SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING 3 EVALUATION CRITERIA 3.1 STEP 1: Written proposals shall be reviewed and evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria established below per Section I. through Section IV. CNM reserves the right to reject all offers and issue a new RFP if necessary. An evaluation committee shall evaluate written proposals based on the weighted evaluation criteria. Rankings will be based upon an average tabulation of all individual committee member scores. If interviews are not conducted, then the score based ranking shall be the basis for awarding the top scored Offeror. 3.2 STEP 2 (optional): If interviews are to be conducted, then the score based rankings of the written offers shall be used as the basis to create a short list of those top ranked firms. Interviews shall be scored in accordance with the evaluation criteria taking into account the information provided in the written response and any additional questions related to the scope of the RFP. Additional questions related to the scope of this RFP may be submitted to shortlist in advance or during interviews. Information and/or factors gathered during interviews, negotiations, and any reference checks, in addition to the evaluation criteria rankings, may be utilized in the final award decisions. References may or may not be reviewed at the discretion of CNM. CNM reserves the right to contact references other than, or in addition to, those furnished by a Respondent. Final rankings will be based upon an average tabulation of all individual committee member scores after interviews and will not be averaged with STEP 1 scores. 3.3 CRITERIA 3.3.1 SECTION I. CAPACITY, CAPABILITY, KNOWLEDGE, BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE – 20 POINTS POSSIBLE Provide a brief narrative describing the history of your firm. Identify the number of employees in your firm, the ownership and if the company has ever filed bankruptcy, been in loan default, or if there are any pending liens, claims or lawsuits against the firm. Provide demonstrated experience that supports your firm’s ability to perform the services identified in the goals and intent of this RFP. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE Confirm your firm’s ability to enter a multiple year Maintenance and Support Agreement with renewals. Describe whether Maintenance and Support Agreement includes unlimited user support via toll-free phone support on a 7x24x365 basis including holidays. Describe whether Maintenance and Support Agreement includes unlimited user support via email and internet on a 7x24x365 basis including holidays. Describe process for contacting Vendor in case of an outage or other emergency. Identify all services your firm can supply to fulfill the Services. RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 7 SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING State the name, title or position, telephone number and e-mail address of the individual who would have primary responsibility for the potential project services resulting from this RFP. Identify names, responsibilities, qualifications and location(s) of staff who will be assigned to the projects. CNM may at CNM’s sole discretion request removal and replacement of any of the Contractor’s staff not meeting performance requirements. Changes to staff assigned to projects made by the Contractor must be mutually agreed to by the Parties. Identify names, responsibilities, qualifications and location(s) of subcontractors and/or consultants who will be assigned to the projects. All changes to personnel assigned to projects must be mutually agreed to by the parties. Provide an organizational chart of your firm indicating lines of authority for personnel involved in performance of this potential contract and relationships of this staff to other programs or functions of the firm. This chart must also show lines of authority to the next senior level management. Describe if your firm has had a contract terminated for default in the last five (5) years. Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the Offeror's non-performance or poor performance or if the issue of performance was either (a) not litigated due to inaction on the part of the Proposer, or (b) litigated and such litigation determined that the proposer was in default. Submit full details of their terms for default including the other parties’ name, address, and telephone number. Present the Offeror’s position on the matter. CNM will evaluate the facts and may, at its sole discretion, reject the proposal on the grounds of the past experience. Indicate if no such termination for default has been experienced by the Offeror in the past five (5) years. 3.3.2 SECTION II. PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN – 40 POINTS POSSIBLE Submit a detailed proposal identifying your approach for developing an implementation plan that will allow CNM to deploy the initial System implementation meeting the requirements stated in paragraphs 2. through 2.1.42. The information provided must be in sufficient detail to convey to the evaluation committee the Offeror’s knowledge of the subjects and skills necessary to perform the services as described in the RFP. SYSTEM, SOFTWARE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS MANDATORY – Confirm that the proposed System software is an enterprise level solution capable of running in a centralized data center with a backup solution at a remote Disaster Recovery (DR) data center. Describe all licensing requirements for all software and/or connected items. MANDATORY – Describe how the System provides display static and dynamic content in multiple (minimum of four), scalable regions zones within the display interface. Identify the maximum number of zones supported. RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 7 SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING MANDATORY – Describe how the System is capable of integrating with existing authentication systems (including Active Directory/LDAP). Identify all authentication systems that the System may be integrated with, whether such integration has been performed previously, and identify any costs associated with this integration. Copy all integration cost information in Section IV below. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s user programmable capabilities to schedule content start and stop in advance. