Health syllabus

Mrs. May
We believe that the responsibility of positive values and
attitudes belongs to the family. However our schools have
the supplementary role of providing students with
information to make well-informed decisions. It is our
intention to conduct accurate, current and informative
lessons free from bias in a sensitive manner. Our aim is
to increase self-esteem and knowledge. Students often make
poor health and behavioral decisions, as a result of
ignorance, apathy, and poor self-concept. We believe every
student has value, talents, and unique personality traits.
Once students realize their value, they are more apt to
protect their health.
This Health course is based on the NYS Educational
Standards. One goal of this course is to provide students
with the understanding and skills that are necessary to
support and increase their wellness. Health literacy is a
major objective because it promotes life-long learning and
advocacy. The Health skills include:
 Communication
 Decision-Making
 Planning and Goal Setting
 Self Management
 Stress Management
 Advocacy
In this class you will learn about the following topics:
 Wellness
 Suicide/ Death and Dying
 Stress
 Healthy Emotions
 Mental and Emotional Disorders
 Personality Development
 Violence Prevention
 Effective Communication
 Weight Control
 Eating Disorders
 Nutrition
 Drugs/ Tobacco/ Alcohol
 Infectious and Non-infectious Disease
Class Work/ Homework – 50%
This may include presentations, work sheets, or essays
Tests – 30%
Most of the units will have a test
Quizzes – 20%
These may be announced or “pop”
You may have more than one quiz during a unit
There will be a cumulative final exam at the
end of this course. Your final grade is
based on:
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, and the Final Exam averaged
If you are absent, you must make up any work
missed. It is YOUR responsibility to check
with me to see what you have missed.
Late assignments will be penalized 10 points
a week with the exception of medical or
legal excuses as described in the student