Note: This document is intended for planning purposes only. Districts should submit an electronic copy of the report using the link emailed to Induction and Mentoring Contacts in mid-June 2016. To request a copy of the link for your district, email District Annual Induction and Mentoring Report 2015-16 Introduction Introduction Comprehensive induction and mentoring programs offer critical supports to the growth and development of educators and help them make a strong impact on students. Additionally, these programs offer an opportunity for districts to recognize effective educators and provide them with leadership roles as mentors in their schools and districts. Induction and mentoring programs also support a school culture built on collegiality, continuous professional development, and shared responsibility for the outcomes of all students. The Induction and Mentoring District Report is intended to provide the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) with a broad understanding of the induction and mentoring activities in place to support educators across the Commonwealth. The annual report requirements and components are outlined in 603 CMR 7.12(3). The goals of the annual report are to: 1. Encourage district reflection on current induction and mentoring practices so districts may identify strengths and areas for further development; 2. Provide ESE with data so the agency can identify promising induction and mentoring practices to share across districts and understand areas where the agency can provide additional supports and resources to districts. ESE’s Use of the Data ESE intends to aggregate the data from each district and publish an annual report to highlight trends in induction and mentoring programs across the state as well as to disseminate promising practices to support districts in learning from one another. Completing the Report Districts will submit their annual reports by completing an electronic form. At the conclusion of each school year (June), Induction and Mentoring Contacts will be emailed a link to complete the annual induction and mentoring report. Districts must complete the report by July 31st. For more information about designating an Induction and Mentoring Contact, please go here. Prior to beginning the electronic report, districts should first download the Word or PDF version of the report available on the Induction and Mentoring website to review the contents, gather necessary data, and prepare responses so they are easy to enter into the electronic report. The electronic report must be completed in one sitting, districts are unable to enter partial information and return later. The electronic report is intended to be completed in less than one hour. When reporting data, districts should only include data from the most recent school year. For example, when completing the report in July 2016, districts should include data from the 201516 school year. ESE will continue to reflect on the format of the report and data elements included. Upon completion, you will be directed to a short survey to give ESE feedback on your experience completing the report. We hope you will take an extra 2-3 minutes to help us improve. Contact and Demographics 1) District Name: ____________________________________ 2) Four-digit LEA code: ___________ 3) Please complete the information below about the person submitting this report. First Name: _________________________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________________________ Role: ( ) Superintendent ( ) Assistant Superintendent ( ) Professional Development Director ( ) Human Resources Director ( ) District Data Coordinator ( ) Principal ( ) Teacher Leader ( ) Other (specify): _________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________ Confirm Email Address: _________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________ Please check off others involved in completing this report. (Check all that apply.) [ ] Superintendent [ ] Assistant Superintendent [ ] Professional Development Director [ ] Human Resources Director [ ] District Data Coordinator [ ] Principal [ ] Teacher [ ] Mentor [ ] Mentor Coordinator/Lead Mentor [ ] Other (specify): _________________________________________________ 4) Please complete the table below about teachers and administrators. Number of Educators Do they participate in the district's induction and mentoring program? (Select Yes or No) Yes No Teachers in their 1st year of teaching in their career ___ () () Teachers in their 2nd year of teaching in their career ___ () () Teachers in their 3rd year of teaching in their career ___ () () Administrators in their 1st year of administration in their career ___ () () Administrators in their 2nd year of administration in their career ___ () () Administrators in their 3rd year of administration in their career ___ () () 5) How many trained mentors do you have for teachers and administrators? Number Number of trained mentors for teachers ____________ Number of trained mentors for administrators ____________ 6) Does the district provide induction and mentoring supports to specialized instructional support personnel (e.g., school counselors, nurses, business officers, curriculum directors, etc.)? ( ) Yes ( ) No 7) Do the mentors for specialized instructional support personnel serve in similar roles (e.g., an experienced school nurse serves as a mentor to a beginning school nurse)? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes General Induction and Mentoring Information 8) Who is primarily responsible for overseeing the district's induction and mentoring program? (Please check one.) ( ) Superintendent ( ) Assistant Superintendent ( ) Professional Development Coordinator ( ) Human Resources Director ( ) District Data Coordinator ( ) Principal ( ) Teacher ( ) Mentor ( ) Mentor Coordinator/Lead Mentor ( ) Other (specify): _________________________________________________ 9) What is the duration of the induction and mentoring program? (Check appropriate box for each role.) Not provided Less than 1 school year 1 school year 2 school years 3 school years Beginning teacher (less than 3 years of teaching experience) () () () () () Incoming teacher (new to the district or role with prior teaching experience) () () () () () Beginning administrator (less than 3 years of administration experience) () () () () () Incoming administrator (new to the district or role with prior administration experience) () () () () () Specialized Instructional Support Personnel () () () () () 10) If you provide a second and/or third year of induction and mentoring, please briefly describe what supports are provided and how they vary from supports in the first year. