Massachusetts Mathematics and Science Partnership Title IIB Annual State-level Evaluation Report Cohort 3 Reporting Period: September 1, 2006, through August 31, 2007 Cumulative Reporting Period: February 2, 2004, through August 31, 2007 Prepared for the Massachusetts Department of Education September 2008 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Contents Contents Program Description................................................................................................................................... 3 Report Organization .................................................................................................................................... 4 Evaluation Plan and Activities ................................................................................................................... 5 State-level Evaluation ............................................................................................ 5 Local Evaluation and Related Technical Assistance ............................................. 5 Cohort 3 Activity: September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007 ............................................................ 6 State-level Participant Background Data ............................................................... 6 Partnership-level Participant Background Data ................................................... 16 Cumulative Summary: All Cohorts over All Funding Periods .............................................................. 27 Overview: Partnerships and Participating Schools from All Cohorts over All Funding Periods ..... 37 Summary of Findings ............................................................................................................................... 40 Cumulative Findings ............................................................................................ 40 Cohort 3 Findings ................................................................................................. 42 Appendix A: Participant Background Survey – Cohort 3 9/2006-8/2007 ............................................. 44 Appendix B: Timeline for State-level Evaluation and TA Activities ..................................................... 53 Appendix C: Cohort 3 Results of the Participant Background Survey ............................................... 55 Appendix D: High Need District Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................ 64 Appendix E: Cohort 3 Enrollment and Attrition Rates by Course ....................................................... 69 Appendix F: Subject Matter Competency Demonstration Options ..................................................... 72 Appendix G: Cohort 3 Mean Percentage Scores for Pre- & Post-course Tests ................................. 73 Appendix H: School Types of Unique Participants - All Funding Periods .......................................... 75 Appendix I: Criteria that Account for Gain in Highly Qualified Status ................................................ 76 Appendix J: High Need Districts for All Funding Periods, by Partnership ......................................... 77 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group I Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Tables Tables Index Table 1: Budgets: Cohort 3 Partnerships ............................................................................................................. 6 Table 2: Teaching Areas: Cohort 3 Participants .................................................................................................. 7 Table 3: Types of Schools of Unique Participants: Cohort 3 Participants ....................................................... 8 Table 4: High Need Status of Unique Participants from Public Schools: Cohort 3 Participants ................... 8 Table 5: High Need Districts: Cohort 3 Partnerships .......................................................................................... 9 Table 6: Reasons for Participation: Cohort 3, All Seats ................................................................................... 11 Table 7: Repeat Participants: Cohort 3 Partnerships ........................................................................................ 11 Table 8: Total Enrollment and Attrition Information: Cohort 3 Partnerships ................................................. 12 Table 9a: Cohort 3 Science and Technology Teaching Areas - Regular Education ...................................... 13 Table 9b: Cohort 3 Science and Technology Teaching Areas - Special Education ....................................... 14 Table 10a: Cohort 3 Mathematics Teacher Levels - Regular Education ......................................................... 14 Table 10b: Cohort 3 Mathematics Teacher Levels - Special Education .......................................................... 14 Table 11: Number of Courses with Statistically Significant and Non-significant Gains in Mean Content Knowledge Scores for Cohort 3 ........................................................................................................................... 15 Table 12: EduTron Lowell Participant Background Information (M/S) ............................................................ 17 Table 13: EduTron Fitchburg Participant Background Information (M) .......................................................... 18 Table 14: Lesley University Participant Background Information (M) ............................................................. 19 Table 15: North Shore Participant Background Information (S) ...................................................................... 20 Table 16: UMass Amherst Participant Background Information (M/S) ............................................................ 21 Table 17: Salem State College Participant Background Information (M) ........................................................ 22 Table 18: SE/Cape Participant Background Information (S) ............................................................................ 23 Table 19: WPI – Science Participant Background Information (S)................................................................... 24 Table 20: Worcester Public Schools Participant Background Information (M) .............................................. 25 Table 21: Cumulative Partnership Budgets ........................................................................................................ 27 Table 22: Teaching Areas: All Participants, All Partnerships, All Funding Periods ...................................... 28 Table 23: High Need Status of All Unique Participants from Public Schools: All Funding Periods ............ 29 Table 24: Reasons for Participation of Participants: All Seats, All Partnerships, All Funding Periods ...... 30 Table 25: Repeat Participants: All Partnerships, All Funding Periods ............................................................ 31 Table 26: Highly Qualified Status of All Unique Participants: All Funding Periods ....................................... 33 Table 27: MTEL Tests Taken by All Participants – Total to Date ..................................................................... 34 Table 28a: Science and Tech/Engineering Teaching Areas of All Participants - Regular Education .......... 35 Table 28b: Science and Tech/Engineering Teaching Areas of All Participants - Special Education ........... 35 Table 29a: Mathematics Teacher Levels of All Participants - Regular Education.......................................... 36 Table 29b: Mathematics Teacher Levels of All Participants - Special Education .......................................... 36 Table 30: Budgets: All Partnerships, All Funding Periods ............................................................................... 37 Table 31: Types of Schools: All Unique Participants, All Funding Periods .................................................... 38 Table 32: High Need Status of All Unique Participants from Public Schools ................................................. 39 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group II Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Program Description Program Description The purpose of the Massachusetts Mathematics and Science Partnership Program (MMSP) is to improve student achievement in mathematics, science, and technology/engineering through intensive, high-quality professional development activities that focus on deepening teachers’ content knowledge. This multi-year project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education as part of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act Title IIB funding stream. Funding to local partnerships is administered by state education agencies; in Massachusetts this is the Massachusetts Department of Education (MADOE), which awards funding through a competitive grant process. Partnerships awarded these grants are required to include 1) a core partner that has been identified as a high need school district in the subject matter on which the partnership is focusing and 2) a core partner that is a science, technology and/or engineering, or mathematics (STEM) department from an institution of higher education. The partnerships are composed of higher education institutions, school districts, and, in some cases, private organizations involved in providing both pre-service and inservice training to teachers. Partnerships are required to offer courses that equal at least 45 hours of direct instruction followed by at least 20 hours of follow-up contact to support the implementation of course content in the classroom. Partnerships are encouraged to tailor the model used to deliver the professional development and follow-up to best fit the objectives of their programs along with their resources, expertise, and existing infrastructure. Partnership activities are guided by the following goals1: Goal I Develop and implement an effective and sustained course of study for in-service teachers of STEM by integrating the courses of study into schools of arts and sciences and/or education at institutions of higher education. Goal II Increase the number of STEM teachers in the partner school districts who are licensed in the subject area(s) and grade level(s) they teach. Goal III Increase the number of STEM teachers in the partner school districts who participate in high quality professional development and advance their content knowledge. The program began in February 2004, and has had four funding periods, defined as follows: Year 1: February 2, 2004 through August 31, 2004 Year 2: September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005 Year 3: September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2006 Year 4: September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. The partnerships who received initial funding in Year 1 are referred to as Cohort 1; those who received initial funding in Year 2 are referred to as Cohort 2; those who received initial funding in Year 4 are referred to as Cohort 3. The University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute (Institute) was contracted to coordinate state-level collection of outcome data and to provide evaluation-related technical assistance to the partnerships. 1 Program goals were modified slightly between the beginning of the program and the beginning of the most recent funding period. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 3 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Report Organization Report Organization The purpose of this report is threefold: 1) to provide an overview of budgets and involvement of high need districts for all cohorts for all funding periods, 2) to provide details regarding only Cohort 3 participation for the most recent funding period (details regarding Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 participation are available in another report), and 3) to provide a cumulative summary regarding participation for all cohorts over all funding periods. Each of these three purposes is addressed in a separate section of this report. Data supporting the first and third purposes address the period of February 2, 2004, through August 31, 2007, and data supporting the second purpose address the period of September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. Participant data were collected through the Participant Background Survey, an instrument developed by the Institute and administered by partnerships to each participant on the last day of each course. See Appendix A for the survey used during Year 4. The purpose of this survey is to gather data about participants’ professional backgrounds and qualifications. This information provides a picture of who the participants are, aids in determining whether the courses are reaching the teachers who most need professional development, and aids in tracking how teacher qualifications may change during the MMSP funding period. Data from the survey regarding teacher licensure, possession of and progress towards earning degrees, and status in terms of Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) exams allows determination of the number of teachers who meet criteria defining highly qualified status. Unless noted, data from the survey are reported in terms of unique individuals, regardless of the number of courses taken by each individual. Data speaking to the strengthening of relationships between partnership members were collected through an item in the context of an Annual Report Addendum that partnerships were required to submit to the MADOE. For this item, partnerships were asked to describe the “institutionalization” of their courses, the extent to which their courses had been integrated into activities of their higher education partners. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 4 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Evaluation Plan and Activities Evaluation Plan and Activities State-level Evaluation Although not required by the U.S. Department of Education, the MADOE contracted with the Institute to conduct a state-level evaluation of the MMSP. The Institute’s primary role as state-level evaluator is to coordinate program-wide collection of outcome data on behalf of the MADOE. Data collection for the state-level evaluation is organized around a basic logic model for professional development initiatives shown below. Local Evaluation and Related Technical Assistance In addition to the state-level data collection, each partnership is required to conduct its own local evaluation. In an effort to support strong local evaluations, MADOE required that partnerships sub-contract with the Institute to provide technical assistance on design and implementation of their local evaluations. The timeline listing the evaluation activities is found in Appendix B. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 5 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Cohort 3 Activity: September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007 Cohort 3, which began in the 2006-2007 funding period, consisted of nine partnerships. Table 1 shows the funding received by Cohort 3 partnerships for the period beginning in September 2006 and ending in August 2007. Table 1: Budgets: Cohort 3 Partnerships Partnership Sep06-Aug07 EduTron Lowell (M/S) $210,000 EduTron Fitchburg (M) $102,000 Lesley University C3 (M) $347,911 North Shore (S) $196,474 UMass Amherst C3 (M/S) $107,424 Salem State College C3 (M) $120,882 SE Cape (S) $129,438 WPI – Science (S) Worcester Public Schools (M) TOTAL $99,586 $231,210 $1,544,925 State-level Participant Background Data Cohort 3 consisted of nine partnerships, with four of the nine partnerships offering mathematics professional development, three offering science professional development, and two offering professional development in both mathematics and science content. In total, there were 37 courses delivered. Of these 37 courses, 21 were mathematics courses, 13 were science courses (plus one additional science course with no MMSP participants), two were technology/engineering courses, and one was a course covering both math and science content. Of those 37 courses, 30 (81%) were unique, and seven (19%) were repeat offerings. This section of the report summarizes data collected from participants in these courses. In total for Cohort 3, there were 458 participants, and 161 of them took two or more courses. By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period, 458 unique participants completed the Participant Background Survey on one or more occasions. The term “unique participant” refers to each individual who participated in the program, regardless of how many courses he or she took. Data for items from the survey that help to convey participants’ professional backgrounds and motives for participation are discussed in the remainder of this section. All survey data for this group may be found in Appendix C. The responses to the survey questions are presented as frequencies and percentages. Not all percentages total 100% because many items allowed multiple responses and not all of the participants responded to all of the items. