KINS 352

Longwood University
Department of Health, Athletic Training, Recreation, and Kinesiology
Syllabus for KINS 352, FALL 2011
Skill Acquisition and Analysis III: Lifetime Activities
Class time: MWF 10:00 - 11:50
Dr. William C. Thomson
Office Hours: MW 1:30 - 3:30, or by appointment
Office: 107 Willet
Phone: 395-2935
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide learning experiences that
will lead to the development of fundamental skills used in lifetime activities and expertise
in teaching. The course will focus on how to plan for the four stages of game skill
development. 3 credits.
Previously purchased texts to be used:
Clumpner, R. (2003). Sport Progressions. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics.
Siedentop, D., Hastie, P. A., & H. van der Mars (2004). Complete Guide to Sport
Education. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics.
Course Objectives: The students will be able to . . .
1. Demonstrate skill proficiency, model competent skill demonstrations, and use major
skills strategically in selected lifetime, individual activities. These activities will
include golf, tennis, archery, juggling and cup-stacking. (NASPE 2.1, 2.3)
2. Demonstrate knowledge of proper performance techniques of major skills in the
selected lifetime individual activities as well as knowledge of the historical
background of those activities. (NASPE 1.1)
3. Analyze movements and provide appropriate feedback to learners attempting the
fundamental skills germane to this course. (NASPE 1.5)
Tentative course content outline
2: 29-2
Intro & syllabus: cups,
juggle, pedometers
Intro/Add FH groundies
Tns - volleys, feeds, short
court; LUG’s
Intro/Add BH grd
More volleys, short court;
I/A OH’s
3: 5-9
Labor Day
I/A Serve
I/A doubles play; mixers
Strokes; mixers; LUG's
Intro singles play; LUG's
Doubles Round Robin
Doubles Round Robin
Singles Round Robin
Round Robin; NTRP rating
6: 26-30
NTRP rating & film day
Game Play
Tennis Quiz
As Needed
Golf - gym: Team
formation; Putting
Gym: Putt, practice match
1: 22-26
7: 3-7
@ LU course: chip, putt
½ swing; Season begins
Full swing
Sand play; matches
Practice & matches
11: 31-4
Practice & matches continue
Golf Film Day
Championship matches
12: 7-11
Disc Golf day*, Golf quiz
Awards Day (gym)
13: 14-18
Archery Film Day
Archery, Arch quiz
Outdoor Education Orienteering *
Outdoor Ed*
Skill Portfolios due
Fitness Testing; Skill
testing; As Needed
9: 17-21
10: 24-28
14: 21-25
15: 28-2
Comprehensive Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th at 3:00 pm.
Learning Opportunities
Skill tests
Skill Portfolio 100
600 ***
Grade scale – 600 Points Possible
A = 540 - 600
B = 480 - 539
C = 420 - 479
D = 360 - 419
F = 0 - 359
Exam – 100 Points Possible
Final, comprehensive
Quizzes – 60 Points Possible
2 @ 25 pts/ea; 1 @ 10
Skill assessments – 300 PP
Cup Stacking 25
Skill Portfolio - 100 PP
see Blackboard handout!
Podcast - 40 PP
(information follows)
*** SPECIAL NOTE: Students MUST take prescribed fitness tests. Failure to
accomplish these tests will result in an Incomplete grade in this course. ***
Notes on the course schedule:
1. Notice that Forehand groundstroke technique is scheduled to be introduced on
Monday, August 29th. That does not mean that volleys, which have been introduced
during the first two lessons, are suddenly ignored. All three main units - tennis, golf, and
archery - are additive in nature. Each newly introduced skill is combined with previously
introduced skills. Thus, after the first few lessons, a “complete” skill set is practiced
during each lesson. Likewise, lead up games (LUG’s) will become more complex as
more skills are introduced and competence in those skills increases.
2. This symbol * denotes that two days are reserved for badminton play and information.
These may occur at any time during the semester (i.e., rainy days). Disc golf gets one
3. Film days: class time devoted to photographing and videotaping self and/or others for
instructional and evaluative purposes. These videos will be used in the skill portfolio as
well as in the skill testing portion of the course. BTW, you can also film independently
outside of class, as in the case where you’ve made a big breakthrough in your technique
and wish to demonstrate that. In all cases, YOU are responsible for checking out and
returning all video equipment.
