Studio Art Syllabus

Studio Art Syllabus
Mr. Vaughn
Our Studio Art class is designed to introduce every student to a wide variety of
artistic materials and methods. Each student will have the opportunity to explore their
own creative potential while also learning concrete and specific methods of making art.
The course is arranged so that skills and techniques are introduced early in the
year and gradually increase in difficulty. Toward the end of the year, the young artists
will be creating more independent works of art that express their ideas and emotions in a
wide variety of materials that range from charcoal to paint to clay.
Studio Art will also introduce the students to many artists, both historical and
contemporary, that relate to the projects being worked on in class.
The syllabus below shows a general guideline of the projects and content that we
will be investigating throughout the year. Also listed are the materials that will be used
to complete the projects. Students in Studio Art are responsible for providing a pencil for
class every day, but the other art materials will be provided for them.
Grading Policy
Students taking Studio Art will never be graded based on their artistic ability.
Young artists who show energy and enthusiasm for the projects and the content will excel
in Studio Art. Grades are based upon student involvement in the projects as well as their
participation in classroom critiques and self-assessment activities. Students will be asked
to discuss their work and the work of others in a group critique format, as well as write
about their artwork
In addition to the in-class projects, there will be sketchbook assignments that the
students must complete outside of class.
There will be a focus on visual observation skills this year, and a program known
as Visual Thinking Strategies. This program will encourage students to improve their
powers of perception and develop their ability to make strong inferences based upon the
evidence they find in an original source, say a work of art. The goal of the VTS program
is to help build observational skills that will carry over into other academic areas, such as
English and Social Studies. Students will not be graded on the kinds of observations they
make but the quality of their participation during group discussions and activities.
Projects and Content
Colored pencils and
The Elements of Art
Graphite pencils
Perspective Drawing
Gesture drawing and
Still Life drawing
Contour Line drawing
Masterpiece Collage
Magazine imagery
Positive/Negative space
scratchboard drawings
Linoleum and water-based
Abstract sculpture
3D Design
Wire and Styrofoam
Acrylic paint
Principles of Design
Slab and coil construction
and Ceramic busts
Color Theory
Vine and compressed
Audubon Watercolor
“Art Madness!”
Acrylic and watercolor
Watercolor paints
Still Life drawing
Color pastels
Artist Books
Fauvist landscape paintings
Various materials
Acrylic Paint and canvas
Permanent Marker
Final Critique and Exam
Materials Required for class
1. Several #2 pencils with erasers. PLEASE, bring a pencil with you every day!
2. An old hardcover book. In the spring we will be using old books for an art
project. These books will be written in and turned into a work of art, so please
bring a book that no one at home wants anymore! Check the local libraries or
garage sales, but remember that the book will not be returned in a legible
3. One spiral bound artist sketchbook.
4. One 3-ring binder
Students will be responsible for collecting all materials handed out during the
course of the year and maintaining an organized binder in class. Students who are absent
will need to check with the teacher to see what they missed and make up the work, as
appropriate. These binders will be our Studio Art Guidebooks, and will contain all the
important assignments, critiques, Art History notes, and other materials. These binders
should be kept in an organized fashion, and grades will be given based on Guidebook
checks for organization and completeness.
Late Policy
Students are expected to be on time to class and prepared with all of the materials
that they will need on any given day. Students are always expected to bring a pencil and
their Guidebooks with them everyday unless otherwise specified.
Two lates in one week = Detention/Referral
Three lates in any five week period = Detention/Referral
Studio Art Blog
Throughout this school year we will also be using a new website blog that can be
found either here in school or at home:
Go to the school’s webpage,
Click on “High School” at the top of the page
Next, click “Faculty Web Pages”
Search for Mr. Vaughn’s name and follow the link to the Studio Art website.
On the left side, you can choose “Studio Art Blog” either “On Campus” (at
school) or “Off Campus” (at home).
a. If you visit off campus, you will need to type your name and password
6. Make sure you check out the new artwork and PLEASE make comments!
I am really looking forward to the year ahead of us in Studio Art. Please feel free to
contact me at any time regarding student expectations or any other matter you wish
to address.
Mr. Jonathan Vaughn