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 11) Are induction and mentoring supports differentiated between beginning educators (those in their first three years of practice) and incoming educators (those new to the district or role with prior experience)? ( ) Yes ( ) No Funding 12) What is the estimated annual amount spent on induction and mentoring programs in the current school year (2015-2016)? ( ) Under $5,000 ( ) Between $5,001-$15,000 ( ) Between $15,001-$25,000 ( ) Between $25,001-$50,000 ( ) Between $50,001-$100,000 ( ) Over $100,000 13) In general, what is the largest cost associated with induction and mentoring in your district? (Check one.) ( ) Mentor stipends ( ) Professional development for mentees ( ) Training for mentors (bringing in consultants) ( ) Paying for substitutes ( ) Other (specify): _________________________________________________ 14) What funding is used to support your district's induction and mentoring program? (Select all that apply.) [ ] Title IA (Fund code 305 ) [ ] Title IIA (Fund code 140) [ ] District funds/Chapter 70 [ ] State grants [ ] Financial supports/grants from non-government organizations (nonprofits, higher education institutes, etc.) [ ] Other (specify): _________________________________________________ Induction Activities 15) Select the supports that are provided as part of an induction program for educators in your district. If you choose "other", please describe in comment box below. School orientation Release time for mentors/ mentees Support team Targeted professional development Reduced workload Specific books/ resources Other Beginning Teacher (less than 3 years of teaching experience) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Incoming Teacher (new to the district or role with prior teaching experience) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Beginning Administrator (less than 3 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] years of administration experience) Incoming Administrator (new to the district or role with prior administration experience) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Specialized Instructional Support Personnel [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Comments: 16) Are there dedicated times for beginning and/or incoming teachers to meet as a group (either within a school or within the district)? ( ) Yes ( ) No 17) Are there dedicated times for beginning and/or incoming administrators to meet as a group (either within a school or within a district)? ( ) Yes ( ) No Mentoring Programs The following questions are intended to provide ESE information about differences in mentoring for teachers and mentoring for administrators. 18) How are mentors selected? (Check all that apply.) If you choose "other", please describe in comment box below. Mentors of Teachers Mentors of Administrators Educator Evaluation Rating of Proficient or Higher [] [] Recommendations by colleagues [] [] Recommendations by supervisors [] [] Application process [] [] Mentee feedback from previous years [] [] Other [] [] Comments: 19) Do mentors maintain full teaching/administration responsibilities? (Check one.) Mentors of Teachers Mentors of Administrators Yes [] [] No, they have reduced teaching/administration responsibilities [] [] No, the mentor role is a full-time position [] [] We have a combination of full-time mentors and mentors with teaching/ administration responsibilities [] [] 20) How are mentors trained? (Check all that apply.) If you choose "other", please describe in comments box below. Mentors for Teachers Mentors for Administrators District-developed mentor training program [] [] Mentor training from an educator preparation program or higher education institution [] [] Mentor training from an external consultant or organization (not ed prep or higher ed) [] [] Online course [] [] Other [] [] Comments: 21) Who leads the mentor training? (Check all that apply.) If you choose "other", please describe in comments box below. Mentors for Teachers Mentors for Administrators Mentors in the district (lead mentors, mentor coordinators, etc.) [] [] Administrators in the district [] [] Education Preparation Program/Higher Education Institution faculty [] [] External consultants [] [] Other [] [] Comments: 22) How frequently are mentors required to complete training? (Check one.) If you choose "other", please describe in comments box below. Mentors for Teachers Mentors for Administrators Only once [] [] Only once, but provide a yearly refresher training [] [] Once every three years [] [] Once every five years [] [] Other [] [] Comments: 23) (Optional) Briefly describe the training provided to mentors (format of training, content covered, etc.). ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mentor Compensation and Rewards The following questions are to provide ESE with general information about the district's mentoring program for all educators. 24) What rewards or incentives do mentors receive? (Check all that apply.) [ ] Stipend (enter amount): _________________________________________________ [ ] Designation as a school/district leader [ ] Reduced teaching/administration load [ ] Additional professional development opportunities [ ] None [ ] Other (please describe): _________________________________________________ 25) Is it a challenge for your districts to identify enough qualified mentors to meet the needs of your educators? ( ) Yes ( ) No Mentors and Mentees: Matching 26) How are mentors and mentees matched in your district? (Check all that apply.) [ ] By grade level [ ] By content area [ ] Within the school building [ ] Other (specify): _________________________________________________ 27) Are the majority of your mentors and mentees matched on a one-to-one basis? ( ) Yes ( ) No 28) Does your district use group mentoring (i.e., a mentor meets with multiple mentees at a time)? ( ) Yes ( ) No Mentors and Mentees: Activities 29) In general, how