2016-2017 Longwood University Teacher Preparation Scholarship Application For Office Use Only Cr. Hrs. Earned: ___________ Cum. GPA: _______________ Cr. Hrs. Enrolled: __________ Level of Need: ____________ We appreciate your interest in our teacher preparation scholarships. The information you provide will assist in determining your eligibility for scholarships and compliance with the selection process. This application will be made available to the Teacher Preparation Scholarship and Awards Committee. You must reapply each year in order to renew a scholarship you are currently receiving. Should you be recommended for a scholarship and then later fail to meet the scholarship criteria, the scholarship will NOT be awarded. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Applicant’s Full Legal Name:__________________________________________ LU I.D.#:_____________________ Campus Address:_________________________________ Campus e-mail:_________________________________ Permanent Address:_________________________________________________ Phone:________________________ City – State – Zip:_________________________________________________________________________________ County or City of Permanent Residence:_______________________________________________________________ Teacher Preparation Program (specify):_________________________ Grade/Subject Interest:_________________ Undergraduate Student: [ ] Yes [ ] No Graduate Student: [ ] Yes [ ] No Expected Student Teaching Date: [ ] Fall 2015 [ ] Spring 2016 [ ] Other Expected Graduation Date:_____________ Transfer Student: [ ] Yes [ ] No (If yes, give name of previous college or university):__________________________________ High School Attended: ________________________________________ High School GPA:_____________________ FAFSA filed: [ ] Yes [ ] No (Required for Need-Based Scholarships) Did you receive scholarships last year? [ ] Yes [ ] No (If so, identify them):_______________________________ APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Directions: Complete A-C if these apply to you. Attach a resume and complete item D if you will be student teaching in Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 and would like to be considered for the Strong Award. A. List memberships in organizations and offices held in the university or community: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you belong to the Longwood Student Virginia Education Association? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you belong to Kappa Delta Pi? [ ] Yes [ ] No B. Describe any special circumstances regarding need for a scholarship: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ C. List any honors or awards received and any community service or research projects conducted: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Type and attach a 350-word essay on a separate page answering the following: As an aspiring educator, how will your contributions to the field of education impact student achievement as well as your own personal/professional growth? How will receiving a scholarship impact your professional and/or personal goals? SIGNED RELEASE: I hereby authorize Longwood University to release the above data, grade reports, and financial information to the Teacher Preparation Scholarship and Awards Committee. Signature:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ APPLICATIONS DUE: Wednesday, February 24, 2016, by 5:00 PM to Bonnie Campbell in Hull 259 NOTE: If you are awarded a scholarship, it is your responsibility to contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how this scholarship might affect other funding and your account. Due to the number of applications received, we will not be able to notify those students who are not selected. However, if you are awarded a scholarship, you will receive notification from the Office of the Dean of Education & Human Services in the spring.