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 6 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Position of Participants At the time of their last completed survey from a Cohort 3 MMSP course, 84% of course participants identified themselves as teachers. Of all respondents, 71% were regular education teachers; 13% were special education or special education inclusion teachers; 2% were department heads or curriculum coordinators; 2% were principals, assistant principals, or headmasters; 3% were support specialists; 1% were paraprofessionals; 1% were long-term substitutes; <1% were superintendents or assistant superintendents; and 6% indicated that they held “other” positions. Content Taught The distribution of teaching areas of respondents at the time of the survey is shown in Table 2. Because respondents identified all teaching areas that applied to their positions at the time of the survey, some selected multiple responses, so frequency totals exceed the number of respondents and percentages exceed 100%. At the time of their last MMSP course, 33% Cohort 3 participants were teaching mathematics, 31% were teaching science, and 32% were teaching all subjects at the elementary level. Table 2: Teaching Areas: Cohort 3 Participants Sep06-Aug07 Teaching Areas (Multiple responses permitted) N =458 % n of 538 responses Mathematics 153 33% Any science area 151 31% General Science 72 16% Biology 24 5% Earth Science 13 3% Chemistry 18 4% Physics 15 3% 9 2% 5 1% Elementary (all subjects) 148 32% Elementary Mathematics 41 % Other 21 5% Not Currently Teaching 19 4% Technology/Engineering Computer Science Teaching Experience of Participants At the time of their last completed survey from an MMSP course, the teaching experience of the 458 unique Cohort 3 participants was as follows: 21% were in their first to third year of teaching, 38% had between four and ten years experience in education, 26% had between 11 and 20 years of experience, and 15% reported over 20 years of experience. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 7 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Teaching Levels of Participants For reporting purposes, schools in the participating districts were organized into categories of elementary schools (grades K-5), K-8 schools, middle schools (grades 6-8), and high schools (grades 9-12). At the time of their last completed survey from an MMSP course, 34% of Cohort 3 participants were teaching in an elementary or K-8 school, 46% were teaching in a middle school, 10% were teaching in a high school, 1% were teaching at both the middle and high school levels, and less than 1% were teaching at all levels. Those remaining either were not currently teaching or were teaching adults. Types of Schools of Participants As shown in Table 3, 98% of Cohort 3 participants worked in a public school setting, and 2% worked in a nonpublic school setting. Table 3: Types of Schools of Unique Participants: Cohort 3 Participants Sep06-Aug07 School Type N Public School (includes public charter schools) Non-public School Other or No Response TOTAL % 447 7 4 98% 2% <1% 458 100% High Need Status of Districts of Participants MMSP partnerships were required to include at least one high need district. Appendix D identifies the criteria for the high need designation. The MADOE expected that at least 50% of participants in each partnership would come from high need districts, and further, they set an informal goal that at least 75% of participants for each partnership would come from high need districts. Table 4 shows that for the 2006-2007 funding period, over 75% of participants in the program as a whole had come from high need districts. Table 4: High Need Status of Unique Participants from Public Schools: Cohort 3 Participants Sep06-Aug07 Item High Need District Non-high Need District Other* TOTAL N 343 94 10 447 % 77% 21% 2% 100% Table 5 presents the number of participants from high need districts organized by each partnership and reveals that over the course of each partnership’s involvement in MMSP in 2006-2007, six of the nine partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts, and five of nine partnerships exceeded the informal goal of having at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 8 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity As of their last course in the 2006-2007 funding period, of the 161 Cohort 3 individuals who took multiple courses, approximately 88% were from high need public school districts, approximately 7% were from other public school districts, and approximately 1% either were from private schools or did not provide information on their districts. In addition, approximately 3% were from high need districts for some of the courses they took but not for others. Table 5: High Need Districts: Cohort 3 Partnerships Sep06-Aug07 Number of Participants* from High Need Districts Partnership High Need Districts EduTron Lowell (M/S) Lowell 54 EduTron Fitchburg (M) Fitchburg Gardner Leominster 17 7 10 Subtotal 34 Lesley University C3 (M) North Shore (S) UMass Amherst C3 (M/S) Salem State College C3 (M) Brockton Fairhaven Fall River Haverhill Public Schools Holyoke Malden New Bedford Randolph Saugus Subtotal Somerville Athol-Royalston Chicopee Gateway Greenfield Holyoke Ludlow New Leadership CS South Hadley Springfield West Springfield Subtotal Boston Chelsea Everett Gloucester Haverhill Public Schools Lynn Malden UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 13 3 26 29 29 1 4 13 2 120 16 1 5 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 22 1 1 3 6 4 20 1 Percentage of Participants in the Partnership 100% 100% 94% 39% 46% 9 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 5: High Need Districts: Cohort 3 Partnerships Sep06-Aug07 Partnership High Need Districts Salem State College C3 (M) Salem Winthrop Worcester Subtotal Barnstable Brockton Horace Mann CS New Bedford Subtotal SE/Cape (S) WPI – Science (S) Worcester Number of Participants* from High Need Districts 3 1 1 41 1 20 2 8 31 3 Percentage of Participants in the Partnership 82% 66% 16% Worcester Public Worcester 34 83% Schools (M) *Note that if this column is summed, the total will not correspond to relevant data in Table 4 for two reasons: 1) Table 4 presents data for unique participants across all partnerships while Table 5 presents data for unique participants only within partnerships (and some participants took courses through multiple partnerships) and 2) The districts of some of those participants who crossed partnerships were not consistently classified as high need districts (either because of the content of the course or because of the cohort of the partnership offering the course). Reasons for Participation in MMSP Courses For each course taken, respondents identified all of their reasons for participating. Unlike in the earlier portions of this report where data were presented for unique participants, data for this issue are presented for all course seats, since responses are uniquely relevant to each distinct course that a participant took. Table 6 presents findings for all 632 seats for all courses taken by Cohort 3 participants during the 2006-2007 funding period. Repeat Participation Cohort 3 partnerships were successful at encouraging and retaining repeat participants. Seven of the nine partnerships offered multiple courses, and, of these seven, all had participants who attended more than one course within that partnership. In all, 108 participants attended multiple courses within Cohort 3. (Three of these participants took courses from other Cohort 3 partnerships.) Table 7 provides details regarding repeat participation, including information on the 53 repeat participants who took courses from partnerships from previous MMSP cohorts. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 10 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 6: Reasons for Participation: Cohort 3, All Seats Sep06-Aug07 Reasons for Participation (Multiple responses permitted) % n of 632 course seats To obtain graduate credit 464 73% To increase knowledge in content 438 69% To pursue a personal interest 213 34% To earn PDPs for recertification 187 30% To get an additional license (certification) 134 21% To prepare for the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) 113 18% To earn PDPs for HOUSSE plan requirement 62 10% To follow an administrator’s suggestion 41 6% To obtain a first license (certification) 13 2% Other 43 7% Table 7: Repeat Participants: Cohort 3 Partnerships Partnership Number of Courses Offered to Date Total Number of Unique* Participants to Date Number Taking Multiple Courses in Cohort 3 Number Taking One Course in Cohort 3 & One or More Courses in Previous Cohorts Number Taking Multiple Courses in Cohort 3 & Previous Cohorts EduTron Lowell (M/S) 2 54 12 0 0 EduTron Fitchburg (M) 1 34 0 18 0 Lesley University (M) 10 127 * 66* 0 4 North Shore (S) 9 41 9 0 1 UMass Amherst (M/S) 4 48 * 2* 7 2 Salem State (M) 4 50 9 17 4 SE/Cape (S) 3 47 * 7* 0 0 WPI – Science (S) 1 19 0 0 0 Worcester Public Schools (M) 3 41 6 0 0 38 458 108 42 11 TOTAL *Three participants took multiple courses across partnerships and are thus double-counted in the body of the table. The “Total” row reflects only unique participants. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 11 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Attrition Course attrition rates were generally low and averaged 5%. Of the 37 Cohort 3 courses delivered, 19 had an attrition rate of 0%, ten had an attrition rate ranging between 2% and 10%, and eight had an attrition rate of greater than 10%. Table 8 provides a breakdown, by partnership, of enrollment and attrition rates. Appendix E provides a breakdown, by course, of enrollment and attrition rates. Table 8: Total Enrollment and Attrition Information: Cohort 3 Partnerships Partnership Number of Courses Offered Number of Participants Enrolled First Day Number of Participants Completed Course Attrition Rate EduTron Lowell (M/S) 2 76 76 0% EduTron Fitchburg (M) 1 36 36 0% 10 271 260 4% North Shore (S) 9 74 69 7% UMass Amherst C3 (M/S) 4 57 54 5% Salem State C3 (M) 4 73 67 8% SE/Cape (S) 3 57 54 5% WPI – Science (S) 1 20 19 Worcester Public Schools (M) 3 54 49 9% 37 718 684 5% Lesley University C3 (M) All Partnerships 5% Highly Qualified Status For Cohort 3 for the 2006-2007 funding period, 11 participants attained highly qualified status. This translates to between 5% and 6% of those who potentially could have gained highly qualified status2. Of the 11 who attained highly qualified status, five did so by passing the appropriate MTEL, two did so by obtaining undergraduate equivalents in content areas, one did so by completing a sufficient number of PDPs on a HOUSSE plan, and one did so by meeting two or more criteria simultaneously. In addition, two did so merely by changing their position within the schools or the area in which they were teaching. Of the 11 who attained highly qualified status, five (out of 52 possible) were from the Lesley University (M) partnership, four (out of 15 possible) were from the Salem State (M) partnership, one (out of 11 possible) was from the EduTron Fitchburg (M) partnership, and one (out of 20 possible) was from the North Shore (S) partnership. Of the 11 who attained highly qualified status, nine began participating during Cohort 3 while two began participating prior to Cohort 3. Of the nine whose participation began during to Cohort 3, five were from the Lesley University (M) partnership, 2 When the 458 unique participants began participating in Cohort 3, 196 were identified as “not highly qualified,” and the highly qualified status of an additional nine was unknown. The low endpoint of the range of the percentage of those who attained highly qualified status was calculated by dividing the number attaining highly qualified status by the sum of those who were not highly qualified plus those whose status was unknown; the high endpoint of the range was calculated by dividing the number attaining highly qualified status by the number of those who were not highly qualified. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 12 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity two were from the Salem State (M) partnership, one was from the EduTron Fitchburg (M) partnership, and one was from the North Shore (S) partnership. Of the two whose participation began prior to Cohort 3, both were from the Salem State (M) partnership. An identification of the criteria by which teachers who gained highly qualified status could demonstrate competency in their subject matter may be found in Appendix F. Licensure and Degrees Held in Content Area Taught By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period for Cohort 3, 95 regular education teachers and 13 special education teachers reported teaching in science or technology/engineering areas. Tables 9a and 9b show how many teachers taught in each science and technology/engineering area for the 2006-2007 funding period. The tables also show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they were licensed in the area in which they taught, and they show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they held a degree in the area in which they taught. Table 9a provides information for regular education teachers and Table 9b provides information for special education teachers. (The numbers presented in Tables 9a and 9b exceed the number of teachers who reported teaching in these areas because some teachers taught in more than one area.) For regular education teachers, the licensing reported by approximately 50% appeared to be appropriate for the content area taught, and the degrees held by approximately 27% corresponded to content area taught. For special education teachers, the licensing reported by one teacher (7%) appeared to be appropriate for the content area taught, and the degree held by one teacher (7%) corresponded to content area taught. Table 9a: Cohort 3 Science and Technology Teaching Areas - Regular Education Sep06-Aug07 Content Area General Science Biology Chemistry Physics Earth Science Technology/Engineering Teach in Area License in Area Taught n Degree in Area Taught %* %* 59 59% 20% 21 62% 67% 18 33% 17% 14 43% 14% 11 45% 27% 8 13% 13% *Of the number of regular education participants teaching in this area for this year By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period for Cohort 3, 125 regular education teachers and 23 special education teachers reported teaching non-elementary level mathematics. Tables 10a and 10b show how many teachers taught at each non-elementary mathematics level for the 2006-2007 funding period. The tables also show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they were licensed in the level at which they taught, and they show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they held a degree in the area in which they taught. Table 10a provides information for regular education teachers and Table 10b provides information for special education teachers. (The numbers presented in Tables 10a and 10b exceed the number of teachers who reported teaching in these areas because some teachers taught in more than one area.) For regular education teachers, the licensing reported by approximately 67% appeared to be appropriate for the mathematics level taught, and the degrees held by 14% corresponded to content area taught. For special education teachers, the licensing reported by approximately 17% appeared to be appropriate for the level taught, and none of the teachers held degrees that corresponded to content area taught. