On the Trail of a Dense Plasma at RHIC (a detector builder’s point of view) Jim Thomas Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Cornell University Journal Club 5/21/2004 Jim Thomas - LBL 1 The Phase Diagram for Nuclear Matter K. Rajagopol The goal is to explore nuclear matter under extreme conditions – T > mpc2 and r > 10 * r0 Jim Thomas - LBL • One of the goals of RHIC is to understand the QCD in the context of the many body problem • Another goal is to discover and characterize the Quark Gluon Plasma • RHIC is a place where fundamental theory and experiment can meet after many years of being apart 2 QCD is a Rich Theory with Many Features 1 ~ a LHadron i D diagram Fa F Mˆ 'level' 4 We have a theory of the strong interaction Hadron “level” Diagram 1500 Low(er) energy nuclear physics uses OPEP or descriptions in terms of a pion gas. These worked because QCD is a theory with a mass gap. This gap is a manifestation of the approximate SU(2)R x SU(2)L chiral symmetry of QCD with pions as the Nambu-Goldstone bosons 1000 Mass (MeV) { r,w fo h 500 K p W. Zajc 0 0 Jim Thomas - LBL 10 20 Degeneracy 30 40 3 Lattice QCD predictions Energy Density Stephan Boltzman limits for a free Quark Gluon gas TC ~ 170 15 MeV eC ~ 0.7 GeV/fm3 e0 ~ 0.16 GeV/fm3 Karsch QM2004 Temperature TC ~ 170 MeV, a very stable prediction over time & technologies (F. Karsch, hep-lat/0106019, edited by JT) Jim Thomas - LBL 4 Who is RHIC and What Does He Do? BRAHMS PHOBOS PHENIX h STAR RHIC • Two independent rings • 3.83 km in circumference • Accelerates everything, from p to Au L p-p 500 1032 Au-Au 200 1026 s (GeV and cm-2 s-1) Jim Thomas - LBL • Polarized protons • Two Large and two small detectors have been built 5 RHIC Physics is Relativistic Nuclear Physics Jim Thomas - LBL 6 The Initial State is Important • Only a few of the nucleons participate as determined by the impact parameter • There is multiple scattering in the initial state before the hard collisions take place – Cronin effect • The initial state is Lorentz contracted • Cross-sections become coherent. – The uncertainty principle allows wee partons to interact with the front and back of the nucleus – The interaction rate for wee partons saturates ( ρσ = 1 ) • The intial state is even time dilated – A color glass condensate Jim Thomas - LBL • proton • neutron • delta • pion string 7 How do we ‘see’ RHIC physics? Time Projection Chamber Magnet Coils Silicon Tracker SVT & SSD TPC Endcap & MWPC FTPCs Beam Beam Counters Endcap Calorimeter Central Trigger Barrel & TOF Barrel EM Calorimeter Not Shown: pVPDs, ZDCs, PMD, and FPDs 4.2 meters A TPC lies at the heart of STAR Jim Thomas - LBL 8 TPC Gas Volume & Electrostatic Field Cage 420 CM • Gas: P10 ( Ar-CH4 90%-10% ) @ 1 atm • Voltage : - 28 kV at the central membrane Jim Thomas - LBL 135 V/cm over 210 cm drift path Self supporting Inner Field Cage: Al on Kapton using Nomex honeycomb; 0.5% rad length 9 Pixel Readout of a Pad Plane Sector A cosmic ray + delta electron 3 sigma threshold Jim Thomas - LBL 10 Particle ID using Topology & Combinatorics Secondary vertex: Ks p + p Lp +p X L+p WL +K g e++e- Ks p + + p L p + p- dn/dm f K++Kr p++pf from K+ K- pairs background subtracted m inv dn/dm K+ K- pairs same event dist. mixed event dist. m inv “kinks” K + Jim Thomas - LBL 11 Au on Au Event at CM Energy ~ 130 GeV*A Data taken June 25, 2000. The first 12 events were captured on tape! Real-time track reconstruction Pictures from Level 3 online display. ( < 70 mSec ) Jim Thomas - LBL 12 Au on Au Event at CM Energy ~ 130 GeV*A A Central