning Calendar will be updated by October 1, 2010 to assist ELL teachers in their record keeping.
The ELL Coordinator will check with the ELL teachers that letters have been distributed within 30 days from
the beginning of the school year. The ELL Coordinator will check 5 random folders per building by October 29,
2010 to see that each contains a Parental Notification letter. If not compliant, an additional 5 folders will be
checked and a meeting will be set up with ELL teacher to provide appropriate documentation.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report Cards and ELL Progress Reports
Training on the ELL CPR process and record procedures has been on going during the ELL Teacher PD
Meetings during the 2009-2010 school year and will continue into the 2010-2011 school year.
Report Cards are given to ELL students but a copy needs to be placed in the ELL yellow folder along with the
copy placed in the individual student’s cumulative folder. The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence
sent a memo to building principals K-12 and ELL teachers on June 21, 2010 to explained the change in practice
and the need to place a copy of the ELL student’s end of year report card in each student’s ELL yellow folder to
demonstrate that each ELL student does receive report cards in the same manner and frequency as general
education reporting. This began in June 2010.
The ELL Coordinator will review guidance from the DESE and review other districts’ ELL Progress Reports.
The Attleboro ELL Progress Reports will be drafted during the September 29, 2010 PD meeting and final
revisions will be made at the October 27, 2010 PD based on the Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence’s input. The final version will be shared during a training session at a building meeting with staff.
The Attleboro ELL Progress Report will be completed and given to parents of ELL students in the same manner
and frequency as general education reporting and will be used during the 2010-2011 school year. Copies of ELL
Progress Report will be placed in ELL yellow folders.
An ELL Folder Checklist will be developed during the September 29, 2010 ELL PD and the APS ELE Yearly
Planning Calendar will be updated by October 1, 2010 to assist ELL teachers in their record keeping.
The ELL Coordinator will check with the ELL teachers that ELL Progress Reports have been distributed.
The ELL Coordinator will check 5 random folders per building to see that record keeping is current. If not
compliant, an additional 5 folders will be checked and a meeting will be set up with the ELL teacher to provide
appropriate documentation for folders. A final record review will be conducted to check that each ELL yellow
folder contains a Parental Notification letter, a final report card from June 2010 and ELL Progress Report by
May 27, 2011. (See ELE 18)
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; Principals; ELL teachers
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Action Activity:
Parental Notification Letter
ELL Staff Training and Parental Notification Letter:
September 29, 2010
An ELL Folder Checklist: September 29, 2010
APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar update: October
1, 2010.
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
---------------------------------------------------------Report Cards and ELL Progress Reports
Memo to Principals & ELL teachers: June 21, 2010
ELL Staff Training and ELL Progress Reports:
September 29, 2010 and October 27, 2010
An ELL Folder Checklist: September 29, 2010 ELL
APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar update: October
1, 2010.
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Parental Notification Letter
Sample of revised Parental Notification Letter
Agenda of ELL PD training
Sample of ELL Folder Checklist
Sample of APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report Cards and ELL Progress Reports
Memo to Principals K-12 and ELL teachers.
Agendas of ELL PD Training 2010-2011
Sample of ELL Progress Report
Sample of ELL Folder Checklist
Sample of APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals and ELL
staff to ensure that ELL student records are appropriately maintained according to DESE ELL guidelines using
the ELL Folder Checklist and APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 10-Parental Notification
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit to the Department the following:
1. The parental notification letter with all of the required elements in compliance with this criterion, as well as
the procedures for procuring translations of the parental notification letter and copies of the translated letter.
Submit by December 1, 2010.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
2. Evidence that ELL staff received training on the following:
a) Parental Notification letter and its use to notify all ELL parents of the student’s program placement/
method of instruction and that a copy of the Parental Notification letter needs to be placed in the
ELL record.
b) The procedure for providing progress reports to parents of ELL students in the same manner and
frequency as general education reporting and copies placed in the student’s ELL folders. Submit to
the Department by December 1, 2010.
3. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal monitoring of LEP students’ records for the
inclusion of the appropriate parental notification letter in English and in translation (where required) and the
inclusion of reports cards in the same frequency as non-LEP students. Include the number of records
reviewed, the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified noncompliance.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 and March 28, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 11- Equal Access to Academic
Rating: Partially Implemented
Programs and Services
Department CPR Finding: A review of student records and documentation indicate that the district does not
ensure that LEP students receive English language support in the non-core academic courses. As not all
teachers have been trained in sheltered English immersion, the district does not ensure that ELE students are
taught to the same academic standards and curriculum as all students and are provided with the same
opportunities to master such standards. In addition, the district does not ensure that LEP students receive
counseling and information in notices, such as activities and academic standards provided to all students, in a
language and mode of communication that they understand.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: SEI training will be offered to all teachers in multiple formats throughout the school year. All
teachers, including non-core academic subject teachers, will be encouraged to attend these trainings.
Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)PD
The procedure for SEI professional development which focuses on the skills and knowledge necessary for
sheltering instruction, described in the “Commissioner’s Memorandum of June 2004” will be addressed in the
narrative description and follow-up of ELE 15.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August Leadership Academy. The ELL 2010-2011 PD
Calendar for SEI PD training will be explained. Administrators will then train their school staff about the
importance of training and the ELL offerings during the September 1 professional development day.
In addition, to boost the participation of non-core staff in Category trainings, an overview of the SEI Cat. 1-4
trainings will be held during the March 9, 2011 professional development day to provide the appropriate
educational strategies available in each SEI Cat. 1-4 training for the non-core subject areas.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals semiannually to review the progress of non-core staff SEI training in each building.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interpreting and Translation Procedure; Academic Counseling
Procedure: A system will be established to ensure that LEP/ELL students will receive counseling and information
in notices, such as activities and academic standards provided to all students, in a language and mode of
communication that they understand.
An interpretation and translation procedure will be written to establish a systematic process so that information
and notices can be translated into a language understood by students.
A list interpreters and translators will updated through a district posting and outside venders will be set up for low
incident languages.
A multi-language statement will be added to school notices which provide information on activities and academic
All counselors will ensure that a translator is part of any meeting with an ELL student to facilitate the access to
all programs and services offered by the district. Every effort will be made to hire bilingual counselors as
positions become available.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August Leadership Academy. The procedure will be distributed
and explained at that time. Administrators will then train their school staff during the September 1 professional
development day. A log of counseling/interpreting and translation requests will be kept by building.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals to ensure
that LEP/ELL students receive counseling and information in notices, such as activities and academic standards
provided to all students, in a language and mode of communication that they understand.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; Principals
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Action Activity:
See ELE 15
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
ELL 2010-2011 PD Calendar: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Non-Core Staff Training: March 9, 2011
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
---------------------------------------------------------Interpreting and Translation Procedure; Academic
Written Procedure: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Logs of Counseling/Interpretation and Translation
Requests: September 2010
List of Interpreters and Translators: October 15, 2010
Multi-language statement for translations: November
Hiring bilingual counselor: ongoing
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
See ELE 15
ELL 2010-2011 PD Calendar (ELE 15)
Agendas of Principal Training
Agendas of Staff Training
Agenda of Non-Core Staff ELL Training
Documentation of ELL training by school (Excel) with teacher’s names and non-core subject areas taught (ELE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interpreting and Translation Procedure; Academic Counseling
Sample of Interpretation and Translation Procedure
Agendas of Principal Training
Agendas of Staff Training
Log of counseling/interpretation and translation requests by building
List of Interpreters and Translators
A multi-language template offering translations in multiple languages
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals to ensure
that SEI training is offered to all non-core staff according to DESE ELL guidelines and to ensure that LEP
students receive counseling and information in a language and mode of communication that they understand.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 11- Equal Access to
Academic Programs and Services
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
1. Provide a description of the system established to ensure that LEP/ELL students receive counseling and
information in notices, such as activities and academic standards, in a language and mode of communication
that they understand along with copies of translated notices. Submit this description to the Department by
December 1, 2010.
2. Provide the list of interpreters and translators that the district will use to provide native language guidance
and academic counseling to LEP students. Submit this information to the Department by December 1, 2010.
See ELE 5 and ELE 15 with regard to professional development of teachers to ensure that students are taught to
the same academic standards and curriculum.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 13- Follow-up Support
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: A review of students’ records indicates that the district does not actively monitor
students that have exited an English learner education program for two years and provide language support
services to those students. Students’ records contained incomplete monitoring forms.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: The progress of students who have exited the ELE program will be monitored for two years.
Language support services will be provided to these students as needed. All monitoring forms will be kept up to
By August 15, 2010, the ELL Coordinator will review the district monitoring protocol and forms for the
Formally Limited English Proficient (FLEP) students.
The monitoring forms include data on:
 Student SASID number
 Student’s previous MELA-O and MEPA scores
 Student MCAS scores
 Present classroom performance
 Student report card information
 ELL teacher responsible for monitoring
The building principal and the ELL Coordinator will continue to participate in the FLEP monitoring meetings
and check with the ELL teachers that those FLEP students who need language support services will be placed on
the ELL teacher’s class schedule. Completed monitoring forms will be filed in the student’s ELL yellow folder.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy.
The ELL Coordinator and district ELL staff will meet during the ELL PD meeting September 29, 2010 to review
the district monitoring protocol and forms, the scheduling of language support services for FLEP students,
completing the monitoring forms, and the use of the APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar. An ELL Folder
Checklist will be developed to assist ELL teachers with record keeping.
