
Minutes of the
Graduate Committee Meeting
April 1, 2010
Hiner G 11
Dr. Anthony Koyzis
Mrs. Abbey O’Connor
Dr. Jennifer Apperson
Mr. Glenn Parker
Dr. Gretchen Braun
Dr. Jeannine Perry
Dr. William Burger
Dr. Gerry Sokol
Mrs. Mary Carroll-Hackett
Dr. Peggy Tarpley
Mrs. Kathy Charleston
Dr. Larissa Tracy
Dr. Audrey Church
Mrs. Susan Finch
Dr. Lily Goetz
Dr. Patricia Lust
Dr. Ruth Meese
Dr. Jennifer Miskec (guest) (will be replacing Dr. Tracy as English Graduate Program Coordinator)
Dr. Anthony Koyzis called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
The minutes of March 4, 2010 were presented, corrections/additions requested, and hearing none, Dr. Tracy moved to
approve the minutes, Dr. Burger seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved.
The next item on the agenda was the curriculum issues. Dr. Goetz presented to the committee the proposed change in
the Modern Languages/ESL PreK-12 Initial Licensure by removing the French & German options, adding EDUC 550, and
changing the name to Spanish-ESL PreK-12 Initial Licensure. She explained to the committee that the French and
German graduate programs have not had any enrollment in them in the last 20 years except for the one student who will
be finishing the French C&I program in the next semester. The department does not anticipate any future interest and
have no plans for recruitment or marketing the French or German programs. However, they do plan to publicize and
recruit for the Spanish and ESL graduate programs. These programs do have current and recent past enrollment, so they
will be continued. EDUC 550 is required by the State Department of Education.
Dr. Goetz also presented the changes for the Curriculum and Instruction Specialist in Modern Languages including
submitting French & German courses to storage. Program changes of deleting the French and German options, changing
12 credits of Education requirements to select 12 credits from a list of Education courses, and changing the program
name to Curriculum & Instruction Specialist in Spanish.
Modern languages – ESL PreK-12 Initial Licensure
Education Major/Modern Languages-ESL PreK-12 Initial Licensure
Program Change – Remove French & German as options, add EDUC 550, and change name to Spanish-ESL PreK-12
Initial Licensure.
C&I Specialist in Modern Languages
Education Major / Curriculum & Instruction Specialist in Modern Languages
Course Change – FREN 500-601 – Submit to Storage
Course Change – GER 500-601 – Submit to Storage
Program Change – Deletion of the French and German options, change 12 credit hours of Education requirements to
select 12 credits from a list of Education courses, and change the program name to Curriculum & Instruction Specialist in
Dr. Goetz moved that the changes in the Curriculum and Instruction Specialist in Modern Languages and the changes in
the Modern languages – ESL PreK-12 Initial Licensure be approved, Dr. Burger seconded and the committee approved.
The next item of the agenda was the International Admissions Requirement. Mrs. Charleston presented the proposal to
add the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for international students. She explained that we
currently accept the TOEFL with established minimum scores. She told the committee that this addition would allow
either in response to a growing number of applicants who have taken this test and not TOEFL.
Mrs. Charleston explained that the IELTS operates on a nine point band. There is no pass or fail in IELTS. The
candidates are graded on their performance, using scores from 1 to 9 for each part of the test – Listening, Reading,
Writing and Speaking. The results from the four parts then produce an Overall Band Score. It is recognized in 121
countries by more than 6000 institutions, government departments, professional associations and other organizations.
IELTS is the only internationally owned and globally recognized assessment of English language proficiency.
The committee offered a friendly amendment clarifying the minimum scores of the IELTS paper test and computer test by
doing further research. Mrs. Charleston offered to research the scores further. Dr. Church suggested adding the online
scores and the committee agreed. Dr. Goetz moved to approve the friendly amendment, Dr. Burger, Dr. Apperson, and
Mrs. O’Connor seconded and the committee approved the international admission requirement with the friendly
Dr. Koyzis adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 6, 2010 in Ruffner 103 room from
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.