DISTRICT/SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLANNING TOOL Secondary Transition Capacity-Building Conference April 24, 2013 Marlborough, Massachusetts This strategic planning tool is designed to be used in concert with your previously completed District/School Needs Assessment. It is a flexible document which can assist your team to plan secondary transition improvement activities; please use it in the way seems most sensible to you. You have three planning periods: Team working lunch, 11:55 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. Team time, 1:35 – 2:05 p.m. Team time, 3:55 – 4:15 p.m. Please find your team’s designated table on the handout in your folder. Planning Tool Overview: Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Pages 6-10 Page 11 Space for notes on the plenary session presentations. Dream Sheet: Record your team’s Big Ideas after the plenary session. What’s your vision? Space for notes on the afternoon strands. A planning overview, which can help you to see the big picture, from where you are now to what outcomes you hope to achieve. You can use this from left to right, or from right to left (backwards design). Also, look ahead to the evaluation stage: how will you measure change? Assumptions and External Factors are noted and should be kept in mind, because these always influence thoughts, feelings, and practices. Page five’s overview is broken out on each subsequent page, so that your team can plan together in a systematic and detailed way. Use pages six through ten in forwards or backwards order. Start with your curent situation and move forward, or start with your outcomes and work backwards. Whatever works for you. How will you define, measure, and track success? Thank you for attending the Secondary Transition Capacity-Building Conference! Please let us know how we can continue to assist you. 1 NOTES Introduction of the Massachusetts Student-Driven Secondary Transition Model Marcia Mittnacht, State Director of Special Education Secondary Transition in Massachusetts Amanda Green, Ellen Honeyman 2 Keynote Dr. Michael Wehmeyer, University of Kansas Keynote Dr. Thomas Hehir, Harvard University DREAM SHEET After the plenary, what are your team’s big ideas? What’s your vision? 3 NOTES Strand: Best Practice Presentation [12:40 – 1:35 p.m.] Strand: District/School Presentation [3:00 – 3:55 p.m.] 4 Strand: District/School Presentation [2:05 – 3:00 p.m.] Other: SITUATION/ PRIORITIES INPUTS/ RESOURCES OUTPUTS/ ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS/ PARTICIPATION Where we are. What we think we should do first. What we invest. What we do. Whom we reach. OUTCOMES – IMPACT FOR STUDENTS/FAMILIIES/PRACTITIONERS/SYSTEMS Short Term Medium Term Long Term EVALUATION What products and structures did we change or create? What did we deliver? When? ASSUMPTIONS 5 How many practitioners/ students/ stakeholders did we reach? When? INDIVIDUALS Students: Improved outcomes in the Transition domains? Families: Improved partnerships? Practitioners: Changed understanding, practices, attitudes & behaviors, increased capacity & collaboration? EXTERNAL FACTORS SYSTEMS Are structures sustainable? Why? How? SITUATION/PRIORITIES (See District/School Needs Assessment) Where are we? What should we do first? 6 INPUTS/RESOURCES What time, expertise, funding, and other resources will we invest? Who else in the school/district/community may be supportive? How will we work with our partners to build capacity? 7 OUTPUTS/ACTIVITIES What will we do? 8 Who will do it? With whom will we collaborate? How? Where? (e.g., Which Schools/Classrooms/Student Populations/Afterschool & Community Opportunities?) By When? OUTPUTS/PARTICIPATION Whom will we reach? 9 Systems Practitioners Families Students OUTCOMES/IMPACT - What will be the effect of our actions on students, families, practitioners, and systems, in the short, medium, and long term? Short Term Medium Term Long Term 10 EVALUATION – How will we know we have accomplished what we set out to do? How will we define, measure, and track success? How will we incorporate this work into our continuous cycle of improvement? What data will be What is the source of What is the data Who will collect the How will the data be Who will analyze the collected? the data? collection schedule? data? analyzed? data? 11