THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON SCHOOL OF NURSING COMMITTEE: Membership: Delta Omega DATE: January 26, 2015 TIME: 5 PM_____TO: ____6:20 pm______ L. Benedict (via Skype), C. Sutter, L. Shanks, L Hart, D. Klettlinger, A. Elaides, C. Heifner-Graor, G. Kabb-Langkamp, B. Brunt, M. Perkowski Excused: A. Bulcroft, K. Rose Minutes: I. II. TOPIC Call to order Approval Minutes: November 2014 III. Treasurer’s Report: IV. Committee Reports a. Research Grants and Recognition (C. Heifner-Graor) b. Membership (G Kabb-Langkamp) DISCUSSION Meeting called to order by L. Benedict at 5:05PM Table til next time. L Benedict stated K. Rose was unable to get access to the accounts so no report at this time. Once she is able to get into accounts she will send a report. L Benedict was able to get remaining checks from the previous treasurer and K. Rose now has them. C. Heifner-Graor stated she sent out call for proposals that are due 2/15 and call for nominations for awards and the DeYoung award was added to the list. Point made that information on the DeYoung award is not on the website yet. Another member stated that B. Folk is able to add the DeYoung award to the website. After question about the Jinx award was raised C. Heifner-Graor reminded that at the last meeting the Jinx and the DeYoung awards were combined. The due date for submitting nomination is March 1, 2015. L Benedict will contact area hospitals for nominations for the Nursing Leadership (Summa, Children’s, Medina, Akron General, Crystal Clinic). G. Kabb-Langkamp recommended other agencies be contacted for nomination also such as CSS, Community treatment centers, Oriana, etc. G Kabb-Langkamp: Currently: 412 active members. In past 90 days 55 paid, 18 went inactive, and there were 3 transfers out. Retention rate is 69.74% and national average is in the low 60th percentile. ACTION C. Sutter: On the STTI Circle, induction information was posted. Date of the Induction event will be April 12th 2015. First motion to approve date by C. Sutter seconded by D. Klettlinger. Motion passed unanimously. C. Sutter to collect list of eligible undergraduate and graduate students. C. Sutter asked what to do if a graduate student who was inducted as an undergraduate but is currently an inactive member, wants to purchase Honor Cords to wear for graduation, what should she do. The underlying question is: Should Honor Cords be sold to students who are inactive members for them to wear for graduation or should they be asked to pay their dues to be able to wear cords for graduation? After discussion motion made that Cords will be sold to students who are active members. The online cost of the cords is $14.00 and Delta Omega will be selling them for $15.00. . Page 2 G Kabb-Langkamp asked if we want to have a speaker for the Delta Omega Induction. Last year the Region 10 Speaker was here. G Kabb-Langkamp recommended we have someone local speak. After discussion it was decided to pay to have a speaker at the induction. B. Brunt said that Board Members setting up should arrive at 1 pm, Inductees arrive at 1:30 and the event is 2-4. o c. Programs (L Hart) Food: Small Zippy cookies, punch, brownies, lemon cookies, cheese and crackers, fruit or veggies, & pretzels. C. Sutter to explore other food ideas and present option at the February meeting. L. Benedict asked if any of National’s recommended Best practices to promote membership will be used this year. C. Sutter and G Kabb-Langkamp stated they will look at it and decide what to do. L. Hart suggested and the Sigma Theta Tau organization should be introduced to students in the Sophomore and Junior Levels. Also it can be re-introduced at the Senior Level in the Leadership class. L. Hart and M. Enlow will work on making a presentation to Junior Level students. L. Hart to ask L. Kidd to introduce it to students in the Community Course. Plans will be made to arrange for someone to go to the Older Adult course. Idea to pick up a date and have a pizza party and provide information was suggested and this idea will be further discussed in February. L. Hart: Spring Research program in April, committee meeting report: the call for abstracts is complete and 32 abstracts were received. Three will be chosen for oral presentations and then the rest will be separated into two categories: EBP and QI. Miller Rental will provide boards that can hold 4 posters. Presenters will be asked to register for the event. The cost of registration would be $30 for non-members, $25 for members, and $15 for students. D Klettlinger will get student volunteers to help with coats and parking and their meals will be covered. o The collaborative partners of the event (3 area hospitals, Delta Omega, UA) – each will have a table to promote their organization. L. Hart would we like to have a basket to raffle off. Ideas shared on what to include in the basket. Also to see if there are publications authored by our