Tenured and Tenure-track faculty form Activity Report for Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012 Please submit this form electronically only. Teaching You do not need to track your teaching evaluations. Those are available to the Merit Recommendation Committee through the department office. If you have any additional activities, please list them below. Noteworthy Activities Supervision of Student Projects (Honors, MS, PhD, other) Grad students - completed Grad students – in Honors students progress completed Honors students – in progress Awards, Course Development or Revision, learning assistant mentoring, other 1. Research Publications Appeared (journal articles, refereed conference proceedings, book or chapter, technical report, book review, other) 1. Funded External Grants, first year 1. Funded External Grants, subsequent years 1. Unfunded or Pending External Grant Proposals 1. Funded Internal Grants 1. Invited Presentations (invited national or international conference, other conference, seminar) 1. Other Presentations 1. (other national or international conference, other conference, seminar) Supervision of student research projects (honors, other UG, MS, PhD) APPEARS ABOVE – YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPEAT THE LIST Other Research Activities 1. Service Did you participate in any of these committees? If so, mark the range of hours (0-10, 10-20, 20+) in the first column. Mark the second column if you chaired the committee. If you are a member of a committee that did not meet (for example, Promotion to Professor), mark it anyway. STANDARD ONGOING COMMITTEES HOURS CHAIR? COMMITTEE Executive Committee Coordinator List the activity here: RTP Reappointment Committee RTP Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor Committee RTP Promotion to Professor Committee NTT Evaluation Committee Merit Recommendation Committee Scholarship Committee Library Committee Textbook Selection Committee List the course here: Search Committee List the position here: Graduate Assessment Committee Graduate Assistantship Selection Committee Pi Mu Epsilon Advisor Buchtel College Counsel AMRL management Faculty Research Committee College Tenure and Promotion to Associate Review Committee College Promotion to Professor Review Committee University Tenure and Promotion to Associate Review Committee University Promotion to Professor Review Committee College Appeals Committee University Appeals Committee Faculty Senate University Athletic Committee OTHER PROFFESIONAL COMMITTEES HOURS CHAIR? COMMITTEE add rows as needed for multiple events UNIVERSITY: LOCAL COMMUNITY: STATE LEVEL: NATIONAL LEVEL: INTERNATIONAL LEVEL: STANDARD ACTIVITIES HOURS OR NUMBER ACTIVITY Hours: Poster Session # Reader for student projects (Masters thesis, honors project) # of journal article reviews # of grant reviews # of PhD Committee meetings for plan of study, candidacy exam, proposal, defense Hours: Interviews for potential honors students and/or BSMD students Hours: Advising incoming students (honors, direct admits, etc) Hours: Organizing Workshop or Session add rows as needed for multiple events Hours: Editorial Duties add rows as needed for multiple events # of Recruiting Events (Majors Mosaics, Round Up Day, etc) Commencement CUGSR – organize CUGSR – run a session OTHER ACTIVITIES HOURS OR NUMBER ACTIVITY