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s Desktop and browser-based management console including administration tasks, content management, and scheduling control. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s security settings that allow a wide range of user roles and ability to define permissions at local and enterprise level for content creation and scheduling. Ability to set up approval system. MANDATORY – Confirm that the System provides the ability to use local area network-based content. Identify any limitations to this. DESIRED – Describe the System’s Drag and Drop user interface, if any. DESIRED – Describe the System’s Static, dynamic and interactive wayfinding capabilities, if any. MANDATORY – Confirm the System provides full preview capability and describe any limitations. MANDATORY – Confirm the System supports all standard content types including but not limited to: Microsoft Office Suite files, Microsoft Exchange Calendar, Flash animations, web pages, image files (jpg, png, bmp, gif, tiff, tga), pdf files, RSS, XML, SQL, Oracle, ODBC-compliant databases, video files (mp4, wmv, mov, mpg), and audio files (mp3). Identify any other standard format types not listed above that are supported by the System. MANDATORY – Describe how the System is capable of displaying event schedules, calendars, preproduced and streaming videos, static images, RSS feeds, and cable news feeds. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s flexible formatting for live data. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s included pre-built templates, template creator, and editor. MANDATORY – Describe how the System provides emergency messaging including synchronized text, graphics and audio. Confirm emergency messaging capabilities support external inputs from RSS feeds, CAP interface, etc. Describe all administrative efforts needed to implement external inputs used for emergency messaging. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s ability to display current weather conditions in specific zone of display interface. Identify which weather condition sources can be used by the System for this purpose. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s ability to display current date and time in specific zone of display interface. RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 7 SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING MANDATORY – Describe how the System supports individual user and group security. DESIRED – Describe whether the System can continue displaying content during network interruptions. If so, identify the conditions that are supported and what content types are continuously displayed. MANDATORY – Describe the APIs included with the System to allow integration of digital signage system to third party systems. DESIRED – Describe the Systems scalability from initial deployment to unlimited number of displays and video players. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s ability to display feed-driven or web-based content in reusable templates using standard, non-proprietary technologies such as existing XML and other typical data feeds and use network-based content, RSS feeds. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s ability to display different content on multiple displays at the same time. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s ability to control display volume remotely. Identify any standard settings to achieve any ADA audio requirements. MANDATORY – Describe the System’s ability to comply with ADA requirements regarding digital signage. Describe how the System shall provide ADA compliant audio, video, and text messaging. Identify all aspects required to meet ADA requirements such as font size, audio level, monitor height, etc., MANDATORY – Confirm the System supports HD video and identify any limitations to this. DESIRED – Describe the System’s multiple campus deployment at other institutes or organizations of a similar size to CNM. MANDATORY – Confirm the System is CAP compliant. DESIRED – Confirm the System’s ability to run software on VMware. MANDATORY – Describe how the System is able to power on and power off displays remotely. HARDWARE MANDATORY – Describe all necessary hardware appliances and media players to support the initial deployment and future expansions. Include all hardware pricing in Section IV below. MANDATORY – Identify the minimum PC/Server hardware requirements for installing the Application software for use at the various CNM Campuses. DESIRED – Identify suggested monitors and monitor/media player mounting hardware. All monitors and mounting hardware suggested is intended for installation in public areas and should be designed for durability and for theft prevention. Include manufacturer’s name, model or part number and description. Identify which type(s) of media player(s) can be mounted together with the monitor on the mounting RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 7 SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING hardware suggested. If separate mounting hardware is required for the media player(s), then identify all mounting hardware including manufacturer’s name, model or part number and description and confirm which specific media player(s) that this hardware supports. IMPLEMENTATION, TRAINING AND SUPPORT MANDATORY – Identify and describe installation that is required for all software and hardware (appliances & media players). MANDATORY – Describe all on-site and/or remote installation and support services that are available for implementation and support following the initial installation. MANDATORY – Describe how if awarded, Offeror will work with CNM staff to ensure installation and testing timelines meet the college’s project objectives. Provide complete implementation documentation and identify any costs associated with this in Section IV. MANDATORY – Describe all support provided by your firm for CNM’s testing efforts as it relates to digital messaging administrator duties and troubleshooting issues encountered during testing. