FIT Traveler's User Guide

Florida Institute of Technology/FICURMA
SafeTravel Program
and the
Aon WorldAware Solutions Program
Version Updated – 1st May 2013
ABOUT THE SAFETRAVEL PROGRAM .................................................................................. 3
What is the Florida Institute of Technology SafeTravel Program? ............................................... 3
What is the Aon WorldAware Program? ....................................................................................... 3
What is the Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC)? ....................................................... 3
Why do we need a program like the SaveTravel Program? .......................................................... 3
How does the SafeTravel Program work? ..................................................................................... 4
What’s different about the high risk (Level 4 and Level 5) destinations? .................................... 4
How does a traveler contact the Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC) while they are
traveling? ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Can Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC) stop a planned trip? .................................... 4
HOW TO ENTER AN INTERNATIONAL TRIP........................................................................ 5
ADDING A LEVEL 1, 2 OR 3 TRIP ............................................................................................. 6
CONSOLE ........................................................................................................................................ 7
LOGGING OFF RISK CONSOLE ................................................................................................... 9
VIEWING YOUR PROFILE RECORD ......................................................................................... 10
WORLDAWARE TAB ................................................................................................................... 11
ADDING A LEVEL 4 OR 5 TRIP .................................................................................................. 11
AUTHORIZED TRIPS .................................................................................................................. 13
EMAILING A TRIP DETAIL RECORD ....................................................................................... 13
QUICK SEARCH YOUR TRIPS.................................................................................................... 15
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
Florida Institute of Technology, in conjunction with FICURMA – your institution’s insurance
company, has entered into an agreement with Aon WorldAware Solutions to provide you with
help if emergency or problem occurs while you are traveling abroad. The following are some
frequently asked questions that will help explain the SafeTravel Program.
What is the Florida Institute of Technology SafeTravel Program?
The SafeTravel Program is Florida Institute of Technology’s response to providing a
reasonable and effective standard of care for its faculty, staff and students when they travel
internationally. It consists of an informational website (WorldAware), a web based training
program, a crisis management center that is engaged 24/7, a group international health and
accident policy, and a ability to respond to extra ordinary situations.
What is the Aon WorldAware Program?
This is a web-based program that provides information to our international travelers about the
risk profile of the countries that they will be visiting and studying in by using the website
WorldAware. It is backed by a contract with Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC)
which provides risk assessment services and crisis management expertise in the event that a
member may need assistance while traveling. That service also administers your Florida
Institute of Technology’s international insurance programs.
What is the Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC)?
This is a professionally staffed center in Chicago, IL, USA, that constantly monitors the risk
profiles of countries and makes that information available to its clients. It is also staffed with
professionals that can advise travelers and come to their assistance if their circumstances
warrant intervention. This center also acts as an intermediary between our members’ staff
and the carriers that provide our various international insurance programs. Florida Institute
of Technology, through FICURMA, has a contract with this organization and center which
provides the faculty, staff and students of Florida Institute of Technology with a unique
international telephone number and e-mail address with which to contact the center. This
unique number identifies the caller as a covered member of Florida Institute of Technology’s
SafeTravel Program. This allows the center to properly address the concerns of our
Why do we need a program like the SaveTravel Program?
Unfortunately, many countries in the world have become less safe places to travel, especially
for North Americans that may be unfamiliar with the local customs and conditions of these
countries. Additionally, the “Standard of Care” expected of universities, colleges and schools
has risen to unprecedented heights as a result of recent natural and man-made events which
places increased responsibilities on our members to inform their travelers of the risks
associated with travel and to do what may be necessary to safe-guard these travelers.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
How does the SafeTravel Program work?
Florida Institute of Technology encourages its students, staff and faculty to use its travel web
site to enter information about an
upcoming international trip. This site contains a link to the WorldAware website to inquire
about the current cultural, social, environmental and risk profiles of countries around the
world. In addition to basic information, the WorldAware website provides a rating of the risk
country’s risk profile (from 1 to 5) that can be used to develop specific travel plans and or
From this information the traveler can make informed decisions about their travel plans and
their institutions can participate in the planning of institutionally sponsored trips. Once the
traveler’s plans are developed, the traveler can rate the planned travel’s risk profile using the
WorldAware site and notify their institution of their plans.
Florida Institute of Technology’s travel policies may require that the traveler obtain additional
training and/or information about their itinerary from an additional on-line resource (for risky
destinations) or proceed with their travel according to institutional policies regarding
international travel authority and reimbursement.
What’s different about the high risk (Level 4 and Level 5) destinations?
In addition to the additional on-line training programs, the Aon WorldAware Operations
Center (AWOC) will review the trip and advise the traveler and Florida Institute of Technology
about any specific travel related issues that may affect the safety of the traveler. This can
include natural and manmade hazards, political unrest, security issues, etc. AWOC will have
the traveler’s supplied email and telephone contact information (from the Travel Management
System) and may contact the traveler with any relevant information that can affect the
traveler’s safety. In extreme instances, additional services may be provided by the institution
and AWOC, such as suggestions to use periodic voice or electronic contact to maintain
communication with the traveler.
How does a traveler contact the Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC)
while they are traveling?
In the event that traveler needs assistance, AWOC is available by telephone (24/7/365) with a
unique telephone number that Florida Institute of Technology’s travel manager will supply you
with before your trip begins. There is also an e-mail address: (use
your email address that you have supplied with your travel profile) to communicate directly
with AWOC. If the nature of the emergency requires additional support, AWOC may also
involve a support person from Florida Institute of Technology. Most routine situations, such
as a lost passport, will be dealt with directly by the AWOC staff.