Event Typically 1000 to 2000 tracks per event into the TPC Two-track separation 2.5 cm Momentum Resolution < 2% Space point resolution ~ 500 m Rapidity coverage –1.8 < h < 1.8 Jim Thomas - LBL 13 Bjorken Estimate of Initial Energy Density Boost invariant hydrodynamics: Bjorken Estimate of Initial Energy Density 1 dET 1 3 dN ch e 2 pT 2 pR dy pR 2 dh Cold nuclear matter: r0 ~ 0.16 GeV/fm3 e 4.5 GeV / fm3 e C 0.7 GeV / fm3 ~ 6.5 fm ~ 0.2 - 1 fm/c time to thermalize the system 30xr0 pR2 nucl-ex/0311017 PRL 87 (01) 52301 dz 0dy Jim Thomas - LBL 14 Rapidity vs xf • xf = pz / pmax – A natural variable to describe physics at forward scattering angles • Rapidity is different. It is a measure of velocity but it stretches the region around v = c to avoid the relativistic scrunch 1 E pz y ln 2 E pz or y tanh 1 ( pz / E ) β – Rapidity is relativistically invariant and cross-sections are invariant dn dy y y tanh 1 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 y Rapidity is the natural kinematic variable for HI collisions ( y is approximately the lab angle where y = 0 at 90 degrees ) Jim Thomas - LBL 15 Identified Particle Spectra at 200 GeV Bose-Einstein fits A /( e m / Teff mt exponential fits 1) p+ Ae m / Tm K- p+, p-, K+, K- spectra versus centrality PRL 92 (2004) 171801 and nucl-ex/0206008 Jim Thomas - LBL 16 Anti-Proton Spectra at 200 & 130 GeV / N Au + Au p + X p 200 GeV data gaussian fits Ae p / 2 2 p 2 130 GeV data p andp spectra versus centrality PRL 92 (2004) 171801 and PRL 87 (2001) 262302 Jim Thomas - LBL 17 Anti-Baryon/Baryon Ratios versus sNN • In the early universe – p / p ratio = 0.999999 • At RHIC, pair-production increases with s • Mid-rapidity region is not yet baryon-free! Ypbar Ypair 0.8 Yp Ypair YTrans • Pair production is larger than baryon transport Ypair 4 YTr In HI collisions at RHIC, more baryons are pair produced than are brought in by the initial state Jim Thomas - LBL • 80% of protons from pair production • 20% from initial baryon number transported over 5 units of rapidity 18 Anti-Particle to Particle Ratios K+/K- ratios p/p ratios STAR results on thep/p ratio • p/p = 0.11 ± 0.01 @ 20 GeV • p/p = 0.71 ± 0.05 @ 130 GeV • p/p = 0.80 ± 0.05 @ 200 GeV Jim Thomas - LBL Excellent agreement between experiments at y = 0, s = 130 19 Chemical Freeze-out – from a thermal model Thermal model fits Tch (RHIC) 177 7 MeV μB (RHIC) 29 6 MeV Tch (SPS) 160 170 MeV μB (SPS) 270 MeV Compare to QCD on Lattice: Tc = 154 ± 8 MeV (Nf=3) Tc = 173 ± 8 MeV (Nf=2) (ref. Karsch QM01) • The model assumes a thermally and chemically equilibrated fireball at hadro-chemical freeze-out • Works great, but there is not word of QCD in the analysis. Done entirely in a color neutral Hadronic basis! input: measured particle ratios output: temperature T and baryo-chemical potential B 20 Jim Thomas - LBL Putting RHIC on the Phase Diagram • Final-state analysis suggests RHIC reaches the phase boundary • Hadron spectra cannot probe higher temperatures • Hadron resonance ideal gas (M. Kaneta and N. Xu, Lattice results nucl-ex/0104021 & QM02) – TCH = 175 ± 10 MeV – B = 40 ± 10 MeV Neutron STAR • <E>/N ~ 1 GeV (J. Cleymans and K. Redlich, PRL 81, p. 5284, 1998 ) We know where we are on the phase diagram but now we want to know what other features are on the diagram Jim Thomas - LBL 21 Kinetic freeze-out time Chemical and Kinetic Freeze-out Chemical freeze-out elastic interactions inelastic interactions blue beam • Chemical freeze-out (first) – End of inelastic interactions – Number of each particle species is frozen • Useful