North Carolina 6-Point Lesson Plan Subject: BU20 Exploring Business Grade: 8th Teacher: L. E. Riggans Topic: Classifying Businesses Date: June 25, 2015 NC Standard Course of Study Essential Standard: 1.01 Understand the purpose and functions of business, types, and classes of businesses. 1.02 Compare the main types of business organizations. 1.03 Classify businesses as combination, product, and service. NC Standard Course of Study Clarifying Objective: Identify which businesses are service businesses, which businesses are product businesses, and which businesses are combination businesses. Activity I. Focus and Review (Establish prior knowledge) Description of Activities and Setting Welcome Back! As we review our syllabus, let’s review the old grading scale. II. Statement (Inform student of objectives) We will review the new grading scale and how it could impact your grades. III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) Present the differences between the two grading scale. Explain the seven point scale and ten point scale. Materials and Time Old Grading Scale New Grading Scale Computer/Overhead Projector, and Smart board/Markers __5__minutes Overhead Projector PowerPoint Slides New Grading Scale __5_ minutes Overhead Projector PowerPoint Slides Difference Chart __10 minutes IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance, provide assessment and feedback) Have students calculate actual grades to determine if they will receive an A, B, C, D, or F grades and discuss if the letter grades would have been the same on the old grading scale. LCD Projectors Smart Board Markers __10 minutes V. Independent Practice -- Seatwork and Homework (Retention and transfer) VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) Have students calculate their grade point average for the class. Have students determine if their grade are better on the old or new system and explain why. Summarize Questions and Answers Recap the differences between the new and the old system. Calculator Assignment Grades __10__minutes __5__minutes