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 13 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 9b: Cohort 3 Science and Technology Teaching Areas - Special Education Sep06-Aug07 Content Area General Science Biology Earth Science Chemistry Physics Technology/Engineering Teach in Area License in Area Taught Degree in Area Taught n %* %* 10 10% 10% 3 0% 0% 2 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0% *Of the number of special education participants teaching in this area for this year Table 10a: Cohort 3 Mathematics Teacher Levels - Regular Education Sep06-Aug07 Content Area Elementary School Teach in Area License in Area Taught Degree in Area Taught n %* %* 11 27% 0% Middle School High School MS & HS grades 106 69% 10% 19 79% 42% 0 0% 0% TOTAL Math 136 67% 14% *Of the number of regular education participants teaching in this area for this year Table 10b: Cohort 3 Mathematics Teacher Levels - Special Education Sep06-Aug07 Content Area Elementary School Teach in Area License in Area Taught Degree in Area Taught n %* %* 1 0% 0% Middle School High School MS & HS grades 16 25% 0% 6 0% 0% 1 0% 0% TOTAL Math 24 17% 0% *Of the number of special education participants teaching in this area for this year Degrees Currently Pursued Information on degrees currently being pursued was derived from the most recently completed survey of each individual. Of the 95 regular education teachers and 13 special education teachers in Cohort 3 for the 2006-2007 funding period who reported teaching in science or technology/engineering areas, eight were pursuing science UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 14 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity degrees in their current areas of teaching: six general science teachers were pursuing master’s degrees in general science, one general science teacher was pursuing a master’s degree and a CAGS degree in general science, and one teacher of biology and chemistry was pursuing a master’s degree in biology. Additionally, three science teachers were pursuing degrees in areas of science they did not currently teach: One who taught earth science was pursuing a master’s in general science, one who taught general science was pursuing a master’s in biology, and another who taught general science was pursuing a master’s in both biology and physics. Of the 125 regular education teachers and 23 special education teachers who reported teaching non-elementary level mathematics in Cohort 3 for the 2006-2007 funding period, 12 were pursuing math degrees in their current areas of teaching: six high school mathematics teachers were pursuing master’s degrees in mathematics, one middle school mathematics teacher was pursuing a CAGS in mathematics, four middle school mathematics teachers were pursuing master’s degrees in mathematics, and one middle school mathematics teacher was pursuing a bachelor’s in mathematics. Content Knowledge Gains As a grant condition, MMSP partnerships were required to create a pre-course test and post-course test to assess participants’ knowledge of the content for each MMSP course. In most cases, the faculty members who developed the courses also developed the assessments. For each course, the same instrument served as both the pre-course test and the post-course test. Due to time and resource constraints, partnerships were not required to test their assessments for validity or reliability. Also, partnerships were not encouraged to locate a previously existing standardized instrument that had demonstrated validity and reliability because a priority was placed on developing assessments that would reflect the precise content that would be taught in each of their courses. Data were analyzed only for participants who completed both pre- and post-course assessments. To determine if the scores showed statistically significantly changes between pre- and post-course test administrations, a paired samples t-test was used for each course for which ten or more participants completed both pre- and post-course assessments, and a Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test was used for each course for which fewer than ten participants completed both pre- and post-course assessments. While gains in average percentage of items correct between pre- and post-course test administrations occurred in all 37 of the 37 courses delivered across all Cohort 3 partnerships during the 2006-2007 funding period, statistically significant improvements in scores on content knowledge assessments occurred in only 86% of those courses. Of the five courses not showing statistically significant improvement in scores, though, three had fewer than six participants, the smallest sample size at which it is possible to detect statistical significance at the level used for these analyses. Table 11 provides an overview, by subject matter of courses delivered, of the numbers of courses that did and did not show statistically significant gains. For detailed information on mean pre- and postcourse content knowledge scores by partnership and by course, see Appendix G. Table 11: Number of Courses with Statistically Significant and Non-significant Gains in Mean Content Knowledge Scores for Cohort 3 Number of Courses Type of Course Math Science & Technology/Engineering Math and Science UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Delivered Significant Pre/Post Gains No Significant Pre/Post Gains 21 21 0 15 11 4 1 0 1 15 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Partnership-level Participant Background Data Presented in Table 12 through Table 20, this section offers an overview of selected participant survey data for each Cohort 3 partnership. These data were collected at the end of each course that was offered by each partnership. The responses to the survey questions are presented as frequencies and percentages of the total number of participants in the partnership for the 2006-2007 period. In cases where not all participants responded to all of the items and in cases where multiple responses were permitted, percentages presented may not total 100%. The section of each table identified as “Participants Who Took Multiple Courses” contains three categories. Each is defined as follows: “In Cohort 3” refers to participants who took two or more courses within the context of Cohort 3 – they participated in no courses that had been offered during previous cohorts. “In previous cohorts” refers to participants who took one course through Cohort 3 and had taken at least one additional course that had been offered during a previous cohort. “In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts” refers to participants who took two or more courses within Cohort 3 and also took at least one additional course during a previous cohort. The “Highly Qualified” section of each table includes the response option “Private school/Not applicable.” Participants categorized under this option refer to those who either were teaching at a private school or for whom highly qualified status would be irrelevant, such as school administrators. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 16 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 12: EduTron Lowell Participant Background Information (M/S) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 54 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 12 0 0 (22%) (0%) (0%) 24 (44%) 7 (13%) 15 (28%) 7 (13%) 16 (30%) 9 (17%) 54 (100%) 11 23 2 1 17 (20%) (43%) (4%) (2%) (31%) 7 22 10 (13%) (41%) (19%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 17 (31%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 49 (91%) Teach Regular Education Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) Teach Elementary (all content areas) Teach Elementary Math Teach Mathematics Above Elementary Teach Science or Technology/Engineering Teach in High Need District Highly Qualified Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Have a HOUSSE Plan Yes No Not Sure UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 17 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 13: EduTron Fitchburg Participant Background Information (M) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 34 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 0 18 0 (0%) (53%) (0%) 23 (68%) 8 (24%) 13 (38%) 1 (3%) 17 (50%) 4 (12%) 34 (100%) 19 8 3 2 2 16 2 2 (56%) (24%) (9%) (6%) (6%) (47%) (6%) (6%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 17 (50%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 31 (91%) Teach Regular Education Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) Teach Elementary (all content areas) Teach Elementary Math Teach Mathematics Above Elementary Teach Science or Technology/Engineering Teach in High Need District Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure 18 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 14: Lesley University Participant Background Information (M) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 127 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 66 0 4 (52%) (0%) (3%) Teach Regular Education 92 (72%) Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) 12 (9%) Teach Elementary (all content areas) 49 (38%) Teach Elementary Math 15 (12%) Teach Mathematics Above Elementary 53 (42%) 3 (2%) 120 (94%) 63 45 2 0 17 32 30 26 (50%) (35%) (2%) (0%) (13%) (25%) (24%) (20%) 61 (48%) 119 (94%) Teach Science or Technology/Engineering Teach in High Need District Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams Hold One or More Teaching Licenses UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 19 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 15: North Shore Participant Background Information (S) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 41 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 9 0 1 (22%) (0%) (2%) Teach Regular Education 28 (68%) Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) 10 (24%) Teach Elementary (all content areas) 2 (5%) Teach Elementary Math 0 (0%) Teach Mathematics Above Elementary 7 (17%) Teach Science or Technology/Engineering 33 (80%) Teach in High Need District 16 (39%) 19 14 5 1 2 16 7 9 (46%) (34%) (12%) (2%) (5%) (39%) (17%) (22%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 18 (44%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 39 (95%) Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure 20 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 16: UMass Amherst Participant Background Information (M/S) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 48 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 2 7 2 (4%) (15%) (4%) 37 (77%) Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) 6 (13%) Teach Elementary (all content areas) 8 (17%) Teach Elementary Math 2 (4%) Teach Mathematics Above Elementary 18 (38%) Teach Science or Technology/Engineering 20 (42%) Teach in High Need District 22 (46%) 27 15 2 1 3 14 11 5 (56%) (31%) (4%) (2%) (6%) (29%) (23%) (10%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 24 (50%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 46 (96%) Teach Regular Education Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure 21 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 17: Salem State College Participant Background Information (M) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 50 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 9 17 4 (18%) (34%) (8%) 38 (76%) Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) 9 (18%) Teach Elementary (all content areas) 7 (14%) Teach Elementary Math 4 (8%) 35 (70%) 8 (16%) 41 (82%) 33 11 0 2 4 17 7 7 (66%) (22%) (0%) (4%) (8%) (34%) (14%) (14%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 26 (52%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 47 (94%) Teach Regular Education Teach Mathematics Above Elementary Teach Science or Technology/Engineering Teach in High Need District Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure 22 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 18: SE/Cape Participant Background Information (S) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 47 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 7 0 0 (15%) (0%) (0%) 42 (89%) 4 (9%) 20 (43%) Teach Elementary Math 8 (17%) Teach Mathematics Above Elementary 5 (11%) Teach Science or Technology/Engineering 22 (47%) Teach in High Need District 31 (66%) 19 22 6 0 0 23 6 7 (40%) (47%) (13%) (0%) (0%) (49%) (13%) (15%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 22 (47%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 45 (96%) Teach Regular Education Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) Teach Elementary (all content areas) Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure 23 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 19: WPI – Science Participant Background Information (S) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 19 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 0 0 0 (0%) (0%) (0%) 16 (84%) Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) 0 (0%) Teach Elementary (all content areas) 4 (21%) Teach Elementary Math 0 (0%) Teach Mathematics Above Elementary 2 (11%) 14 (74%) 3 (16%) 5 10 0 1 3 5 3 5 (26%) (53%) (0%) (5%) (16%) (26%) (16%) (26%) 5 (26%) 17 (89%) Teach Regular Education Teach Science or Technology/Engineering Teach in High Need District Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams Hold One or More Teaching Licenses UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 24 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Table 20: Worcester Public Schools Participant Background Information (M) Number of Participants Sep06-Aug07 Total Number of Participants 41 Participants Who Took Multiple Courses In Cohort 3 In previous cohorts In Cohort 3 & previous cohorts 6 0 0 (15%) (0%) (0%) 29 (71%) 4 (10%) 32 (78%) Teach Elementary Math 5 (12%) Teach Mathematics Above Elementary 1 (2%) Teach Science or Technology/Engineering 0 (0%) 34 (83%) 17 16 2 1 5 25 5 3 (41%) (39%) (5%) (2%) (12%) (61%) (12%) (7%) Have Passed One or More MTEL Exams 16 (39%) Hold One or More Teaching Licenses 38 (93%) Teach Regular Education Teach Special Education (sole and inclusion) Teach Elementary (all content areas) Teach in High Need District Highly Qualified Have a HOUSSE Plan UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Yes No In some, but not all areas Cannot be determined Private school/Not applicable Yes No Not Sure 25 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cohort 3 Activity Course Institutionalization For systemic change to occur at the higher education institutions, departments of arts and sciences and education departments are encouraged to work together through MMSP to support stronger content courses in mathematics and science for teacher preparation, undergraduate and graduate degree requirements, and for in-service teachers pursuing graduate-level content courses for recertification. Integration of Title IIB courses into graduate programs at Institutes of Higher Education will ensure sustainability over time. The intent behind encouraging the partnerships is that the faculty from the Arts and Sciences Departments will bring strong content expertise to the partnership table. This integration will create greater opportunities for participants to complete coursework leading to a content-area degree and/or to licensure along with the highly qualified designation. Asked to describe activities during the 2006 – 2007 funding period related to the institutionalization of their courses, all nine partnerships in Cohort 