Can Aon WorldAware Operations Center (AWOC) stop a planned trip?
No, this service is being provided to assist the traveler and the institution with safe travel. In
the event of a planned trip to an extremely risky destination, the AWOC staff will advise the
traveler and the institution about the issues involved with the trip and may also suggest some
precautions that could improve the risk profile of the trip. The decision to travel continues to
rest with the traveler and the Florida Institute of Technology.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
Begin by going to the following website and follow the instructions:
This website will provide you with a link to the WorldAware website to help you determine the
risk level of the country your will be traveling to. Follow the instructions on this website to help
determine the risk rating of the country being traveled to and enter your trip details.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
1. Click on Florida Institute of Technology’s logo.
2. View the first of three pages with your Institution’s name and unique phone number.
3. Select the next button which is the right facing orange arrow and fill out your trip
4. Review your travel summary, enter the anti-spam keyword and select the disc
icon to save and submit your trip.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
When traveling to a level 4 or 5 country, you must log into the TMS to enter your travel data
along with specific information about your trip.
Prior to logging onto Risk Console you will need a user id and password. To obtain your user
id and password, click on the link provided in the section of the FICURMA SafeTravel website
( to generate an email to
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
When your email is received by AWOC, your user id and temporary password will be sent via
email and will look like this:
To access the TMS you need to log onto Risk Console at
A pop up page will show:
Enter the user name and temporary password provided in the email from AWOC.
On your first log in you will be shown the following agreement:
Read and then select the Agree option to proceed.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
Enter your new password. Your password should contain an upper and lower case letter; a
number or a symbol and should be a minimum of 8 characters.
TMS User Guide
TMS User
When you log onto Risk Console you will see the above.
Read and understand both the Instructional and User Guide documents.
When you want to log off Risk Console select Log Off from the front
Caution: by only closing the window you are not automatically logged
out of Risk Console.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
In the traveler profile section select your name
The sections that are shown on this page are:
Personal details such as contact details, next of kin details and alternate next
of kin
Passport details
Personal details, such as duress questions, details of physical appearance
It’s important that you complete these details. The details on this page will be critical in
case of an event. Please ensure that these are accurate.
Once you have made any amendments to this record select the save button.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
1. The WorldAware tab allows you to search for your country’s risk rating.
2. Select the Destination Speed Dial and filter the country name to view its risk rating and
the Traveler’s Situation Brief.
3. When travelling to countries with risk ratings 1-3 you may submit your trip by utilizing the
short form HTML site through your Organization’s designated safe travel webpage.
4. If travelling to a level 4 or 5 country, you must submit your trip through the Travel
Management System as described below
5. Logging trips in different ways based on country risk ratings defaults to using the
HTML site for 1-3 travels and the TMS for 4 &5 travels. If your Organization has
adopted custom measures you may have to log your trips differently.
If you are having trouble viewing the WorldAware tab, select the Custom Content button in
the top left-hand corner then refresh your WorldAware tab via the browser refresh button.
1. Add a trip to a level 4 or 5 country by selecting Add Trip Details from the Traveler
Console Tab.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
2. A new window will be opened; this is where you enter details of your trip.
3. In the client/traveler section input your email address from the drop-down menu. All
records with drop-down menus can be tabbed into the drop-down field by typing at
least three letters of the value desired then pressing the tab or the enter key.
4. The fields that are displayed in yellow or grey will be pre-populated or
completed on save of the record.
5. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory fields.
Fields that are within grids can be used either by using the arrows and scrolling
through the options or you can enter part of the name and press enter.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
You do not need to complete the trip in one session; you can save the trip details as
Provisional and return to the form at a later date.
It is possible to re-open the saved trip via the all trip details section. The trip detail
can also be accessed via the quick search that is on your front Risk Console screen.
Once you have completed your trip details please ensure that your trip status is
confirmed, you submit your trip for review and you have agreed to the Safe Travel
Policy wording. Then save your trip detail with the disc icon in the upper left hand
Once you have submitted a trip, it will be reviewed by the WorldAware Operations
team and your Risk Manager. Level 4 and 5 trips will need to be risk assessed by the
Operations Center then approved by your Organizations Risk Manager.
You will receive an email that confirms if your trip has been authorized, or denied.
To view your trip you can log into Risk Console and view the Risk Manager comments and
the trip status.
To send your trip details, it must first be saved, then click on the letter icon at
the top of the trip details page.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
Fill out the first tab like any other email client with the recipient’s address, a
subject line and a message body. The trip details will arrive as an attachment.
3. In the second tab “Preview” you may edit what information gets sent by
selecting the Edit Page button and de-selecting the check boxes next to the
correlating fields.
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012
4. When finished select Done, then send the email by selecting the Send
button in the bottom right hand corner.
1. On the front screen of Risk Console select Quick Search
The drop downs have been designed to allow you to conduct searches based
on key fields contained on the trip record.
Once you have entered your search criteria, select run
The results will be returned in a new window
To select the trip you want to view, click on the trip detail
At the bottom right corner of the results window is an orange downward arrow
this arrows you download the data as a csv file
orange arrow
allows you to
download data
as a csv file
Version Updated – 12th September, 2012