Date received by Secretariat Office__________ Tracking # _____________ UNB SAINT JOHN SENATE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE FACULTY CALENDAR SUBMISSION SUMMARY Faculty: _________________________ Department: ___________________ Date submitted to Faculty Curriculum Committee: Revision date: Date submitted to Faculty Council: Revision date: Date submitted to Senate Curriculum: Revision date: SECTION A. New courses A.1 Proposed course number, title and credit hours: Course description (proposed Calendar copy, including calendar codes): Is this course similar to another offered by or likely to affect another Faculty or Department; if so, which one?: Does the faculty currently have the human resources/specialty knowledge/workload capacity required to deliver this course?: List additional needs (if any) Computer lab / SMART room / specialized software / laboratory: Library needs: Name of librarian or staff member of Information Service & Systems (ISS) consulted and date of consultation: Rationale and other information to support this submission: Effective date: Format V.5 – Revised October 2012 SECTION B. Changes to course number, title, credit hours, description or prerequisite B.1 Indicate changes with an X Current Course Number and Title: Proposed Course Number and Title: Number change _____ Title change ____ Description change ____ Prerequisite ____ Credit hour change _____ Other (specify): ______ Course Description (proposed Calendar copy including prerequisite and other course description elements (i.e. 3ch, 3C1L): Were consultations made with other faculties that may be affected by the modifications?: Are there any resource implications?: Rationale for course modification(s): Effective date for modification: SECTION C. Deletions (incl. Calendar removal & reinstatement) C.1 Select 1 action: Remove from Calendar but do not delete: ______ Delete from Calendar: _____ Reinstate in Calendar: _____ Number and title of course: If there are any resource implications due to the proposed action, please describe: If other programs are affected by this action, which other faculties were consulted and notified?: Rationale for course removal/deletion/reinstatement: Effective date for action: Format V.5 – Revised October 2012 SECTION D. Changes to regulations and programs including new program proposals Attach the Information Services & Systems Assessment for new programs or significantly modified programs. Attach the UNB Program Modification form if program changes are significant. D.1 Program affected: New: ____ Existing: _____ Description of new program or changes to existing one: Rationale for new program or regulation change(s): Effective date for change: INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SUBMISSION Using the style in the Calendar, describe your proposed changes on separate sheets. Group your changes in 4 sections (A - D) and arrange them in alphabetic/numeric order within each section. Copy and paste, as needed, the relevant section, and assign a new sub-number for each item. i.e. A.2, A.3, B.2, etc. Note: An Information Services & Systems Assessment must be completed for new programs or significantly modified programs. New, *modified and terminated programs must be approved by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission. The UNB proposal templates for new, modified and terminated programs can be found on the Vice-President Fredericton (Academic) website; at the link ‘ submission of program proposals’: *Modifications that affect approximately 25% or more of the program, either overall or its component parts, require submission to MPHEC. There are also instances where program changes that are not considered significant, still require that the UNB form for a modified program be completed for review by the Academic Planning & Resources Committee and Senate. For questions related to the MPHEC guidelines and the completion of forms for new, modified and terminated programs, please contact the Saint John Senate Office at 648-5795 or the University Secretariat at 453-4613. Format V.5 – Revised October 2012