Minutes of the PEC meeting on November 12, 2008 Attendees:

Minutes of the PEC meeting on November 12, 2008
Vonnie Colvin, Sarah Bingham, Gerry Sokol, Jeannine Perry, Pat Lust, Kelly Nelson, Sue Hildebrandt,
Gena Southall, David Locascio, Pam Arkin, Peggy Tarpley, Nancy Powers, Rachael Mathews, Audrey
Church, Lisa Power deFur, Connie Ballard, Enza McCauley, and Wayne White
The PEC meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Dr. White.
A motion was made by Peggy Tarpley and seconded by Pat Lust to recommend that the Dean request a
delay of the NCATE accreditation visit for one year. After discussion the motion passed 15-0.
After discussion a motion was made by Nancy Powers and Gena Southall that the PEC voted to adopt
the proposed changes to the Secondary and preK-12 profession studies coursework as amended. The
coursework requirements would be adjusted to the following:
EDUC 245
3 Credits
EDUC 260
2 Credits
EDUC 432
3 Credits
EDUC 487
3 Credits
EDUC 455
1 Credit
3 Credits
The PEC agreed by consensus to a proposal for the Fine Arts submitted by the Fine Arts Faculty