3 evinced integration, plans for future integration, or – in the case of partnerships with previously established involvement with MMSP – work toward sustaining prior integration. As would be expected in a program involving partnerships with diverse structures and styles, the extent and type of integration varied across partnerships. To convey a sense of how integration occurred, following are summaries for each partnership: Following this program year, two remedial courses, based on the EduTron model for MMSP courses, will continue to be offered at Fitchburg State College (FSC). EduTron partners supported FSC in designing three pre-service courses that are optimized for education majors. EduTron has begun working with FSC to help FSC apply the EduTron model used in MMSP math courses to science courses. Two courses created through Lesley University’s MMSP now will be offered to Lesley’s on-campus preservice teachers. As a result of their joint involvement in MMSP through the North Shore partnership and the National Science Foundation MSP program, Northeastern University has institutionalized all MMSP courses. Eight MMSP courses can be used to fulfill 80% of the degree requirements toward a Master’s in Education for Middle School Science. In addition, this degree was developed as a result of these courses. Two courses developed through the UMass Amherst partnership were approved for graduate level credit. Salem State College offers courses developed through MMSP as part of a master’s level teaching program in middle school mathematics. All courses developed by Salem State College through MMSP can be applied towards earning a degree through that program. (This approach had been developed through Salem State College’s prior participation MMSP.) Participants of the three courses offered through the SE/Cape partnership may apply credit for the courses towards the Master of Arts in Teaching in Physical Science program that is offered through Bridgewater State College. The physics department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute is now actively seeking a faculty member who will work with teachers on deepening their content knowledge, and the MMSP course that was offered through the WPI-Science partnership will serve as the model for instruction of future courses that will be offered. As a result of the experience of working with Worcester Public Schools on MMSP, Clark University has expressed interest in exploring the institutionalization of courses that were offered through MMSP. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 26 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Cumulative Summary: All Cohorts over All Funding Periods Overview of Partnerships, Courses, and Participants Table 21 shows the funding received by each partnership since the inception of the program. Table 21: Cumulative Partnership Budgets Partnership Total to Date EduTron (M) $838,352 Harvard Graduate School of Ed. (M) $577,324 Lesley University (M) $854,564 MCLA – Science (S) $171,439 Salem State College (M) $585,643 Springfield Public Schools (S) $574,781 Wareham Public Schools (M) $442,402 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (M) $637,411 MCLA – Math (M) $163,368 UMass Amherst (M) $443,996 EduTron Lowell (M/S) $210,000 EduTron Fitchburg (M) $102,000 Lesley University C3 (M) $347,911 North Shore (S) $196,474 UMass Amherst C3 (M/S) $107,424 Salem State C3 (M) $120,882 SE/Cape (S) $129,438 WPI – Science (S) Worcester Public Schools (M) TOTAL $99,586 $231,210 $6,834,205 Cohorts 1, 2, and 3 combined consisted of 19 partnerships, with 12 of the 19 partnerships offering mathematics professional development, five offering science professional development, and two offering professional development in both mathematics and science content. Over the span of MMSP, Cohort 1, 2, and 3 partnerships developed and implemented a total of 131 courses. Of those 131 courses, 78 (60%) were unique, and 53 (40%) were repeat offerings. Of the 131 courses, 106 (81%) of the courses offered mathematics content, 21 (16%) offered science content, three (2%) offered technology/engineering content, and one (<1%) offered both mathematics and science content. This section of the report summarizes data collected from participants in these courses. In total, there were 1344 participants, and 512 of them took two or more courses. By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period, 1344 unique participants completed the Participant Background Survey on one or more occasions. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 27 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Position of Participants At the time of their last completed survey from an MMSP course, 87% of course participants identified themselves as teachers. Of all respondents, 73% were regular education teachers; 14% were special education or special education inclusion teachers; 2% were department heads or curriculum coordinators; 2% were principals, assistant principals, or headmasters; 1% were support specialists; 1% were paraprofessionals; <1% were longterm substitutes; <1% were superintendents or assistant superintendents; and 6% indicated that they held “other” positions. Content Taught The distribution of teaching areas of respondents at the time of the survey is shown in Table 22. Because respondents identified all teaching areas that applied to their positions at the time of the survey, some selected multiple responses, so frequency totals exceed the number of respondents and percentages exceed 100%. Also, figures reported in “Total” column may be smaller than figures for any individual year because the total is based on data from the last survey completed and some repeat participants changed teaching areas over the course of their participation. At the time of their last MMSP course, 50% were teaching mathematics, 28% were teaching science, and 25% were teaching all subjects at the elementary level. Table 22: Teaching Areas: All Participants, All Partnerships, All Funding Periods Total Teaching Areas (Multiple responses permitted) N =1344 n % of 1628 responses Mathematics 666 50% Any science area 402 28% 191 14% Biology 68 5% Earth Science 42 3% Chemistry 43 3% Physics 38 3% Technology/Engineering 20 1% 9 1% Elementary (all subjects) 335 25% Elementary Mathematics 88 7% Other 72 5% Not Currently Teaching 56 4% General Science Computer Science Types of Schools of Participants Of all MMSP participants, 97% worked in a public school setting, and 2% worked in a non-public school setting. These figures are presented in table format in Appendix H. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 28 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary High Need Status of Districts of Participants MMSP partnerships were required to include at least one high need district. Appendix D identifies the criteria for the high need designation. In addition, the MADOE expected that at least 50% of participants in each partnership would come from high need districts, and further, they set an informal goal that at least 75% of participants for each partnership would come from high need districts. The high need status of some school districts changed across years. To classify participants from districts that were high need at one point in time but not high need at another, a process was used that took into account the high need status of participants’ districts from the beginning of each partnership’s MMSP involvement with the program. A district identified as high-need in the first year of a partnership’s funding continued to be classified as high-need in subsequent years of the partnership, even if the district's status changed. Additionally, any districts not on the high-need list in the first year of a partnership’s funding but subsequently added to the high-need list in later years of the partnership were then identified as qualifying high-need districts. Table 23 shows that across all years of funding, 66% of the public school participants in the program as a whole had come from high need districts. An examination of high need district participation in individual partnerships reveals that over the course of each partnership’s involvement in MMSP since the beginning of MMSP, 13 of the 19 partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts across all years of their involvement, and (again, across all years of their involvement) nine of 19 partnerships exceeded the informal goal of having at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts. If individual years of participation are examined, it is seen that ten of the 19 partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts for each and every year of funding, and nine of the 19 partnerships exceeded the informal goal of having at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts for each and every year of funding. As of their last course in MMSP, of the 512 individuals who took multiple courses, approximately 69% were from high need public school districts, approximately 26% were from other public school districts, and approximately 2% either were from private schools or did not provide information on their districts. In addition, approximately 2% were from high need districts for some of the courses they took but not for others3. Table 23: High Need Status of All Unique Participants from Public Schools: All Funding Periods Total Item N % High Need District 857 66% Non-high Need District 422 32% Other* 15 1% Missing District Information 10 1% TOTAL 1304 100% *Includes those who did not identify their districts and public school participants who took multiple courses whose districts were considered high need for only some of the courses those participants took. Reasons for Participation in MMSP Courses For each course taken, respondents identified all of their reasons for participating. Unlike in most other portions of this report where data were presented for unique participants, data for this issue are presented for all course 3 Teachers who took MMSP math courses when their districts were considered high need for only science were identified as having come from a “non-high need” district, and teachers who took MMSP science courses when their districts were considered high need for only math were identified as having come from a “non-high need” district. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 29 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary seats, since responses are uniquely relevant to each distinct course that a participant took. Table 24 presents findings for all 2,589 seats for all courses taken by all participants across all funding periods. Table 24: Reasons for Participation of Participants: All Seats, All Partnerships, All Funding Periods Total Reasons for Participation (Multiple responses permitted) % n of 2,589 course seats To increase knowledge in content 1961 76% To obtain graduate credit 1716 66% To earn PDPs for recertification 937 36% To pursue a personal interest 856 33% To prepare for the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) 497 19% To get an additional license (certification) 500 19% To earn PDPs for HOUSSE plan requirement 331 13% To follow an administrator’s suggestion 198 8% 82 3% 137 5% To obtain a first license (certification) Other Repeat Participation Partnerships were very successful at encouraging and retaining repeat participants. Of the 19 partnerships, 17 offered multiple courses, and, of these, all had participants who attended more than one course. In all, 512 participants (38% of all participants) attended multiple courses. Of those participating in multiple courses, 78 took courses across partnerships (which may have been within or across cohorts). Table 25 provides details regarding repeat participation. Highly Qualified Status To comply with the federal No Child Left Behind legislation, public school teachers were required to meet the federal definition of highly qualified by the end of the 2005-2006 school year. One of the expectations of the MMSP is that providing high quality professional development would contribute to teachers’ attainment of federal highly qualified status. Information regarding the following areas was used to determine participants’ highly qualified status: licensure, years in education, subject areas taught, High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) plans held, Professional Development Points (PDPs) held, MTELs passed, degrees held, undergraduate degree equivalents, and advanced or national certifications. To be considered highly qualified, a teacher must be licensed and demonstrate subject matter competency in the areas of teaching. Demonstration of subject matter competency for elementary teachers was satisfied either by passing the appropriate MTEL (general curriculum MTEL if teaching multiple core subjects or elementary math MTEL if teaching mainly elementary math) or by having a HOUSSE plan and having earned a particular number of PDPs. Demonstration of subject matter competency for middle and secondary school teachers was satisfied by UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 30 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Table 25: Repeat Participants: All Partnerships, All Funding Periods Number of Total Number Number Taking Courses of Unique* Multiple Courses Delivered to Participants to within Cohorts Date Date 1&2 EduTron (M) 7 128 36 0 18 54 Harvard (M) 8 166 24 0 2 26 19 107 83 0 2 85 3 23 13 0 0 13 26 162 59 0 22 81 7 96 41 0 2 43 Wareham PS (M) 3 43 12 0 0 12 WPI (M) 6 145 47 0 1 48 MCLA (M) 4 16 9 0 0 9 11 76 39 0 13 52 2 54 0 12 0 12 1 34 0 0 18 18 10 127 0 66 4 70 9 40 0 9 2 11 4 48 0 3 12 15 4 49 0 9 21 30 SE/Cape (S) 3 49 0 8 0 8 WPI (S) 1 19 0 0 0 0 Worcester PS(M) 3 41 0 6 0 6 131 1344 346 109 57 512 Partnership Lesley Univ. C1 (M) MCLA (S) Salem State College (M) Springfield PS (S) UMass Amherst (M) EduTron Lowell (M/S) EduTron Fitchburg (M) Lesley Univ. C3 (M) North Shore (S) UMass Amherst C3 (M/S) Salem State C3 (M) TOTAL** Number Taking Multiple Courses within Cohort 3 Number Taking Total Number Multiple Courses Taking within Cohort 3 & Multiple Previous Cohorts Courses * Figures in all “Partnership” rows reflect unique participants within that particular partnership. ** Figures in this row refer to totals across all partnerships, so totals will not reflect sums of figures in all preceding rows one of the following means: passing the appropriate MTEL, completing an appropriate undergraduate major or graduate degree, completing appropriate coursework comparable to an undergraduate major, holding advanced or national certification in the appropriate subject area, or by having a HOUSSE plan and having earned a particular number of PDPs. For all teachers with HOUSSE plans, the minimum numbers of PDPs needed varied in relation to the date of June 30, 2006: Prior to June 30, 2006, the minimum was 48, and following June 30, 2006, the minimum was 96. Appendix F outlines options available for demonstrating subject matter competency. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 31 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary A participant was identified as highly qualified if the criteria for meeting highly qualified status were met for all subjects that a participant taught. If a participant taught multiple subject areas and only met the highly qualified criteria for some of the subjects taught, he or she was determined to be “highly qualified in some, but not all” content areas. In the first MMSP funding period, the Participant Background Survey did not adequately capture information about teachers that could be used to determine highly qualified status. The survey was re-designed for Year 2 to capture this information. For the second and subsequent funding periods, though, survey responses indicated that participants misunderstood the meaning of HOUSSE plans, and some who completed more than one survey reported inconsistent data across surveys. The Participant Background Survey permitted determination of the impact of MMSP courses on highly qualified status only for 1) those participants who held HOUSSE plans and 2) those participants who took more than one course (i.e., completed more than one survey). Because surveys were administered after participants had completed MSP courses, if a participant completed only one course and did not have a HOUSSE plan it was not possible to determine whether that participant became highly qualified prior to or as a result of MMSP course participation. Over the span of the program for Cohorts 1, 2, and 3, at least 117 participants attained highly qualified status. This translates to between approximately 21% and 27% of those who potentially could have gained highly qualified status4. Table 26 presents the highly qualified status of participants across all years of the program. This table provides an unduplicated count of participants. Because the number of courses a participant took was relevant to the process used to determine how many participants attained highly qualified status while participating in MMSP, the findings are primarily organized according to number of courses taken (only one vs. multiple). In Appendix I, a more detailed version of the table is presented in which the data are further broken down by cohort of participation. MTEL Information One method by which teachers may demonstrate subject-matter competency is to pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) in the content areas that they teach. Table 27 cumulatively identifies the tests taken by public school teachers across all years of the program along with passage rates. Of the 512 participants taking multiple courses, 26% earned one or more new licenses by the end of the fourth year of MMSP and 12% took and passed an MTEL test. In addition, 2% of these repeat participants learned that they had passed an MTEL that they had taken at the time of their first MMSP course. 4 When the 1344 unique participants began participating in the program, 433 were identified as “not highly qualified,” and the highly qualified status of an additional 127 was unknown. The low endpoint of the range of the percentage of those who attained highly qualified status was calculated by dividing the number attaining highly qualified status by the sum of those who were not highly qualified plus those whose status was unknown; the high endpoint of the range was calculated by dividing the number attaining highly qualified status by the number of those who were not highly qualified. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 32 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Table 26: Highly Qualified Status of All Unique Participants: All Funding Periods Took only one course n = 832 Took multiple courses n = 512 12 105 117 0 5 5 420 244 664 34 14 48 206 63 269 Private school or not teaching 71 43 114 Unknown 89 38 127 Status Became Highly Qualified Became Highly Qualified in only some content areas Highly Qualified (unable to determine when became HQ) Highly Qualified in some content areas but not all (unable to determine when became HQ) Not Highly Qualified TOTAL N = 1344 As shown in Table 27, based on data from the last survey completed by each participant, of the 125 participants who had taken the Mathematics MTEL, 96 (77%) reported passing the test, and six (5%) had not yet received their scores at the time of survey completion. Of the 261 respondents who had taken the Middle School Mathematics MTEL, 218 (84%) passed and 15 (6%) had not yet received their scores. Of the 37 participants who completed the Middle School Mathematics/Science MTEL, 22 (59%) passed and five (14%) had not yet received their scores. Of the 59 participants completing the General Science MTEL, 55 (93%) passed and two (3%) had not yet received their scores. Twenty respondents attempted the Biology MTEL, and 16 (80%) passed and one had not yet received the score. Of the eight participants who took the Chemistry MTEL, seven (88%) passed. Of the eight who took the Earth Science MTEL, six (75%) passed. Four participants attempted the Physics MTEL, and three (75%) passed. Two individuals completed the Technology/Engineering MTEL, but neither indicated whether or not it was passed. Of the 158 participants who reported taking General Curriculum (formerly elementary) MTEL, 149 (94%) reported passing, and one had not yet received the score. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 33 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Table 27: MTEL Tests Taken by All Participants – Total to Date Based on each participant’s last survey Taking Test Passing Test Failing Test N % 158 149 94% 5 3% 1 1% 3 2% 8 7 88% 1 13% 0 0% 0 0% 27 22 81% 1 4% 4 15% 0 0% Mathematics 125 96 77% 20 16% 6 5% 3 2% Middle School Mathematics Middle School Mathematics/Science General Science 261 218 84% 20 8% 15 6% 8 3% 37 22 59% 7 19% 5 14% 3 8% 59 55 93% 1 2% 2 3% 1 2% 20 16 80% 1 5% 1 5% 2 10% Chemistry 8 7 88% 1 13% 0 0% 0 0% Physics 4 3 75% 1 25% 0 0% 0 0% Earth Science 8 6 75% 2 25% 0 0% 0 0% Technology/Engineering 2 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 100% 138 109 79% 13 9% 8 6% 8 6% Elementary Mathematics Biology TOTAL in STE Areas % No Response n General Curriculum (formerly Elementary) Early Childhood n Scores Unknown n % n % Licensure and Degrees Held in Content Area Taught By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period, 237 regular education teachers and 30 special education teachers reported teaching in science or technology/engineering areas. Tables 28a and 28b show how many teachers taught in each science and technology/engineering area over the course of the program. The tables also show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they were licensed in the area in which they taught, and they show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they held a degree in the area in which they taught. Table 28a provides information for regular education teachers and Table 28b provides information for special education teachers. (The numbers presented in Tables 28a and 28b exceed the number of teachers who reported teaching in these areas because some teachers taught in more than one area.) For regular education teachers, the licensing reported by approximately 40% appeared to be appropriate for the content area taught, and the degrees held by approximately 23% corresponded to content area taught. For special education teachers, the licensing reported by two teachers (5%) appeared to be appropriate for the content area taught, and the degree held by one teacher (3%) corresponded to content area taught. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 34 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Table 28a: Science and Tech/Engineering Teaching Areas of All Participants Regular Education Total Content Area License in Area Degree in Area Taught Taught %* %* 154 40% 15% 54 65% 67% 38 39% 21% 33 15% 9% 32 28% 9% 16 25% 6% Teach in Area n General Science Biology Chemistry Earth Science Physics Technology/Engineering *Of the number of regular education participants teaching in this area for this year Table 28b: Science and Tech/Engineering Teaching Areas of All Participants Special Education Total Content Area Teach in Area n General Science Biology Earth Science Chemistry Physics Technology/Engineering License in Area Degree in Area Taught Taught %* %* 22 5% 5% 9 0% 0% 6 0% 0% 2 50% 0% 1 0% 0% 0 0% 0% *Of the number of special education participants teaching in this area for this year By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period, 547 regular education teachers and 86 special education teachers reported teaching non-elementary level mathematics. Tables 29a and 29b show how many teachers taught at each non-elementary mathematics level over the course of the program. The tables also show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they were licensed in the level at which they taught, and they show the percentages of teachers whose survey responses indicated they held a degree in the area in which they taught. Table 29a provides information for regular education teachers and Table 29b provides information for special education teachers. (The numbers presented in Tables 29a and 29b exceed the number of teachers who reported teaching in these areas because some teachers taught in more than one area.) For regular education teachers, the licensing reported by approximately 62% appeared to be appropriate for the mathematics level taught, and the degrees held by 18% corresponded to content area taught. For special education teachers, the licensing reported by approximately 23% appeared to be appropriate for the level taught, and the degrees held by three teachers (3%) corresponded to content area taught. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 35 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Cumulative Summary Table 29a: Mathematics Teacher Levels of All Participants - Regular Education Total Content Area Teach in Area License in Area Taught Degree in Area Taught n %* %* Middle School High School MS & HS grades 468 60% 13% 76 78% 43% 3 0% 0% TOTAL Math 547 62% 18% *Of the number of regular education participants teaching in this area for this year Table 29b: Mathematics Teacher Levels of All Participants - Special Education Total Content Area Teach in Area License in Area Taught Degree in Area Taught %* n %* Middle School 69 19% 1% High School MS & HS grades 15 47% 13% 2 0% 0% TOTAL Math 86 23% 3% *Of the number of special education participants teaching in this area for this year Degrees Currently Pursued Information on degrees currently being pursued was derived from the most recently completed survey of each individual. Of the 237 regular education teachers and 30 special education teachers over the course of the program who reported teaching in science or technology/engineering areas, eight were pursuing science degrees in their current areas of teaching: six general science teachers were pursuing master’s degrees in general science, one general science teacher was pursuing a master’s degree and a CAGS degree in general science, and one teacher of biology and chemistry was pursuing a master’s degree in biology. Additionally, three science teachers were pursuing degrees in areas of science they did not currently teach: One who taught earth science was pursuing a master’s in general science, one who taught general science was pursuing a master’s in biology, and another who taught general science was pursuing a master’s in both biology and physics. Three non-science teachers were also pursuing science degrees: Two were seeking master’s degrees in general science and one was seeking a master’s degree in biology. Of the 547 regular education teachers and 86 special education teachers over the course of the program who reported teaching non-elementary level mathematics, 22 were pursuing mathematics degrees in their current areas of teaching: One high school and 18 middle school mathematics teachers were pursuing master’s degrees in mathematics, two high school level mathematics teachers were pursuing bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, and one middle school math teacher was pursuing a bachelor’s and a master’s in mathematics. Additionally, 13 people who did not teach math were pursuing mathematics degrees: 12 were pursuing master’s degrees, and one was pursuing a CAGS. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 36 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Overview Overview: Partnerships and Participating Schools from All Cohorts over All Funding Periods Overview of Partnerships, Courses, and Participants Over the course of the project, there have been 19 partnerships. While some partnerships were awarded funding in more than one funding period, for evaluation purposes, a partnership was identified as a “new” partnership each time it received funding that resulted from a different competition. Table 30 shows the funding received by each partnership for each year of the program. Overall, partnerships have been awarded a total of $6,834,205 since the inception of MMSP. Table 30: Budgets: All Partnerships, All Funding Periods Partnership Feb04-Aug04 Sep04-Aug05 Sep05-Aug06 Sep06-Aug07 TOTAL COHORT 1 Initially funded February 2004 $210,000 $237,000 $323,000 $68,352 $838,352 $96,743 $188,856 $204,300 $87,425 $577,324 $220,007 $310,110 $280,609 $43,838 $854,564 $30,350 $51,912 $50,930 $38,247 $171,439 Salem State College (M) $118,395 $209,331 $214,269 $43,648 $585,643 Springfield Public Schools (S) $175,000 $151,707 $173,337 $74,737 $574,781 Wareham Public Schools (M) $120,930 $162,122 $115,388 $43,962 $442,402 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (M) $202,322 $203,257 $196,199 $35,633 $637,411 EduTron (M) Harvard Graduate School of Ed. (M) Lesley University (M) MCLA – Science (S) COHORT 2 Initially funded September 2004 MCLA – Math (M) $32,864 $78,630 $51,874 $163,368 UMass Amherst (M) $88,264 $174,151 $181,581 $443,996 EduTron Lowell (M/S) $210,000 $210,000 EduTron Fitchburg (M) $102,000 $102,000 Lesley University (M) $347,911 $347,911 North Shore (S) $196,474 $196,474 UMass Amherst (M/S) $107,424 $107,424 Salem State College (M) $120,882 $120,882 SE/Cape (S) $129,438 $129,438 $99,586 $99,586 $231,210 $231,210 $2,214,222 $6,834,205 COHORT 3 Initially funded September 2006 WPI – Science (S) Worcester Public Schools (M) TOTAL UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group $1,173,747 $1,635,423 $1,810,813 37 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Overview Across all 19 partnerships, 12 offered mathematics professional development, five offered science professional development, and two offered professional development in both mathematics and science. Specifically, Cohort 1 consisted of eight partnerships, with six of the eight partnerships offering mathematics professional development and two offering science professional development. Cohort 2 consisted of two partnerships, both offering mathematics professional development. Cohort 3 consisted of nine partnerships, with four of the nine partnerships offering mathematics professional development, three offering science professional development, and two offering professional development in both mathematics and science. In total, there were 131 courses delivered. Of these 131 courses, 106 were mathematics courses, 21 were science courses, three were technology/engineering courses, and one was a course offering both mathematics and science content. By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period, there were 1344 unique participants, and 512 took two or more courses. The term “unique participant” refers to each individual who participated in the program, regardless of how many courses he or she took. Data for items from the Participant Background Survey that help to convey participants’ professional backgrounds and motives for participation are discussed in the remainder of this section. Types of Schools of Participants For each funding period of the program, at least 96% of MMSP participants worked in a public school setting. Over the course of the program to date, 97% of MMSP participants worked in a public school setting, and 2% worked in a non-public school setting. Table 31 provides a breakdown, by funding period, of the types of schools in which participants worked. In addition, for the most recent year of funding details are broken down according to cohort membership. Table 31: Types of Schools: All Unique Participants, All Funding Periods School Type Feb04-Aug04 Sep04-Aug05 Sep05-Aug06 N Public School (includes 332 public charter schools) Non-public School 8 Other or No Response 1 TOTAL 341 % N % N % Sep06-Aug07 Sep06-Aug07 Cohorts 1 & 2 Cohort 3 N % N % Total N % 97% 448 98% 455 98% 86 91% 447 98% 1304 97% 2% <1% 7 1 2% <1% 6 3 1% 1% 5 4 5% 4% 7 4 2% <1% 30 10 2% 1% 464 100% 95 100% 458 100% 1344 100% 100% 456 100% High Need Status of Districts of Participants MMSP partnerships were required to include at least one high need district. Appendix D identifies the criteria for the high need designation. In addition, the MADOE expected that at least 50% of participants in each partnership