COUN 610

Counseling 610
Career Counseling and Career Development
Spring 2009
Don Fleming, Ph.D.
Office: 234 Hull Building
(434) 395-2258
Fax: (434) 395-2148
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment.
Course Description: Examines career development theory throughout the lifespan and
the factors that influence workers in their careers. Explores systems for gathering,
organizing, and disseminating occupational information including computerized systems.
Course Description: In keeping with the outcome of Educators as Reflective Citizen
Leaders, through written assignments, class discussions, class presentations, viewing
videotapes, and objective examinations, the successful student will be able to show
evidence of the following objectives.
Professional Education Outcomes:
V1 – Educators as Reflective Citizen Leaders
1 – Plan for Instruction
2Implementation for Instruction
3Evaluation and Assessment
Knowledge of Subject
Classroom Behavior Management
Communication Skills
Professional Responsibilities
Demonstrate a working knowledge of current theories of career development and their
applications to counseling and career education in the 21st century. *(4)
Demonstrate a working knowledge of career trends and the implications such trends will
exact on the future workforce. *(4)
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the unique career needs of population sub-groups.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the theories about work-related stress. *(4)
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the interrelationships between career and life style.
Demonstrate the ability to analyze client career histories and plans using the major
theories of career development. *(V1, 4, 7)
Demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast the major classification systems of
occupational and career information. *(V1, 4, 7)
Demonstrate the ability to obtain and evaluate occupational information from various
sources. *(V1, 4, 7)
Demonstrate the ability to utilize the tools and strategies of vocational counseling. *(V1,
Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the diverse potential of all human
beings. *(V1, 4, 7)
Demonstrate an appreciation of the importance of various forces and events in the
shaping of individuals. *(V1, 4, 7)
Class Schedule and Course Content Outline
Date Topics Readings
January 23
Course Orientation
Field’s Foundations Chapter 1
January 30
Theories of Career
Development Chapters 1 & 2
February 6
Career Counseling
Chapter 3
February 13 Integrated Counseling Chapters 4 & 5
February 20 Interviewing Chapters 5 & 6
February 27
Assessment Chapters 6,7
March 20
Projects Review
Chapter 8
March 27
Special Scenarios
Chapters 10, 11, 12,
13, & 14
April 10
Career-Related Programs / Educational Settings
Chapters 15, 16, & 17
April 24
Work in Our Lives
Adults in Transition Chapters 18 & 19
Course Requirements
1. attendance and participation
2. career interview paper and
presentation due February 20
3. special internet projects (5)
March 20
4. computer assisted career program due March 20
presentations / career counseling with special populations due March 27
6. information gathering assignment #1
due April 10
7. information
gathering assignment #2
due April 10
8. presentation / program
development exercises
due April 24
9. articles review (2) due April 24
Attendance and Participation
This class is designed to provide an overview of career counseling and development.
Toward this end, critical thinking and meaningful dialogue are important. Varying points
of view are anticipated. Full attendance is expected and unexcused absence will
adversely affect your grade.
Career Interview Paper and Presentation
Interview an individual over the age of 30 years (who is not related to you) and acquire
the following information:
Personal Data
order of birth
size of family
education and occupation of mother
education and occupation of siblings
general comments about education and occupation of close relatives
other pertinent information
Educational Data
years completed – why?
program of study – why selected?
describe any other influences contributing to educational decisions
Occupational Data
chronology of jobs
strategies employed to find jobs
criteria for selecting jobs
reactions to each job
perceptions of work behaviors of others on the job
perceptions of work behavior of self on the job
work behaviors most valued
thoughts about his/her current career situation
current career plans
Major responsibilities
Life’s goals
Present the requested information and other relevant material secured from the interview
in outline form of no more than three pages. Then, using this information, discuss the
theory of career development, or combination thereof, that seem(s) to be reflected in the
various events in the interviewee’s life and provide evidence that supports your
interpretation. Give particular attention to the interviewee’s perception of his/her basic
roles. The entire paper should not exceed eight pages.
