Chapter 17 Identification & Inquiry Sheet

Chapter 17 Identification & Inquiry Sheet
Directions: Utilizing your textbook as your source, thoroughly
complete each section of the inquiry sheet. Be sure to be descriptive
but concise with your note taking.
Identification: Identify each individual, concept, and event below.
Record in detail their importance and contributions in history.
Section One
 The Scientific Revolution
 Nicolaus Copernicus
 Johannes Kepler
 Galileo Galilei
 Isaac Newton
 Ptolemaic / Geocentric
 Copernican / Heliocentric
 William Harvey
 Robert Boyle
 Margaret Cavendish
 Maria Winkelmann
 Descartes
 Francis Bacon
Section Two
 The Enlightenment
 John Locke
 Montesquieu
 Voltaire
 Denis Diderot
 Adam Smith
 Cesare Beccaria
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
 Mary Wollstonecraft
 John Wesley
Section Three
 Rococo
 Baroque
 Bach
 Handel
 Hayden
 Mozart
Chapter 17 Identification & Inquiry Sheet
Inquiry Questions: Answer each question thoroughly, in detail, but
Section One
 What were the causes that led to the Scientific Revolution?
 How did the Scientific Revolution change how people viewed their
world / their universe?
 What were the effects of the Scientific Revolution?
Section Two
 What was the purpose and goals of the Enlightenment?
 What role do you think the Enlightenment will have of the course
of our study of human history?
Section Three
 What general influence did the Enlightenment have on the various
leaders and governments of Europe?