THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LIFE SKILL PROGRAM IN LABORATORY YUNIOR HIGH ACHOOL OF UPI AgusNursalim Art and Education Program FPBS Indonesia University OfEdocation ABSTRACT The study, entitled " The Implementation of Life Skill Development Program in SMP Lab School “aims to: (1) identify characteristics of the students; (2) The investigate how life skill components are covered in the implementation of the life skill development program in Arts subjects; and (3) find out how far the implementation was conducted. This is a descriptive study describing the characteristics of the students and the life skills components executed in the Art subjects and the implementation. Data were analyzed through a case method involving teaching and learning processes in the Art subjects related to 3 components: personal, social, and vocational skills.The findings are as follows: first, most students had good personal skills (89%) because they had high self-awareness in fulfilling all the tasks on time with great achievements. Moreover, they students also showed their interests and enthusiasm in doing their tasks. In developing their personal skills, they used several alternative media to accomplish the tasks although such media were still limited. Second, in term of social skills development, the students got good result since they can collaborate either to the teachers or among the students well. It is seen from their high motivation and participation in doing the tasks in group. They claimed that group work eased them to work together, help and tolerate each other, and tighten their relationships. Third, almost a half number of the respondents (58%) still had low vocational skills because they did not have adequate skills, especially in the Construction Drawing due to how to use the tools, understand the materials and their limited knowledge. Overall, the students have good characteristics which can be seen from their development of the life skill components although the development of vocational skill is not as good as the other two components (personal and social skills). Keywords: implementation, life skill, development, program that examines the problem.The concept of the life skillsis one of the concepts included in the curriculum in 2004, especially for junior high school level. The concept of life skills have a broader scope than the skills of vocational or skills to work. Department of Secondary Education (2002) gives an overview of the basic concepts of life skills or life skills by sorting out these skills into two main focuses: 1) Life skills that are generic (generic life skills), which includes personal skills and social skills. Personal skills will include the skills of selfawareness or understanding the self (selfawareness) and skills of thinking, while social skills include communication skills and skill work together (collaboration skills). 2) Specific life skills (specific life skills), the ability to work or face certain circumstances, which include academic skills or intellectual skills and vocational skills. skills to formulate hypotheses (constructing hypotheses) and skills to design and carry out research (designing and implanting a research). Vocational skills relevant to the field work more then require motoric skills. Introduction The study, entitled Implementation of Life Skill Development Program in Junior High School UPI Lab school aims to: identify the characteristics of junior high School Students of Lab school in Indonesia University of Educationa; know how the components in the life skills program planning lessons outlined in the School of Fine Arts and explore the extent of implementation of the life skills program subjects in the Arts SMP Lab School. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach discribing the characteristic group, event or phenomenon. This method was applied to measure three things, namely (1) the existence and distribution of a variety of behaviors or characteristics of naturaloccurance, (2) the frequent occurrence, (3) the relationship as well as the magnitude of the relationships that may exist among characteristics, behaviors, events, or concerning phenomena(Alwasilah, 2002:151). Associated with the scope and limitations of the study, this research study was classified as macro to discuss the main aspects of life skill development program in junior Lab School.In contrast, the micro findings aimed at discussing the purpose of reviewing them which will support the study of the above macro. In addition, the method used to discussrelatively rapid assessement method Motreover, the Department of Education (2002) outlines the concept of life skills education 1 into five sectios: personal skills including selfknowledge skills (self-awareness), thinking skills, social skills, academic skills, Vocational skills. The ability to recognize oneself (selfawareness) include : (1) appreciation of ourselves as a creature of God Almighty, community members and citizens, and (2) recognize and appreciate strengths and weaknesses, as well as making it as capital in improving themselves as individuals who are beneficial for himself and their environment. 