The ELL Coordinator will check 5 random ELL yellow folders per building to see that each contains an updated
monitoring form. If not compliant, an additional 5 folders will be checked and a meeting will be set up with the
ELL teacher to provide appropriate documentation for folders.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Action Activity:
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; Principals; ELL teachers FLEP Monitoring Protocol and monitoring forms
reviewed: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
ELL PD Training: September 29, 2010
APS ELL Yearly Planning Calendar: updated by
October 1, 2010
ELL Folder Checklist: September 29, 2010
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Copy of Attleboro Public Schools FLEP Monitoring Protocol and monitoring forms
Agenda of Principal Training
Agenda of ELL PD Trainings
Sample of APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar (See ELL 10)
Sample of ELL Folder Checklist (See ELL 10)
ELL teacher schedules
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals and ELL
staff to ensure that ELL FLEP students are actively monitored and that the ELL yellow folders have the
appropriate monitoring forms.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 13- Follow-up Support
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit to the Department the following:
1. The new procedures for FLEP exit and follow-up monitoring, along with any forms used to implement the
policy (see ELE 6). Submit by December 1, 2010.
2. By March 28, 2011, a summary report of the internal review of FLEP students’ records for appropriate
documentation of monitoring. Include the number of records reviewed, the rate of compliance and the steps
taken to address any identified noncompliance
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 and March 28, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 15- Professional
Development Requirements
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Attleboro Public Schools submitted a detailed multi-year strategic plan for
offering Sheltered English Immersion Professional Development (SEI PD) to teachers who provide content
instruction to LEP students in the district. Category 4 training had the lowest numbers of teachers
Content instruction is based on the appropriate Massachusetts Curriculum Framework; however, not all
teachers have completed all of the required categories of SEI professional development focused on the skills
and knowledge necessary for sheltering instruction, described in the Commissioner’s Memorandum of June
2004 (see finding ELE 5). The district does have a detailed multi-year plan to provide the remaining
Categories of professional development to Attleboro teachers.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: All teachers will have access to Category 1-4 SEI training.
The ELL Coordinator reviewed the district’s need for addition Cat. 1-4 trainers and identified potential district
trainers. Interested staff submitted applications to DESE for the Trainer of Trainers (ToT) sessions during the
Spring of 2010.
DESE accepted Attleboro teachers for two different (ToT) sessions. Two teachers will be trained during
spring/summer 2010 in Cat. 1. Two teachers will also be trained during spring/summer 2010 in Cat. 4B. The
Attleboro Public School district will have district trainers in Categories 1, 2A, 2B, 3 Recalibration, 4B and 4C
by September 2010. This will increase the district’s capacity of training district staff in Cat. 4.
Presently, 44 staff members are being trained in Cat. 4C at Wamsutta Middle School. This training started in
January 2010 and will be completed in November 2011. These numbers will be reported for the 2010-2011
school year and in FY 12 Title III grant.
Based on the above, an ELL PD PowerPoint will be developed by the Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence and ELL Coordinator to explain the Category 1-4 PD trainings on sheltered content instruction.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy. As part of the training
each principal will receive an updated excel database of their building staff who are trained in the Categories 14 and the ELL 2010-2011 PD Calendar for training will be distributed.
Principals will present the ELL 2010-2011 PD Calendar to their school staff during the September 1
professional development day and explain that many of the trainings are offered for PDPs or college credit.
Teachers will be encouraged to participate in SEI training during their study years in the district’s evaluation
The ELL Coordinator will monitor going training, review the ELL PD training schedule, and update the excel
database base of building staff trained in Cat. 1-4 for principals.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals to
review the number of staff receiving training and discuss strategies to encourage staff to participate in
upcoming trainings.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; Principals
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
DESE ToT Acceptance Letters: Spring 2010
Cat. 4 Wamsutta training list: November 1, 2010
ELL PD PowerPoint: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Excel spreadsheet: June 25, 2010
ELL 2010-2011 PD Calendar: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Letters of Acceptance to ToT Summer 2010 Training for Cat 1 and 4B
Cat. 4 Wamsutta list
ELL PD Power Point
Agenda for Principal Trainings
Excel spreadsheet Category 1-4 trained core and non-core staff by school K-12
Sample of ELL 2010-2011 PD Calendar
Agenda for Staff Training
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals to
review the number of staff receiving training.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 15- Professional
Development Requirements
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
See ELE 5 above concerning linkage of LEP students to sheltered content classrooms with appropriately
trained staff.
Provide evidence of staff completion of ESE Trainer of Trainers (ToT) sessions in Categories 1 and 4B.
Provide evidence of staff training in Category 4C, including signed attendance sheets.
Provide a report of the conclusions reached in the review of the district’s need for additional Cat. 1-4 trainers,
including specific plans for addressing any need for additional category training at all levels.
