ICC Report for Retreat June 2013

Internationalizing the Campus
Committee (ICC)
“The process of integrating an international/intercultural
dimension into the teaching, research, and service functions of
the institution” (Knight, 1994)
Mary Beth Kenkel, PhD, CoPLA, Chairperson
Randall Alford, PhD, Student Affairs
Monica Baloga, PhD, Graduate Programs
Judith Brooke, ISSS/Enrollment Management
Ali Faisal, Advancement
William Gabrenya, PhD, CoPLA
Korhan Oyman, PhD, CoA
Henry Perez, PhD, CoB
Muzaffar Shaikh, PhD, CoE
Wes Sumner, Marketing & Communications
Kurt Winkelmann, PhD, CoS
Mischka Maxwell, Administrative support (Aug - Feb)
Viviana Iduate, Administrative support (Feb - May)
2009 -10:
◦ Comprehensive audit of the campus’ internationalization efforts
◦ Final Report with 16 recommendations
2010 -11:
◦ Communication: international content in Campus Observer and Florida Tech
Today; creation of “international minute” and interviews for WFIT-FM
◦ Development: Concept Paper for establishing a Center for Global Engagement
◦ Academic: Developed list of global competencies expected of all students and
infused more courses with international content
2011 - 12
◦ Internationalization efforts publicized to a broader constituency - campus
groups, alumni, applicants, and the community
◦ Internationalization Survey of campus faculty, staff, and students
◦ Development of more study-abroad experiences
Internationalization focus has accelerated
◦ 93% doctoral institutions; 84% master’s, 78% baccalaureate
Development of specific global student learning outcomes at 55% of institutions
Faculty with international experience is more common, yet not reflected in
promotion and tenure policies (only 8%)
98% of doctoral institutions administer own study-abroad program. More
institutions providing scholarships for education abroad.
60% of institutions provide scholarship or financial aid for international students
28% require undergraduate students to take courses on global trends/issues
Decreasing percentage of institutions with an undergraduate foreign language
requirement (37%)
27% of institutions have collaborative programs with oversea partners (joint
degree, dual-degree, certificate programs)
In 2011, 43 institutions opened international branch campuses
Institute faculty and staff training on cross-cultural/global competencies
Provide cross-cultural training to both domestic and international students
Encourage more study abroad experiences and measure student learning outcomes
Continue including international content in university communications
Assist with capital campaign for a Center for Global Engagement
Faculty luncheon/discussion
group on cultural issues at
◦ 22 attended.
◦ Good start
◦ Faculty wanted more specific
Webinars through ISSS:
Dealing with Chinese students
in the classroom. 15 attended
Half-day cross cultural
competence training
◦ 17 attended
◦ Conducted by FIT’s Institute of
Cross-cultural Management
◦ Found it useful
◦ Increased understanding
Cultural Awareness Course
Study Abroad
Training for Resident Assistants
Living and Learning Community
International Awareness Day
◦ 3 credit hrs. elective for 2013-14
◦ Focuses on Global student learning outcomes
◦ 3 programs (Oxford U, Communication master’s, Business)
◦ Instituting the measurement of student learning outcomes
◦ 2 hours in the fall training
◦ Student-initiated and organized, 7 countries represented
◦ Involved over 100 students at Columbia Village
Inclusion of international articles/content in
◦ Florida Tech Today – 3x/year
◦ Campus newsletter – 1x/month
◦ WFIT spotlights and stories
Development of the Did you Know project
◦ Collaboration of students in Drs. Perez and Paige’s classes
◦ To be launched in 2012-13
Promoting a Center for Global Engagement and related
staffing as campaign priorities
Developing an International Alumni survey
◦ Experiences as international students
◦ Interest in promoting internationalization on campus
◦ Interest in becoming more involved
◦ Continue the faculty and staff
 2 trainings per year for each group
 Required funding
◦ Promote viewing of new and
acquired webinars on working with
international students
◦ Cultural Ombudsman
Faculty & Staff Training
◦ Add opportunities for domestic
and international students to
develop cultural competencies
 RAs training in Fall 2013
 Cultural Awareness course in Spring
 Increase international content in
courses and research experiences
 Launch the Do You Know segments
through multiple media
Student Education
◦ Measure learning outcomes
from study abroad experiences
and use results to enhance
acquisition of cultural
◦ Develop an International
Living/Learning Community in
a residence hall by Fall 2014
Experiential Learning
◦ Focus next QEP on requiring
all students to attain cross
cultural competencies
 To be unique, we might want to
add leadership skill
 Explore a Global Passport as a
vehicle for accomplishing this
Cultural Competencies
Demonstrates knowledge of global issues, processes, trends
and systems
Understands his/her culture in global and comparative context
Uses knowledge, diverse cultural frames of reference, and
alternate perspectives to think critically and solve problems
Adapts his/her behavior to interact effectively with those who
are different
Is willing to learn from others who are culturally different
from him/her
Accepts cultural differences and tolerates cultural ambiguity
◦ Continue the inclusion of
international and cultural
content in FIT publications and
◦ Launch the Do You Know
segments through multiple
◦ Include a Center for Global
Engagement as a priority
project in the comprehensive
 Make sure funding for sufficient
staff is included
 Alumni survey may provide
ideas and/or donors
Internationalization at Florida Tech
as Preparation for Life Beyond