UGCC Agenda MARCH 2012.docx

Florida Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Friday, March 30, 2012
8:00 am
F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Building
Second-floor conference room
Consent agenda:
1. College of Aeronautics: Changing Graduation Requirements-BS Aviation Administration
2. College of Engineering: Adding a new course: OCE 4515
3. College of Psychology and Liberal Arts
a. ANC-COM 1010
b. Changing Graduation Requirements-Communications Minor
c. CGR-Applied Psychology, AA and BA
d. CGR-Criminal Justice, AA and BA
e. CGR-AA Liberal Arts
Tabled Items from Previous Meetings:
College of Engineering: ANC ECE 2112 and EGN 3050
Information from the Academic Affairs Council:
A. As requested by UGCC, the Academic Affairs Council reviewed the Free Elective policy in light of the
fact that there are courses (BUS 1301 and CSE 1301) which have restrictions in the catalog
description that state: “Noncredit for College of Business majors” or “Noncredit for CS majors.” The
associate deans of business and engineering have since determined that these two courses can
indeed be used as free electives within their colleges; therefore, the Council agreed that the Free
Elective policy should stand as currently written. The new catalog descriptions for these two
courses will include the following statements:
BUS 1301 – For College of Business majors, this course may be used only as Free Elective.
CSE 1301 – For College of Engineering majors, this course may be used only as Free Elective.
B. Since students are starting to petition for multiple associate degrees, the Academic Affairs Council
recommends the following catalog policy modeled after the current policy for multiple bachelor’s
A student may become a candidate for a second or subsequent associate degree when
he or she has completed at least nine credit hours of additional Florida Tech work beyond the
requirements of a single associate degree in the major requiring the higher number of credits
and all requirements listed for both degree programs.
Next meeting: Friday, April 20, 2012 @ 8:00 am in F.W. Olin Physical Sciences 2nd floor conference room.
Agenda items are due by Friday, April 13, 2012. We will have a final 2011-12 meeting on April 27th IF