Provide a copy of the ELL PD PowerPoint developed by the Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence
and ELL Coordinator to explain the Category 1-4 PD trainings on sheltered content instruction.
See ELE 5 concerning evidence of the training for all administrators (August 18-19 Leadership Academy).
Provide all of the above by December 1, 2010.
Provide evidence of the implementation of the plan for additional training in all categories at all levels, as
necessary, by December 1, 2010 & March 28, 2011. Include signed attendance sheets.
Provide evidence of the ELL Coordinator’s monitoring of ongoing training, review of the ELL PD training
schedule, and updating of the Excel database of building staff trained in Cat. 1-4 for principals. Provide the
above by December 1, 2010 & March 28, 2011
Provide evidence of the check-ins between principals and the ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and
Learning Excellence concerning the number of staff receiving training and discussion of strategies to encourage
staff to participate in upcoming trainings. Provide agendas, signed attendance sheets and meeting notes,
including any proposed solutions to any identified problems with ensuring that LEP students are educated in
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
SEI classrooms. Provide the above by December 1, 2010 & March 28, 2011
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 & March 28, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 16- Equitable Facilities
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Observations indicate that the district does not ensure that LEP students are
provided with facilities that are comparable to those provided to the overall student population. At the
Thatcher Elementary School, students receive ESL instruction in the middle of an open foyer with room
dividers. At the Hill-Roberts Elementary School, ESL students receive instruction in an open space at the end
of a hallway. Similarly, at the Wamsutta Middle School, ESL instruction is provided at the end of an open
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: All LEP students will be provided with facilities that are comparable to those provided to the
overall student population.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will review the DESE Equitable Facilities guidelines and
train K-12 principals during the August 18-19 Leadership Academy to ensure that ELL students are provided
with facilities that are comparable to those provided to the overall student population based on each building’s
floor plans.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence and the ELL Coordinator will check in with principals
semi-annually to review that ELL facilities are comparable to those provided to the overall student population.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence;
Review of DESE facility guidelines: August 15,
Principals; ELL Coordinator
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Building Floor Plans reviewed: September 1, 2010
Monitoring: Beginning October 2010
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Location of ELL facilities identified in each building floor plan for comparability.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Director of Teaching and Learning Excellence and ELL Coordinator will visit the ELL facilities to ensure that
they are comparable to those provided to the overall student population.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 16- Equitable Facilities
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By December 1, 2010, submit to the Department floor plans for
the district schools in non-compliance and indicate the location of the instructional spaces for the LEP students.
Provide floor plans for the Thatcher and Hill-Roberts Elementary Schools and the Wamsutta Middle School.
Also subject to on-site verification.
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: ELE 18-Records of LEP Students
Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: A review of LEP students’ records indicated that the following required
components were missing:
o Information about the student’s previous school experiences; and
o Copies of the parent notification letter, progress reports and report cards.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
Procedure: All LEP students’ records will be complete.
The ELL Coordinator and the ELL teachers reviewed the Procedure for English Language Learners for the
Attleboro Schools during the April 24, 2010 ELE PD training so when a new ELL student is identified and
tested, information about the student’s previous school experiences will be included in ELL yellow folder by
the ELL teacher. Training also included that copies of the Parent Notification letter and report cards will be
placed in ELL yellow folder by the ELL teacher on a timely basis.
The Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence sent a memo to building principals K-12 and ELL teachers
on June 21, 2010 to explain a change in practice and the need to place a copy of the ELL student’s end of year
report card in each student’s ELL yellow folder to demonstrate that each ELL student does receive report cards
in the same manner and frequency as general education reporting. This will begin in June 2010. Report cards
are given to ELL students but a copy needs to be placed in the ELL yellow folder along with the copy placed in
the district cum folder.
The creation of the ELL Progress Report (See ELE 10) for ELL students will be addressed though the ELL PD
meetings. The ELL Coordinator will review guidance from the DESE and review other districts’ ELL Progress
Reports. The Attleboro ELL Progress Reports will drafted during the September 29, 2010 ELL PD meeting and
final revisions will be made at October 27, 2010 ELL PD meeting based on the Director for Teaching and
Learning Excellence’s input. The final version will be shared at building meetings with staff in December
The Attleboro ELL Progress Report will be completed and given to parents of ELL students in the same
manner and frequency as general education reporting and will be used during the 2010-2011 school year.
Copies of the ELL Progress Report will be placed in ELL yellow folders.
The ELL Coordinator will check with the ELL teachers that ELL Progress Reports have been distributed and a
copy placed in each student’s ELL yellow folder.
An ELL Folder Checklist will be developed during the September 29, 2010 ELL PD and the APS ELE Yearly
Planning Calendar will be updated by October 1, 2010 to assist ELL teachers in their record keeping.
