SPED 323 Practicum in Reading Assessment and Tutoring: Fall 2011 Ruth Lyn Meese, PhD Office: Hull Room 235 meeserl@longwood.edu Phone: 434-395-2340 (O) Office Hours: T/R 11:00-1:00 or by Appt. 434-983-3865 (H) Class: M & W 10:00-11:40 Hull 247 (Log onto Blackboard for notes, links and syllabus at http://blackboard.longwood.edu). Course Description A field experience tutoring special education students in the general curriculum in reading. Must be taken concurrently with SPED 321 and SPED 325. (2 credits). Textbook ****Students will need to refer to the texts used in the SPED 321 portion of this class as well as to the texts in SPED 325. No separate textbook is required for SPED 323. Course Objectives Students will develop instructional competence in planning and teaching reading and language arts using the Knowledge and Skills listed below. Specifically students will: Knowledge 1. Discuss the factors that may influence assessment of reading performance such as cultural, behavioral and learning diversity (TC # 5, 8; CEC 2, 3, & 8) 2. Recognize the complex nature of reading including phonemic awareness, an understanding of sound/symbol relationships, explicit phonics instruction, syllables, phonemes, morphemes, decoding skills, word attack skills, and a knowledge of how phonics, syntax and semantics interact (TC # 1 & 4, CEC 1 & 4). 3. Discuss alternative ways to teach reading skills, including curriculum adaptation and curriculum modifications, and ways to foster an appreciate of literature and reading (TC # 1 & 4, CEC 1 & 4) 4. Recognize procedures to develop, provide, and evaluate instruction and instructional plans in reading collaboratively and consistent with the students’ individual needs and with the scope and sequence of the Virginia SOL’s in English/Reading(TC # 1 & 4, CEC 1 & 4). Skills 5. Write lesson plans following the direct instructional lesson plan format (TC #2; CEC 3, 4, & 7) 6. Teach lesson plans based on needs targeted by informal assessments including task analysis, observation, and other curriculum-based measures. (TC #2, 4 & 5; CEC 3, 4, 7 & 8) 7. Show skill in providing explicit instruction of reading appropriate for the needs of the child, including promoting high expectations for child performance, the alignment of instruction with the IEP, and the application of differentiated instructional methodologies adjusted to student responses during instruction.(TC#4; CEC 3,4, & 7) 8. Tutor an assigned student in reading/language arts for approximately 10-15 hours, under supervision, and make decisions about student progress, your instruction, student accommodations, and teaching methodologies throughout tutoring. (TC # 2 & 4; CEC 4 & 7) 9. Complete a modified Longwood University Teacher Work Sample. (TC 5; CEC 8) Tentative Class Schedule (Note: Students will meet during class time on 3-4 scheduled weeks. The remainder of the semester, students will teacher-aid and tutor in the field. We will also have a wrap-up session for presentation of the TWS on exam day for SPED 325—December 7, 8-10:30.) Date 8/22 8/24 8/29 8/31 9/5 9/7 9/12 9/14 9/19 NOTE: Topic Reading Assignment Introduction; Planning Effective Lessons; Stages of Learning; Time Variables Effective Teaching Variables; Principles of Meese Chapter 7 (reserve) Effective Instruction; Little DI Model Lesson Planning Meese Chapter 8 (reserve) Lesson Planning Labor Day--University Closed (No Class) Lesson Planning Lesson Planning Introduction to the Practicum and Tutoring Sessions; Completing Teacher Work Samples Tour Prince Edward Elementary School(?) We will hope to begin our practicum in the schools on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10:00-11:40, no later than Monday, 9/19. Students will then be in their assigned classrooms for teacher aiding and tutoring for approximately the next 10 weeks beginning by 9/19 or 9/21. November 30 or December 2 should be the last scheduled day in the classroom. Although students are scheduled for class on Mondays and Wednesdays you should plan to go to the school on most Fridays. 