Mössbauer spectroscopic study of the structure of an iron(III) complex with indole-3-acetic acid in acidic aqueous solutions K. Kovács1, A. A. Kamnev2, E. Kuzmann1, A. Vértes1 1Laboratory of Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Institute, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány P. s. 1/a, Budapest 1117, Hungary 2Laboratory of Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, 410049, Saratov, Russia E-mail: kkriszti@bolyai.elte.hu http://www.chem.elte.hu/departments/magkem/hun/index.html Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is one of the most powerful natural plant-growth-regulating substances (phytohormones of the auxin series) that are capable of stimulating cell division and promoting cell elongation. It is well documented to be synthesized also by many soil microorganisms, in particular, in the rhizosphere where it plays an essential role in plant–microbe interactions. The excretion of auxins directly into the soil, along with their phytoregulating effects, can lead to chemical interactions involving metal ions. Among these, iron(III) is an essential microelement ubiquitous in various soils. Our earlier studies have shown the possibility of redox processes involving ferric ions as well as IAA in slightly acidic aqueous solutions. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA): OH O N H This could be of ecological significance, since Fe3+ has a poor biological availability over a wide pH range owing to its full hydrolysis and extremely low solubility of ferric (oxy)hydroxides, but it can be reductively solubilised under appropriate conditions (in slightly acidic media) giving a more bioavailable iron(II). On the other hand, studying the mode of coordination of indolic compounds to iron(III) can provide additional information helpful in understanding the enzymatic degradation of auxins. The formation of a triple complex (peroxidase–IAA–oxygen) has been proposed for the oxidative degradation mechanism of IAA including as a key step a simple one-electron transfer from the IAA molecule to the ferric moiety of the peroxidase heme. In earlier papers an attempt was made to consider the aqueous Fe3+–IAA system as an inorganic model for the peroxidase–IAA complex. Ferric chloride and IAA-containing aqueous solutions were studied in detail, but the structure of the complex formed in the reaction was not characterised. In our previous works, we studied several iron(III)–(indole-3-alkanoic acid) systems, including iron(III)–(indole-3-carboxylic, -acetic, -propionic, -butyric acid) complexes. Here, we wish to present our work concerning the FeIII-(indole-3-acetic acid) complex. The chemical composition and coordination structure of the complex were investigated both in solution and in the solid state using Mössbauer spectroscopy and some additional techniques such as elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies and solution X-ray diffraction. For details, see the following papers with references therein: -Kovács, K.; Kamnev, A.A. ; Mink, J.; Németh, Cs.; Kuzmann, E.; Megyes, T.; Grósz, T.; Medzihradszky-Schweiger, H. and Vértes, A.; Struct. Chem. 2006, 17, 105-120. -Kamnev, A.A.; Shchelochkov, A.G.; Perfiliev, Yu.D.; Tarantilis, P.A. and Polissiou, M.G.; J. Mol. Struct. 2001, 563-564, 565-572. -Kovács, K.; Kamnev, A.A.; Shchelochkov, A.G.; Kuzmann, E.; Medzihradszky-Schweiger, H.; Mink, J. and Vértes, A.; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2004, 262, 151-156. -Kovács, K.; Kamnev, A.A.; Kuzmann, E.; Homonnay, Z.; Szilágyi, P.Á.; Sharma, V. K. and Vértes, A.; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2005, 266, 513-517. As it is well known, the condition of the Mössbauer effect is the recoilless emission and absorption of the gamma rays and it requires a solid state. This means that Mössbauer spectroscopy is a structural investigation technique for solid materials. Consequently, the application of Mössbauer spectroscopy for solution chemistry needs an adequate freezing (quenching) of the liquid solution. Several publications demonstrate that the coordination environment, the chemical bonding conditions, and the oxidation states in solutions