Preparing for April 15th Judging presented by Nancy Goodman from Citibank

Nancy Goodman, Pace MBA
Citibank VP, retired
Goal of this Presentation
■ To prepare you for the April 15 Judging process
■ Help you make your presentations great!
■ Two sets of judges:
– Floor judges (demonstration)
– Presentation judges (presentation)
■ Floor Judging
– Chance to demonstrate your app on mobile
equipment when judges and guests come
around to your table.
1. Introduce Team
2. Provide overview of what app does;
3. Demonstrate App
■ Floor Judging: Things to consider
– Internet availability may be limited
– Load the app on more than one device for back
up and easy viewing
– Battery life!
■ Two sets of judges:
– Floor judges (demonstration)
– Presentation judges (presentation)
■ You will have 3 minutes to make a presentation to
the Presentation Judges
■ Presentation Judges want to see a mock up of your
app and a demonstration of how your app works.
– This can be done using digital and non digital
materials (Power point, or flip charts,
handouts, storyboards)
■ Keep in mind that you will be on a platform at some
distance from the panel
Making the most of your 3
■ Presentation Guidelines:
– Power point preferred;
– About 7 slides not counting demo
– Suggest one speaker
Making the most of your 3
1. Intro Slide should have team/school
name/team member names/bios
2. Next slide should include
■ Description of Client/User
■ What the app is designed to do; what
benefit it provides; what problem it solves
3. Next slide: Features of the App
Making the most of your 3
4. Provide a walk through of the App using a
mock up of some kind: Screen shots, wire
frame, story board, handouts, posters, etc.
Making the most of your 3
5. Why your app is better or different than what’s
out there today
6. Summarize and Recap your presentation
7. Take questions and thank judges (2 minutes)
Nancy’s Quick Demo
“Intro Slide”
Our Team: “Pace Grads”
Nancy Goodman
Mary Tan
Sharon Des Jarlais
Coach: Dr. Jeanne Coppola
“Features of App, Client or
User profile”
The app we designed is for any senior who would
like to use e mail, skype and have a way to
receive and store photos but finds the existing
methods too confusing
Talking to seniors we found that while they really
want to communicate with family members
and get pictures; the changing and different
interfaces involved are often too much to
“Features of App”
The app we are going to demonstrate allows
seniors to send and receive e mail using typing
or dictation; receive photos and store them;
and call and receive calls on a skype-like
system with a simpler interface.
Examples of
Screenshots/Wire frame
Examples of
Screenshots/Wire frame
Examples of
Screenshots/Wire frame
Examples of
Screenshots/Wire frame
Benefits: Our app is better than available apps
because the interface is the same for the main
activities clients want; and it won’t change due to
Summary: Our app will allow seniors to use e mail,
video chat, and provide a way to receive and store
photos in a plain english and simple to learn way
Thank you for your time Questions?
■ Presentations will be uploaded in advance – so
watch for instructions
■ PC, projector, screen and internet connection will
be provided by Pace
■ Bring back up: USB stick and paper handouts in
case of technical difficulties
■ Non digital materials can be used
Most common presentation
■ Turn your back on the audience
■ Fiddle with the microphone and speak too softly
■ Waste time changing presenters
■ Running out of time before finishing
■ Not practicing in advance to get feedback and to
time your presentation
■ Two sets of judges: Floor and Presentation
– Demos on live devices
– Three minute presentation
■ Practice your presentation in advance
■ Have back up!
■ Don’t be nervous – it’s about the App!
■ Questions?