11/30 or 12/2 Last Day in the Classroom 12/7(Wed. 8-10:30AM) Instead of an exam, we will spend time “Reflecting on Accomplishments” by presenting the Teacher Work Samples in class on campus. Course Requirements 1. Attend all scheduled class sessions on-campus and complete all scheduled hours tutoring and teacher-aiding in the field. Tutoring and teacher-aiding will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays (and most Fridays) from 10:00-11:40 during the regular class time. Students will tutor for approximately 1-1 1/2hours per week (2 sessions of about 30-45 minutes each) for a period of approximately ten weeks. When not tutoring, tutors will serve as teacher aides in the assigned classroom helping the teacher make materials or bulletin boards and assisting individual children. Tutoring is a professional activity; therefore, all tutors will dress and behave in an appropriate manner, sign in and out of the school, be on time, and be thoroughly prepared with lesson plans and materials for every scheduled tutoring session. Tutors must receive permission from the instructor to miss a tutoring session. Tutors must notify the instructor and the cooperating teacher prior to missing any scheduled tutoring session. It is the tutor’s responsibility to arrange to make up any sessions that are missed before the December 2 final day in the school. Your professional dress, behavior, preparation, punctuality, attendance and participation in the partnership placement are worth 30 points toward your final grade in SPED 323. 2. Tutors will complete a Teacher Work Sample. The TWS must contain the sections outlined in the Teacher Work Sample Assignment Guide given to you in class. The Teacher Work Sample is worth 30 points and the final copy is due by December 7 when presented in class as the final exam. Please Note: Each part of the Teacher Work Sample will have a separate due date announced in class so that each part can be revised as needed during the semester. Please Note: You must make two copies of each section of the TWS—one for Dr. Meese and one for Dr. Tarpley. Both instructors will need to see all sections of the TWS as they are due; however, Dr. Tarpley will grade certain sections for SPED 325 and Dr. Meese will grade the others for SPED 323. (See Summary Chart on next page.) Teacher Work Sample Points Summary & Instructor Grading (Note: Due dates may change depending on teachers or student availability. Also, please note that 15 points of the TWS count for Dr. Meese’s SPED 323 class and the remaining 15 points count for Dr. Tarpley’s SPED 325 class!) Note: 3=Exemplary 2=Indicator Demonstrated 1=Indicator Not Demonstrated Assignment Points Contextual Factors 3 Pre-Assessment Design and Summary of Results (with Protocols and data charts) 3 Learning Goals 3 Design Assessment Plan 3 Design for Instruction 3 Lesson Plans with Reflections 3 Instructional Decision Making 3 Analysis of Student Learning 3 (Post-Assessment with charts/ Graphs and Protocols) Reflection and Self-Evaluation 3 Daily Summaries of Activities 3 (Appendix) Total TWS points = Due Date Instructor Class Counted Meese 323 Tarpley 325 Tarpley 325 Tarpley Tarpley Meese Meese Tarpley Tarpley 325 325 323 323 325 325 Meese Meese 323 323 30 3. Tutors will hand in a copy of the evaluation form for the Practicum completed by the Partnership teacher (Online). Evaluation form copies are due in class with the TWS by December 7. The copy of the evaluation form will be used as your “ticket” to present your TWS in lieu of a final exam. 4. In lieu of a final exam, students will present their Teacher Work Samples in class during the regularly scheduled SPED 325 class time on Wednesday, Dec. 7. Be sure to show copies of your CBM data charts/graphs and to talk about student learning outcomes. Include also an example of how you adjusted instruction using formative assessment and your insights gained from the practicum. The presentation should last no more than 5-7 minutes and is worth 5 points toward the final grade in SPED 323. (You should also bring with you a corrected copy of the Analysis of Student Learning Section and a copy of the final charts/graphs for Dr. Meese to send to your Partnership Teacher.) Grading Summary for SPED 323 Class ONLY (On a 6-point scale: 95-100% = A) Assignment Date Due Points Possible Professionalism, etc. 12/2 30 Teacher Work Sample 12/7 15 (Summary Above for Specific Due Dates and Parts of The TWS for SPED 323) Presentation of TWS Total 12/7 5 50 Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all class sessions and scheduled tutoring sessions. If you must be absent for legitimate purposes (i.e., death in the family, a college-sponsored activity, or a recognizable illness or emergency), notify the instructor before the class session in question. A grade of "F" will be assigned if you miss more than 25% of the class sessions for any combination of excused and unexcused absences. If you miss more than 10% of the class sessions for unexcused absences, your grade may be lowered one letter. It is the tutor’s responsibility to notify the instructor and the cooperating teacher before any tutoring sessions are missed. It is also the tutor’s responsibility to arrange to make up any tutoring sessions missed before December 2. Honor Code Students are expected to abide by the Longwood University Honor Policy. All assignments must be pledged. Disability Policy Students requiring modifications may submit a plan from the Longwood University Disability Resources Center. The instructor will provide necessary accommodations to assist students with documented disabilities. Cell Phones Students are expected to turn off cell phones and place them inside a purse or backpack before class begins and at all times when in the Partnership School. Some Suggested Readings (See also readings for concurrent courses SPED 321/325) Gunning, T.G. (2002). Assessing and correcting reading and writing difficulties (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Rubin, D. (2002). Diagnosis and correction in reading instruction (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Shanker, J.L., & Cockrum, W.A. (2009). Locating and correcting reading difficulties (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson. Daily Lesson Plan for Special Education Name_________________________________Teacher___________________________ Date __________________________________ Standard of Learning________________ Age/Grade Level ________________________ IEP Goal(s)/Objectives (If appropriate): Specific Lesson Objective(s): Materials and Advance Preparation for Lesson: Opening: Demonstration/Modeling: Guided Practice: Closing (Independent Practice, Enrichment, Transition): Evaluation of Your Student’s Performance (How will you evaluate?): Self-Reflection on Child’s Performance and Your Instruction: (Separate page following each lesson plan in your TWS) What went well and how do you know? What would you change? How and why? Reflection on Other Tutoring Activities: (Separate page following each lesson plan to summarize activities completed in tutoring not directly related to targeted lesson plan.) ***Daily Summary of Teacher Aiding Activities: (Keep in Chronological Order in the Appendix of your TWS.) Teacher Work Sample: SPED 323/325 Score Sheet Fall 2011 Student Name: _________________________________________ Contextual Factors (Meese SPED 323) ____/3 Pre-Assessment Designed and Results Summarized-With data charts and protocols (Tarpley SPED 325) ____/3 Learning Goals (Tarpley SPED 325) ____/3 Assessment Plan (Tarpley SPED 325) ____/3 Design for Instruction (Meese SPED 323) ____/3 Lesson Plans—In chronological order with each plan followed by its self-reflection & Other Tutoring Activities (Meese SPED 323) ____/3 Instructional Decision-Making (Tarpley SPED 325) ____/3 Analysis of Student Learning (Tarpley SPED 325) (With data charts/graphs and protocols) ____/3 Reflection and Self-Evaluation (Meese SPED 323) ____/3 Summary of each day’s teacher aiding activities (In Appendix) (Meese SPED 323) _____/3 Total Score for TWS Comments: ____/30 SPED 321/323/325 Partnership Students Prince Edward County Elementary School: 315-2100 and Press 1 Student Name Teacher/Child SPED 321/323/325 Partnership Students: Placement Preferences Jennifer Abel Kiersten Campbell Kaitlyn Carter Sarah Gordon Sarah Grimm Amy Lawson Kelsey Kopacz Jen Miller Lauren Mioduszewski Nicole Morabito Holli Ours Amanda Paulette Stephanie Peloquin Morgan Shepard Erica Wallace Carrie Watson Tammy Young 3rd K-2 3rd No preference 2nd 2-3 2nd 1st 1-2 2nd 1st K-1 2nd 1st 2nd nd 2 2nd