Podcast assignment notes:
Students will have the learning opportunity of exploring and then explaining some aspect
of golf, tennis, or archery. You will research and script a 2-3 minute podcast. Topics
may include, but may not be limited to: an historical aspect of the sport, notable venues,
famous players, industry news, and or tech/gear information. If you like, pretend you're a
reporter on assignment (think Mary Carillo!) and give us an interesting story! Your
podcast will evidence knowledge of the topic as well as knowledge of podcasts - this is
your chance to show what you know in terms of tennis, golf, or archery, and show off
your technical teaching abilities as well. The podcast file will be put on your E-folios;
due date is the Monday before Thanksgiving. You can choose to remove the file after the
semester, or you might leave it on as an evidence of your speaking and technical abilities.
Do this not just to get it done, but to learn, to inform others, and to promote your skills!!!
Class Attendance (from University Policies and Procedures Manual)
1. Students are expected to attend all classes. Failure to attend class regularly impairs
academic performance. Absences are disruptive to the educational process for others.
This is especially true when absences cause interruptions for clarification of material
previously covered, failure to assume assigned responsibilities for class presentations, or
failure to adjust to changes in assigned material or due dates.
2. It is the responsibility of each instructor to give students a copy of his or her attendance
policy in the course syllabus.
a. Instructors may assign a grade of zero or "F" on work missed because of unexcused absences.
b. Instructors have the right to lower a student's course grade by no more than one letter grade if
the student misses 10% of the scheduled class meeting times for unexcused absences.
c. Instructors have the right to assign a course grade of "F" when a student has missed a total
(excused and unexcused) of 25% of the scheduled class meeting times.
3. Students must assume full responsibility for any loss incurred because of absence,
whether excused or unexcused. Instructors should permit students to make up work when
the absence is excused. Excused absences are those resulting from the student's
participation in a university sponsored activity, from recognizable emergencies, or from
serious illness. Faculty may require documentation for excused absences in their
attendance policy. Student Health Services can provide documentation for students
hospitalized locally or absent at the direction of the Student Health Services personnel.
While there are no points given or taken for attendance in the “Learning Opportunities”
section of the syllabus, attendance will significantly affect your grade. There is a strong
correlation between points earned and number of classes attended. Further, quizzes,
exams, and assignments missed are recorded as a “Zero” unless there is notification from
the student to the instructor PRIOR to the missed class AND arrangements for make up
work are made and confirmed by both parties.
Longwood Honor Code: The Longwood University Honor Code is far more than a set
of rules and guidelines to govern student life. The system is a set of moral standards for
everyone to follow and take with them wherever their lives may lead. This Code, which
forbids lying, cheating, and stealing, is intended to promote an atmosphere of trust in
which students are assumed honorable unless their actions prove otherwise. As members
of this institution and community, all students are expected to live by the Honor Code and
pledge all class work.
Activities such as plagiarism or cheating on assignments, quizzes, exams, or any other
work associated with the course cannot be tolerated. Expect to fail the course AND be
called to an Honor Board hearing if you engage in actions which violate the Honor Code.
Possible sanctions imposed by the Board include expulsion from the University.
Attaining the one or two points you may gain from cheating versus the total loss of
course credit or worse is simply not worth the risk. Do Not Do It!
Special Needs: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the
impact of a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability should contact me
privately. If you have not already done so, please contact the Office for Disability
Services (103 Graham Building, 395-2391) to register for services.
Other notes:
1. All cellular phones and communicative devices MUST BE TURNED OFF during
class time. Proper classroom behavior and simple politeness is expected at all times from
all students. Conversing with others during the class and covert texting are disruptive to
others. Please be mature, thoughtful of others, and responsible!
2. A professional work ethic is expected. Students should be on time for each class
session and be dressed appropriately for each activity. For example, in the tennis unit
appropriate attire includes shorts with side pockets (NOT basketball/workout/running
shorts) and a water bottle. Neither make up work nor extra credit work will be assigned
in lieu of missed assignments, quizzes, or exams.
