
Semantic Web
Towards a Web of Knowledge Outline
Spring 2006
Computer Engineering Department
Sharif University of Technology
Semantic web course – Computer Engineering Department – Sharif Univ. of Technology – Fall 2005
• To be familiar with the ongoing efforts in building next
generation of web
• Have a working knowledge of semantic web layers
• Study logical foundation of SW and reasoning based on it
• Familiarity with Ontology concept, how to create and
evaluate them
• Shifting current web toward SW
• Major tools and frameworks
• Some application areas in SW
Semantic web - Computer Engineering Dept. - Spring 2006
Introduction to SW
Project definitions
XML related technologies: XML, XSD, XPath, XSL, …
Querying on the web: XQuery, SparQL and RDQL
Knowledge Representations and Taxonomies
Description Logics
Ontology Engineering
Ontology alignment
Bootstrapping the SW
Semantic web - Computer Engineering Dept. - Spring 2006
Contents (cont.)
Tools and Frameworks
Rules in SW
Trust management with and in SW
Web Services and Semantic Web Services
Search for Ontologies
Search Using Ontologies
Semantic web - Computer Engineering Dept. - Spring 2006
• Chapters of following books
– The Semantic Web, A guide to the future of XML, Web Services
and Knowledge Management, By Michael C. Daconta et al., 2003
– Spinning the Semantic Web, Bringing the World Wide Web to Its
Full Potential Edited by Dieter Fensel, James A. Hendler, Henry
Lieberman and Wolfgang Wahlster
– The Description Logic Handbook Theory, Implementation and
Applications Edited by Franz Baader, Diego Calvanese, Deborah
McGuinness, Daniele Nardi, Peter Patel-Schneider Published
January 2003
• Some papers
• Online materials
Semantic web - Computer Engineering Dept. - Spring 2006
Grading policy
• Midterm and Final Exam 50%
• Homeworks 20%
• Term based project 30%
Semantic web - Computer Engineering Dept. - Spring 2006
Term based project
• This semester we will have a term based project
with following characteristics:
– It is done in groups of at most 3 students
– Each group selects a different project
– Each group will have at least two presentations:
• A presentation on related works and introducing new ideas
• Developed solution presentation
Semantic web - Computer Engineering Dept. - Spring 2006