The ELL Coordinator will check 5 random folders per building to see that record keeping is current. If not
compliant, an additional 5 folders will be checked and a meeting will be set up with the ELL teacher to provide
appropriate documentation for folders. A final record review will be conducted to check that each ELL yellow
folder contains a Parental Notification letter, a final report card from June 2010 and ELL Progress Report by
May 27, 2011. (See ELE 10)
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director for Teaching and Learning
Excellence; ELL Coordinator; Principals; ELL teachers
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Corrective Action Activity:
Procedure reviewed ELL PD: April 14, 2010
Memo to Principals & ELL teachers regarding
Report Cards: June 21, 2010
ELL Folder Checklist: ELL PD on September 29,
APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar update:
October 1, 2010
ELL Progress Report: ELL PD on September 29
and October 27, 2010
Staff training December 1, 2010 PD
Monitoring: Review of ELL student records
beginning October 2010 with final review: May 20,
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Agenda ELL PD April 14, 2010 ELL record review and procedures
Memo to Principals & ELL teachers
Agendas from September 29 and October 27, 2010 ELL PD
Sample of ELL Folder Checklist
Sample of APS ELE Yearly Planning Calendar
Sample of ELL Progress Report
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals and
ELL staff to monitor progress on ELL record keeping.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: ELE 18-Records of LEP
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit to the Department the following:
1. Checklist developed to ensure that LEP student records contain all of the required information set
forth in this criterion. Submit a copy of this checklist by December 1, 2010.
2. By March 28, 2011, submit a summary report of the internal review of LEP students’ records for the
inclusion of appropriate content in compliance with this criterion. Include the number of records reviewed,
the rate of compliance and the steps taken to address any identified noncompliance
Progress Report Due Date(s): December 1, 2010 and March 28, 2011
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Charter School or District: Attleboro Public Schools
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: Career/Vocational Technical Education
Prepared by:
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as
possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final
Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: June 3, 2011
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE 4-Information concerning
Rating: Partially Implemented
career/vocational technical education programs is
provided to students and to their parents/guardians.
Department CPR Finding: The Admission Policy is not consistently provided to students and to their
parents/guardians. Also, refer to CR 7.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The CTE Admissions policy will be consistently provided to all students and to their parents and guardians.
 The Admissions policy will be posted on the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education
web page with instructions for accessing it in the five predominant languages spoken in the district.
 The admissions policy will be presented in the Attleboro High School Program of Studies page with
instructions for accessing it in the five predominant languages spoken in the district.
 Information regarding the admissions policy and its availability in the five predominant languages
spoken in the district will be made available to teachers and counselors of eighth and ninth grade
students during department meetings and during Career and Technical Education presentations.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical
Action Activity:
Education, District Webmaster, Civil Rights
Coordinator, ELL Coordinator
May, 2011
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
1. Link to the AHS CTE web page
2. 2011-2012 AHS Program of Studies
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The Director of Career and Technical Education will monitor compliance of the three actions on an annual
basis as the website, program of studies and informational publications are updated.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE 4- Information
Status of Corrective Action:
concerning career/vocational technical
Partially Approved
education programs is provided to
students and to their parents/guardians.
Department Comment: CR 7 addresses recruitment materials being provided in languages other than English
and the providing of translators for limited English proficient students during the recruitment. Thus, refer to
CR 7 for information on this aspect of CVTE 4.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE-9 Representatives involved in Rating: Partially Implemented
the Review of Programs
Department CPR Finding: General Advisory Committee membership is not race and linguistic minority
inclusive, and there is no plan (formal recruitment process) to make it inclusive. Membership on several
program advisory committees (Automotive Technology, Carpentry, Culinary Arts, Design & Visual
Communications, and Electricity) is not race, linguistic, disability inclusive, and there is no plan (formal
recruitment process) to make them inclusive. In addition, the following program advisory committees lack
required membership as follows: Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies (registered apprenticeship
program); Graphic Communications (college).
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will establish a procedure for recruitment of CTE General and Program Advisory Committee
members so as to ensure racial, linguistic, disability minority representation, as well as post-secondary and
apprenticeship where applicable. CTE staff will participate in the development of the procedure and will
provide constituent staff with information regarding successful practices of recruitment. The CTE Director will
monitor progress using the DESE Advisory Committee Membership Forms.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical
Action Activity: May 2011
Education, Career and Technical Teachers
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
 Department meeting agendas
 E-mails
 Copies of membership recruitment letters of invitation
 Advisory Committee Membership Forms
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
The CTE Director will monitor progress, semi-annually using updated General Advisory Committee and
Program Advisory Committee Membership lists.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE-9 Representatives
involved in the Review of Programs
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Required Elements of Progress Reports:
Progress Report #1: Please submit a copy of the Program Advisory Committee membership recruitment plan
and sample recruitment letter the district will create and implement to acquire Program Advisory Committees
that are inclusive of race, linguistic, disability and nontraditional by gender representatives, as well as
registered apprenticeship programs and college, as needed.