frequently do mentors and mentees meet in your district? (Check one.) ( ) Weekly ( ) Every two weeks ( ) Monthly ( ) Quarterly ( ) Other (specify): _________________________________________________ ( ) Not sure 30) In general, when do these meetings occur? (Check one.) ( ) Before school ( ) During school (common planning time) ( ) After school ( ) Other (specify): _________________________________________________ 31) During their time together, how frequently do teachers and their mentors focus on the following topics: Teachers and Mentors Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always School/district procedures () () () () () School/district culture () () () () () Curriculum/content () () () () () Pedagogy/instructional strategies () () () () () Classroom management () () () () () Assessment strategies () () () () () Parent communication () () () () () Differentiation for specific student populations (ELL, SPED, gifted) () () () () () Educator evaluation () () () () () Professional collaboration () () () () () Operations and building management () () () () () Budget () () () () () Other () () () () () 32) During their time together, how frequently do administrators and their mentors focus on the following topics: Administrators and Mentors Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always School/district procedures () () () () () School/district culture () () () () () Curriculum/content () () () () () Pedagogy/instructional strategies () () () () () Classroom management () () () () () Assessment strategies () () () () () Parent communication () () () () () Differentiation for specific student populations (ELL, SPED, gifted) () () () () () Educator evaluation () () () () () Professional collaboration () () () () () Operations and building management () () () () () Budget () () () () () Providing coaching/feedback to teachers () () () () () Other () () () () () 33) In which of the following activities do mentees and mentors participate? (Check all that apply.) If you choose "other", please describe in comments column below. Teachers Administrators Mentee observes mentor's classroom/school [] [] Mentor observes mentee's classroom/school [] [] Mentee observes other educators in the school/district [] [] One-on-one meetings between mentormentee [] [] Mentors meeting with other mentors [] [] Mentees meeting with other mentees [] [] Mentor, mentee, and supervisor meetings [] [] Written communications (email, reflection journals, etc.) [] [] Other [] [] Comments: Induction and Mentoring Program Outcomes 34) Based on feedback collected from stakeholders (mentors, mentees, administrators, etc.), what are two things your program is doing well? 1.: _________________________________________________ 2.: _________________________________________________ 35) Based on feedback collected from stakeholders (mentors, mentees, administrators, etc.), what are two things your program plans to improve upon? 1.: _________________________________________________ 2.: _________________________________________________ 36) Based on the Standards for Effective Teaching Practice, what areas do beginning teachers (those in their first three years of practice) need the most support? (Please check the top three.) [ ] Standard I, A. Curriculum and Planning [ ] Standard I, B. Assessment [ ] Standard I, C. Analysis [ ] Standard II, A. Instruction [ ] Standard II, B. Learning Environment [ ] Standard II, C. Cultural Proficiency [ ] Standard II, D. Expectations [ ] Standard III, A. Engagement [ ] Standard III, B. Collaboration [ ] Standard III, C. Communication [ ] Standard IV, A. Reflection [ ] Standard IV, B. Professional Growth [ ] Standard IV, C. Collaboration [ ] Standard IV, D. Decision-Making [ ] Standard IV, E. Shared Responsibility [ ] Standard IV, F. Professional Responsibilities 37) Based on the Standards for Administrative Leadership Practice, what areas do beginning administrators (those in their first three years of practice) need the most support? (Please check the top three.) [ ] Standard I, A. Curriculum [ ] Standard I, B. Instruction [ ] Standard I, C. Assessment [ ] Standard I, D. Evaluation [ ] Standard I, E. Data-Informed Decision-Making [ ] Standard II, A. Environment [ ] Standard II, B. Human Resources Management & Development [ ] Standard II, C. Scheduling & Management Information Systems [ ] Standard II, D. Law, Ethics & Policies [ ] Standard II, E. Fiscal Systems [ ] Standard III, A. Engagement [ ] Standard III, B. Sharing Responsibility [ ] Standard III, C. Communication [ ] Standard III, D. Family Concerns [ ] Standard IV, A. Commitment to High Standards [ ] Standard IV, B. Cultural Proficiency [ ] Standard IV, C. Communications [ ] Standard IV, D. Continuous Learning [ ] Standard IV, E. Shared Vision [ ] Standard IV, F. Managing Conflict Partnerships 38) Does your district partner with any other districts, educator preparation programs, or other organizations to support your induction and mentoring program? ( ) Yes ( ) No 39) Which type of partners does your district collaborate with to support induction and mentoring? [ ] Other district(s) [ ] Educator preparation program or higher education institute [ ] Consultants/other organizations [ ] Retired educators [ ] Other (please specify): _________________________________________________ Final thoughts 40) ESE is interested in collecting examples of resources and artifacts to share across districts. Please attach or include links to resources and artifacts relevant to your district's induction and mentoring program that you would like to share with ESE and/or other districts (sample calendars, mentor job descriptions, training resources, etc.). Please include a short (1-2 sentences) description of these resources/artifacts. (You can upload up to 10 attachments, each must be no more than 500KB. You can also include URLs in the box below.) Comments: Thank You! Thank you for submitting your 2015-2016 Induction and Mentoring Program Report! We look forward to learning more about your program. You should receive a confirmation email with a copy of your report attached. If you have questions, please email a member of our team at We would appreciate if you take 2-3 minutes to provide us with your feedback about your experience completing this report. Please click here to begin.