are reflected in the Mössbauer spectra recorded after rapid freezing. In high-spin iron(III) salt solutions the Mössbauer study of the paramagnetic spin relaxation gives information about the structure of the solution. The Mössbauer spectra of samples containing paramagnetic iron(III) can show magnetic splitting if the average time of their paramagnetic spin relaxation (τPSR) is longer than the average time of Larmor precession of the magnetic moment of the atomic nucleus (τL). If the concentration of iron(III) species in the solution and the actual temperature are low (<0.05 M and <100 K, respectively), the spin-spin and spin-lattice interactions are weak and the average times of spin-spin (τSSR) and spin-lattice (τSLR) relaxations will be long. 1 Consequently: PSR 1 1 SSR SLR will be longer than τL. Under these conditions, the Mössbauer spectra show magnetic structure. If dimer formation takes place in the solution, the Fe3+ spins will be close to each other, thus the spinspin interaction gets stronger, τSSR decreases and the magnetic splitting collapses in the Mössbauer spectrum. This effect gives a possibility to use the Mössbauer technique to follow the dimerization of iron(III) in solutions. Vértes, A.; Korecz, L. and Burger, K.; Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Elsevier, Amsterdam–Oxford–New York, 1979, pp. 230-344. T = 100 K Mössbauer spectra of iron(III)-nitrate solutions, recorded at different temperatures, at pH~1.0, showing a slow paramagnetic spin relaxation. The concentration of Fe3+ is 0.01 M where iron is in monomeric form (Figure A, B). relative transmission 1,00 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 A 0,95 -6 -4 -2 0 2 -1 v / (mm s ) B T = 4.2 K Vértes, A.; Korecz, L. and Burger, K.; Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Elsevier, Amsterdam–Oxford–New York, 1979, pp. 230-344. 4 6 relative transmission 1,00 0,99 0,98 0,97 C 0,96 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -1 v / (mm s ) The materials for Mössbauer measurements in aqueous solutions were prepared using iron(III) solutions containing enriched (ca. 90% 57Fe) iron dissolved in nitric acid at elevated temperature. IAA was dissolved in water adding KOH to the water solutions up to pH 6–7. The concentration of the ligand was 0.03 M. Addition of iron(III) nitrate to IAA in solutions (up to the 1:3 metal-to-acid molar ratio) resulted in the colour change of the solutions and the formation of cocoabrown precipitates indicating complexation of Fe3+ with the IAA. The final pH values of the mixtures were 2.0–2.5. The precipitates were filtered out after 15 min, dried on the filter paper. Mössbauer spectra of the solid material and frozen solutions filtered after 15 min and 2 days, were also recorded. 1,01 relative transmission 1,00 0,99 Mössbauer spectra of: 0,98 A: frozen solution of 57Fe(NO3)3 + IAA mixture (frozen after 15 min) 0,97 0,96 B: frozen solution of 57Fe(NO3)3 + IAA mixture (frozen after 2 days) 0,95 D 0,94 -6 -4 -2 0 2 -1 v / (mm s ) 4 6 The Mössbauer spectrum of the frozen aqueous solution of iron(III) nitrate (0.01 M) shows a line broadening which is a sign of magnetic relaxation due to a slow paramagnetic spin relaxation. Namely, the spin-spin and spin-lattice interactions are weak because of the low concentration of Fe3+ and the relatively low temperature (80 K), respectively (Figure A). (At the temperature of 4.5 K, the Mössbauer spectrum of the same solution shows a magnetic splitting as it is shown in Figure B.) Adding the ligand to the iron component results in significant changes of the spectra. Figures C and D suggest the existence of parallel reactions between Fe3+ and IAA: FeIII complex (precipitate) Fe3+ + L Fe2+ + oxidised L The Mössbauer parameters of the resulting Fe2+ species (isomer shifts δ=1.39 mm/s and quadrupole splittings ΔEQ=3.35 mm/s) show that it has a hexaaquo coordination environment. Comparing the spectral intensities, it can be seen that both after 15 min and after 2 days of contact of the IAA with iron(III), in the solutions there appears a significant amount of ferrous iron. This is related to the ease of the IAA side-chain decarboxylation and oxidation