2002 - Febuary 20th Minutes.doc

Academic Information Technology Committee
February 20, 2002
Attending: Judy Barlow (SOM), Mary Bonhomme (SEGS), Donald F.
Dement (ACS/SCT), Iver Duedall (COE), Linda Khan (Library), Dick
Newman (Information Technology), Rick Tankersley (CSLA), Donna
Wilt (SOA), Tom Sanders (COE), Chair
Absent: Celine Alvey (Information Services), Art Gutman (SOP), Jay
Wilson (ADITC), Kurt Winkelman (CSLA), Dee Dee Pannell (ACS/SCT),
Student (SGA)
Minutes - The minutes from the January 16 meeting were approved
as read. They will be posted to the web and distributed to facforum
and fitforum.
ITEC –No report, as meeting was postponed.
ADITC – Mary will report on Jay Wilson’s behalf since he has a
standing meeting on Wednesdays and cannot attend the ACITC
In Banner, plans are moving along to replace RS6000. A second web
server is being tested and should be available by March 1.
Usage of printers has dropped dramatically since copy charges have
been implemented. Mary inquired about no-charge labs, and is still
waiting for an answer.
The issue about tracking hits on web pages will be raised at the next
ITEC meeting; $500 is needed to purchase appropriate software.
The new online form for graduate admission is available on PAWS and
on the undergraduate admissions homepage. It’s not up on the
graduate admissions home page as yet.
The project with Time Warner for additional cable channels will be
finalized in summer. Cable may be used for teleconferences,
emergency announcements, and televised classes. Iver asked about
the possibility of getting Channel 141 – a Discovery Channel on history
and science. Donna had a question about cable and was advised to
contact Brian Daley, or have him come in and talk to ACITC about the
possibilities now that we have cable in most rooms on campus.
Academic Initiatives Committee - A prioritized list of recommended
projects was presented to the full committee:
#1 Wireless Access in public/common areas (allocate $7K).
#2 Student stipends for Academic/IT projects (allocate $3K)- one
suggestion was creating a web version of the Library’s Graduate
Research Workshop.
#3 Faculty minigrants (allocate $3K). Could be used for travel,
hardware, software, conference, on-line course development, and
faculty seminars.
#4 Faculty Seminars (allocate $1K)-money could be used for
materials, etc.
In the discussion that followed, the public/common areas of the
Library was recommended as the site for wireless access. It was hoped
that this project would serve as an incentive for similar projects by the
A motion was made to spend the SCT grant money as recommended.
It was approved by all members of the Committee who were present.
Dee Dee will see about distributing the minigrants and stipends, and
come up with a one-page description and form for each project. A first
draft is needed by next meeting. Final approval of money allocation
should be made by April.
Old Business – Dr. Sanders said that Dr. Enstice hopes to proceed
with negotiations to purchase Banner Web for Faculty as early as next
year. Dr. Newman said that although the VP of Academic Affairs agree
that Web for Faculty is important, the credit card processing issue was
more pressing at this time.
New Business
Mailman – Access to Mailman has been increased from 8 concurrent
users to 30+ with the new system. Donald said Squirrel and Imp were
better than Mailman but had security flaws. Eric is looking in a more
secure system. There was a discussion on using Mailman from offcampus with the new server. Students are not limited to Mailman, they
can use Outlook or Yahoo mail. ACS offered to develop a guide on how
to use these email systems and to post them on the Help Desk and
Distance Learning webpages. Dick suggested using webmail.it.fit.edu.,
but an account needs to be set up first. He will look into whether a
browser was also needed.
Faculty profiles – School of Management requires all faculty to have
faculty profiles. Judy would like a standard format for faculty profiles
on the web. Discussion ensued on how we should go about this. It was
suggested that certain guidelines should be followed such as:
consistency in how the faculty profiles’ site is accessed, a single point
of entry, standardized format, a common list with the same
information, site should be dynamic, and faculty should be able to
control what they want displayed. Also, the default should be if
someone does not have the time to create a profile, it will be done for
them. Faculty should have the option to post profile, if they do not
want to have a profile online, then there should be a note stating
something like ‘not available at this time’. Another suggestion was to
give the faculty a template – start with minimum information such as
information from the college catalog, then add or link to department or
faculty homepage.
It was suggested that this committee make a recommendation to ITEC
to reinstate faculty profiles, and have it available from the Florida Tech
At the present time, Judi Tintera of University Publications, maintains
faculty profiles.
Antivirus and SPSS software: IT is still looking for machines to put
anti-virus software on. This software is available to all departments
free of charge. It was suggested to send the departments a list of all
computers with anti-virus software, so that they can check to see if
their computers are on the list. Departments need to notify Dr.
Newman if they are paying for SPSS. There are still many copies left.
SPSS is available in many of the campus labs and in the Microcenter.
Other items: In May, phone charges will be different – cost of long
distance will be lower, local calls will cost more.
Information should be going out to users about plans to improve
printing and the cost of printing.
Teleconference on "Improving Multimedia and Online Courses with
Instructional Design" will be on February 28, 2002 at 2:30 in Gleason
Next Meeting: The next ACITC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday
March 20, at 9:00 a.m. Tom will notify the committee of the location.
Submitted by: Linda Khan, Recorder