Progress Report #2: If Progress Report #1 is approved; a second progress report will not be required.
Progress Report Due Date(s): Progress Report #1: 12/1/2010; Progress Report #2 (if required): 3/28/2011.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE-15 Program structured so
Rating: Partially Implemented
Students Acquire Management Skills
Department CPR Finding: Not all programs include the management and entrepreneurship knowledge and
skills contained in the Massachusetts Vocational Technical Education Frameworks
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
All CTE staff will develop units of instruction that reflect Strand Five of the CVTE Curriculum Framework
(Management and Entrepreneurship) for their respective programs. Training for the development of said
units of instruction will be provided by:
 The Director during professional development time
 Constituent staff during department meetings and contractually required eighty-four minute
The CTE staff will submit to the Director, completed units of instruction that reflect Strand Five of their
respective Curriculum Frameworks.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical
Corrective Action Activity: November 2010
Education, Career and Technical Teachers
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
 Units of instruction that reflect Strand Five of all Curriculum Frameworks.
 Department Meeting agendas
 E-mails
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Monitoring of progress will be done by the Director of Career and Technical Education by reviewing unit
plans as they are submitted by staff. In addition, the Director will perform an annual review of unit plans that
are maintained in program curriculum binders.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE-15 Program structured so
Students Acquire Management Skills
Status of Corrective Action:
Partially Approved
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Progress Report #1: Please submit a copy of a sample unit of instruction that reflects Strand Five of the
CVTE Curriculum Framework (Management and Entrepreneurship).
Progress Report #2: If Progress Report #1 is approved; a second progress report will not be required.
Progress Report Due Date(s): Progress Report #1: 12/1/2010; Progress Report #2 (if required): 3/28/2011.
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Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE-17 Linkage between secondary and
Rating: Partially Implemented
postsecondary including registered apprenticeship programs exist and are
accessed by students.
Department CPR Finding: Some articulation agreements with Bristol Community College have not been
reviewed annually as required by the Perkins Act. Conversation regarding establishment of an articulation
agreement with a registered apprenticeship program is at an early stage.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will establish a practice of annual review of post secondary articulation agreements. The
Director and Post Secondary Linkages Coordinator will schedule a meeting each October to review the status
of existing post secondary articulation agreements.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation:
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Director of Career and Technical Education, Post secondary
Corrective Action Activity: November
Linkages Coordinator
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
 E-mails
 Meeting agenda
 Post-secondary articulation agreements
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
 The Director and Post Secondary Linkages Coordinator will schedule a meeting each October to
review the status of existing post secondary articulation agreements.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE-17 Linkage between secondary
Status of Corrective Action:
and postsecondary including registered
Partially Approved
apprenticeship programs exist and are accessed by
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): None required.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE-19 Non-cooperative education
Rating: Partially Implemented
(unpaid) work-based learning such as internship and jobshadowing is implemented in accordance with applicable
laws, regulations and policies
Department CPR Finding: The district does not have written policies and procedures for participation in
non-cooperative education work-based learning.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will develop a written procedure for students to access unpaid work based learning experiences
and job shadows. CTE staff will collaborate in the development of the procedure using contractually
required planning time. Training will take place during the development of the procedure, as the staff
developing it will also be utilizing it. Procedural forms will be developed for monitoring student work based
learning experiences and maintained by the Cooperative Education Coordinator.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Action Activity: May 2011
Director of Career and Technical Education,
Cooperative Education Coordinator, and Career and
Technical Teachers
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
 Meeting agendas and minutes
 An instructional manual with procedures for staff and students to access unpaid work based learning
experiences and job shadows.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
 The Cooperative Education Coordinator will monitor development and implementation of the nonpaid work based learning experiences.
 A roster of student experiences will be maintained
 The procedure will be monitored on a case by case basis, as the experiences will be random.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE-19 Non-cooperative education
Status of Corrective Action:
(unpaid) work-based learning such as internship
Partially Approved
and job-shadowing is implemented in accordance
with applicable laws, regulations and policies
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Progress Report #1: Please submit a copy of the written policies and procedures that are developed.
Progress Report #2: If Progress Report #1 is approved, a second progress report will not be required.
Progress Report Due Date(s): Progress Report #1: 12/1/2010; Progress Report #2 (if required): 3/28/2011.
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Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE 24 Services including career guidelines are
provided to assist each student with limited English proficiency in the
successful completion of a career/vocational technical education
Department CPR Finding: See CR 13.