Paper and presentation due February 20th
24 points
Special Internet Projects
The Special Internet Projects (SIPs) will give students the opportunity to
demonstrate how they can use the Internet to facilitate the career decision process for
potential clients, students, or employees. It is intended that these assignments will help
students become more familiar with Internet in helping clients search for various types of
financial assistance/scholarships, etc. There are five total projects.
All SIPs are due March 20th. Each project is worth 5 points.
Internet Project #1 (Career Information)
Using the online version of the Occupational Handbook, HYPERLINK
"" find the section which deals with
“Counselors” and write a one or two paragraph summary of what you find there. Also,
spend some time becoming familiar with Occupational Handbook (OOH) in general and
write another critique of it. In one to two paragraphs, answer the following questions:
Would you find the OOH helpful in working with clients? Is it easy to use? Is it easy to
understand? Does it have useful information? Does it appear to have any bias (gender,
ethnic, age, etc.)? Is the reading level appropriate for the clients you will be working
with? How might the OOH still be useful in your counseling program?
Please bring a copy of your assignment to class to discuss.
Internet Project #2 (Career Information)
You are a counselor (any setting) and have several clients who are interested in
learning more about being carpenters. A couple of them are interested in doing this in the
military. Using the resources of the Internet, find some information to share with your
clients about being a carpenter, especially opportunities for working in the military.
(Hint: You may want to begin by checking out the following links:
Occupational Outlook Handbook HYPERLINK ""
Kids Education Site: What Do They Do? HYPERLINK ""
Career Information for Kids HYPERLINK ""
Military Career Guide HYPERLINK ""
Write a brief paper (approximately 250 words) about what you learned from the various
sites reviewed.
Please bring a copy of your assignment to class to discuss.
Internet Project #3 (Educational Information)
You are a counselor (any setting) and have an adolescent client (John) who has severe
learning and behavioral disabilities, along with substance abuse problems. John has been
in and out of trouble his entire life, and his parents have had him in various forms of
treatment locally for years. He is not functioning well at all in the local high school and
the parents insist that a private school (residential setting) is the best hope for their son.
The parents are well-to-do professionals and costs do not concern them. Using the
resources of the Internet, find some information to share with John and his parents about
private residential schools that seem appropriate for this young man. (Hint: You may
want to begin checking out Peterson’s Education Center HYPERLINK
"", which has a link to private
schools for special needs students.)
Your response should be in two parts:
Part I – Describe the process you went through to find some information to share
what John and his parents about private residential schools that would be
appropriate for him.
Part II – Describe a couple of the private schools you found for John, including
Please bring a copy of your assignment to class to discuss.
Internet Project #4 (Financial Aid)
Jack is a senior in high school. He has not excelled in any of the academic areas, getting
mostly Bs and Cs and his College Board scores are average. Jack is the eldest of the five
children and his parents are of modest means. The mother earns approximately $18,000
in a factory production job and his father is employed as a production worker in another
nearby company and earns approximately $16,000/year. Neither parent attended college.
Jack would like to attend a college in the southeastern part of the United States that has
an accounting program, but lacks the funds to do so. He is not a minority group member,
has no physical or mental disabilities, and has not excelled in high school athletics.
Using the resources of the Internet and any other sources available, help Jack find the
money to attend college next year. Please consider both scholarship and loans. (Hint:
Begin the search process by using the financial aid links listed below. If you are required
to have information for your search that is not included above, feel free to make it up.)
Your response should be in two parts:
Part 1: Describe the process you went through to find Jack some financial
Part 2: Describe the types of financial assistance you found for Jack and at which
college(s) (loans and/or scholarships).
Please bring a copy of your assignment to class to discuss.