3. Skills of thinking include : a. Skills to explore and discover information (information searching), b. Information processing and decision making skills, c. Creative problem solving skill 4.Social or interpersonal skills (social skills) include (a) communication skills with empathy, and (b) work skills (collaboration skills). Empathy, understanding and attitude of the art two-way communication, it should be emphasized because it is meant to communicate not only the message, but the content and the arrival of a message is accompanied with a good impression, would foster harmonious relationships. 5. Academic skills, often also referred to as the ability of scientific thinking (scientific method) include, among others: (a) identification of variables, (b) formulate hypotheses, and (c) conduct research. The proposed research seeks to explore the various possibilities of the development of life skill on students. This study is expected to be useful for the study of the general curriculum, particularly, this study also expected to have contributed to the teaching of art education. it should be able to pick and choose parts that are important as a foundation. a) Personal skills (personal skills) which includes self-knowledge skills (selfawareness) Standards of personal skills (personality) is a must-have skills of students so thatthey are steady, stable, wise, and dignified in attitude. Thus, students who have personal skills, he is noble and can be an example to the environment and berahklak noble. b) Social skills Social skills in the field of art intended as the ability to learn to interact andcommunicate effectively with fellow students, teachers and parents. These skills can be seen from the students' skill in good communication during the learning process in the classroom, school, and outside school. To that end, students who have good social skills which have two characteristics, namely empathy, and collaboration skills that students are expected to have the communication skills. c) Vocational Skills (Vocational Skill) Vocational skills is a skill associated with expertise skills. This skill requires students to have sufficient knowledge about something so they can apply them in real life that relate to the need to resolve problems in the community. Therefore, students who have vocational skills, they tend to be more resilient and survived in life because they have a particular skill that can bring in sufficient revenue for purpose in his life. 2. Learning Strategies Nowadays, a new paradigm in learning produces a variety of instructional strategies that teachers can use, but there is no single recipe learning strategies that can be effective for all types of learning. Learning strategies is an interaction between the methods, media, time with the learning objectives and the type and sequence of learning materials. The selected strategy should not be ignoring peotensi creative, because learning is basically a process of human creativity. There are ten factors that should be considered in developing learning strategies as: 1) Learning Objectives: applied learning strategies with consideration, any kind of learning goals require different learning strategies. 2) Power of; Are teachers already have the knowledge and skills necessary to apply learning strategies chosen or announced A. Basic Theory Some concepts of life skill are discussed as the following: 1. The concept of Life Skills a.As part of the Life Skills Based Education and Community Broad Based Education Advances in technology and communications have unusual irreversible and pervasive in all aspects of life. These circumstances resulted in knowledge so abundant and so easily obtained through access to advanced media. The rapid changes due to faster obsolescence of knowledge and current knowledge is not necessarily relevant to the life to come. Therefore, 2 3) Students; how much students, how students' characteristics and prior knowledge? Whether the student will be able to learn to use learning strategies chosen 4) Context (learning environment) Is the learning environment allows astrategi selected learning? Is learning outcomes willbe optimally beneficial to the learning environment withuse learning strategies selected? 5). Transfer of learning, Is the selected learning strategies to ensure that actualtransfer of learning? How learning strategiesthat assure the occurrence of an optimal transfer of learning? 6). Teaching materials,Whether the material is abstract or concrete? Howdegree of difficulty and complexity of the materials to becontrolled and competencies to be achieved? 7). Characteristics of learning techniques,Is suitable learning techniques and can be performedfor the chosen strategy?How difficult the technique to be applied? Howmuch time it takes to apply the technique? 8).Diversity,Is learning already considering strategiesdiversity of students in learning?Whether the use a variety of learning techniques in strategyChosen? 9) Facilities and infrastructureIs the cost required for implementation of the strategy learning enough realistic? Is the environment, meansand adequate infrastructure available for adoptioninstructional strategies chosen? 