data – Particle ratios Jim Thomas - LBL yellow beam • space Kinetic freeze-out (later) – End of elastic interactions – Particle momenta are frozen • Useful data – Transverse momentum distributions – and Effective temperatures 22 Transverse Flow Au+Au at 200 GeV pT ≈ 215 MeV Kp T ≈ 310 MeV T ≈ 575 MeV The transverse radial expansion of the source (flow) adds kinetic energy to the particle distribution. So the classical expression for ETot suggests a linear relationship Slopes decrease with mass. <pT> and the effective temperature increase with mass. Jim Thomas - LBL TObs TKFO mass 2 23 STAR Tth [GeV] STAR Preliminary PHENIX <r> [c] Kinetic Freezeout from Transverse Flow <ßr> (RHIC) = 0.55 ± 0.1 c TKFO (RHIC) = 100 ± 10 MeV Thermal freeze-out determinations are done with the blast-wave model to find <pT> Explosive Transverse Expansion at RHIC High Pressure Jim Thomas - LBL 24 Anisotropic (Elliptic) Transverse Flow Peripheral Collisions z y • The overlap region in peripheral collisions is not symmetric in coordinate space – Almond shaped overlap region • Easier for particles to emerge in the direction of x-z plane • Larger area shines to the side – Spatial anisotropy Momentum anisotropy • Interactions among constituents generates a pressure gradient which transforms the initial spatial anisotropy into the observed momentum anisotropy x Anisotropic Flow • Perform a Fourier decomposition of the momentum space particle distributions in the x-y plane – v2 is the 2nd harmonic Fourier coefficient of the distribution of particles with respect to the reaction plane 1 2 v1 cos(f ) 2 v2 cos(2f ) ... Jim Thomas - LBL v2 cos 2f f atan py px 25 v2 vs. Centrality • v2 is large Hydro predictions – 6% in peripheral collisions – Smaller for central collisions • Hydro calculations are in reasonable agreement with the data – In contrast to lower collision energies where hydro overpredicts anisotropic flow PRL 86, (2001) 402 more central Anisotropic transverse flow is large at RHIC Jim Thomas - LBL • Anisotropic flow is developed by rescattering – Data suggests early time history – Quenched at later times 26 v2 vs. pT and Particle Mass • The mass dependence is reproduced by hydrodynamic models – Hydro assumes local thermal equilibrium – At early times – Followed by hydrodynamic expansion PRL 86, 402 (2001) & nucl-ex/0107003 Hydro does a surprisingly good job! Jim Thomas - LBL D. Teaney et al., QM2001 Proc. P. Huovinen et al., nucl-th/0104020 27 V2 at high Pt shows meson / baryon differences Bulk PQCD Hydro Jim Thomas - LBL Asym. pQCD Jet Quenching qn Coalescence 28 The Recombination Model ( Fries et al. PRL 90 (2003) 202303 ) The flow pattern in v2(pT) for hadrons is predicted to be simple if flow is developed at the quark level pT → pT /n v2 → v2 / n , n = (2, 3) for (meson, baryon) Jim Thomas - LBL 29 What does this mean? • Hadrons are created by the recombination of quarks and this appears be the dominant mechanism for hadron formation at intermediate PT • Baryons and Mesons are produced with equal abundance at intermediate PT • The collective flow pattern of the hadrons appears to reflect the collective flow of the constituent quarks. Partonic Collectivity Jim Thomas - LBL 30 Lets look at some collision systems in detail … Initial state Final state Au + Au d + Au p + p Jim Thomas - LBL 31 Partonic energy loss via leading hadrons Energy loss softening of fragmentation suppression of leading hadron yield d 2 N AA / dpT dh RAA ( pT ) TAAd 2 NN / dpT dh Jim Thomas - LBL Binary collision scaling p+p reference 32 Au+Au and p+p: inclusive charged hadrons PRL 89, 202301 nucl-ex/0305015, PRL in press p+p reference spectrum measured at RHIC Jim Thomas - LBL 33 Suppresion of inclusive hadron yield RAA Au+Au relative to p+p RCP Au+Au central/peripheral nucl-ex/0305015 • central Au+Au collisions: factor ~4-5 suppression Jim Thomas - LBL • pT>5 GeV/c: suppression ~ independent of pT 34 PHENIX observes a similar effect (p0s) nucl-ex/0304022 lower energy Pb+Pb lower energy aa Factor ~5 suppression for central Au+Au collisions Jim Thomas - LBL 35 The Suppression occurs in Au-Au but not d-Au Jim Thomas - LBL 36 Jet Physics … it is easier to find one in e+eJet event in ee collision Jim Thomas - LBL STAR Au+Au collision 37 Identifying jets on a statistical basis in Au-Au • You can see the jets in p-p data at RHIC • • Identify jets on a statistical basis in Au-Au Given a trigger particle with pT > pT (trigger), associate particles with pT > pT (associated) C2 (f , h ) Jim Thomas - LBL 1 NTRIGGER 1 N (f , h ) Efficiency STAR Data Au+Au @ 200 GeV/c 0-5% most central 4 < pT(trig) < 6 GeV/c 2 < pT(assoc.) < pT(trig) 38 Angular Distribution: Peripheral Au+Au data vs. pp+flow C2 (Au Au) C2 ( p p) A * (1 2v 22 cos(2f )) Ansatz: A high pT triggered Au+Au event is a superposition of a high pT triggered p+p event plus anisotropic transverse flow v2 from reaction plane analysis “A” is fit in nonjet region (0.75<|f|<2.24) Jim Thomas - LBL 39 Angular Distribution: Central Au+Au data vs. pp+flow C2 (Au Au) C2 ( p p) A * (1 2v 22 cos(2f )) Jim Thomas - LBL 40 j correlations vs the reaction plane p/4 Out-of-plane 3p/4 pTtrigger=4-6 GeV/c, 2<pTassociated<pTtrigger, |h|<1 y x in-plane -3p/4 -p/4 Back-to-back suppression out-of-plane stronger than in-plane Effect of path length on suppression is experimentally accessible Jim Thomas - LBL 41 What does it mean? • • • The backward going jet is missing in central Au-Au collisions when compared to p-p data + flow The backward going jet is not suppressed in d-Au collisions Surface emission These data suggest opaque nuclear matter and surface emission of jets Jim Thomas - LBL Suppression of back-to-back correlations in central Au+Au collisions 42 Exp: Conclusions About Nuclear Matter at RHIC • Its hot – Chemical freeze out at 175 MeV – Thermal freeze out at 100 MeV – The universal freeze out temperatures are surprisingly flat as a function of s • Its fast – Transverse expansion with an average velocity greater than 0.55 c – Large amounts of anisotropic flow (v2) suggest hydrodynamic expansion and high pressure at early times in the collision history • Its opaque – Saturation of v2 at high pT – Suppression of high pT particle yields relative to p-p – Suppression of the away side jet • And its not inconsistent with thermal equilibrium – Excellent fits to particle ratio data with equilibrium thermal models – Excellent fits to flow data with hydrodynamic models that assume equilibrated systems Jim Thomas - LBL 43 ‘They say …’ • ‘Some theorists say’ we have discovered the Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC – Evidence for PQCD via vn bulk collective flow of 104 p, K,p,L, X, W – Evidence for pQCD jet quenching in Au+Au at RHIC – Evidence jet un-quenching in D+Au = Null Control • The experimental community is somewhat more cautious because, in part, its not clear what the words mean – Web definition for plasma: A low-density gas in which the individual atoms are charged, even though the total number of positive and negative charges is equal, maintaining an overall electrical neutrality. – In the collision of