Hiero-lyrics Poem: In addition to all elements from the proficient 

World History
Hiero-lyrics Poem:
Defines history
Explains the concepts of cause and effect,
time, continuity, and perspective
Explains how archaeology, geography,
anthropology, political science, sociology, and
economics relate to the study of history
Explains how society, technology, economics,
politics, and culture relate to the study of history
WH.2 – Analyze ancient civilizations and
empires in terms of their development,
growth and lasting impact.
WH.2.1 Compare how different geographic
issues of the ancient period influenced
settlement trading networks and the
sustainability of various ancient civilizations.
WH.2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient Board Game:
Includes at least 3 symbols which represent
civilizations in terms of their development,
the religious beliefs of the chosen river valley
structure and function within various
Students incorporate geography into their
demonstrating its influence on the
WH.2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the
civilization, and the player.
needs of ancient societies.
Game incorporates 3 different achievements of
WH.2.4: Analyze the rise and spread of
the ancient civilization into play mechanics
various empires in terms of influence,
achievements and lasting impact.
WH.2.7: Analyze the relationship between
trade routes and the development and
decline of major empires.
WH.2.8 Compare the conditions, racial
composition, and status of social classes,
castes, and slaves in ancient societies and
analyze changes in those elements.
WH.2.9 Evaluate the achievements of
ancient civilizations in terms of their
enduring cultural impact.
In addition to all elements from the proficient
column, Hiero-lyrics Poem includes:
A critical and thorough explanation of the
concepts of cause and effect, time, continuity,
and perspective
A critical and thorough explanation of
how archaeology, geography, anthropology,
political science, sociology, and economics
relate to the study of history
A critical and thorough explanation of
how society, technology, economics, politics,
and culture relate to the study of history
In addition to all elements from the proficient
column, Board game includes:
Includes the relationship between trade
routes of chosen civilization into board
game mechanics.
Game incorporates 5 or more
achievements of ancient civilization into
play mechanics