Rating: Partially Implemented
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Procedure: A system will be established to ensure that the
same information regarding academic counseling and occupational/vocational opportunities are available to
students from linguistic minority groups.
An interpretation and translation procedure will be written to establish a systematic process so that
information and notices can be translated into a language understood by students and parents.
When parents and/or students meet with counselors about academic and/or occupational/vocational
opportunities, translators will be available.
A multi-language statement (in the five most dominant languages) offering translations will be added to all
informational documents regarding occupational/vocational opportunities.
Training for all administrators will be part of the August 18-19 Leadership Academy. The procedure will be
distributed and explained at that time. Administrators will then train their school staff during the September
1 professional development day.
Every effort will be made to hire bilingual counselors as positions become available.
The ELL Coordinator and Director for Teaching and Learning Excellence will check in with principals
quarterly to ensure that materials and programs are available to parents and students in languages they can
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Implementation: Director of Career and
Technical Education, District Webmaster, Civil
Rights Coordinator, ELE Coordinator, High School
Principal, Director for Teaching and Learning
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Action Activity:
Written Procedure: August 15, 2010
Principal Training: August 19, 2010
Staff Training: September 1, 2010
Notice for translations: November 2010
Hiring bilingual counselor: ongoing
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
Career Guidance services will be provided to students with limited English Proficiency by utilizing
interpreters when and where necessary.
Written interpretation and translation procedure
Statement to be included with all documents offering translations in multiple languages
Agenda for trainings
A multi-language statement (in the five most dominant languages) offering translations will be included on
all informational documents regarding occupational/vocational opportunities.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The Director of Career and Technical Education, the
Director for Teaching & Learning Excellence and the ELE Coordinator will assess the effectiveness of the
services provided by surveying ELE students on an annual basis.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE 24 Services including career
Status of Corrective Action:
guidelines are provided to assist each student with
Partially Approved
limited English proficiency in the successful
completion of a career/vocational technical
education program
Department Comment: Refer to CR 13. CR 13 addresses the lack of a system to ensure that the same
information regarding academic counseling and occupational/vocational opportunities are made available to
students from linguistic minority groups. Thus, refer to CR 13 for information.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE 31 Career/vocational
Rating: Partially Implemented
technical instructional equipment on-campus, meet
current occupational safety and health standards
Department CPR Finding: A safety expert from the Massachusetts Division of Occupational Safety (DOS)
inspected the career/vocational technical program facilities and shop equipment. This inspection was part of
the Coordinated Program Review conducted by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
The Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education sent the Safety Survey Report on the inspections to
Superintendent Durkin on December 22, 2009. The district began correcting deficiencies immediately.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will address and respond to all citations listing in the Safety Survey sent to the district in
December of 2009.
 All CTE staff members and district maintenance staff and supervisors will be presented with copies
of the Safety Survey Report.
 Work assignments will be developed where citations can be addressed by district staff
 Staff responsible for addressing specific citations will report their progress to the Director of Career
and Technical Education on a monthly basis, until each citation is completed.
 The Director of Career and Technical Education will submit an updated status report to the DESE
CVTE Unit Liaison to the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education Programs.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical Action Activity: March 2011
Education, Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Monthly submission of an updated response form to
the DESE CVTE Unit Liaison to the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Staff responsible for addressing specific citations will report their progress to the Director of Career and
Technical Education on a monthly basis, until each citation is completed. The Director will submit monthly
updates to the DESE.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE 31 Career/vocational
Status of Corrective Action:
technical instructional equipment onApproved
Partially Approved
campus, meet current occupational
safety and health standards
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): The district will continue to submit a Progress Report every
thirty days, to David Edmonds in the Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education, until all safety issues
have been mitigated
Progress Report Due Date(s): Every thirty days until all safety issues have been mitigated.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE 32 Career/vocational
technical instructional equipment on-campus, meet
current occupational safety and health standards
Department CPR Finding: See CVTE 31
Rating: Partially Implemented
Narrative Description of Corrective Action:
The district will address and respond to all citations listing in the Safety Survey sent to the district in
December of 2009.
 All CTE staff members and district maintenance staff and supervisors will be presented with copies
of the Safety Survey Report.
 Work assignments will be developed where citations can be addressed by district staff
 Staff responsible for addressing specific citations will report their progress to the Director of Career
and Technical Education on a monthly basis, until each citation is completed.
The Director of Career and Technical Education will submit an updated status report to the DESE CVTE
Unit Liaison to the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education Programs.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical Action Activity: March 2011
Education, Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Monthly submission of an updated response form to the
DESE CVTE Unit Liaison to the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education Programs.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Staff responsible for addressing specific citations will
report their progress to the Director of Career and Technical Education on a monthly basis, until each citation
is completed. The Director will submit monthly updates to the DESE.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE 32 Career/vocational
Status of Corrective Action:
technical instructional equipment onApproved
Partially Approved
campus, meet current occupational
safety and health standards
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Refer to CVTE 31.