3. Athletes MUST submit a travel schedule by August 29, 2011.
4. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course syllabus, should circumstance
dictate, in order to improve the course.
Fronske, H. (2008). Teaching Cues for Sport Skills for Secondary School Students (4th
Ed.). San Francisco: Pearson.
Hogan, B., & Wind, H. (1957). Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf. New
York: A. S. Barnes.
McCracken, B. (2001). It’s Not Just Gym Anymore. Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics.
Mood, D., Musker, F., & Rink, J. (2012). Sports and Recreational Activities (15th Ed.).
Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
Mosston, M., & Ashworth, S. (2002). Teaching Physical Education (5th). Boston, MA:
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (2004). Moving into the Future:
National Standards for Physical Education (2nd Ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
Penick, H., & Shrake, B. (1991). Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book. New York: Simon
& Schuster.
Schmottlach, N., & McManama, J. (2010). Physical Education Handbook (12th Ed.). San
Francisco: Pearson.
Siedentop, D., Hastie, P. A., & H. van der Mars (2004). Complete Guide to Sport
Education. Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics.
NASPE/NCATE Standards for Beginning Physical Education Teachers (BPET)
Standard 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge. Physical Education teacher
candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical knowledge
concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.
Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful
movement, physical activity and fitness.
Describe and apply motor learning, psychological/behavioral theory related to skillful
movement, physical
activity, and fitness.
Describe and apply motor development theory and principles related to skillful
movement, physical activity, and fitness.
Identify historical, philosophical, and social perspectives of physical education issues and
Analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts.
Standard 2: Skill and Fitness Based Competence. Physical Education teacher candidates are
physically educated individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate
competent movement performance and health enhancing fitness as delineated in the NASPE K 12 Standards.
Outcomes – The teacher candidate will:
Demonstrate personal competence in motor skill performance for a variety of physical
activities and movement patterns.
Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness throughout the program.
Demonstrate performance concepts related to skillful movement in a variety of physical
Standard 3: Planning and Implementation. Physical Education teacher candidates plan and
implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state, and
national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.
Outcomes – The teacher candidate will:
Design and implement short and long term plans that are linked to program and
instructional goals as well as a variety of student needs.
Develop and implement appropriate (e.g., measurable, developmentally appropriate,
performance based) goals and objectives aligned with local, state, and/or national standards.
Design and implement content that is aligned with lesson objectives.
Plan for and manage resources to provide active, fair, and equitable learning experiences.
Plan and adapt instruction for diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations
and/or modifications for student exceptionalities.
Plan and implement progressive and sequential instruction that addresses the diverse
needs of all students.
Demonstrate knowledge of current technology by planning and implementing learning
experiences that require students to appropriately use technology to meet lesson objectives.
Standard 4: Instructional Delivery and Management. Physical Education teacher candidates
use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement
and learning.
Outcomes – The teacher candidate will:
Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills across a variety of
instructional formats.
Implement effective demonstrations, explanations, and instructional cues and prompts to
link physical activity concepts to appropriate learning experiences.
Provide effective instructional feedback for skill acquisition, student learning, and
Recognize the changing dynamics of the environment and adjust instructional tasks based
on student responses.
Utilize managerial rules, routines, and transitions to create and maintain an effective
learning environment.
Implement strategies to help students demonstrate responsible personal and social
behaviors in a productive learning environment.
Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning. Physical Education teacher candidates utilize
assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform instructional decisions.
Outcomes – The teacher candidate will:
Select or create appropriate assessments that will measure student achievement of goals
and objectives.
Use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after
Utilize the reflective cycle to implement change in teacher performance, student learning,
and instructional goals and decisions.
Standard 6: Professionalism. Physical Education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions
essential to becoming effective professionals.
Outcomes – The teacher candidate will:
Demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with the belief that all students can become
physically educated individuals.
Participate in activities that enhance collaboration and lead to professional growth and
Demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with the professional ethics of highly qualified
Communicate in ways that convey respect and sensitivity.