Hidden Markov Model Si aij a ji Sj Observation : O1,O2, . . . O1 , O2 , O3 ,, Ot States in time : q1, q2, . . . q1 , q2 , q3 , , qt All states : s1, s2, . . ., sN 1 Hidden Markov Model (Cont’d) Discrete Markov Model P(qt s j | qt 1 si , qt 2 sk ,, q1 s z ) P(qt s j | qt 1 si ) Degree 1 Markov Model 2 Hidden Markov Model (Cont’d) aij : Transition Probability from Si to Sj , 1 i, j N aij P(qt s j | qt 1 si ) 3 Discrete Markov Model Example S1 : The weather is rainy S2 : The weather is cloudy S3 : The weather is sunny rainy cloudy sunny 0.4 0.3 0.3 rainy A {aij } 0.2 0.6 0.2 cloudy 0.1 0.1 0.8 sunny 4 Hidden Markov Model Example (Cont’d) Question 1:How much is this probability: Sunny-Sunny-Sunny-Rainy-Rainy-Sunny-Cloudy-Cloudy q1q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 s3 s3 s3 s1s1s3 s2 s2 1.536 10 a33a33a31a11a13a32a22 5 4 Hidden Markov Model Example (Cont’d) The probability of being in state i in time t=1 i P(q1 si ),1 i N Question 2:The probability of staying in state Si for d days if we are in state Si? d 1 ii P(si si si s j i ) a (1 aii ) Pi (d ) d Days 6 Discrete Density HMM Components N : Number Of States M : Number Of Outputs A (NxN) : State Transition Probability Matrix B (NxM): Output Occurrence Probability in each state (1xN): Initial State Probability ( A, B, ) : Set of HMM Parameters 7 Three Basic HMM Problems Recognition Problem: Given an HMM and a sequence of observations O,what is the probability P(O | ) ? State Decoding Problem: Given a model and a sequence of observations O, what is the most likely state sequence in the model that produced the observations? Training Problem: Given a model and a sequence of observations O, how should we adjust model parameters in order to maximize P(O | ) ? 8 First Problem Solution T T t 1 t 1 P(O | q, ) P(Ot | qt , ) bqt (Ot ) P(q | ) q1aq1q2 aq2 q3 aqT 1qT We Know That: And P( x, y) P( x | y) P( y) P( x, y | z ) P( x | y, z ) P( y | z ) 9 First Problem Solution (Cont’d) P(O, q | ) P(O | q, ) P(q | ) P(O, q | ) q1bq1 (O1 )a q1q2 bq2 (O2 ) a qT 1qT bqT (OT ) P(O | ) P(O, q | ) q b (O1 )a q1q2 bq2 (O2 ) a qT 1qT bqT (OT ) q1 q1 q1q2 qT Computation Order : T O(2TN ) 10 Forward Backward Approach t (i) P(O1 , O2 ,, Ot , qt i | ) Computing t (i) 1) Initialization 1 (i) ibi (O1 ), 1 i N 11 Forward Backward Approach (Cont’d) 2) Induction : N t 1 ( j ) [ t (i )aij ]b j (Ot 1 ) i 1 1 t T 1, 3) Termination : 1 j N N P(O | ) T (i) i 1 Computation Order : 2 O( N T ) 12 Backward Variable t (i) P(Ot 1 , Ot 2 ,, OT | qt i, ) 1) Initialization T (i) 1, 1 i N 2)Induction N t (i ) aij b j (Ot 1 ) t 1 ( j ) j 1 t T 1, T 2, ,1 and 1 i N 13 Second Problem Solution Finding the most likely state sequence P (O, qt i | ) t (i ) P(qt i | O, ) P (O | ) P (O, qt i | ) t (i ) t (i ) N N P(O, qt i | ) t (i) t (i) i 1 i 1 Individually most likely state : q arg max [ t (i )], * t 1 t T i 14 Viterbi Algorithm Define : t (i) max P[q1 , q 2 ,, qt 1 , qt i, O1 , O2 ,, Ot | ] q1 , q2 ,, qt 1 1 i N P is the most likely state sequence with this conditions : state i , time t and observation o 15 Viterbi Algorithm (Cont’d) t 1 ( j ) [max t (i)aij ].b j (Ot 1 ) i 1) Initialization 1 (i ) ibi (O1 ),1 i N 1 (i) 0 t (i ) Is the most likely state before state i at time t-1 16 Viterbi Algorithm (Cont’d) 2) Recursion t ( j ) max [ t 1 (i )aij ]b j (Ot ) 1i N t ( j ) arg max [ t 1 (i )aij ] 1i N 2 t T, 1 j N 17 Viterbi Algorithm (Cont’d) 3) Termination: p max [ T (i )] * 1i N q arg max [ T (i )] * T 1i N 4)Backtracking: q t 1 (q ), t T 1, T 2,,1 * t * t 1 18 Third Problem Solution Parameters Estimation using BaumWelch Or Expectation Maximization (EM) Approach Define: t (i, j ) P (qt i, qt 1 j | O, ) P (O, q t i, qt 1 j | ) P (O | ) t (i )aij b j (Ot 1 ) t 1 ( j ) N N i 1 j 1 t (i )a ij b j (Ot 1 ) t 1 ( j ) 19 Third Problem Solution (Cont’d) N t (i) t (i, j ) j 1 T 1 t (i) t 1 T : Expected value of the number of jumps from state i Expected value of the number of (i, j ):jumps from state i to state j t 1 t 20 Third Problem Solution (Cont’d) T ( j) T aij (i, j ) t 1 T 1 t t (i) t 1 t b j (k ) t 1 ot Vk T ( j) t 1 t i 1 (i) 21 Baum Auxiliary Function Q( | ) P(O, q | ' ) log P(O, q | ) ' q ' if : Q( | ) Q( | ) P(O | ) P(O | ' ) By this approach we will reach to a local optimum 22 Restrictions Of Reestimation Formulas N i 1 N a j 1 i ij M 1 1,1 i N b (k ) 1,1 k 1 j jN 23 Continuous Observation Density We have amounts of a PDF instead of b j (k ) P(Ot Vk | qt j ) We have M b j (Ot ) C jk (Ot , jk , jk ), b j (Ot )dOt 1 k 1 Mixture Coefficients Average Variance 24 Continuous Observation Density Mixture in HMM M1|1 M2|1 M1|2 M2|2 M1|3 M2|3 M3|1 M4|1 M3|2 M4|2 M3|3 M4|3 S2 S3 S1 Dominant Mixture: b j (Ot ) Max C jk (Ot , jk , jk ) k 25 Continuous Observation Density (Cont’d) Model Parameters: ( A, , C , , ) N×N 1×N N×M N×M×K N×M×K×K N : Number Of States M : Number Of Mixtures In Each State K : Dimension Of Observation Vector 26 Continuous Observation Density (Cont’d) T C jk t 1 T M t ( j, k ) t 1 k 1 T jk t 1 T t t 1 t ( j, k ) ( j , k )ot t ( j, k ) 27 Continuous Observation Density (Cont’d) T jk ( j , k ) (o t 1 t ) ( o ) t t jk jk T ( j, k ) t 1 t t ( j, k ) Probability of event j’th state and k’th mixture at time t 28 State Duration Modeling aij Si Sj a ji Probability of staying d times in state i : d 1 ii Pi (d ) a (1 aii ) 29 State Duration Modeling (Cont’d) HMM With clear duration Pi (d ) aij ……. ……. Si Pj (d ) a ji Sj 30 State Duration Modeling (Cont’d) HMM consideration with State Duration : – Selecting q1 i using i ‘s – Selecting d1 using Pq (d ) – Selecting Observation Sequence O1 , O2 ,, Od using bq (O1 , O2 , , Od ) 1 1 in practice we assume the following independence: 1 d1 bq1 (O1 , O2 ,, Od1 ) bq1 (t , Ot ) t 1 – Selecting next state q2 j using transition probabilities aq1q2 . We also have an additional constraint: aq1q1 0 31 Training In HMM Maximum Likelihood (ML) Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) Minimum Discrimination Information (MDI) 32 Training In HMM Maximum Likelihood (ML) P(o | 1 ) P(o | 2 ) P(o | 3 ) . . . P(o | n ) P Maximum[ P(O | V )] * r Observation Sequence 33 Training In HMM (Cont’d) Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) P(O , | ) I (O , ) log P (O ) P( ) , {v } Mutual Information I (O , ) log P(O | v ) v log P(O | w , w) P( w) w 1 34 Training In HMM (Cont’d) Minimum Discrimination Information (MDI) Observation : O (O1 , O2 ,, OT ) Auto correlation : R ( R1 , R2 ,, Rt ) ( R, P ) inf I (Q : P ) Q (R) q (o ) I (Q : P ) q(o) log do P (o | ) 35