members that can be in the basket. Winter program: Focus on Leadership. Two ideas: o Board leadership conference in Indianapolis on March 8-10 but it is very expensive. o Second idea: Looking into feasibility of having a Webinar on Models of Leadership. It would count for 1.2 CE. L. Hart is exploring if it could be presented at one of our meetings and all those attending can receive the CEs. B. Brunt stated this would need to be open to all members. Also is there an option to have another chapter join us- for example Walsh. Additional ideas shared and suggestion made to find out if someone from National can do a talk on leadership. But based on the need to do this soon probably continue working on the Webinar. d. Governance (C Sutter) Change to bylaws: last year when changes to by-laws were made and voted on, the committee accidentally added a section twice. A copy of the bylaws was sent around showing this repeated section. First motion to remove the repeated section by C. Sutter, Seconded by G KabbLangkamp. All those present voted affirmatively to remove the redundant section. e. Finance (K Rose) K. Rose will present finance report at February meeting. . Page 3 V. a. b. Leadership Succession ( B Brunt) Newsletter (A. Bulcroft/ B. Sanford) B. Brunt: Positions open: First VP, Secretary, Leadership succession 1, Faculty Counselor, and Governance Counsel II. B. Brunt to check with those currently in the position to see if they want to like to run again. Goal is to have two people running for each position. There will be a call for nominations that will go out. Suggestion made that on the online “Circle” we can build a library and put important documents on it (example: meeting minutes, finance reports). Discussion on how to use the “Circle” and should that replace the Delta Omega website? L Shanks suggested we use the “Circle” and on the UA website provide a link to the “Circle”. Need to work on the transition to using the “Circle” vs the UA website. A. Bulcroft, the news letter should be out. A. Bulcroft has been working with M. Zellner and Brittany ___ who put things on facebook. So M. Zellner will be the new editor. VI. Strategic planReview/approve Discussion on this item tabled until February. VII. Old business a. Open M Christmas Food Donation Copy or receipts from OPEN M donations were e-mailed to the board. Total expenses were: $316.67 and L. Benedict is submiting receipts for reimbursement. A total of 46 cans were donated. C. Sutter first motion to reimburse L. Benedict for the cost of the food, seconded by G Kabb-Langkamp, and those present unanimously voted affirmatively. G Kabb-Langkamp asked if the cost of donating can of lemonade drink was more or less than adopting families. L. Benedict stated that last year the cost of adopting families was over $900. Volunteers for Open M Lunch on February 19, 2015. C. Sutter asked if flyers can be put up to get student involvement. Students interested can contact L. Benedict to register to volunteer. VIII. b. Volunteer for Hot Lunch February 19, 2015 at OPEN M c. Media use increase using STTI website d. STTI donation Discussed under Leadership above. L. Benedict added that R. Collette lives in California and would help put the Newsletters on the website. Letter from STTI to help nurses through chapter donations. $403 donation from our chapter is requested, based on size of our membership. First motion by B. Burnt to give the $403 to become part of the Chapter Giving club, Seconded by G Kabb-Langkamp and those present approve unanimously. This amount will be deducted from the March 2015 Disbursement Check. Also decision made to have it go towards Research. L. Benedict asked if there will be an information session for students this year. Discussion of this topic is under Memberhsip section (see fourth bullet under IVb above.) for plans to increase awareness of the Delta Omega organization. Via e-mail, the board expressed interest in participating in the Western Reserve Science Fair on March 21, 2015, a Saturday. We need 4-6 people to volunteer for the event.. It was suggested we give a certificate and a check for $50.00 to the recipient of an award from Delta Omega. C. Sutter New Business a. Information session b. Science Fair Page 4 stated that since the awards are in the afternoon that we usually give the certificate and check to the program organizers to give out. B. Brunt is hoping to be there. L. Benedict Asked that others consider volunteering to attend this event. c. IX. Excellence awardschapter/local Adjournment L. Benedict was asked by International if we wanted to apply to be a showcase of regional excellence. We should apply by submitting our accomplishments under Servant Leadership and the application is due by March 1, 2015. Meeting adjourned 6:30 PM. Respectfully Submitted by: Michele Z Enlow, DNP, RNC-OB Next Meeting: February 23, 2015 5 PM Page 5 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION