CHEM 312 Name:___________________________ Quiz 1 Assigned: 12 September 2013 Prepare to discuss in class on 24 September 2013 The test is take-home. Please feel free to contact me via the blog with questions Lecture 1 (Introduction, Chart of the Nuclides), and Lecture 2 (Nuclear Properties) Use the chart of the nuclides, table of the isotopes, and/or data from the web links from lecture 1 to answer the following questions. 1. (5 Points) Provide a route for the production of 238Pu? 5 point bonus: What is the use of this isotope? Give an example of where it has been used. 2. (5 Points) Below is a mass parabola from the table of the isotopes for A=40. Use this figure to show which isotopes of A=40 are stable? 1 3. (15 Points) Identify the daughter and the decay mode for the following isotopes Parent isotope 210 Po Decay mode Daughter Isotope 196 Pb 204 Bi 222 At 99m Tc 99 Tc 14 C 239 261 Pu Rf 2 4. (5 Points) Provide the number of naturally occurring isotopes for the elements below. This includes long lived radioactive isotopes. Element Re Number of Stable Isotopes V K La Sn Sb In H Pm Lr 5. (5 Points) Provide the spin and parity of the following isotopes Isotope 242mAm Spin Parity 239Pu 240Pu 119mSn 65Ni 99Tc 242Am 179mHf 3 (10 Points) Provide the cumulative fission yields for the A isobars from 233U, 235U, and 239Pu. 6. A 233U 235U 239Pu 116 95 72 160 99 (10 Points) Provide the decay constants (in s-1) for the following isotopes 7. Isotope 50 Ca (s-1) 81 Zn 95 Zr 137 Cs 151 Sm 241 Am 242 Pu 4 8. (5 Points) List the 4 stable odd-odd isotopes 9. (15 Points) Determine the Q value for the following reactions Reaction or decay Alpha decay of 239Pu Q value (MeV) 45 Sc + 4He5H+44Ti decay of 137Cs n+ 235U232Th+α n+ 235U236U EC of 192Hg Formation of stable Au from bombarding 208Pb with a proton 5 10. (10 Points) Calculate the mass of 1 mL of nuclear matter. Base the calculation on an 56Fe nucleus, with ro = 1.3 fm to determine the radius of 56Fe. 11. (5 Points) Please provide the gamma decay intensities for the data below Isotope 46 Sc Gamma Energy (keV) 1120.5 103 497.1 198 411.8 241 59.1 152 121.8 152 1408.0 152 344.3 Ru Au Am Eu Eu Eu % 6 12. (10 Points) What is nuclear skin thickness? How can one measure nuclear radii? 7