Google 2000-2004
Zero to $3 Billion in Five Years
“If you want the position of God, than accept the responsibility.”
Christopher Eccleston as the Son of God, Via
Jeffrey Cowart
March 8, 2007
Needed a business model that worked
Google did not want to host banner advertising on their pages
Market Changes
Fall Back Plan
Infrastructure Rules: Distributive
Google was liked because it worked, it was fast and the PageRank produces quality results
Brin and Page did not use main frame artillery made by IBM or Fujitsu
The Infrastructure: Distributive
If anything broke down they could just swap it out and keep going
The system could not fail it had to many individual parts none of which depended on each other
New Technology in Industry
Who Should Run Google? Eric
In 2000 the hiring process was slow but it picked up as the year progressed
Google created a hiring committees to review every candidate and this was to make sure that they were hiring the right people
The board committee was not making any process in hiring a CEO to replace Page
Eric Schmidt
With all the new employees that Google was hiring, how could they ensure that the company maintained it’s original DNA and the founders visions, values, and principles?
Company values and business issues open up for discussion
Company’s mission was “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”
Unsure of how to manage all this growth
Brin and Page decided that they would be in charge
In 2001Google introduced AdWords and was on pace to hit 85 million query’s a day
On September 11, 2001 the world changes and it needed a media outlet to go to
Google got a deal with AOL to be it’s main search engine and use it’s paid listings
By mid-2002 it seemed as if Google could do nothing wrong and it had the most loyal search base of all the search engines
Google’s employees felt good!!
Just Who Do These Kids Think
They Are?
Growing Arrogance
Layoffs and hiring woes
Google Bashing
“We’ll look into that”