would come from high need districts, and further, they set an informal goal that at least 75% of participants for each partnership would come from high need districts. The high need status of some school districts changed across years. To classify participants from districts that were high need at one point in time but not high need at another, a process was used that took into account the high need status of participants’ districts from the beginning of each partnership’s MMSP involvement with the program. A district identified as high-need in the first year of a partnership’s funding continued to be classified as high-need in subsequent years of the partnership, even if the district's status changed. Additionally, any districts not on the high-need list in the first year of a UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 38 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Overview partnership’s funding but subsequently added to the high-need list in later years of the partnership were then identified as qualifying high-need districts. Table 32 shows that for each year of funding, over 50% of participants in the program as a whole had come from high need districts. An examination of high need district participation in individual partnerships reveals that over the course of each partnership’s involvement in MMSP, ten of the 19 partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts for each and every year of funding, and nine of the 19 partnerships exceeded the informal goal of having at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts for each and every year of funding. The table in Appendix J shows the number of participants from high need districts organized by partnership. As of their last course in MMSP in the most recent funding period, of the 512 individuals who took multiple courses, approximately 69% were from high need public school districts, approximately 26% were from other public school districts, and approximately 2% either were from private schools or did not provide information on their districts. In addition, approximately 2% were from high need districts for some of the courses they took but not for others5. Table 32: High Need Status of All Unique Participants from Public Schools Item Feb04-Aug04 Sep04-Aug05 Sep05-Aug06 N % N % N % Sep06-Aug07 Sep06-Aug07 Cohorts 1 & 2 Cohort 3 N % N % Total N % High Need District 202 61% 276 62% 254 56% 54 63% 343 77% 864 66% Non-high Need District 129 39% 161 36% 196 43% 32 37% 94 21% 422 32% Other* 1 <1% 11 2% 5 1% 0 0% 10 2% 18 1% TOTAL 332 100% 448 100% 455 100% 86 100% 447 100% 1304 99% *Includes those who did not identify their districts and public school participants who took multiple courses whose districts were considered high need for only some of the courses those participants took. 5 Teachers who took MMSP math courses when their districts were considered high need for only science were identified as having come from a “non-high need” district, and teachers who took MMSP science courses when their districts were considered high need for only math were identified as having come from a “non-high need” district. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 39 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Summary of Findings Summary of Findings The MMSP partnership activities described in this report occurred between February 2, 2004, and August 31, 2007. Since MMSP began in February 2004, progress has been made towards meeting the goals of the program as evidenced by the following data for both the program as a whole, since its inception, and for the most recent cohort, Cohort 3. Cumulative Findings Overview of Partnerships, Courses, and Participants A total of 19 partnerships were funded across the Commonwealth. Of these, 13 were organized around mathematical content, five were organized around science content, and one was organized around both mathematical and science content. Of the 19 MMSP partnerships, all delivered courses. Of the 19 partnerships, 17 offered multiple courses, and, of these, all had participants who attended more than one course. Cohort 1 consisted of eight partnerships, with six of the eight partnerships offering mathematics professional development and two offering science professional development. Cohort 2 consisted of two partnerships, both offering mathematics professional development. Cohort 3 consisted of nine partnerships, with five of the nine partnerships offering mathematics professional development, three offering science professional development, and one offering professional development in both mathematics and science content. In total, 131 MMSP courses were delivered by the end of Year 4 of MMSP funding. Of these 131 courses, 106 were mathematics courses, 21 were science courses, three were technology/engineering courses, and one was a course offering both mathematics and science content. In total, 1344 unique participants participated in MMSP courses by the end of Year 4. 512 participants (38% of all participants) attended multiple courses. Of the 512 participating in multiple courses, 78 took courses across partnerships. 2,589 course seats were filled by all participants across all funding periods. Reaching Targeted Participants Types of Schools of Participants Of all 1344 unique participants, 98% came from public schools (including public charter schools), 2% came from non-public schools, and less than 1% did not indicate their school type. High Need Status of Districts of Participants The partnerships exceeded the MADOE target of having at least 50% of all participants come from high need districts, with 64% of all participants in the program coming from high need districts. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 40 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Summary of Findings Across all years of their involvement, 13 of the 19 partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts. For each and every individual year of funding, ten of the 19 partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts. Across all years of their involvement, nine of 19 partnerships had at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts. For each and every individual year of funding, nine of the 19 partnerships had at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts. As the following data reveal, not all MMSP participants were licensed in their teaching areas or held relevant degrees, indicating that course participants were, in fact, those in need of the courses: Licensure in Mathematics and Science Content Areas for Middle and High School Teachers 62% of regular education middle and high school MMSP teachers who taught mathematics were licensed in mathematics. 23% of special education middle and high school MMSP teachers who taught mathematics were licensed in mathematics. 40% of regular education middle and high school MMSP teachers who taught a science or technology/engineering content area were licensed in the area in which they taught. 5% of special education middle and high school teachers who taught a science or technology/engineering content area were licensed in the area in which they taught. Degrees Held in Content Area in which Teaching 18% of regular education middle and high school MMSP teachers who taught mathematics held degrees in mathematics. 3% of special education middle and high school MMSP teachers who taught mathematics held degrees in mathematics. 23% of regular education MMSP teachers who taught a science or technology/engineering content area held degrees in the area in which they taught. One special education teacher (3%) who taught a science or technology/engineering content area held a degree in the area in which he or she taught. Highly Qualified Status MMSP has contributed to increasing the numbers of highly qualified public school teachers. Attaining Highly Qualified Status By the end of Year 4, of the participants who had entered MMSP as not highly qualified, 117 had attained highly qualified status. New Licensures Of the 512 participants taking multiple courses, 26% earned one or more new licenses by the end of the fourth year of MMSP, and 12% took and passed an MTEL test. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 41 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Summary of Findings Cohort 3 Findings Overview of Partnerships, Courses, and Participants Nine Cohort 3 partnerships were funded in the 2006-2007 funding period. Of these, five were organized around mathematical content, three were organized around science content, and one was organized around both mathematical and science content. Of the nine Cohort 3 MMSP partnerships, all delivered courses. Of the nine partnerships, seven offered multiple courses, and, of these, all had participants who attended more than one course. In total, 37 Cohort 3 courses were delivered by the end of Year 4 of MMSP funding. (Plus one additional course was offered in conjunction with a program with a different funding source, but there were no MMSP participants.) Of these 37 courses, 21 were mathematics courses, 13 were science courses, two were technology/engineering courses, and one was a course offering both mathematics and science content. By the end of Year 4, 458 unique Cohort 3 participants participated in MMSP courses. 108 participants (24% of all Cohort 3 participants) attended multiple courses within the 2006-2007 year. Of the 108 participating in multiple courses, three took courses across partnerships. 161 participants (35% of all Cohort 3 participants) attended multiple courses across all MMSP funding periods. 632 course seats were filled by Cohort 3 participants in 2006-2007. Course attrition rates were generally low, averaging 5% across Cohort 3 courses. Reaching Targeted Participants Types of Schools of Participants Of all 458 unique Cohort 3 participants, 98% came from public schools (including public charter schools), and 2% came from non-public schools. High Need Status of Districts of Participants The Cohort 3 partnerships exceeded the MADOE target of having at least 50% of all participants come from high need districts, with 75% of all Cohort 3 participants in the program coming from high need districts. Six of the nine partnerships had at least 50% of their participants coming from high need districts. Five of the nine partnerships had at least 75% of the participants come from high need districts. As the following data reveal, not all Cohort 3 participants were licensed in their teaching areas or held relevant degrees, indicating that course participants were, in fact, those in need of the courses: Licensure in Mathematics and Science Content Areas for Middle and High School Teachers 70% of regular education middle and high school Cohort 3 teachers who taught mathematics were licensed in mathematics. 17% of special education middle and high school Cohort 3 teachers who taught mathematics were licensed in mathematics. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 42 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Summary of Findings 50% of regular education middle and high school Cohort 3 teachers who taught a science or technology/engineering content area were licensed in the area in which they taught. One special education middle and high school Cohort 3 teacher (7%) who taught a science or technology/engineering content area was licensed in the area in which he or she taught. Degrees Held in Content Area in which Teaching 15% of regular education middle and high school Cohort 3 teachers who taught mathematics held degrees in mathematics. 0% of special education middle and high school Cohort 3 teachers who taught mathematics held degrees in mathematics. 27% of regular education Cohort 3 teachers who taught a science or technology/engineering content area held degrees in the area in which they taught. One special education Cohort 3 teacher (7%) who taught a science or technology content area held a degree in the area in which he or she taught. Highly Qualified Status MMSP has contributed to increasing the numbers of highly qualified public school teachers. Attaining Highly Qualified Status By the end of the 2006-2007 funding period, of the Cohort 3 participants who had entered MMSP as not highly qualified, 11 had attained highly qualified status. Content Knowledge Gains The content knowledge of Cohort 3 participants was increased: Statistically significant improvements in scores on content knowledge assessments occurred in 32 of the 37 Cohort 3 courses. Gains in average percentage of items correct between pre- and post-course test administrations occurred in all 37 of the 37 courses delivered across all Cohort 3 partnerships Integrating Courses into Higher Education Institutions Integration or plans for future integration of courses into institutions of higher education occurred within all Cohort 3 partnerships. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 43 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix A Appendix A: Participant Background Survey – Cohort 3 9/2006-8/2007 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 44 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 45 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 46 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 47 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 48 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 49 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 50 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 51 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix A 52 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix B Appendix B: Timeline for State-level Evaluation and TA Activities The following is a summary timeline of state-level evaluation and technical assistance activities carried out between February, 2004, and end of Year 3 of the MMSP. February 2004 Held Kick-off Meeting for all partnerships and their evaluators at the Department of Education Spring 2004 Conducted individual partnership meetings with local evaluators and partnership leaders to: Review the Minimum Expectations document along with the local evaluation and data collection plan And Explore potential modifications to implementation plans to create opportunities for experimental or quasi experimental design Spring 2004 Developed common measures for state-level data collection June 2004 Attended federal meeting held for MSP projects across the country Summer 2004 Disseminated and collected end-of-course documents designed to collect course-level data for the statewide evaluation Fall 2004 Conducted individual partnership meetings with local evaluators and partnership leaders to: Review the Minimum Expectations document along with the local evaluation and data collection plan And Review the Federal Reporting document to ensure the partnerships were collecting the data needed to complete that report Winter 2005 Conducted partnership meetings with the two new partnerships funded in the second round that constitutes Cohort 2 to: Introduce the Minimum Expectations document along with the local evaluation and data collection plan And Introduce the Federal Reporting document to ensure the partnerships were collecting the data needed to complete that report June 2005 Held Technical Assistance Meeting for all partnerships regarding the requirements of the USED Annual report June 2006 Participated in USED Annual Conference of MSP State Coordinators UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 53 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix B August 2006 Held Technical Assistance Meeting for all partnerships regarding evaluation requirements for MMSP Fall 2006 to Winter 2007 Conducted partnership meetings with the new Cohort 3 partnerships to: Introduce the Minimum Expectations document along with the local evaluation and data collection plan And Discuss the federal reporting requirements to ensure the partnerships were collecting the data needed to complete federal report December 2006 Participated in USED MSP Regional Conference June 2007 Participated in USED Annual Conference of MSP State Coordinators