map3d Using map3d “Looking at my data has never been so much fun!” NCRR Command Line Control map3d map3d -f daltorso.fac NCRR More Command Line map3d map3d -f daltorso.fac -p NCRR Still More…. map3d map3d -nw \ -f daltorso.fac -p \ -f dalepi.fac -p NCRR All the options Map3D Version 5.4 map3d USAGE: map3d [FILENAME] map3d [OPTIONS] FILENAME: the name of a file containing geometry and/or data. OPTIONS: Global: -bw border_width title_bar_height (to override the default) -c colour (default colour for all meshes) -df filename (for default settings file) -if filename (to set output image basefilename) -iv (initialize video equipment) -nv (to *not* check validity of geometry) -nw (for new window for each surface) -rl level (set report level) -ss (to have all surfaces with same geometry scale) -v (echo the version number) -vm (for video mode) -vw xmin ymin (location of video window) NCRR …the rest of all map3d Per Surface: -ac (leave geometry in absolute coordinates) -al xmin xmax ymin ymax (to set colormap window location) -as xmin xmax ymin ymax (to set surface window location) -at xmin xmax ymin ymax (to set scalar window location) -c colour (for mesh) -cg colour (for vectors) -ch channels_filename (links nodes to channels in data file) -cl channellinks_flename (links channels to leadlinks) -cs scale_step_size (user set contour spacing) -dp datafilepath (pathname to the pak-data files) -ds (make this the dominant surface) -f geomfilename -ff fidfilename (.fid file to be read) -fn fidseriesnum (number of the fid series to take) -gp geomfilepath (pathname to the geometry files) -i increment (increment between file numbers) -lh (to set colormap window's orientation to be horizontal) -ll leadlinks_filename (links electrode numbers to leads) -lm landmarkfile (to read landmark file (eg. coronaries) in) NCRR Scalar data arguments map3d -p pot/grad-filename (basefilename) -ph maximum_data_value (user set potential maximum) -pl minimum_data_value (user set potential minimum) -ps scaleval (scale value applied to all data) -s num1 num2 (first and last file numbers) -sl surfnum (to lock scaling to another surface) -t trace_lead_number (for scalar plot) NCRR Interactive Controls Mouse map3d • Rotation, translation, scaling • Menu manipulation • Picking Keyboard • Toggle settings • Select options GUI • Windows for scaling, file handling, etc. NCRR I/O and File Reading Input map3d • CVRTI ASCII formats - .pts, .fac, .pot, .channels, .tetra, .leadlinks, .lmarks • CVRTI graphicsio formats - .geom, .tsdf, .data, .tsdfc Output • Same as input for geometry • Image formats (.png so far) NCRR Scripting map3d map3d MAP3D=../map3d GEOM=../geom/tank DATA=../data/tank $MAP3D -nw -f ${GEOM}/25feb97_sock.fac \ -p ${DATA}/ -s 1 1000 \ Surface 1 -ch ${GEOM}/sock128.channels \ -lm ${GEOM}/25feb97_sock.lmarks \ -f ${GEOM}/25feb97_sock_closed.geom \ -p ${DATA}/ -s 1 1000\ Surface 2 -ch ${GEOM}/sock128.channels \ -lm ${GEOM}/25feb97_sock.lmarks NCRR Resulting Display map3d Surface 1 Surface 2 NCRR map3d Demo NCRR