The IGS contribution to ITRF2014 Paul Rebischung, Bruno Garayt, Zuheir Altamimi, Xavier Collilieux 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, 28 June 2015 1 Outline • Daily IGS repro2 SINEX combinations • Combined IGS repro2 dataset – Origin/scale of daily combined solutions • Modeling of station position time series – Discontinuities – Post-seismic deformations • Long-term stacking (input to ITRF2014) – Spectral analysis of residual time series 2 Daily IGS repro2 SINEX combinations AC contributions to the repro2 campaign Smoothed daily WRMS of the « AC – combined » station position residuals • Overall inter-AC agreement: – – – – Station positions: Geocenter: Terrestrial scale: EOPs: ≈ 1.5 mm (horizontal), ≈ 4 mm (vertical) ≈ 2-5 mm (X, Y), ≈ 5-10 mm (Z) Excellent (< 1 mm; < 0.1 mm/yr) ≈ 30-40 μas (pole coordinates), ≈ 150-200 μas/d (pole rates), ≈ 15-30 μs/d (LOD) 3 Combined IGS repro2 dataset • 7714 daily SINEX files – Daily station positions, geocenter coordinates and EOPs – January 2, 1994 → February 14, 2015 – 1848 stations Stations included in the daily repro2 combined solutions. The size and color of each dot is function of the number of days n each station is present. Histograms of the lengths (top) and numbers of data points (bottom) of the repro2 station position time series 4 Geocenter motion (1/2) (X) (Y) (Z) ― Daily repro2 combined geocenter coordinates ― Smoothed repro2 combined geocenter coordinates ― Smoothed geocenter coordinates derived from the SLR contribution to ITRF2014 (All time series shown in the figure are detrended.) Smoothed periodograms of the: ― repro2 ― SLR-derived geocenter time series shown in the left figures. Spectral power in mm2. 5 Geocenter motion (2/2) Offset at 2005. [mm] Rate [mm/yr] Annual amp [mm] Annual phi [deg] Semi-ann amp [mm] Semi-ann phi [deg] WRMS [mm] XGC 1.6 0.28 1.5 / 2.6 41 / 48 0.9 / 0.8 271 / 282 3.5 / 2.9 YGC 2.6 -0.40 3.6 / 2.8 310 / 320 0.2 / 0.3 336 / 159 3.5 / 2.9 ZGC 7.0 -0.18 3.8 / 5.9 181 / 26 1.3 / 1.4 223 / 202 6.4 / 5.2 Results from trend + annual + semi-annual fits to: ― the repro2 combined geocenter time series ― geocenter time series derived from the SLR contribution to ITRF2014 • Non-negligible offsets and rates wrt ITRF2008 • Annual geocenter motion: – Under-estimated along X – Over-estimated along Y – Out-of-phase with SLR along Z 6 Terrestrial scale Smoothed periodograms [mm2] of the: ― repro2 ― loading model-derived scale factor time series shown in the left figure. ― Scale factors estimated between the daily repro2 combined solutions and IGb08 ― Scale factors derived from a loading model (ECMWF+GLDAS+ECCO2; Annual amp [mm] Annual phi [deg] Semi-ann amp [mm] Semi-ann phi [deg] WRMS [mm] 1.4 / 0.8 -114 / -103 0.5 / 0.1 118 / 138 0.8 / 0.5 Results from trend+annual+semi-annual fits to the: ― repro2 ― loading model-derived scale factor time series shown in the left figure. • Repro2 scale factor time series: – Mostly constituted of annual and semi-annual variations – Shows little evidence of draconitics – ≈ Half can be explained by loading + network effect → Contribution of GNSS to the ITRF2014 temporal scale variations? 7 Discontinuity detection • Visual detection with help of: – List of equipment changes – Catalogue of co-seismic displacements (updated from Métivier et al., 2014) • Analyzed 1176 stations with repro2 series > 700 days ― antenna change – 2090 discontinuities detected (≈ 1.8change per station) ― receiver ― earthquake Unknown: 425 (20%) Equipment changes: 1019 (49%) Earthquakes: 646 (31%) ― 04:361:03530 – Sumatra Earthquake (9.0) ― 07:330:00000 – Antenna Change ― 12:102:31117 – Sumatra Earthquake (8.6) Histograms of the lengths (top) and numbers of data points (bottom) of inter-discontinuity intervals Distribution of discontinuity causes 8 Post-seismic deformation modeling • Goal: correct post-seismic deformations before stacking • For each E, N, H time series: – Test following models: exp, log, exp+exp, exp+log [+ velocity disc.] – Select best model based on Bayes’ Information Criterion (BIC) • 209 models • 139 stations • 65 earthquakes Stations with post-seismic models Earthquake epicenters 9 SAMO (Samoan Islands) log + δV δV log + δV 10 COCO (Cocos Islands) exp exp exp log exp log 11 Long-term stacking (input to ITRF2014) • Innovations: – Post-seismic deformations corrected a priori – Estimation of annual + semi-annual signals • 1066 stations retained (yet) – Time series > 700 days – Well-behaved residuals Daily WRMS of stacking residuals (East, North, Up) Provisional ITRF2014 GNSS network 12 Stacked periodograms • White + flicker noise background • GPS draconitic harmonics up to the 8th • Fortnightly tidal lines: – Mf tide (13.6 d) – O1 alias (14.2 d) – M2 alias (14.8 d) Stacked Lomb-Scargle normalized periodograms of the stacking residual time series ― East (with annual + semi-annual terms estimated) ― North/10 (with annual + semi-annual terms estimated) ― Up/100 (with annual + semi-annual terms estimated) 13 Next steps • Prepare next IGS Reference Frame (IGS14/igs14.atx) – Select subset of stable stations – Re-estimate satellite antenna phase center offsets – Take new ground antenna calibrations into account • Prepare next-generation IGS cumulative solution – Based on repro2 data + new discontinuity list – How to deal with post-seismic deformations operationally? • Scientific investigation: – Analyze noise content in individual station position time series – Study spatial structure of draconitic/fortnightly errors and of noise – Study AC-specific errors (through AC-specific long-term stackings) 14 Thank you for your attention! 15