September 2007Held Technical Assistance Meeting for all partnerships regarding the requirements of the USED Annual report The following activities were on going throughout the life of the project: Disseminated and collected end-of-course documents designed to collect course-level data for the statewide evaluation Managed data collected from partnerships at the end of each course Provided technical assistance to partnerships in support of local partnership evaluation efforts Monitored local evaluation plans to see they include both formative and summative research questions and corresponding activities Monitored data collection and analysis around the basic logic model of professional development Served as liaison to the U.S. Department of Education for evaluation and research issues including participation in national meetings and periodic conference calls Met with MADOE MSP Team as needed to support integration of evaluation efforts with program goals Until Steering Committee was disbanded, attended MMSP Steering Committee meetings in role of state level evaluator and technical assistance UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 54 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Appendix C: Cohort 3 Results of the Participant Background Survey Item Cohort 3 2006-2007 n % How do you describe yourself? American Indian or Alaskan native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Mixed Race Other No Response 1 7 12 12 1 405 3 7 10 <1% 2% 3% 3% <1% 88% 1% 2% 2% 324 35 25 29 11 10 13 3 4 1 3 71% 8% 5% 6% 2% 2% 3% 1% 1% <1% 1% What best describes your current position? Teacher (Regular Education) Special Education Teacher (Sole Instructor) Special Education Inclusion Teacher Other Department Head or Curriculum Coordinator Principal/Asst. Principal/Headmaster Support Specialist (counselor, librarian, etc.) Long-term Substitute Paraprofessional Superintendent or Asst. Superintendent No Response UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 55 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Item Cohort 3 2006-2007 n % What grades do you currently teach? Elementary and K-8 Middle School (Grades 6-8) High School (Grades 9-12) Middle and High School grades Adult Education All levels None at this time No Response 157 210 46 4 2 2 31 6 34% 46% 10% 1% <1% <1% 7% 1% 41 54 42 133 117 68 3 9% 12% 9% 29% 26% 15% 1% How many years have you been employed in education? 1st year 2-3 years 4-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years Over 20 years 0 or No Response Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding error or items in which respondents may respond to all that apply. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 56 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Cohort 3 Item 2006-2007 n % Which of the following content areas are you currently teaching? Mathematics Elementary (all subjects) Elementary Mathematics General Science Biology Physics Earth Science Chemistry Any science area* Technology/Engineering Other Computer Science Do not teach currently 153 148 41 72 24 15 13 18 113 9 24 5 31 33% 32% 9% 16% 5% 3% 3% 4% 25% 2% 5% 1% 7% 445 2 10 1 97% <1% 2% <1% In which type of school do you currently work? Public School Public Charter School Private School or Other Type School No Response Currently hold certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. In Mathematics In General Science 10 8 2% 2% * Number of unique participants teaching in any science area. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 57 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Item Cohort 3 2006-2007 n Approximately how many students do you teach annually? 0 students 4 1-10 students 11 11-40 students 129 41-150 students 254 24 % 1% 2% 28% 55% 5% 151+ students No Response 36 8% Approximately how many students do you teach annually who are Title I students? 0 students 82 18% 1-10 students 61 13% 11-40 students 70 15% 41-150 students 45 10% 151+ students 6 1% No Response 194 42% Approximately how many students do you teach annually who are academically advanced students? 0 students 106 23% 1-10 students 64 14% 11-40 students 66 14% 41-150 students 6 1% 151+ students 0 0% No Response 216 47% Approximately how many students do you teach annually who are Special Education students? 0 students 17 4% 1-10 students 149 33% 11-40 students 179 39% 41-150 students 26 6% 151+ students 0 0% No Response 87 19% Approximately how many students do you teach annually who are English Language Learners? 0 students 52 11% 1-10 students 141 31% 11-40 students 94 21% 41-150 students 40 9% 151+ students 2 <1% 129 28% No Response UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 58 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Cohort 3 Item 2006-2007 n Why did you participate in this course? * To obtain graduate credit To increase knowledge in content To pursue a personal interest To earn PDPs for recertification To get an additional license (certification) To prepare for the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) To earn PDPs for your HOUSSE plan requirement To follow an administrator’s suggestion To obtain a first license (certification) Other No Response % 464 438 213 187 134 73% 69% 34% 30% 21% 113 18% 62 10% 41 13 43 4 6% 2% 7% 1% High Need District Yes No Private School (not included) For some courses taken by participant No Response 343 94 10 10 1 75% 21% 2% 2% <1% Highly Qualified Yes No In some, but not all areas taught Not enough information to determine Private School (not included) Not applicable (not currently teaching) 210 164 22 9 5 48 46% 36% 5% 2% 1% 10% *Data for this item represents the number of seats filled from all courses, rather than from unique participants. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 59 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Cohort 3 Item 2006-2007 n % Do you have a High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) plan? (Public School Teachers Only) Yes No Not Sure No Response 134 75 63 110 35% 20% 16% 29% If you do have a HOUSSE plan, how many PDP hours do you have in your content area(s)? Less than 48 PDP hours 48 to 100 PDP hours 101 to 250 PDP hours 251+ PDP hours No Response 8 9 29 56 32 6% 7% 22% 42% 24% If you teach, were you licensed prior to 1999 in the subject(s) and grade level(s) you currently teach? Yes No Not Sure I don’t teach No Response 191 239 1 10 17 42% 52% <1% 2% 4% Please select any of the following licenses you currently hold. Vocational Technical Specialist Teacher Supervisor/Director Principal/Asst. Principal Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent 2 104 8 19 2 <1% 23% 2% 4% <1% UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 60 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Item – Cohort 3 2006/2007 Appendix C Bachelors Masters CAGS Doctoral A degree currently held for each major. Education Math Education Science Education Math General Science Biology Chemistry Earth Science Physics Technology All science/technology combined Other 161 5 12 25 12 28 5 7 5 12 69 151 192 9 11 2 6 1 1 1 0 6 15 47 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 A degree currently being pursued for each major. Education Math Education Science Education Math General Science Biology Chemistry Earth Science Physics Technology All science/technology combined Other 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 43 78 26 21 11 4 0 0 2 1 18 15 11 20 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 61 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation MTEL tests taken – Cohort 3 2006/2007 General Curriculum (formerly Elementary) Elementary Math Early Childhood Mathematics Middle School Mathematics Middle School Mathematics/ Science General Science Biology Chemistry Physics Earth Science Technology/Engineering UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix C MTEL MTEL Scores Taken Passed Unknown 72 (16%) 70 (97%) 1 (1%) 12 (3%) 8 (2%) 41 (9%) 74 (16%) 10 (83%) 7 (88%) 32 (78%) 61 (82%) 1 (8%) 0 (0%) 3 (7%) 6 (8%) 12 (3%) 7 (58%) 2 (17%) 23 (5%) 10 (2%) 5 (1%) 3 (1%) 6 (1%) 1 (<1%) 23 (100%) 9 (90%) 4 (80%) 2 (67%) 4 (67%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (10%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (100%) 62 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix C Cohort 3 2006-2007 License Areas n Academically Advanced PreK-8 Adult Basic Education Biology 5-8 Biology 8-12 Chemistry 5-8 Chemistry 5-12 Early Childhood PreK-2 Earth Science 5-8 Earth Science 8-12 Elementary 1-6 Elementary Mathematics 1-6 ELL PreK-6 ELL 5-12 General Science 1-6 General Science 5-8 Instructional Technology Mathematics 8-12 Middle School Middle School Mathematics 5-8 Middle School Math/Science 5-8 Physics 5-8 Physics 8-12 Students w/ Moderate Disability PreK-8 Students w/ Moderate Disability 5-12 Students w/ Severe Disability Technology/Engineering 5-12 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 8 2 14 18 4 8 20 11 3 255 28 9 8 4 51 8 36 37 93 16 6 7 45 25 5 4 % 2% <1% 3% 4% 1% 2% 4% 2% 1% 56% 6% 2% 2% 1% 11% 2% 8% 8% 20% 3% 1% 2% 10% 5% 1% 1% 63 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix D Appendix D: High Need District Eligibility Criteria High Need Districts (See list below.): 1. For proposals with a mathematics content focus: A district is considered to be a high need district if it has a mathematics proficiency index for grades 4-8 that is below the state target for Cycle II for MMSP Year 1projects or below the state target for Cycle III for MMSP Year 2 projects. Priority will be given to high need districts with two or more schools identified for improvement in mathematics. 2. For proposals with a science and/or technology/engineering content focus: A district is considered to be a high need district if it has a science proficiency index for grades 5-8 in 2003 that is at or below the 20th percentile for the state. In addition, a high need district must demonstrate that there is a high number or percentage of teachers in the district who are teaching in the academic subject or grade level for which they have not demonstrated subject matter competency through licensure or completion of the professional development activities in their HOUSSE plans. An interested district that is not identified as high need is encouraged to contact a high need district to explore becoming a partner in the proposed program (e.g., vocational technical schools are encouraged to contact feeder school districts). Year 1 High Need Districts DISTRICT AVON BARNSTABLE BOSTON BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE CHELSEA CHICOPEE CLARKSBURG EASTHAMPTON EVERETT FAIRHAVEN FALL RIVER FITCHBURG FLORIDA GARDNER GREENFIELD HAVERHILL HOLBROOK HOLYOKE HULL LAWRENCE LOWELL LYNN MALDEN MEDFORD METHUEN NEW BEDFORD NORTH ADAMS PITTSFIELD PROVINCETOWN RANDOLPH REVERE SALEM SOMERVILLE SOUTHBRIDGE SPRINGFIELD TAUNTON WALTHAM WARE MATH UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group SCIENCE T/E DISTRICT WAREHAM WEBSTER WEST SPRINGFIELD WESTFIELD WINCHENDON WINTHROP WORCESTER ABBY KELLEY FOSTER CS ATLANTIS CS BENJAMIN BANNEKER CS BOSTON RENAISSANCE CS CONSERVATORY LAB CS EDWARD BROOKE CS FREDERICK DOUGLASS CS LAWRENCE FAMILY DEV CS LOWELL COMMUNITY CS NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE CS NEW BEDFORD GLOBAL CS NEW LEADERSHIP HMCS NORTH CENTRAL REG CS ROBERT M. HUGHES CS SABIS INTERNATIONAL CS SEVEN HILLS CS SOMERVILLE CS UPHAMS CORNER CS ATHOL-ROYALSTON RSD BERKSHIRE HILLS RSD FRONTIER RSD GILL-MONTAGUE RSD HAMPSHIRE RSD HAWLEMONT RSD MOUNT GREYLOCK RSD RALPH C MAHAR RSD MATH SCIENCE T/E 64 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix D Year 2 High Need Districts DISTRICT Grade 5 ATTLEBORO SCI Grade 8 Grades 4SCI 8 Math AVON BOSTON BOURNE BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE CHELSEA CHICOPEE CLARKSBURG DEDHAM DRACUT EAST BRIDGEWATER EASTHAMPTON EVERETT FAIRHAVEN FALL RIVER FITCHBURG FLORIDA GARDNER HAVERHILL GREENFIELD HOLBROOK HOLYOKE HULL LAWRENCE LEOMINSTER LOWELL LYNN MALDEN MEDFORD METHUEN NEW BEDFORD NORTH ADAMS ORANGE OXFORD QUINCY PITTSFIELD RANDOLPH REVERE Grade 5 Grade 8 Grades 4- SCI SCI 8 Math SOUTHBRIDGE SPRINGFIELD TAUNTON WALTHAM WARE WAREHAM WEBSTER WESTFIELD WINCHENDON WINTHROP WORCESTER ACADEMY OF STRATEGIC CS BENJAMIN BANNEKER CS FREDERICK DOUGLASS CS EDWARD BROOKE CS CONSERVATORY LAB CS COMMUNITY DAY CS SABIS INTERNATIONAL CS NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE CS ABBY KELLEY FOSTER REG CS SO.BOSTON HARBOR ACAD CS ROBERT M. HUGHES ACAD CS LAWRENCE FAMILY DEV. CS LOWELL COMMUNITY CS NEW LEADERSHIP HMCS NEW BEDFORD GLOBAL HMCS NORTH CENTRAL CS BOSTON RENAISSANCE CS SEVEN HILLS CS SOMERVILLE CS PROSPECT HILL ACADEMY CS UPHAMS CORNER CS ATLANTIS CS ADAMS-CHESHIRE ATHOL-ROYALSTON BERKSHIRE FREETOWN-LAKEVILLE GATEWAY GILL-MONTAGUE HAMPSHIRE HAWLEMONT NEW SALEM-WENDELL ROCKLAND SALEM SOMERVILLE UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group DISTRICT 65 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix D Year 3/Extension High Need Districts DISTRICT ATTLEBORO Grade 5 SCIENCE Grade 8 SCIENCE Grades 4-8 MATH AVON DISTRICT Grade 5 SCIENCE WALTHAM WARE BOSTON BOURNE BROCKTON WEBSTER CAMBRIDGE WESTFIELD CHELSEA WINCHENDON CHICOPEE WINTHROP CLARKSBURG WORCESTER ACADEMY OF STRATEGIC CS BENJAMIN BANNEKER CS WAREHAM DEDHAM DRACUT EAST BRIDGEWATER EASTHAMPTON EVERETT FAIRHAVEN Grade 8 SCIENCE FREDERICK DOUGLASS CS EDWARD BROOKE CS CONSERVATORY LAB CS COMMUNITY DAY CS SABIS INTERNATIONAL CS FALL RIVER NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE CS FITCHBURG ABBY KELLEY FOSTER REGIONAL CS SOUTH BOSTON HARBOR ACADEMY CS ROBERT M. HUGHES ACADEMY CS LAWRENCE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CS LOWELL COMMUNITY CS FLORIDA GARDNER GREENFIELD HAVERHILL HOLBROOK HOLYOKE HULL LAWRENCE Grades 4-8 MATH NEW LEADERSHIP HMCS LOWELL LYNN NEW BEDFORD GLOBAL HMCS MALDEN MEDFORD METHUEN NEW BEDFORD NORTH ADAMS ORANGE OXFORD QUINCY LEOMINSTER NORTH CENTRAL CS BOSTON RENAISSANCE CS SEVEN HILLS CS SOMERVILLE CS PROSPECT HILL ACADEMY CS UPHAMS CORNER CS ATLANTIS CS ADAMS-CHESHIRE RSD ATHOL-ROYALSTON RSD PITTSFIELD RANDOLPH BERKSHIRE HILLS RSD FREETOWN-LAKEVILLE RSD REVERE ROCKLAND GATEWAY RSD SALEM GILL-MONTAGUE RSD SOMERVILLE HAMPSHIRE RSD SOUTHBRIDGE HAWLEMONT RSD SPRINGFIELD NEW SALEM-WENDELL RSD TAUNTON UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 66 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix D Year 4 High Need Districts DISTRICT Science/Tech. Engineering ATTLEBORO Math *BOSTON *BROCKTON BROOKFIELD Science/Tech. Engineering Math REVERE ROCKLAND SALEM SAUGUS SEEKONK BARNSTABLE DISTRICT *CAMBRIDGE SOMERVILLE *CHELSEA SOUTHAMPTON CHICOPEE *SOUTHBRIDGE CLINTON SOUTH HADLEY DOUGLAS *SPRINGFIELD EASTHAMPTON STOUGHTON ERVING TAUNTON EVERETT WALTHAM FAIRHAVEN WARE *FALL RIVER WAREHAM WEBSTER FRAMINGHAM *WESTFIELD FREETOWN WESTPORT GARDNER WEST SPRINGFIELD *GLOUCESTER WINCHENDON GRANVILLE WINTHROP GREENFIELD *WORCESTER HAVERHILL EXCEL ACADEMY CS HOLBROOK FOUR RIVERS CS *HOLYOKE BERKSHIRE ARTS CS ACADEMY OF STRATEGIC CS SMITH LEADERSHIP ACAD CS BENJAMIN BANNEKER CS *FITCHBURG HUDSON *LAWRENCE LEE LEICESTER METHUEN MIDDLEBOROUGH MONSON NAHANT NORTHAMPTON NORTH BROOKFIELD NORTON OXFORD PALMER *PITTSFIELD QUINCY NEW LEADERSHIP HMCS NEW BEDFORD GLOBAL CS NORTH CENTRAL CS PIONEER VALLEY PERFORMING BOSTON RENAISSANCE CS SALEM ACADEMY CS SEVEN HILLS CS PROSPECT HILL ACAD CS SOUTH SHORE CS UPHAMS CORNER CS ATLANTIS CS UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group MASHPEE RANDOLPH *NORTH ADAMS CONSERVATORY LAB CS SABIS INTERNATIONAL CS ROBERT M. HUGHES ACAD CS LAWRENCE FAMILY DEV CS LOWELL COMMUNITY CS *MALDEN *NEW BEDFORD LUDLOW LYNN MURDOCH MIDDLE CS LEOMINSTER *LOWELL 67 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation DISTRICT Science/Tech. Engineering Math ADAMS-CHESHIRE REG. *ATHOL-ROYALSTON BERKSHIRE HILLS FREETOWN-LAKEVILLE GATEWAY GILL-MONTAGUE HAMPSHIRE MOHAWK TRAIL NARRAGANSETT PIONEER VALLEY RALPH C MAHAR SILVER LAKE UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Appendix D 68 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix E