
The University of Akron
Field Experience Information
Course Name: Methods of Teaching Secondary Theatre Arts (taken in lieu of 5500-520
and 5500-693-021 by P-12 Theatre Arts majors)
Learning Outcomes:
 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the disciple of theatre arts and
develop and articulate a general philosophy for theatre education in accordance with
that knowledge
 Determine, develop and articulate a variety of appropriate instructional methods
for students of diverse developmental needs while considering their social,
intellectual and cultural backgrounds
 Develop units of study and lesson plans in accordance with Ohio Content
Standards and National Standards for Arts Education
 Become resourceful practitioner of theatre education, demonstrating effective and
creative methods of research, instruction and assessment appropriate to the
elementary classroom
 Demonstrate and articulate methods for establishing a positive learning
environment focused on student retention and participation
 Research and present a variety of innovative communication techniques and
technological applications aimed at classroom interaction and inquiry for use in
theatre instruction and curriculum development
 Develop strategies for effective communication with students, parents,
administrators and community
 Research and integrate local, regional and national educational resources into
educational plans for the classroom and for continued professional development
 Develop strategies and rubrics for student and self-assessments appropriate to
theatre education
Student Assignments/Requirements:
 Plan a dramatic event
 Create a plan for educational theater program
 Participate in teaching strategies and lessons
 Engage in projects geared toward practice of instruction, research and
 Engage in and practice techniques of children’s theatre
 Field experience
Field Placement Office: 330-972-8144