Our next UGCC meeting is scheduled for 11:00 AM Monday, May 21, 2007 in the 2nd floor conference room of the Physical Sciences Building. All documents in support of these requests can be located at this URL http://www.fit.edu/ugcc/ in the May, 2007 folder. There is no consent agenda. AGENDA – 5/21/2007 1. Provost Office – Proposing New Degree Program.doc – Procedure / outline provided by Dr. Bonhomme for committee discussion. 2. College of Psychology & Liberal Arts (PSYCH): (a) new course PSY 3542 - Survey of I/O Psychology [see PSY3452.pdf] (b) new course PSF 4106 - Crisis & Conflict Resolution [see PSF4106] (c) new course PSF 4107 - Courtroom Psychology [see PSF4107] 3. College of Science – Item failed and carried forward from 5/4/07 – see new agenda items (a) new courses in support of new programs: (2) EDS 1021 General Physical Science [see EDS1021.v2.pdf] (3) EDS 1022 General Biological Science [see EDS1022.v2.pdf] 4. College of Psychology & Liberal Arts (HUM): (a) new course HUM 1024 Religions of World I [see HUM1024.pdf] (b) new course HUM 1025 Religions of World II [see HUM1025.pdf] (c) new course HUM 2226 Survey of World Literature 2 [see HUM2226.pdf] (d) new course HUM 2233 Modern Middle East [see HUM2233.pdf] (e) new course SOC 1102 Global Perspective [see SOC1102.pdf] 5. Chair Replacement 6. Open Items to be carried forward for future approval as courses and forms are signed off: University College: (a) new program Accounting (b) new program Business Admin - [AA degree] (c) new program Business Admin:Accounting (d) new program Business Admin:Health Care Management (e) new program Business Admin:Management (f) new program Business Admin:Marketing (g) new program Computer Information Systems (h) new program Human Resource Management - [Minor] (i) new program Business Admin:CIS [see Alliance Program Lists.xls] College of Psychology and Liberal Arts: (k) new program Criminal Justice [see BACJ.xls] Also: see expanded core.xls Respectfully submitted, Barbara Pierce Barbara G. Pierce, Ph.D., CPA Associate Dean & Associate Professor of Accounting College of Business Room 105-A Florida Institute of Technology 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 321.674.7392; fax: 321.674.8896; email: bpierce@fit.edu; webpage: http://my.fit.edu/~bpierce