10). Time, Is learning strategies chosen to meettime frame provided allocations? For subjects in the fields of art practice, required a clear benchmarks and objective, so that a given value truly reflects its competence. While the achievement of course to see a tiered (hierarchical) measurement techniques should be used to ask questions clearly expected levels of competence. Every art requires measurement tools vary according to the nature of the measured areas of competence. But in general every field of art has three focus measurement, namely; idea, shape, and appearance. Variety of measuring instruments and measurement criteria that can be used in a holistic assessment system in accordance with the characteristics of each field of art that valid and reliable results. Thus the final results obtained from the assessment process is a value that describes the holistic achievement of competence in the field of art third measurement focus. B. Finding Initial findings from the observation of the research team concluded that the implementation of the life skills program as described / announced by the General Secondary Education (DSE) has not been fully implemented in the Junior High School (SMP Lab School UPI). Of the things that have been known to the researchers took the initiative to conduct research on the implementation of life skill development program with in two ways: Data collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Interviews were conducted to informants who have been determined. Results were organized prior to the interview then member check with the informant. Interview results are grouped according to the formulation of the problem. The first way is to be taken to gather information and collect data as much as possible through school documentation, the works of existing students, interviews with teachers, principals, vice-principals and third grade students. The second way is pursued by trial data collection on students of class VII, VIII and IX classes with as many as 62 students were randomly selected. That is piloting a method of learning Collective painting (drawing groups) to determine the level of success in the implementation of the life skills program. Collective painting method is the method used to determine student proficiency in personal skills, social skills, communication skills and collaboration skills that are generic (generic life skills). Unless it's with a collective painting can also be used to measure the academic skills and vocational skills that are more specific life skill is the capacity to confront certain jobs that require more motor skills.Measurements were performed by distributing questionnaires to students who have completed 62 test trials run Meanwhile, for organizing learning the art of media and technology required in accordance with the competencies to be achieved, as well as a variety of instructional strategies used. For that there are many choices of media technologies that can be used in the teaching of art. 3. Evaluation of Learning Outcomes Measurement and assessment of learning outcomes are defined competence as learning objectives. Measurement and assessment techniques chosen should be appropriate to the nature and characteristics of these competencies, namely the acquisition of knowledge, development of cognitive skills, psychomotor skills development, problem solving,skill development, and behavior change.:Classification of measurement techniques for each type of competence is not absolute, because it depends on the design of the measurement technique. To produce students who are competent and potentially, need to work on students' initial competence equation since they are selected. 3 painting and joined collective method with evaluation of his work. From the analysis of documentation, observation, interviews and the results of tests and questionnaires can be seen the results of the implementation of life skill development program in the sense of knowing the characteristics of SMP Lab School students UPI, personal skills, social skills, academic skills and vocational skills of students. 2) Good Opinions from the students about the working group. 3) Students' understanding of the task of the teacher 4) Attractive learning materials 5) Easy and interesting assighment 6) Collaborative learning was found during the learning process b.Basic Conceptsof SocialSkill: to identifycommunicationskillsand collaborationskillsamongstudents 1) Students have good friendships in class 2) Good conversation among the class members 3) Cooperative learnings in group 4) Good attitude during working 5) Insufficient media and facilities 6) The students like Fine Arts 7) All students want to be civil servants after the graduation 1. The Characteristics of Yunior high school student of UPI Characteristics of SMP Lab School Students are aged between 11-15 years. Aged 11-15 years were entered adolescence. Adolescence in Indonesian society called a dozen times a year. According Sinolungan (2001: 207) adolescence takes about 11-17 years for women, while for men aged 13-19 years. In educational institutions and their communities in the form of social relationships of friendship with peers both men and women, began to explore and experiment in a relationship of love and trying to convey the wishes / messages directly, symbol sympathetic motion or form of writing. Than adolescents aged 11 or 12 years, adolescents aged 14 and 15 years are better able to withstand and self-control, they are more emotionally stable and have a more complex understanding of self and well-established, and