Appendix E: Cohort 3 Enrollment and Attrition Rates by Course Enrollment and Attrition Information as Reported for Each Cohort 3 Course Partnership EduTron Lowell Year Offered Course Title Attrition Rate Building a Rock Solid Math Foundation 30 30 0% 06/07 Perspectives on Elementary School Mathematics 46 46 0% 76 76 0% 06/07 The Math Experience 36 36 0% 06/07 Math as a Second Language, Holyoke 32 29 9% 06/07 Math as a Second Language, Haverhill 35 35 0% 06/07 Math as a Second Language, Fall River 31 31 0% 98 95 3% Summary – Math as a Second Language Lesley Number of Participants Completed Course 06/07 Subtotal EduTron Fitchburg Number of Participants Enrolled First Day 06/07 Number Theory, Haverhill 34 30 12% 06/07 Number Theory, Holyoke 25 22 12% 06/07 Number Theory, Fall River 24 24 0% 83 76 8% Summary – Number Theory 06/07 Functions and Algebra, Haverhill 31 30 3% 06/07 Functions and Algebra, Holyoke 15 14 7% 06/07 Functions and Algebra, Fall River 18 18 0% 64 62 3% 28 27 4% 273 260 5% 29 25 14% 9 9 0% 2 2 0% 6 6 0% Summary – Functions and Algebra 06/07 Exploring Numbers, Randolph Subtotal 06/07 06/07 North Shore 06/07 06/07 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Physics I: Forces, Energy & Motion Biology I: Cell Biology and Genetics-A Human Approach Biology III: Regulation and Homeostasis in Biological Model Systems Chemistry III: Bio-Organic Chemistry 69 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix E Enrollment and Attrition Information as Reported for Each Cohort 3 Course Partnership North Shore (continued) Year Offered Course Title 0 0 N/A 06/07 Engineering I: From Science to Engineering: Pre-Engineering Design Experience 3 3 0% 06/07 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 8 7 13% 06/07 Biology II: Ecology, Evolution, and the Diversity of Life 7 7 0% 06/07 Chemistry I: Particulate Nature of Matter 4 4 0% 06/07 Chemistry II: Equilibrium and Thermodynamics 6 6 0% 74 69 7% 06/07 Life Sciences 13 12 8% 06/07 Math, Mind and Matter 14 14 0% 06/07 Algebra/Geometry I 17 15 12% 06/07 Engineering: Making it Better 13 13 0% 57 54 5% 06/07 Patterns, Relations, & Algebra for MST 32 27 16% 06/07 Data, Probability & Statistics for MST 19 19 0% 06/07 Number Systems for MST 12 11 8% 06/07 Geometry & Measurement for MST 10 10 0% 73 67 8% Subtotal SE/Cape 06/07 Energy and the Environment, BSC 24 24 0% 06/07 Energy and the Environment, BCC 9 8 11% 33 32 3% 24 22 8% 57 54 5% 20 19 5% Summary – Energy and the Environment 06/07 Chemistry Subtotal WPI - Science Attrition Rate Earth Science II: The Solid Earth Subtotal Salem State Number of Participants Completed Course 06/07 Subtotal UMass Amherst Number of Participants Enrolled First Day 06/07 UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group The Physics and Engineering of Forces 70 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix E Enrollment and Attrition Information as Reported for Each Cohort 3 Course Partnership Worcester Public Schools Year Offered Course Title Number of Participants Enrolled First Day Number of Participants Completed Course Attrition Rate 06/07 Number Sense I (Gr 3-6) 26 23 12% 06/07 Number Sense & Algebra (Gr 3-6) 16 15 6% 06/07 Number Sense (K-2) 12 11 8% 54 49 9% Subtotal UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 71 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix F Appendix F: Subject Matter Competency Demonstration Options How do teachers demonstrate subject matter competency in Massachusetts? Elementary teachers Middle and secondary school teachers may demonstrate competence in reading, writing, mathematics, and other areas of the basic elementary school curriculum through one of the following: may demonstrate subject matter competence in each of the areas they are teaching through one of the following: Passing the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Elementary Subject Matter Test: General Curriculum and the Foundations of Reading Passing the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) appropriate Subject Matter Test: Middle School Humanities Middle School Mathematics Middle School Mathematics/Science Subject Title (e.g., History, English, Physics) Making sufficient progress* on Massachusetts High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) Making sufficient progress* on Massachusetts High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) Completion of an appropriate academic major Completion of an appropriate graduate degree Completion of comparable coursework equivalent to an undergraduate academic major Advanced certification or credentialing *It is the Department's expectation that a teacher will have completed at least half [48] of the content PDPs [96 total] needed to meet HOUSSE requirements before being considered highly qualified. Charter School Teachers who teach core academic subjects do not need a Massachusetts license but must hold a Bachelor's degree and demonstrate competence in the subject area in which they teach. Charter school teachers may demonstrate subject matter competence through any one of the options available to elementary and middle/secondary teachers. Teachers in Vocational Schools who teach core academic courses are required to meet the definition of a highly qualified teacher. A vocational school teacher who teaches a core academic subject must hold a Bachelor's degree, be licensed or certified by the state, and demonstrate subject matter competence in order to be considered highly qualified. (information obtained from MADOE, 2004) UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 72 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix G Appendix G: Cohort 3 Mean Percentage Scores for Pre- & Post-course Tests Cohort 3 Mean Percentage Scores for Pre- & Post-course Tests Year Offered Institute Name – Course N Mean Pre-test Mean Post-test Change in Mean p <.05 06/07 EduTron Lowell – Building a Rock Solid Math Foundation 28 58 73 14 Yes 06/07 EduTron Lowell – Perspectives on Elementary School Mathematics 42 53 71 19 Yes 06/07 EduTron Fitchburg – The Math Experience 33 63 76 12 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Math as a Second Language, Holyoke 26 72 79 7 Yes 32 51 65 14 Yes 28 67 77 10 Yes 06/07 06/07 Lesley C3 – Math as a Second Language, Haverhill Lesley C3 – Math as a Second Language, Fall River 06/07 Lesley C3 – Number Theory, Haverhill 26 17 52 35 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Functions and Algebra, Haverhill 26 32 66 34 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Number Theory, Holyoke 22 21 58 36 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Number Theory, Fall River 22 17 51 34 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Functions and Algebra, Holyoke 14 48 69 21 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Functions and Algebra, Fall River 18 39 76 37 Yes 06/07 Lesley C3 – Exploring Numbers, Randolph 27 39 72 33 Yes 06/07 North Shore – Physics I: Forces, Energy & Motion 19 49 67 19 Yes 06/07 North Shore – Biology I: Cell Biology and Genetics-A Human Approach 9 44 69 25 Yes 06/07 North Shore – Biology III: Regulation and Homeostasis in Biological Model Systems 2 62 84 22 No 06/07 North Shore – Chemistry III: BioOrganic Chemistry 6 43 74 31 Yes UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 73 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix G Cohort 3 Mean Percentage Scores for Pre- & Post-course Tests Year Offered Institute Name – Course N Mean Pre-test Mean Post-test Change in Mean p <.05 06/07 North Shore – Earth Science II: The Solid Earth 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 06/07 North Shore – Engineering I: From Science to Engineering: PreEngineering Design Experience 3 43 77 34 No 06/07 North Shore – Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 7 58 67 9 No 7 57 72 16 Yes 4 48 73 25 No 6 49 70 22 Yes 12 67 83 16 Yes 14 85 92 8 No 15 35 79 45 Yes 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 North Shore – Biology II: Ecology, Evolution, and the Diversity of Life North Shore – Chemistry I: Particulate Nature of Matter North Shore – Chemistry II: Equilibrium and Thermodynamics UMass Amherst C3 – Life Sciences UMass Amherst C3 – Math, Mind and Matter UMass Amherst C3 – Algebra/Geometry I 06/07 UMass Amherst C3 – Engineering: Making it Better 13 60 92 33 Yes 06/07 Salem C3 – Patterns, Relations, & Algebra for MST 25 -0.1 0.3 0.4 Yes 06/07 Salem C3 – Data, Probability & Statistics for MST 19 29 85 56 Yes 06/07 Salem C3 – Number Systems for MST 11 26 87 61 Yes 10 39 83 44 Yes 23 36 59 23 Yes 8 40 75 34 Yes 06/07 06/07 06/07 Salem C3 – Geometry & Measurement for MST SE/Cape – Energy and The Environment, BSC SE/Cape – Energy and The Environment, BCC 06/07 SE/Cape – Chemistry 21 55 65 10 Yes 06/07 WPI Science - The Physics and Engineering of Forces 19 47 74 28 Yes 06/07 Worcester Public Schools – Number Sense I (Gr 3-6) 18 50 72 22 Yes 06/07 Worcester Public Schools – Number Sense & Algebra (Gr 3-6) 15 52 81 29 Yes 06/07 Worcester Public Schools – Number Sense (K-2) 11 59 79 20 Yes UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 74 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix H Appendix H: School Types of Unique Participants - All Funding Periods School Types of Unique Participants - All Funding Periods Total School Type Public School (includes public charter schools) Non-public School Other or No Response TOTAL UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group N % 1304 30 10 97% 2% 1% 1344 100% 75 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix I Appendix I: Criteria that Account for Gain in Highly Qualified Status Criteria that Account for Gain in Highly Qualified Status All unique participants to date* Criteria Accounting for Gains in Highly Qualified Status Gained HQ status during Year 1 Gained HQ status during Year 2 Gained HQ status during Year 3 Gained HQ status during Ext/Year 4 Cohort 1 Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 2 Gained HQ status during Year 4 Cohort 3 TOTAL became HQ over course of project MTEL 3 3 0 2 0 1 0 5 14 National Certification 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Degree in Content Area 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Undergrad Equivalent HOUSSE Earned a Teaching License MTEL/Undergrad Equiv combined MTEL/HOUSSE combined MTEL/HOUSSE/Undergrad Equiv combined Changed area taught or position MTEL/changed area or position combined Degree/changed area or position combined Undergrad Equiv /changed area or position combined TOTAL 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 4 10 46 0 12 1 1 0 1 71 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 2 7 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 13 58 1 27 3 4 0 11 117 *Participants who took courses across multiple cohorts were included within the first cohort in which they participated, unless it was determined that they gained their HQ status during Year 4 while taking Cohort 3 courses. UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 76 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix J Appendix J: High Need Districts for All Funding Periods, by Partnership High Need Districts for All Funding Periods, by Partnership* Number of Participants from High Need Districts Partnership EduTron (M) Harvard University (M) Lesley University (M) MCLA – Science (S) Salem State College (M) Springfield/Holyoke Public Schools (S) Wareham Public Schools (M) Worcester Polytechnic Institute (M) High Need Districts Feb04Aug04 Sep04Aug05 Fitchburg Gardner Subtotal Boston Boston Renaissance CS Cambridge Fall River Lowell Malden New Bedford Somerville Somerville CS/Prospect Hill Academy Southbridge 37 14 51 (79%) 1 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 4 57 (88%) 3 2 4 0 1 0 1 2 5 0 0 Sep05Aug06 28 9 37 (84%) 10 0 9 4 0 3 0 4 0 1 Sep06Aug07 Cohorts 1 &2 Sep06Aug07 Cohort 3 Partnership Ended Not in Cohort 3 0 2 3 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 Subtotal 9 (39%) 18 (33%) 31 (39%) 13 (54%) Malden 21 (21%) 16 (19%) 14 (19%) 3 (25%) 5 1 1 0 3 10 (100%) 1 1 16 41 14 0 73 (79%) 19 0 28 47 (96%) Partnership Ended 3 0 5 1 2 2 3 13 (93%) Adams-Cheshire Clarksburg Florida Mount Greylock North Adams Subtotal Boston Chelsea Haverhill Public Schools Lynn Salem Somerville Subtotal Holyoke Holyoke Community CS Springfield Subtotal 0 0 1 32 18 0 51 (93%) 6 0 32 38 (100%) 6 1 2 0 5 14 (100%) 0 1 20 32 16 0 69 (86%) 17 0 31 48 (100%) Wareham 17 (46%) 11 (61%) Abby Kelley Foster CS Athol-Royalston UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Planning year 0 1 2 0 Not in Cohort 3 Not in Cohort 3 Not in Cohort 3 Partnership Ended Not in Cohort 3 Partnership Ended Not in Cohort 3 Partnership Ended Partnership Ended Not in Cohort 3 Not in Cohort 3 77 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix J High Need Districts for All Funding Periods, by Partnership* Number of Participants from High Need Districts Partnership Worcester Polytechnic Institute (M) MCLA – Math (M) University of Massachusetts Amherst (M) EduTron Lowell (M/S) EduTron Fitchburg (M) Lesley University (M) High Need Districts Feb04Aug04 Sep04Aug05 Berkshire Hills Boston Brockton Cambridge Chicopee Fall River Fitchburg Lawrence Fam. Devt. CS Lowell Community CS New Bedford North Adams Pittsfield Ralph C Mahar CS Seven Hills CS Somerville Webster Winchendon Worcester Subtotal Adams-Cheshire North Adams Pittsfield Subtotal Athol-Royalston Chicopee Easthampton Gateway Gill-Montague Greenfield Holyoke Holyoke Community CS Ludlow North Adams Ralph C Mahar Springfield Westfield Subtotal 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 15 (63%) 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 7 27 (41%) Started in Year 2 Planning Year Lowell Fitchburg Gardner Leominster Subtotal Brockton UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group Started in Year 2 N/A Sep05Aug06 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 7 2 16 (64%) 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 6 10 32 (43%) 0 1 0 1 (9%) 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 2 13 (37%) N/A N/A Sep06Aug07 Cohorts 1 &2 Sep06Aug07 Cohort 3 Partnership Ended Not in Cohort 3 3 2 1 6 (86%) 1 1 1 1 2 0 3 1 2 1 1 7 2 23 (34%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Not in Cohort 3 Not in Cohort 3 54 (100%) 17 7 10 34 (100%) 13 78 Annual Report of the MMSP State-level Evaluation Appendix J High Need Districts for All Funding Periods, by Partnership* Number of Participants from High Need Districts Partnership Lesley University (M) North Shore (S) UMass Amherst C3 (M/S) Salem State College (M) SE/Cape (S) High Need Districts Feb04Aug04 Sep04Aug05 Sep05Aug06 Sep06Aug07 Cohorts 1 &2 Fairhaven Fall River Haverhill Public Schools Holyoke Malden New Bedford Randolph Saugus Subtotal Somerville Athol-Royalston Chicopee Gateway Greenfield Holyoke Ludlow New Leadership CS South Hadley Springfield West Springfield Subtotal Boston Chelsea Everett Gloucester Haverhill Public Schools Lynn Malden Salem Winthrop Worcester Subtotal Barnstable Brockton Horace Mann CS New Bedford Subtotal Sep06Aug07 Cohort 3 3 26 29 29 1 4 13 2 120 (94%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16 (39%) 1 5 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 22 (46%) 1 1 3 6 4 20 1 3 1 1 41 (82%) 1 20 2 8 31 (66%) WPI – Science (S) Worcester N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 (16%) Worcester Public Schools (M) Worcester N/A N/A N/A N/A 34 (83%) *If columns for this table are summed, totals will not correspond to relevant data in Table 32 because 1) Table 32 presents data for unique participants across all partnerships while this table presents data for unique participants only within partnerships (and some participants took courses through multiple partnerships over all four years) and 2) the districts of some of those participants who crossed partnerships were not consistently classified as high need districts (either because of the content of the course or because of the cohort of the partnership offering the course). UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation Group 79