TC 113 TAG application

National Electrical Manufacturers Association
1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1752
Rosslyn, VA 22209
Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems
(This application can be downloaded at and completed and submitted electronically–see item 4)
1. Select Membership Category (the interest you represent)
Trade/Professional Assoc.
Individual (self employed/retired)
2. Select Membership Type ($295 per year)
I am aware that the TAG is required to maintain a balance of interests within its membership so as to avoid no undue influence by
any single interest category. Therefore, I am willing to consider becoming an observer of the TAG or placed on a waiting list.
Observer members receive the same information as participating/voting members, but are not obligated to vote or to attend
3. Contact Information
Last name:
First name:
Middle initial:
Organization name:
Officer recommending membership:
Organization Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Work telephone number:
Mobile telephone number:
U.S. Citizen or permanent resident?
□ Yes □ No
RETURN TO: Mike Leibowitz, TC 113 TAG Administrator at:
a) Submit a complete application to:
Mike Leibowitz
Secretary, TC 113 TAG
b) Submit a letter from someone within your company and/or organization authorized to nominate you to
represent that company and/or organization on the TAG (sample on page 3). It should include reasons
why the organization wishes to participate directly in these activities. (If applicant is proposing to
represent a trade or professional association and their company, include a letter from both to avoid a
possible conflict of interest.)
c) Include a copy of your resume/CV as an attachment to this application, or enter here, the hyperlink to
your resume/CV if it is posted online (must be up to date).
My resume is posted at:
d) Please read the Roles & Responsibilities below. Submission of this application verifies you have read
and understand your role and responsibilities as a member of the U.S. TAG to IEC TC 113.
5. How did you hear about the committee?
TAG Member Roles and Responsibilities
Thank you for your interest in membership in the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for IEC TC 113. The TAG is
an active working body. As a TAG member, your active personal involvement in TAG affairs is expected and
participation will be monitored per the ANSI Procedures for U.S. Participation in the International Standards Activities
of the IEC/ISO.
Membership on the U.S. TAG is open to all U.S. National interested parties who indicate that they are directly and
materially affected by the activity of the TAG. A national interested party is any individual located in the U.S.
representing an organization, company, government agency or themselves, including U.S. branch offices of foreign
New memberships are subject to approval by the TAG. This is done through the distributing of the candidate member
resume/CV to the TAG along with a membership ballot. Approval is by a simple majority of the respondents.
Working Groups
Active participation is encouraged in at least one of the active working groups listed in the IEC TC 113 organizational
overview. These working groups develop and maintain the documents published by IEC TC 113. Participation
includes reviewing submitted documents or proposals and contributing to new work item proposals. Since working
groups are only active until the assigned document becomes a published standard, TAG members will be expected to
keep abreast of new developments and participate in appropriate new working groups as they are created.
Meetings and Responsibilities
Participating members are expected to respond to all documents distributed for input prior to the indicated deadlines.
In cases where members do not feel qualified to comment or vote on a particular document, or cannot devote the
time necessary for a thorough review, an “abstain” or “no position” response is acceptable.
Please note: Failing to cast a vote on three consecutive voting actions will render your membership to observer
status. Voting member status is restored when, during observer status, the member votes on three future
consecutive voting actions.
RETURN TO: Mike Leibowitz, TC 113 TAG Administrator at:
TAG meetings are typically convened via teleconference or through web conferencing, however we attempt to hold at
least one face-to-face meeting is held each year. These may be held in conjunction with, for example, meetings of the
ANSI - Accredited U.S. TAG to ISO TC 229 or a relevant nanotechnology conference. If you apply for participating
member status, you (or your designated alternate*) are expected to make every effort to attend these meetings.
There is one TC 113 Plenary meeting held each year. This meeting may be in any one of the IEC member nations.
There may also be additional trips depending on whether or not any of the working groups of TC 113 determine a
need for additional meetings. Ability to travel inter nationally is helpful and desirable; however, it is not a requirement
for participating member status.
If these responsibilities are more than the applicant is prepared to assume at this time, one may participate as an
Observer. Observers will have access to all documents circulated to the TAG, and are also welcome to provide
comments and attend meetings, but would not be able to vote.
Membership Dues
Dues for all participants are $295 per year. Members who fail to pay dues within 60 days of receipt of their invoice
will have their membership dropped. In a limited number of cases the fee may be waived, subject to the approval of
the TAG Technical Advisor and Secretary as well as the USNC. All travel expenses are the responsibility of the
participants or their sponsors.
Considering these responsibilities of all participating members, please give an indication of your willingness to meet
these aims by completing and returning the application.
*Only participating members representing companies, government agencies or organizations are allowed to have alternates
according to the procedures of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Sample organizational letter of support
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1752
Rosslyn, VA 22209
(703) 841-3264
Re: Support of {name of candidate} to participate on the U.S. TAG to IEC TC 113, NanoElectrotechnologies
Dear TC 113 TAG members:
{Name of organization/company/agency} will support {name of candidate} to participate on the U.S. TAG
to IEC TC 113. {Name of candidate} has been employed as a {provide short job description} since {xx}.
We authorize {name of candidate} to participate, representing the interests of {name of
company/organization/agency}. This activity serves the needs of our {organization/company/agency}
because {xx}.
RETURN TO: Mike Leibowitz, TC 113 TAG Administrator at: