ACITC - Meeting Minutes - 09-07-2006.doc

Academic Information Technology Committee (ACITC)
Meeting Minutes, September 7, 2006
Recorded by:
Sharon Ainsley
In Attendance:
William Gabrenya., Linda Khan, Richard Newman, Jason Ball, Judith Barlow, Mary
Bonhomme, Steven Lazarus, Jason Ball, William Allen, Charlotte Young, Kurt
Winkelmann, Sharon Ainsley.
Meeting called to order at 3:30 PM
The review and approval of the May minutes will be postponed until our next session.
Agenda items:
Meeting times: New meeting times were decided: we will alternate between Thursdays
and Fridays on the first week of the month to allow for the diversity of schedules.
2007-8 Chair of ACITC: Korhan Oyman of the College of Aeronautics is confirmed as
the chair.
IT Policies:
Next meeting agenda item to include the 4 new security policies that IT is proposing for
review. These will be distributed to the group by Jason Ball for review and comments.
Committee Reports:
The Web Advisory Committee was determined defunct and disbanded by Dick Newman,
who cited the ‘new team of UPUB and Web Services’ as a major force in the progression
of the web management. The evolution of the web sites to allow for department level
content ownership was cited as a ‘new’ initiative as well. Sharon brought up points
regarding the WAC being necessary to allow for new ideas and campus collaboration.
This group agreed that there is a continuing need, and it was decided that the mission
statement and charter should be reviewed and adjusted to reaffirm the role of the
committee. No tasks were specifically assigned, but it is assumed that Sharon, as the
University Webmaster, shall be responsible for this charter development.
 There have been no major issues in ITEC, everything has been calm. ITEC is now
meeting every other month, rather than every month.
 The last ITEC meeting saw the approval of the new ‘policy for fair use’ – which
will be distributed to the committee members by Dick Newman.
 ITEC concerns included:
o Uninterruptible service issues
o Additional A/C support for a server farm implementation in the Olin
Engineering building.
o Backup server planning for the Administrative server to be housed in
Atlanta. Dick reports that the backup servers are ready and operate just
like the current live production servers.
 Web for Employees slated for roll out soon, including self service and human
resources action forms.
 Position control is complete and active – unfilled positions do not produce budget
padding for the departments – now the departments are only funded for positions
that are filled.
 Banner 7 scheduled for live rollout
 Online grading and advising is implemented
 Midterm grades are going to be required for all 1000 and 2000 level courses
Dick Newman gave thanks and compliments to the FSI participants and reported
that it was a wonderful success.
Dick announced that i-tunes University will roll out on Monday fully ready to
support the class use. Mary brought up the issue of policies, use, material right
retention, and Dick agrees that these policies are not yet in place. He will follow
up on that,
Instructional design and support is reported as having increased threefold over the
last year.
It was announced that Curtis Robinson is the new contact for all licensing issues
The new lab manager, Jen, was mentioned.
ACITC Subcommittees:
Korhan Oyman (COA) is confirmed as the 2006-7 chair.
Mini-grant funding: Jason explained that there was some confusion about the amount of
money allocated for the 2005/06 mini-grant awards. The IT office will keep track of the
mini-grant budget. The 2006/07 mini-grant awards will be reduced by the amount of
overpayment from the past year. Budget for 2006/07 is $15,000 minus the over
allocations from 2005-06.
Resources; Teaching and Learning
The resources and the teaching and learning subcommittees will remain in place this year,
with current chairpersons.
ACITC Retreat:
The group agreed that rather than schedule another retreat, we should collectively look at
the action items from the last retreat and judge our progress there. This list will be
distributed to committee members by Judy Barlow.
Project priority lists will be provided to the ACITC members for comments and
suggestions. The lists are online and will be made available to the group by Dick
Newman. The budgets are due in October, so it is agreed that the ACITC should review
this project list and make recommendations prior to submission of budget for next year
ACITC Charter:
The ACITC charter and member allocations [from 1998] will be reviewed and adjusted to
reflect current university structure/status.
Representatives to ADITC, ITEC, other committees
Mary agreed to act as the ADITC liaison. Linda agreed to act as the ITEC liaison. Sharon
suggested inclusion of the Quality of Life Committee and the Staff Advisory Committee
as other liaisons to widen the sphere of contact and further unify the ACITC mission and
participation. Linda will follow up on that.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Next meeting:
Friday, October 6, 2006 from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room, Olin
Engineering Building.