Date: February 18, 2009 To:

February 18, 2009
Dr. William Francis, Assoc Dean Arts and Sciences
Dr. Who
Subject: 47-hr rule for Name of Student
Name of Student (Student ID #, GPA #) is currently enrolled as a full time student in
the undergraduate program in Applied Mathematics at The University of Akron. As
part of her degree program she is taking 4600:300 Thermodynamics I and 4600:310
Fluid Mechanics I for her outside area of concentration. These courses require
3650:291, 292 Elementary Classical Physics I and II as prerequisites. Name of Student
has successfully completed these prerequisite courses and is currently enrolled in the
engineering courses. I request that six credits of Elementary Classical Physics I and II
count toward the 47-hour rule requirement contingent upon Name of Student
successfully completing the engineering courses.
Given the courses that Name of Student has completed and the courses for which she is
currently enrolled, Name of Student will have satisfied the 47-hr rule with the above
If you have any questions regarding this request, please call me at x1234. Thank you.
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