Progress Report Due Date(s): Every thirty days until all safety issues have been mitigated.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE 33 The district meets the Final Rating: Partially Implemented
Agreed-Upon Performance Level for each Perkins IV Core
Indicator of Performance.
Department CPR Finding: Reviewers found that the district’s performance was as follows: For the Class
of 2007 (the most recent data available at the time of report writing), the district did not meet the required
70% performance level for positive placement under Chapter 74 in the following Chapter 74-approved
vocational technical education programs: Automotive Technology (actual = 69.23%); and Electricity
(actual = 66.67%).
For Perkins Performance Year Two (2008-2009), the district did not meet at least 90% of the performance
level for the populations with 16 or more students for the following core indictors:
1S1 – CVTE Academic Attainment Language Arts Core Indicator (required = 46.25%):
Student with disabilities - actual = 14.29%
3S1 – CVTE Completion Core Indicator (required = 89.48%):
Economically Disadvantaged - actual = 80.0%
4S1 – CVTE Graduation Rate Core Indicator (required=84.0%):
Students with disabilities – actual = 67.5%
Economically Disadvantaged – actual = 69.09%
6S1 – CVTE Nontraditional Participation Core Indicator (required =10.4%):
Males – actual = 0%
Students with disabilities – actual = 6.67%
6S2 – CVTE Nontraditional Completion Core Indicator (required = 9.83%)
Males – actual = 0%
Students with disabilities = 6.25%
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The district will provide a local improvement plan to the
DESE CVTE Unit on an annual basis which will address deficiencies in Perkins Core Indicators. The plan
will be developed in collaboration with CTE staff, Special Education Staff, High School and District
Leadership Team Members, as well as representatives of the School to Career Partnership, the Workforce
Investment Board, and program advisory committees. Training for professional staff to address respective
core indicator deficiencies will be provided during district professional development time, department
meetings and during contractually required eighty-four minute collaborations. Monitoring is done by the
DESE CVTE Unit Liaison to the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education Programs.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical
Corrective Action Activity: March 2011
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The annual submission of the Local Improvement Plan
to the DESE CVTE Unit Liaison to the Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education Programs.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The report will be monitored, annually, by the Director of
Career and Technical Education who will ultimately submit it to the DESE CVTE Unit Liaison to the
Attleboro High School Career and Technical Education Programs.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE 33 The district meets the Final
Status of Corrective Action:
Agreed-Upon Performance Level for each Perkins
Partially Approved
IV Core Indicator of Performance.
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district’s response does not identify corrective action to
address the Chapter 74-approved vocational technical education programs that did not meet the
required 70% performance level for positive placement under Chapter 74, or describe the internal
monitoring procedures to be used.
Department Order of Corrective Action: See below.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s):
Progress Report #1: Please submit improvement plans for the programs that did not meet Chapter 74
positive placement standards (70%).
Progress Report #2: Please submit documentation regarding implementation of the improvement plans for
Chapter 74 positive placement rates.
Progress Report Due Date(s): Progress Report #1: 12/1/2010; Progress Report #2: 3/28/2011.
(To be completed by school district/charter school)
Criterion & Topic: CVTE 34 The district uses the Perkins Act Core
Rating: Partially Implemented
Indicator of Performance outcomes and Chapter 74 outcomes to
improve programs and outcomes for students.
Department CPR Finding: Perkins Act Core Indicator of Performance and Chapter 74 outcomes are not
shared with technical teachers in order to assist with improving programs and enhancing student outcomes.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: The district will establish an annual practice of sharing
Perkins Core Indicators of Performance and Chapter 74 Outcomes to technical teachers in order to assist with
improving programs and enhancing student outcomes. Annually, the Director of Career and Technical
Education will provide reports to the CTE staff of Perkins Core Indicators of Performance and Chapter 74
Outcomes to technical teachers during department meetings. In addition, the Director of Career and
Technical Education will share the same findings with staff and members of the General and Program
Advisory Committees at one of the tow semi-annual advisory committee meetings.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for
Expected Date of Completion for Each
Implementation: Director of Career and Technical
Corrective Action Activity: March 2011
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action:
 Department meeting agendas
 Advisory Committee Meeting agendas
 Advisory Committee Speech and presentation materials
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures:
Director of Career and Technical Education will ensure that this practice takes place annually, at the meetings
which take place subsequent to DESE release of Perkins Core Indicators of Performance and Chapter 74
Outcomes Data.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CVTE 34 The district uses the Perkins
Status of Corrective Action:
Act Core Indicator of Performance outcomes and
Partially Approved
Chapter 74 outcomes to improve programs and
outcomes for students.
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): None required.
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services
Attleboro CPR Corrective Action Plan