TECCA 2015 05Response

Adam N. Goldberg, TECCA Principal
141 Mansion Drive
Walpole, MA 02032
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148
RE: Response to Accountability Review of the TEC Connections Academy Virtual School
DATE: August 14, 2015
Having thoroughly reviewed the contents of this Report, I want to take a moment both to thank the
members of the Accountability Review Team “Team,” as well as to provide insight into the actions that
have (and will be) taken at TECCA in response to particular items that were addressed in the report. As
you know, TECCA is entering its second year as a public school in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Further, by the end of the Team’s visit, clearly observable shifts in leadership were noted within TECCA’s
structures. I am happy to report that by the time we welcome students back on September 2nd, all teaching
and administrative positions will have been filled, and I am excited at the cohesiveness of the Leadership
Team, and of our plans for a successful 2015-16 School Year.
As the new Principal of TECCA, I found the Team’s comments and observations extremely helpful and
wanted to thank the members of the Team for their thoroughness, candor, and insight. There have been
many sources of information that I have drawn upon to gain insight into the culture of the TECCA
school/district, and this Accountability Report was one of those very useful sources. As a result of the
report, I have engaged many stakeholders in dialogue about TECCA’s strengths, areas for improvement,
and what the sources of support are to engage our stakeholders in developing the capacity to demonstrate
growth in all those areas. I would to highlight several of them to you in this response while referencing
particular “items” that were numbered throughout the report.
ITEM #2: Access and Equity:
I wanted to clarify that audio books are available as well for visually impaired students (written as
hearing-impaired students in the report). We also provide larger monitors and zoom text for visually
disabled students.
ITEM #3: Compliance:
In the introductory email from me, I will be soliciting volunteers (students, parents, faculty, community
members) to serve on both a Special Education Parent Advisory Council, as well as the TECCA School
Council. These meetings will occur on a monthly basis, have agendas and minutes clearly accessible on
our website, and will incorporate (over the year) opportunities to meet in person as well as via the
LiveLesson tool. Connections Education is currently analyzing the Parent Provided resource list to ensure
that materials are appropriate and easily accessed. This list will be updated regularly with common
household items as necessary.
ITEM #5: Program Delivery - Instruction
In addition to participating in the Professional Learning 100 series (for new teachers) during the 2014–
2015 school year, the Connections Education Professional Development team provided the teachers and
staff at TECCA with professional learning opportunities to develop and enhance their online teaching
practices, and use questioning techniques that require students to think critically. Topics included:
strategies for engaging students in LiveLesson sessions, using data to make instructional decisions,
developing higher level questions to engage students in discussion, and the impact of the metacognitive
process on student learning. In addition to these sessions, the Professional Development team observed a
number of LiveLesson sessions delivered by TECCA teachers and provided teachers with feedback
specific to implementation of higher order questioning and student engagement. All faculty will receive
additional training on the use of LiveLesson before the school year begins.
Additionally, this year, TECCA teachers will continue to participate in ongoing professional learning
sessions delivered by the Professional Development team, and in areas aligned to the indicators within this
report where teachers need additional support. Topics include (but are not limited to) providing students
with effective feedback, helping students to develop grit, persistence and a growth mindset, measuring
student learning through effective questioning, and supporting skill mastery and transfer of learning. The
Professional Development Plan articulates specific workshops and training opportunities that coincide
with TECCA expectations and goals for the 2015-16 school year. Further, based on an ongoing analysis
of the 2014-15 metrics, targeted and specific training will be given to all faculty and staff with a goal of
surpassing achievement this year.
ITEM #6. School Culture and Family Engagement:
This is a major focus for me with TECCA this year. A specific “Socialization and Connectedness Plan”
articulates our priorities and goals, while our “Communication and Organization Plan” describes the
means and frequency in which TECCA will engage, and communicate, with our students and families.
In particular, we strive to empower the Learning Coach (LC) and I wanted to share several ways in which
TECCA teachers will partner with the CE Learning Coach Instructional Support Team this year:
Clearly Articulated Mission
The mission of the Learning Coach Instructional Support team is to educate, support, and encourage
Learning Coaches. We help Learning Coaches to develop connections to their schools and to each other,
and provide them with the tools, skills, strategies, and confidence to nurture and cultivate their student’s
academic performance and success.
