past schedule of events



-International Cuisine will served in the Dorrill Dining Hall during International Education

Week from November 16-18

The Reconstruction Efforts for the Golden Dome mosque in Samarra

Commander David Nystrom, Deputy Director Strategic Communications for the Office of Naval

Research discuss the challenges facing the reconstruction efforts for the Golden Dome Mosque in

Samarra, Iraq.

Monday, November 16, Molnar Recital Hall, Wygal

7:00 pm

Open to students, faculty/staff, and the community-at-large

Sponsored by: The Cormier Honors College, the Department of History, Political Science and

Philosophy, and the Office of International Affairs

Intruders and Entrails: Medieval Sieges, Longwood University and a Fulbright in


Longwood celebrates Dr. Steven Isaac’s Fulbright Fellowship.

Tuesday, November 17, Virginia Room, Blackwell Hall

4:00 pm

Open to students, faculty/staff, and the community-at-large

Reception to follow

Sponsored by: The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, The Department of History, Political

Science and Philosophy, and the Office of International Affairs

The World is Our Campus!

Learn about new cultures from our international students and Longwood students who have studied abroad.

Wednesday, November 18, Lankford Ballroom

1:00-3:00 pm

Open to students, faculty/staff, and the community-at-large

Sponsored by: The Office of International Affairs

Negotiating the Second Language Learner in the Classroom

Visiting professor of Chinese, Xiaohong (Julia) Zhu, and English as a Second Language

Instructor, Don Butler, will discuss relationship dynamics and communication strategies in the multicultural classroom.

Thursday, November 19, Prince Edward Room, Blackwell Hall

10:00 am

Open to students, faculty/staff, and the community-at-large

Sponsored by: The Office of International Affairs