and, in parallel, to the reduction of iron(III). The other two components of the spectra represent the iron(III) complex with the corresponding ligand (doublet with δ=0.52 and ΔEQ=0.58 mm/s) and the remaining unreacted Fe3+ ions (broad single line). The results of elemental analysis of the poorly soluble Fe–IAA complex supposes that its composition most closely corresponds to the μ-(OH)2-bridged complex [L2Fe<(OH)2>FeL2] (where L is the deprotonated IAA moiety). FeIAA solid relative transmission 1,00 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 E -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -1 v / (mm*s ) To study the structure and possible structural changes of the complexes by dissolving them in an organic solvent, e.g. in acetone, and adding a small amount of water to the solutions, ca. 0.1 M samples (with regard to total Fe) were measured using the rapid-freezing method. For these experiments, as well as for the FTIR, FT-Raman measurements, the solid complexes were synthesized using natural (not enriched with 57Fe) iron(III) nitrate, the conditions being the same as described above. The precipitates were filtered out, washed three times with distilled water and dried in air. FeIAA, acetone relative transmission 1,00 0,99 0,98 F -6 =0.54 mm/s -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -1 v / (mm*s ) FeIAA, acetone+water relative transmission 1,00 0,99 0,98 G -6 =0.73 mm/s -4 -2 0 2 -1 v / (mm*s ) 4 6 The solid complexes give an intensive symmetric quadrupole doublet with the parameters typical for high-spin Fe3+ in distorted octahedral coordination (Figure E, δ=0.52 and ΔEQ= 0.56 mm/s). The Mössbauer spectra of the complex in acetone solutions shows one well-resolved quadrupole doublet as well. The lack of a magnetic structure is an evidence that the iron(III) species has a dimeric structure with a fast spin-spin relaxation. The doublet for the acetone solutions has the isomer shift and quadrupole splitting very close to those for the solid material, which indicates similar structures of the iron(III) microenvironment both in the solid state and in the acetone solution, see Figure F. After adding more water to the acetone solutions, structural changes become visible, with the quadrupole splittings increasing by 0.19 mm/s (Figure G). This indicates the formation of a more asymmetric coordination of iron(III) upon adding water to the system. This can be explained by hydrolytical replacement of the COO– moieties, possibly giving free indole-3-acetic acid ligands, which could also be confirmed by FTIR spectroscopic measurements. In the FTIR and Raman spectra, one can easily follow the structural changes due to complex formation: −C=O stretching band at 1700 cm-1 characteristic of the carboxylic group disappears and, in parallel, several new bands at 1580, 1525, 675, 625, 550 cm–1 confirm the presence of bidentate carboxylic groups −NH stretching bands show weak perturbation the nitrogen moiety does not contribute to the coordination 229 347 324 227 205 281 278 179 347 473 324 383 425 (b) 501 539 (a) Fe–IBA complex 206 385 480 501 536 (a) 578 Absorbance One example of the frequency shifts due to the deuteration is shown in the Figure for iron(III) complex with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) which is a structural analog of IAA: 582 424 The existing –OH groups in the complex could be identified with the help of a deuteration experiment, where the exchangeable protons of the Fe2OH moiety showed strong frequency shifts in the far infrared region (Fe–O stretching, Fe2OH out-of-plane bending, Fe–O–Fe deformation modes). (b) Deuterated Fe–IBA complex 600 500 400 Wavenumber (cm-1) 300 200 100 According to the results discussed above and with the help of solution X-ray diffraction, the schematic ball-and-stick representation of the [Fe2(OH)2(IA)4] complex (IA represents indole-3-acetate) can be given as shown in the Figure. The structural parameters for the ligand were obtained from a preliminary single-crystal study of the ligand. Kovács, K.; Kamnev , A.A.; Mink, J.; Németh, Cs.; Kuzmann, E.; Megyes, T.; Grósz, T.; Medzihradszky-Schweiger, H. and Vértes, A.; Struct. Chem. 2006, 17, 105-120.