has a sense of freedom that used more responsibly. Their adaptability to the environment have also put themselves in a more solidary behavior. This period is a determination that allows a teacher to know who belongs to the category of talented and who is not.Junior high school students are involved in the process of public culture, because socially they are attracted to adult activities and aware of herself in the midst of society. Therefore art education in secondary schools should be useful for the public interest. That statement means that the foundation of art education in secondary schools should be in line with the interests of individuals in the community so that everyone can benefit from art activities either actively (as actors and creators of art) and passive (as apresiasotor). 2. c. Basic Conceptsof Vocational Skills; to identify skills associated with motor skills 1) Most students like the theme or the objects of painting 2) Giving students the freedom to choose the media / equipment / materials 3) Most students can’t draw Projection 4) Most student do not have knowledge on Projection Drawing and geometric drawing 5) The students are not able to use tools for drawing and construcitontrekpen. 6) The student practice using waste paper. 7) The students are familiar with the introduction of materials, type of clay for job skills 8) They are interested dooing assignments to create three-dimensional works of clay 9) Most students are interested in the Fine Art Subject. C. Conclusion Based on the results analisisis the data, findings, and discussion on the implementation of life skills in junior high school UPI Lab, can be summarized as follows: Implementation of life skills in the Arts subjects, particularly Fine Arts is running well. This can be seen from teaching and learning in schools. a, In acquiring life skills, there are three components of the focus in the implementation of the program, namely: personal skills, social skills, and vocational skills in the field of fine arts. b. Personal skills gained from the students life skills development program showed a FindingsImplementationLifeSkillDevelopme ntPrograminJuniorLabSchoolof Indonesia University of Education a.Basic Concepts ofPersonalSkill, toidentify theskillsof selfawarenessandthinkingskillsstudents 1) Teachers determine the type of the task group will be given 90.32% of respondents answered; task most creative skills given by the teacher. 4 high level. It means that most of the student to obtain the well and merekla have high awareness high. This indicator can be seen from the positive response of the students to the tasks assigned by the teacher. The students felt that any assignment given by the teacher of art interesting and in accordance with the teaching materials so that they can finish well and on time. c. Most students also gain high social skills because they have good communication competence. With communication skills like these students have a sense of empathy and cooperation against friends in school, teachers, and the community. These skills can be seen from the high motivation and participation of the students in group work and assignments. According to him, with tasks and group work, they can share knowledge and experience in addition to fostering tolerance and good relations among friends. d. Almost more than half of respondents (58%) do not have adequate vocational skills because they do not have the expertise that can be applied in everyday life. It can be seen from the low level of student ability in drawing and perspective projection as well as recognize and use of materials and materials in the field of fine arts. e. In teaching, the teacher has given the materials that support the development oflifeskills in the field of fine arts, although not to be maximized yet. D. Recommendation After conducting this research, the author seems to have a number of recommendations, including: Implementation of life skill development program in the field of art is a great program so that all components involved with the program must be caring and helpful. Therefore, the contribution and participation of all parties are expected to support the smooth running of the program. Because Art teacher at the Lab School junior who is not a teacher of art education background, they have to be well-trained. Implementation of life skill programs need long and continuous process so that the time allowed for this program should be enough, while Art subjects seem to still be the subject of a minor due within one week only allocated time of 2 hours should be divided into several different areas of the arts, including art dance, music, drama and theater arts. 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AgusNursalim, MT. Jl. Sukawangi No. 33 RT 02/ RW 02 Cihideung Bandung Jawa Barat DosenPadaJurusanPendidiknSeniRupa FPBS UPI 022 70831016/085724209521 5 Graduated 1989 : Interior Design UNS Field Job 1987 : Widagdo& Co., Interior Design Studio in Bandung. 1989- 1990 : PT NATA PILAR PUSAKA JakartaAs Interior designer 1990-1992 :PT HOEMAR TJOKRODIATMO Interior Consultance as Interior Designer. 1993-until now : Civil Servent 2002-2005 Study at: Programe Magister Of Architektur Department ITB.. Subyect: Geometrics drawing, Constructif drawing, Shape drawingand Indonesia Ornamentic 6