Free Scholarship Service Online HYPERLINK ""
Sources of Financial Aid (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Student Guide to Financial Act (U.S. Dept. of Education)
HYPERLINK " Guide/" Guide/
Financial Act for Students Home Page (U.S. Dept of Education)
HYPERLINK " Guide/" Guide/
Free Application for Federal Student Act (FAFSA) HYPERLINK
Internet Project #5 (Resume)
Develop a resume for yourself and post it in America’s Job Bank. Follow the directions
contained in the URL: HYPERLINK "" Email a copy of the confirmation/resume number you
receive from America’s Job Bank to the instructor. You may visit other sites
Computer Assisted Career Program
Try out, explore, and review a computer assisted career decision-making program (such
as DISCOVER, Choices, SIGI, Bridges, etc.). These programs may be available in local
college career centers, high school career centers, community college career centers, and
public libraries. Finding one to review is the responsibility of the student.
The review should be approximately 250 words and focus upon the user friendliness of
the program, the accuracy of the content, whether there is any bias evident in the
material, and the ability of the computer program to hold the attention of users. Please
bring a copy of your assignment to class.
Write up due March 20th. The project is worth 4 points.
Presentation / Career Counseling with a Special Population
Each student will be expected to make a presentation in class about providing career
counseling to a special population. Topics will be selected at either the first or second
class meeting.
Presentation due March The presentation is worth 9 points.
Information Gathering Assignment #1
Visit a public or private employment agency (student makes own arrangements) and try
to experience what someone has to go through when seeking a job. This assignment will
help you understand the process. Also, on your visit interview an employment counselor
on how they assist individuals. Write a brief review of your experience.
Write up due April 10th. The assignment is worth 4 points.
Information Gathering Assignment #2
Visit two different High School Career Rooms of your choice and compare the two.
Write up your experience as well as the pros and cons of each room.
Write up due April 10th. The assignment is worth 4 points.
Presentation / Program Development Exercise
You will be assigned the task of creating a career guidance program for a specific client
population. As part of this project, you will need to identify the characteristics of your
client population (their developmental tasks/concerns), indicate your program goals and
behavioral objectives (based on the developmental tasks you have identified), and discuss
the specific career guidance interventions you will use to achieve your goals. Briefly
describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your program. In short, you are
planning a career guidance program aimed at facilitating the decision making of a group
of clients about some aspects of their careers.
Please provide handouts for your classmates.
Presentation due April 24th. This presentation will be worth 24 points.
Articles Review (2)
Read and summarize two professional journal articles related to occupational or career
development issues. Be prepared to discuss your articles orally in class.
Articles must be taken from journals published in the last five years. A professional
journal is a referenced publication and can be found in a college or university library.
The typed version your summaries should contain complete bibliographic information
including authors, title of author, title of professional journal, publication date and page
numbers of your articles. Your write ups of the articles should also include article
summaries, analyses of the articles, and thoughts about ways you could use the
information secured from reading the article.
Reviews due April 24th. This review is worth 6 points.
Rubric for Assessment of Career Counseling Program Design EDUC 610
Unmet (0)
Partially Met (1) Almost Met (2) Met (3) Score
Target PopulationUnclear description or missing one or more of: demographics; developmental stage;
and/or, pertinent institutional information. Description of target population, but missing one of:
demographics; developmental stage; or pertinent institutional information.
Clear description of target
population, including demographics, developmental stage, and pertinent institutional information. Clear
and thorough description of target population, including demographics, developmental stage, and pertinent
institutional information.
Needs Addressed Missing or unclear on two or all of:
description of assumptions made; specific needs assessed; and/or, related rationale for the program.
Missing or unclear on one of: description of assumptions made, specific needs assessed; or,
related rationale for the program. Clear description of assumptions made, specific needs assessed, and
related rationale for the program. Clear and thorough description of assumptions made, specific needs
assessed, and related rationale for the program.
Program Goals Unclear or
superficial description of program goals.
Description of program goals that are developmentally
Clear and thorough description of program goals that are developmentally appropriate.