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE MANDATORY – Describe all Training provided and confirm training materials are provided for CNM support staff including all technical and administrative training. Identify all costs associated with training in Section IV. Provide costs for webinar and onsite training (if available). MANDATORY – Describe 24x7 phone and online technical support provided. Identify whether this is included or if it is at an additional cost. If this is at additional cost, identify all costs in Section IV. DESIRED – Describe all onsite hardware and software service that are available. Identify the costs for these services in Section IV. MANDATORY – Confirm all software upgrades are provided. Identify any recurring cost for upgrades in Section IV. OTHER: DESIRED – Describe other products or services not specifically detailed in this document that you feel are relevant for CNM’s consideration. Provide a brief overview of the general direction of your product’s development focus over the next three (3) years and how you feel that will impact capabilities to provide the Services. Describe the types of services that would be provided during the project. Explain how your services will enhance the service of performing projects. Discuss the information and support that would be required from CNM. Identify any subcontractors which would be used during this project and describe their role(s). Provide a time frame, breaking the project into tasks, milestones, and deliverables RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 7 SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING 3.3.3 SECTION III. REFERENCES - 10 POINTS POSSIBLE List up to five (5) contracts the Offeror may have had with institutes of higher education or businesses of similar size and complexity during the last five (5) years that relate to the Offeror’s ability to perform the service(s) as requested in this RFP. List by company contract reference numbers, project name/title, contract amount, contract period of performance, date of completion, contact person’s name, title, address, E-mail address and web address. By responding to this RFP, the Offeror grants permission to CNM to contact the references. NOTE: ALL REFERENCES WILL BE CONTACTED BY EMAIL, SO PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE CONTACT’S EMAIL ADDRESS. Do not include CNM as a reference 3.3.4 SECTION IV. ECONOMY & PRICE – 30 POINTS POSSIBLE Proposals should include all charges associated for services requested for the initial deployment. Provide a detailed price breakdown for all hardware, software, licensing, and labor. Hardware, software and licensing should show the model/part number, description, list price, minimum percent discount from list, net price, quantity, extended quantity. Hourly rates of all individuals who may work on the services identified in this proposal should also be included together with a brief description for the work that is performed. Identify all recurring costs associated with the System (e.g., software maintenance, etc.) Identify all costs for hardware, software, license fees, etc. associated with expanding the System beyond the initial implementation. The purpose of this information is for possible future orders. Include any License Agreement you wish CNM to consider for inclusion in the Contract Documents. Indicate a minimum percent discount from list prices for all Software Indicate a minimum percent discount from list prices for all hardware Indicate a minimum percent discount from list prices for all license fees Indicate minimum percent discount rates on other items that are applicable, but not mentioned above. Identify Training costs for: Web based training. On-site training Identify Support costs for: 24x7 phone and online technical support. onsite hardware and software service RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 7 SECTION D: EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP # P-356 ANY MODIFICATIONS TO SECTION E SIGNATURE OF FIRM’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSE FORM OTHER THAN FILLING IN THE FORM FIELDS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE. THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF CNM’S PURCHASE ORDER ARE AN EQUAL AND INTEGRAL PART OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) AND ARE NOTED IN SECTION C. THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS RFP ALONG WITH ANY ATTACHMENTS AND THE OFFEROR’S RESPONSE ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS RFP, INCLUDING ANY ADDENDA. CNM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH A SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR (CONTRACTOR) PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE STIPULATED IN THIS RFP. THE CONTENTS OF THIS RFP, AS REVISED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED, AND THE SUCCESSFUL OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACT. SHOULD AN OFFEROR OBJECT TO ANY OF THE CNM STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT OFFEROR MUST PROPOSE SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO CNM. GENERAL REFERENCES TO THE OFFEROR’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR ATTEMPTS AT COMPLETE SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CNM AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE OFFEROR’S PROPOSAL. OFFERORS MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT, IF ANY, OF EACH PROPOSED CHANGE FOLLOWED BY THE SPECIFIC PROPOSED ALTERNATE WORDING If the price or hourly rates are to change in subsequent yearly contract renewals, indicate the maximum annual increase per year, expressed as a percentage. Cost increase/adjustments will only be reviewed once a year at time of renewal. If contractor requests a price adjustment/increase supporting documentation must accompany the request. The quoted hourly rates offered in response to this RFP may be decreased for future projects on a projectby-project basis upon written mutual agreement between the awarded Price Agreement holder and CNM. Costs for Services required for which the successful Offeror does not identify shall be borne by the Offeror and will shall not be charged to CNM. Indicate for what period of time these costs will be effective. 4. AWARD. Any/all award(s) made as a result of this RFP shall have the following precedence of documents: 1. 2. 3. 4. CNM’s Purchase Order with terms and conditions as mutually agreed between the Parties. Vendor’s Service/License Agreement(s) as mutually agreed between the Parties. CNM’s Request for Proposals # P-356, Scope of Work, Terms and Conditions. Contractor’s response to Request for Proposals # P-356. RFP # P-356, Evaluation Criteria Copyright CNM 2013. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 7