Learning Objectives.doc

Renee S. Bruton
July, 2014
Grade Level:
6th, 7th, 8th
6207 Computer Applications I
Name of Unit:
Length of time to complete
(# of Days & Date)
Keyboarding Alphabetic,
Numeric and Symbols
The information provided in “Part One” will guide your weekly lesson planning. Please refer to it regularly.
PART ONE: Frontloading expectations and predicting outcomes.
Learning Objectives
IBMYP Objectives
(Reference MYP Content Guides
located on the Ranson IB Wiki)
Use technology and other resources for assigned tasks
Create a product/solution of
appropriate quality.
Unit Question(s)
What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the alphabetic keys?
What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the number and symbol
What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the numeric keypad?
What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the keypad?
Balanced Literacy Elements
Language (Vocab): Academic and Content
(Quarter Reading Strategy & Novel Studies)
Alphabetic Keys, Finger Location, Numeric
Keys, Symbol Keys, Backspace, TAB, Enter,
Shift, Function Keys, CTRL, ALT, CAPS
LOCK, Page-Up, Page-Down, Delete, Insert,
Page Break.
(Insert W1 or W2 activities along with strategies)
Sadlier Vocabulary For Success.
The Life Cycle of a Star
Is There Life On Mars?
Context and Purpose
BIG IDEAS: What are some
What are the correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the
Renee S. Bruton
July, 2014 alphabetic keys, number and symbol keys, numeric keypad, and keypad?
lifelong “ahas!” and enduring
understandings of this unit? (2-3
Sadlier Vocabulary For Success.
Understanding of the vocabulary words and language in Sadlier
Vocabulary For Success.
Area of Interaction: What lens
Health and Social Education
Lesson 1, Lesson 2
will you apply to the content that
provides a context for looking at
it in an organized conceptual
way? Choose One:Human
Ingenuity, Health and Social
Education, Community and
Service, Environments
Essential questions: What
overarching questions can you
 What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the
ask to drive inquiry? These must
alphabetic keys?
link to the Big Ideas and serve to
move the instruction forward
 What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the
during the unit.
number and symbol keys?
(2-3 Questions)
Approaches to Learning: How
will you purposefully develop
ATL skills within this unit? (Refer
to your “MYP Content Guide”
that can be found on the Ranson
IB Wiki)
What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the
numeric keypad?
What are correct keyboarding techniques when keying using the
Introduction of “Alice” to conduct Pre-assessment of knowledge of the
parts of the computer system. (Identify Computer Parts Quiz)
Introduction of “Alice” to conduct Pre-assessment of knowledge of
keyboarding. (Homekeys 1 Quiz)
Introduction of MicoType5 Lessons.
Students will complete “Alice” activities to assess prior knowledge.
Students will complete lessons in MicroType5 that will develop and assess
typing/keyboarding skills.
End of Unit Assessment
Describe the task that will allow scholars the opportunity to appropriately demonstrate understanding of the
content of the unit and address the essential questions. NOTE: This goes beyond the mini formative assessments
given for your content to assess daily mastery.
MicroTyp5, Quizzes/Unit Test: Thinkgate
Students will complete the lessons in the MicroType5 computer program.
Renee S. Bruton
July, 2014