Get Coaching Initiative
1. Learning Coach Resource Sessions
Each month, there are multiple LiveLesson sessions offered to Learning Coaches, with
recordings made available following the sessions. The sessions are based on five main
 Learning Sciences (specific sessions and interspersed throughout other sessions)
 Math, ELA/Writing
 Role and Responsibility of the Learning Coach
 College and Career Readiness
The goals of these sessions are to:
 Provide Learning Coaches with instructional strategies to improve performance and support their
students in the areas identified as critical to student success
Support Learning Coaches in developing their expertise and a comfort level in using the features
and functions in Connexus
Help Learning Coaches to support their students in developing the skills needed in becoming
college and career ready
General topics to benefit Learning Coaches
Some examples of Learning Coach Resource Sessions available are:
Connect Learning and Fun: Clubs and Activities
"But...I'm Not a Teacher" - How to Be a Successful Learning Coach
You Can Do This Without Pulling Your Hair Out!
Curriculum that Makes a Difference
Defining the Gifted Student and the Role of Gifted Education
Born to Learn - Embracing Struggle through a Growth Mindset
What Was Broken with Math and Why Did They Need to Change It?
8 Steps to Being Successful in Math
I'm No Mathematician, How Can I Help?
Involved and Engaged: Nurturing Student Motivation
Supporting Academic Honesty in an Online Environment
Popping the Question - The Importance of Asking Effective Questions
How Does Learning Style Impact Your Coaching Support?
Exploring the Six Traits of Writing
What is “WriteToLearn” and How Will My Middle School Student Use It?
Following each session, we solicit feedback by providing Learning Coaches a link to a survey.
Information provided in the survey is used to gauge the effectiveness of the session and gain insight into
the needs of Learning Coaches and their recommendations for future topics.
Learning Coach Central
Learning Coach Central is a web page within Connexus where Learning Coaches can find information and
resources to assist them in their important role of supporting their students. Learning Coach Central is
divided into different sections: Getting Started, Learning Resource Sessions, Staying Connected, and Tips
and Instructional Support. From Learning Coach Central, coaches can access key documents and FAQs,
connect to other Learning Coaches through our social networking sites, read the Connections Academy
blog, link to recommended websites to support student learning, and find out about upcoming National
Learning Coach Resource sessions.
Learning Coach Link
Learning Coach Link is a monthly communication for Caretakers and Learning Coaches distributed via
WebMail message. It provides another resource for Learning Coaches to receive information about
upcoming Learning Resource Sessions, links to prior sessions, instructional support tips and strategies,
and Connexus tips, tricks, and updates. Learning Coach Link also gives Learning Coaches an opportunity
to share their own success stories and tips with each other.
“Get Connected” Initiative
Get Connected! is a program designed to foster socialization amongst students and families, and
connectedness with each other, the school, and the community. Research from a wide variety of sources
(numerous surveys, speaking to families, literature review) has shown that our parents and students want
to feel more connected to each other, to the teachers and to the school. Improving this will increase parent
satisfaction and increase retention. In response to this need, we have put together a major initiative to
increase feelings of socialization and connectedness, in three main areas:
1) Better informing families what to expect in terms of socialization (in program guide,
onboarding materials, orientation sessions, teacher welcome calls etc.)
2) Improving Face-to-Face Connectedness (providing ideas for socialization outside of CA,
encouraging more interactions at field trips and any face-to-face event e.g., back-to-school night,
state testing; also piloting closed Facebook groups to allow families to informally arrange local
3) Improving Virtual Connectedness (free chat time before and after LiveLesson sessions, increase
use of webcams, teacher welcome videos, live online study hall, Learning Coach Central and
Learning Coach Link)
ITEM #7. Capacity- School Leadership: TECCA has a solid leadership team and structure. We have hired
a Manager of Special Education, will have an Assistant Principal in place by the first day of school, and
the regular meeting schedule allows for frequent opportunities and methods of analyzing data,
disseminating information to all constituents, and involving teachers-as-leaders in the decision-making
process of the school.
I reiterate my thanks to the Accountability Review Team for their thorough review of TECCA’s first year
accomplishments. I look forward to your return visit, and all our correspondence and meetings and visits
in between. Over this past summer, the TECCA Leadership Team spent a great deal of time and effort
engaging in collaborative reflection and active planning to produce a Professional Development Plan,
Communication and Organization Plan, Socialization and Connectedness Plan, and an Onboarding Plan –
all of which will contribute to the stated goals and objectives within our School Improvement Plan. I am
confident that you will find TECCA to have addressed all of the indicators that the Team brought to our
attention last spring.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Adam N. Goldberg
TECCA Principal
Cc: Peter Sanchioni, TECCA Board Chair
Allison Reaves, Director of Schools
Peter Robertson, SVP School Operations