two heavy ions, we have found a high density plasma containing quarks and gluons. So whats the problem with the experimentalists? Jim Thomas - LBL 44 Are the theories a unique explanation for the data? Jim Thomas - LBL 45 Au+Au Datasets Au Events 120 Million Events 100 80 d+Au AuAu 62 GeV 60 AuAu 130 GeV AuAu 200 GeV 40 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2004 Year This year: extremely successful run, all goals met Greater than order of magnitude increase in dataset Jim Thomas - LBL 46 Rcp ratios At h =0 the central events have the ratio systematically above that of semi-central events. We see a reversal of behavior as we study events at h=3.2 Rcp Jim Thomas - LBL 1/<Ncoll central> 1/<Ncoll periph> NABcentral(pT,h) NABperiph(pT,h) 47 RdAu ratios Cronin like enhancement at h=0. Clear suppression as h changes up to 3.2 RdA 2Nd+Au/dp dh 1 d T 2 pp <Ncoll> d N inel/dpTdh Same ratio made with dn/dh follows the low pT RdAu where < Ncoll> = 7.2±0.3 Jim Thomas - LBL 48 Current State of Affairs • A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. • An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it. – attributed to Albert Einstein Jim Thomas - LBL 49 Recombination Tested The complicated observed flow pattern in v2(pT) d2n/dpTdf ~ 1 + 2 v2(pT) cos (2 f) is predicted to be simple at the quark level under pT → pT / n , v2 → v2 / n , n = 2,3 for meson,baryon if the flow pattern is established at the quark level Compilation courtesy of H. Huang Jim Thomas - LBL 50 Quark Coalescence At low pt: mass ordering hydrodynamics At larger pt: Baryons – mesons S.A. Voloshin, Nucl. Phys. A715, 379 (2003). quark coalescence Z. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 202302 (2002). We need v2 of f and r Jim Thomas - LBL 0 R. Fries et al., nucl-th/0306027. D. Molnar and S.A. Voloshin, PRL 91, 092301(2003). 51 Multi-Strange Baryons v2 Multi-strange baryons flow ! Partonic Collectivity ! Jim Thomas - LBL 52 Outer and Inner Sectors of the Pad Plane • 24 sectors (12 on a side) Outer sector 6.2 × 19.5 mm pads 3940 pads Jim Thomas - LBL Inner sector 2.85 × 11.5 mm pads 1750 pads • Large pads good dE/dx resolution in the Outer sector • Small pads for good two track resolution in the inner sector 60 cm 190 cm 53 TPC Sector Detail • • • Gating Grid Ground Plane of Wires Anodes – No field shaping wires • Simple and reliable – Individually terminated anode wires limit cross-talk – Low gain • Pad Plane Sector Operation for 20:1 signal to noise Jim Thomas - LBL Sector gas gain inner outer 3000 1100 anode voltage 1150 1380 54 Sector Readout of Pad Planes Readout arranged like the face of a clock - 5,690 pixels per sector Jim Thomas - LBL 55 Particle Identification by dE/dx Anti - 3He dE/dx PID range: ~ 0.7 GeV/c for K/p ~ 1.0 GeV/c for K/p Jim Thomas - LBL 56 Summary of Performance Achieved to date • Features of the STAR TPC – – – – – – – – – • • 4 meters in diameter, 210 cm drift No field wires in the anode planes Pad readout, Low gain on anodes • Low drift field Very compact FEE electronics Analog Delay with SCA then onboard ADC Data delivered via optic fiber Uniform E and B fields ‘ExB’ and most Electrostatic distortions • correctable to 50 – 100 m level Position resolution – 500 m in the real world with calibration errors – Space point resolution ~ 100 m for select laser events, 250 - 350 m for select tracks – Function of dip angle and crossing angle Jim Thomas - LBL Good particle separation using dE/dx – 6.5% dE/dx resolution @ 100 cm – p-proton separation : > 1 GeV/c 2-Track resolution – 2.5 cm for HBT pairs – 1.5 cm for laser tracks – limited by 3 pad response function and desire for fast algorithms Momentum resolution – 2% minimum at 0.25 Tesla (half field) – for pT > 1.5 GeV in 0.25 T field • dk/k = 0.016 pT + 0.012 (central) • dk/k = 0.011 pT + 0.013 (peripheral) • 2.9% 3.3% peripheral/central @ 1.5 GeV STAR performance is excellent and meets essentially all design specifications! 57 Something Funny Happens at T > mpc2 An exponentially increasing density of hadronic states suggests – A “limiting temperature” TH – A phase transition(?) in hadronic matter This was noticed before quarks were identified as the constituents of matter – ( Hagedorn, Nuovo Cimento Supp., 3 (147) 1965 ) Density of States vs Energy Density of States .vs. 250 Energy Fit this form with TH = 163 MeV r ( m) 200 dn ~ m a e m / TH dm Thermal equilibrium suggests Number of 150 available states 100 50 ~ m /T r ( m ) e dm ma e m( 1 1 ) TH T dm 0 0 Jim Thomas - LBL 500 1000 Mass (MeV) 1500 2000 Which requires T < TH 58 v2: Scaling Meson – baryon Effect ? Exp. data consistent with quark recombination/coalescence scenario Further tests: f, r0, K*, … S.A. Voloshin, Nucl. Phys. A715, 379 (2003). Z. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 202302 (2002). R. Fries et al., nucl-th/0306027. D. Molnar and S.A. Voloshin, PRL 91, 092301(2003). Jim Thomas - LBL 59 <pT> Fluctuations → Correlations pt fluctuation inversion single point fluctuation scale dependence twoparticle correlations data statistical reference pt fluctuation excess 2D scale inversion 200 GeV Au-Au data minijet dissipation & velocity/temperature structure: f • elongation on h h • necking on f peripheral STAR preliminary central soft partons as extended objects Jim Thomas - LBL 60 Baryon Enhancement S.S. Adler et al., nucl-ex/0305036. Simple fragmentation picture fails for pT less than ~6 GeV/c p+pbar/h enhancement in Au + Au not fully explained by Cronin effect Strong baryon/meson modification in Au + Au also in L/K0s ratio Jim Thomas - LBL 61 RCP of Strange Hadrons Two groups (2<pt<6GeV/c): - K0s, K, K*, f mesons - L, X, W baryons dependence on number of valence quarks limited to pt<6GeV/c ? hadron production from quark recombination/ coalescence ? Jim Thomas - LBL 62 Jet Quenching Au + Au, RAA << 1; d+Au, RdAu > 1 p+p, away side jet exists Au + Au, away-side correlation suppressed d+Au, away-side correlation exists jet quenching ? J. Adams et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 072304 (2003). Jim Thomas - LBL 63 Hadron suppression @62 GeV • • Significant suppression @62, 130, 200 GeV Smooth evolution of suppression with energy Jim Thomas - LBL 64 Triggered Correlation Studies pTrigger = 4 -6GeV/c STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary Au+Au: Away-side blue band: <pt> in away-side suppression is larger in the out- correlation, decreases with centrality of-plane direction compared to solid line: <pt> of bulk, increases with in-plane centrality transverse radial flow jet quenching ? Jim Thomas - LBL 65 Anti-Proton to Proton Yields vs. Y 1 0.8 antiproton to proton ratio BRAHMS 0.6 STAR PHOBOS 0.4 PHENIX 0.2 Points reflected about y = 0 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 y s = 130 Results Pbar/ P | Y=0.0 = 0.64 0.04 0.06 Pbar/ P | Y=0.7 = 0.66 0.03 0.06 Evidence for the development of a (nearly) baryon-free central region Pbar/ P | Y=2.0 = 0.41 0.04 0.06 BRAHMS PRL 87 No. 11 (2001). Jim Thomas - LBL 66 Part I: full jet reconstruction in p+p, d+Au Including EMCal information ET ET Jim Thomas - LBL A first look… 67