Clear and thorough description of program goals that are developmentally appropriate and tied to
an identified career counseling theory.
Program Objectives
Description of
program objectives that are loosely tied to program goals, and are not observable, and measurable.
Description of program objectives that are loosely tied to program goals, or, are not observable,
and measurable. Clear description of program objectives that are tied to program goals, and are observable
and measurable. Clear and thorough description of program objectives that are tied to program goals, and
are observable and measurable.
Interventions / Activities Description of activities
and interventions but missing two or all of: content; plan for processing; and, materials needed.
Description of activities and interventions but missing one of: content; plan for processing;
and/or, materials needed. Description of activities and interventions including content, plan for
processing, and materials needed. Clear and specific description of activities and interventions including
content, plan for processing, and materials needed.
Program Promotion
Description of plan for program promotion but missing two or more of: including media;
materials; method; and, message. Description of plan for program promotion but missing one of:
including media; materials; method; and/or, message. Description of plan for program promotion including
media, materials, method, and message.
Clear and specific plan for program promotion including
media, materials, method, and message.
Program Evaluation
Description of
plan for program evaluation but missing two or all of: data/feedback sought; collection tools; and/or,
proposed use of collected information.
Description of plan for program evaluation but missing one of:
data/feedback sought; collection tools; and/or, proposed use of collected information.
Description of
plan for program evaluation including data/feedback sought, collection tools, and proposed use of collected
Clear and specific description of plan for program evaluation including data/feedback
sought, collection tools, and proposed use of collected information.
References cited are missing all of: relevant; reliable; and/or, presented in APA format.
References cited are missing two of: relevant; reliable; and/or, presented in APA format.
References cited are missing one of: relevant; reliable; and/or, presented in APA format.
References cited are relevant, reliable, and presented in APA format.
Course Evaluation
Career interview and paper presentation
24 points
Special interest
projects (5) 25 points
Computer assisted career program 4 points
Presentation / career counseling with special populations 9 points
Information gathering assignment #1 4 points
Information gathering
assignment #2 4 points
Presentation / program development exercise
24 points
Article review (2)
6 points
Grading Scale
100 – 92
91 – 84
83 – 73
72 or less
All assignments are due as scheduled. Points will be deducted for work submitted after
the scheduled assignment is due.
Assignments are expected to be free form grammatical errors and misspelled words.
Points will be deducted from assignments containing more than two errors.
All work in this class is governed by the current Longwood University Honor System for
Graduate Programs. Students are expected to pledge all work submitted for this course.
Charges will be brought against all students who violate the policy.
Attendance is expected at all class meetings. The instructor expects to be notified in
advance if an absence is necessary.
Helpful References
Bolles, R. N. (2000). What color is your parachute? Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.
Brown, D. and Brooks, L. (Eds.) (2002). Career choice and development, San Francisco:
Gysbers, N.C. and Moore, J. (1999). Career counseling: Skills and technologies for
practitioners. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hall, D.T. (Ed.) (2003). Career counseling: Process, issues, and technologies. San
Francisco: Josey-Bass.
Healy, C.C. (1999). Career development: Counseling through the life stages. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon.
Heu, E. and Cramer, S. (1999). Career guidance and counseling through the life span.
Boston: Scott, Foresman and Co.
Nivens, B. (1985). The black woman’s career guide. Newton, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Sharf, R.S. (2000). Applying career development theory to counseling. Pacific Grove,
CA: Brooks/Cole.
Straughn, C. J. and Straughn, B.L. (Eds.) (2000). Lovejoy’s college guide. New York:
Monarch Press.
Tieges, P.D. and Barcon-Tieges, B. (2001). Do what you are. Boston: Little, Brown,
and Co.
The College Handbook (2000). New York: College Board.
Publications of the U.S. Department of Labor
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (4th ed.) (1995). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office.
Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
Don Fleming, Ph.D.
EDUC 610
Career Counseling and Career Development
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